The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Samantha Visits Chapter 1


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In the morning, Ivy and Sara both went in the kitchen and saw Viridian was making breakfast. Ivy hadn't decided yet if she was going to the cove to wait for Samantha or just stay home. Sara suggested that Ivy call Pippa and ask her if she could be the messenger. Ivy liked that idea but figured she would just go outside and work in her gardens while she waited. Sara said she could take care of the forest for her so not to worry about that. Back at the palace Alieta and Ginger had an early breakfast together and were outside before anyone else was up or at least in the kitchen. They both checked the sun dial and saw it was going to be another nice day for everyone. Ginger asked Alieta if she was a bit nervous about seeing Samantha again. Alieta smile and told her not at all, I am excited though, I want to share some stories with her and show off my family of friends to her. Ginger smiled and said she was a bit nervous for some reason but agreed she was looking forward to seeing her again also. Jessica and Daisy were getting ready to go to the candy factory to make their first batch of candies in it. Jazmen said she couldn't help this time because with Samantha coming she had to make sure all was safe for her stay. Plus she wanted to see her again also. Now in the fairy nymph forest and cove. Hennie was sad to see that only a couple of the other girls wanted to go with her this time. All the older fairy nymphs wanted to stay for now but Letish and Capi were very excited to go see the outside world and especially the real fairies. It made sense to Hennie seeing that these two girls were some of the youngest also in the forest. So Nessie, Fettie, Setta, Letish and Capi would be going with her which she figure will be more than enough for the people at the palace to see. Fawn and Sally were having breakfast but Tobias had still not gotten up yet. They decided to let him sleep. It was going to be a big day for him.

Samantha Arrives

Eventually Tobias got up and said he was going to have a quick shower before breakfast. Can we watch, said Sally kiddingly. Tobias just smiled and went into the bathroom. So Sally, Samantha will be coming here first so lets make sure everything is neat and tidy, okay, said Fawn. But everything is neat and tidy. You were cleaning all day yesterday, said Sally. Oh ya well lets double check anyways, said Fawn. You know how mothers can be like. Actually no I don't, said Sally. I never had a mother remember and neither did you. Well I heard they can be very picky about little things when it comes to their sons. But she lives in a forest, said Sally. Not exactly the cleanest place to live you know. Fawn gave up and just double check everything herself. Tobias came out of the washroom smelling all nice and fresh. He sat down and ate the breakfast the girls left out for him then he went and sat on his couch. Fawn was sweeping the floor and asked him to move his feet. What are you doing Fawn? It is already very clean in here. Just making sure, said Fawn. I want your mother to know that we are clean and tidy people. Tobias smiled. She already knows that and besides that is not what she cares about, said Tobias. So what is it she cares about? asked Fawn. Mostly me, said Tobias with a smile. Then maybe I should clean you and she went to use the broom on him but he grabbed her and they started to wrestle together on the couch.

A knock came at the door and both of them stood up. That must be her, said Fawn then went and answered the door. Hello Fawn, you are looking great as usual, said Samantha. Hi Samantha come in please, then Fawn moved out of they way to let her walk in. Hmm, nice place you have here and very clean too. I like that, said Samantha. Fawn looked at Sally and smiled. Hi son, has these two girls been treating you proper? asked Samantha. Yes they have mother, they are good house keepers and not bad cooks too, said Tobias. That is good to hear. So this pretty sprite must be Sally. Fawn has told me a lot about you, said Samantha. Hi Samantha, very nice to meet you, I have heard some stuff about you too and all of it was good. Samantha smiled. Well not all of me is good but such is the life of a warrior, said Samantha. So you are still fighting off bad guys? asked Sally. Well not right now, we are very busy right now with the new land, said Samantha but if need be we are always ready to take care of business. Sally and Fawn smiled. So Tobias where does this pretty girl live that Fawn told me so much about. I hope she is good enough for you, said Samantha. Tobias smiled. It is more like am I good enough for her, he said. Really? She is that special, asked Samantha. Oh very special, said Tobias. Then I suspect she will be good enough for you. Can we go see her now please? asked Samantha. Okay lets check her home first, said Tobias. Okay but where else would she be? asked Samantha. Well usually at this time she is at the magic forest's cove. She runs all the magic from in the cove with her sister, said Tobias. Okay she is sounding more and more interesting as you talk. Lets go where ever you feel she is, said Samantha. Okay mother follow me, said Tobias then both of them went outside then headed out to Ivy's place. Wow, now that is a true sprite like Alieta, said Sally. Fawn just smiled. It is amazing how she can be so beautiful yet so strong and dangerous looking at the same time, said Sally. Well I imagine if anything ever got Alieta mad you would see her dangerous side too, said Fawn. Ya best we stay on both of their good sides, said Sally.

They flew over the water fall and Samantha notice a lot of things look different from what she remembered. They landed on Ivy's front yard and Samantha saw Ivy taking care of some of her plants while sitting on the ground. Samantha walked up to Ivy from behind and said hello. Ivy looked over her shoulder and saw a very pretty woman behind her. She got up and bushed the dirt off her hands. Oh don't worry about the dirt dear. I am used to it with raising Tobias here, said Samantha. Ivy smiled, and extended her hand. Hello I am Ivy. Samantha looked at Ivy for a few moments then smiled. No hand shake please but what I really like are hugs. Ivy loved hugging too so she went for it. My you even smell nice, said Samantha. Now let me take a better look at you Ivy. Samantha stood back a bit and looked Ivy over from head to toe. My you are so pretty. Fawn did said you were very beautiful. Thank you, said Ivy. Oh and polite too. That is nice also, said Samantha. Your skin is perfect and very young looking also, said Samantha. Well everyone looks young here in Fae Land, said Ivy and no one ever gets sick either. Oh why is that? asked Samantha. All the magic coming from Eden. It is the strongest anywhere and has many benefits to both people and the plants, said Ivy. We are on the edge of Eden right now. Yes I feel the magic here. It was never this strong when I was here last, said Samantha. Tobias told me that you work in a magic cove or something, said Samantha. What is that? Oh it is the center of the fairy forest, I control all the magic from in there on the overviewer. You control the magic? That in itself sounds amazing, said Samantha. Yep and lots of fun too, said Ivy. So you must be a very powerful person in Fae Land? asked Samantha. Well I don't know about that but Alieta did make me Queen of the Forest and all the land and plants in Fae Land, said Ivy. A queen too! Now I know what Tobias was talking about when he said that he was worried about being good enough for you, said Samantha. Oh he is perfect to me, said Ivy with a big smile. Just then Viridian came outside and walked over to them. Hello, you must be Samantha, I am Viridian, one of Ivy's room mates and best friends. Well hello Viridian, You are quite the tall elf. Nice to meet you also. This is quite the yard you have here, said Samantha. Oh this is all Ivy's, she has the magic touch when it comes to plants, said Viridian. Yes, so I am hearing, said Samantha. So what do you do here? Oh I am one of Fae Lands heroes, said Viridian. Hero, what kind of hero? asked Samantha. Oh there is an amazing team of unique heroes that live here and we defend Fae Land and neighboring lands from evil creatures and beings. Samantha went silent for a few moments. So you are a warrior? Yep she is, said Ivy and a very strong one. She has a suit that can make her invisible and a spear that was enchanted by God that will kill anything. Your kidding me right, said Samantha. Everyone just slowly shook their heads. I guess not then. Well Ivy you have very good taste in friends then, said Samantha. Well I heard you are an amazing warrior too, said Viridian. Well yes, the five of us are very good warriors. Who told you that? asked Samantha. Alieta did, she considers you and Dallas to be her best and strongest warriors, said Viridian. Samantha smiled. Well Ivy here is absolutely wonderful so I fully approve of her. Ivy you may have to train Tobias a bit seeing he doesn't know much about girls and especially a talented one like you. Now what I want to do next is go see Alieta. I am dying to see and talk to her again, said Samantha. So if you three don't mind I am heading over to the palace. You two go and control magic or play or what ever two forest sprites do together, said Samantha. Okay, said Ivy but we will be at the palace also at lunch time, said Ivy. That is when the fairies make lunch for us. You mean real fairies? asked Samantha. Yep, wands and all, said Ivy with a smile. Samantha shook her head. My things have really changed here. Then she flew off towards the palace. There Ivy, see that wasn't so bad meeting Samantha, said Viridian. Nope she is really nice though she is strong like Alieta, said Ivy. Yep, Mom is super strong and even my dad gets out of her way when she gets mad, said Tobias.

Samantha reached the palace and saw there were some people gathered in small groups here and there. She then saw Alieta from the air so she flew down fast. Alieta saw her coming and told Ginger to get up. Samantha landed and immediately grabbed Alieta and gave her a big hug. Alieta, I missed you so much. You look great girl! Then she saw Ginger beside Alieta being very quite. "GINGER!" Come here and gave her a big hug also. My you are prettier now than before we left. Everyone was looking at them but decided to let them be for now. So Samantha, you look amazing also. The forest life has been very good to you, said Alieta. Well yes but now I live in a palace too. No where near as big as this one but very nice with some similar rooms like you have , said Samantha. Alieta smiled. Tobias said you two might of been up to something. Well we kept him in the forest. He liked it there best anyways plus he needed to learn how to take care of himself too, said Samantha. So we will talk shop later but for now lets do some catching up. These steps look good to me, said Samantha. Ginger giggled. What is so funny? asked Samantha. Well we have this amazing big palace here with big rooms and nice furniture yet our most favorite place is here on the steps, said Ginger. Samantha laughed. Yes that is funny, she said. Sometimes the simplest things can be the best. They all sat down and looked around. Nice spot too, said Samantha. You can see a lot from here. Yep and they all can see us too, said Alieta. So first you have to tell me about this team of heroes that Viridian mentioned to me, said Samantha. Oh so you already met Ivy? asked Alieta. Oh yes, she is wonderful she has this presents about her that makes me feel good inside but we can talk about her later, said Samantha. Ginger giggled again. Okay then, the heroes, said Alieta, where do I start.

Well how many are there would be a good start, said Samantha. Okay well it varies a bit but for the most part there are twelve or fourteen if you count Angus and Sivia that help sometimes. Then there is Apollina a warrior angel that God created to do on earth what he can't do. She has no rules attached to her about interfering with the ways of the land. Those two over there are she devils and are the most powered beings on the planet. They can even kill evil devils easily with out even touching them. They will work with the team if needed. Okay so just them sound to be an amazing team, said Samantha. Well yes but Apollina is working with the five angels of the apocalypse right now, but comes when ever we call her, said Alieta. Okay so who are these heroes that Viridian is part of? asked Samantha. She told me what she could do. Very impressive elf, said Samantha. Alieta smiled. Well lets see, there is Oaklyn and Taiyo that are very strong centaurs that are very good with a sword. Then there is Tempressa that is also the Ice Queen that can turn anything into ice like her sister Mother Nature. Now that is a whole story in it's self and Ginger here is involved in that story. Then there is Zatsuky and Carmen that are dragon slayers and Zatsuky has a sword that was enchanted by an elder elf and Merlin. Ktara also that is an expert tracker and very good with a sword, Paisley is very pretty and very athletic. Best drop kick you will see anywhere. Titus is her boyfriend that is extremely strong. Wow that is an awesome list of heroes with some of the most amazing skills, said Samantha. Yes it is but I am not quite finished, said Alieta there are four more. Diego is a expert with the bow and arrow. Probably the best in the world. That leaves Alexa and her two pets. Pets? What kind of pets, asked Samantha. Titan wolves, the biggest wolves and the strongest plus fastest of all the animals. All of these amazing people and the two wolves are all united by one small petite girl named Alexa. She is only about five foot tall but looks are very deceiving with her. She is the strongest of of all the heroes and probably the smartest person on the planet. Very fast runner and jumper that makes her one of the best with a sword in all these lands. She is the teams leader and everyone does exactly what she asks of them without any questions.

Wow I have been away for too long, said Samantha. Fae Land must be known as the most powerful nation of all the lands, said Samantha. Well yes it is, said Alieta. Now Ivy mentioned you have real fairies here too, said Samantha. Well yes we do but they are in their forest right now but you will meet them later around lunch time. But look up there. Alieta pointed at Hennie coming with some of her girls. My they are flying slow, said Samantha. They look very small too. Yep, bet you have never heard of their breed before, plus they were supposed to be extinct. Even Mother Nature and Gabriel thought they were extinct, said Alieta. So what are they? asked Samantha. They are fairy nymphs, the tiniest, cutest beings I have ever seen other than pixies but fairy nymphs don't change size. Very magical and very important to the entire planet, said Alieta. Really, how is that? asked Samantha. They are God's creators. They created most of the plant life on the planet. Very strong forest magic I was told. Now be prepared. They are very smart and strong for their size but extremely playful, even more that pixies, said Alieta. No way, said Samantha. Yep they are so funny, said Ginger. You should of seen them yesterday. I could hardly breath I was laughing so hard. Here they come and looks like Hennie brought a couple more with her this time, said Alieta.



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