Samantha Visits Chapter 2


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Samantha Meets The Fairy Nymphs

When they reached the palace they all landed in front of the steps. Hello Alieta and Ginger, said Hennie. Sorry I didn't bring more of my girls but most didn't want to leave the forest quite yet but this cutie is Letish and her friend is Capi. I figured five were more than enough to have at the palace at one time. Hi Alieta, you are very pretty like Hennie said you were, said Letish. Is this Samantha you mentioned yesterday? asked Hennie. Yes it is, said Alieta. I was just telling her about all the changes that have happened over the years since she left Fae Land, said Alieta. The five tiny girls looked Samantha over. She is very big too, but very pretty for such an old person. Must be ever lasting like us, said Fettie. Oh I forgot to mention to you that they can read people pretty deep, said Alieta. Oh that is fine. They are all so cute. You must be their mother then. Right Hennie? asked Samantha. No dear, said Hennie just this little one is mine, her name is Nessie and she is my princess. So that makes you a queen? asked Samantha. Yep, though Alieta is the biggest queen here plus Ivy is a queen here also, said Hennie. So mom, when are the fairies coming out, we want to play with them again? asked Nessie. In a bit dear now mind your manners, Samantha is a very important and strong friend of Alieta's. Oh okay, look I am strong too see. Then Nessie bent her arm to try and make a muscle, but no one could see a change. Hmm it was there yesterday, said Nessie. Oh well maybe it will come back later. Now Samantha started to laugh. My God she is funny, said Samantha. Told you so, said Ginger. So Capi and Letish are pretty young too, said Hennie. Very playful together or in groups. They are the two that created some very interesting plants that we have yet to figure out what they are or what to call them, said Hennie. What do they look like? asked Samantha. Oh they are short stem plants that only get two big leaves but grows one big multi coloured flower on top of the stem that closes at nightfall, said Hennie. Well maybe a sleeping lily. Just a suggestion, said Samantha. Ya that sounds really good, said Capi. Can we call it that? she asked. Yes that sounds like a perfect name, said Hennie. I can make some here if you want, said Capi. Now remember what I said, no making flowers all over the palace grounds, said Hennie, People come out here and sit plus eat. Oops, I am sorry, I forgot, said Letish. Where did you make flowers? asked Hennie. Over there where that lady is standing really still, said Letish. She has no colour so I made some tulips around her. I can make them go away. They all looked over and saw there were a bunch of different coloured tulips all around the base of the statue. You just made these now? asked Samantha. Yep, while Nessie was trying to show you her muscle. I have one two but it is not there all the time either. Well that is a statute of the first queen of Fae Land and those flowers look perfect and I like them, said Alieta. Oh okay I'll try and be good from now on, said Letish.

So you will try and be good, said Samantha. Yes she will, you see we are not used to being around other people and what they consider good behavior is. We are sixty percent of the time having fun and making plants. The youngest are the most fun to be around, said Hennie. So what do you do the other forty percent of the time? asked Samantha. Sleep of course, said Hennie. Both Alieta and Ginger started to laugh. She got you there Samantha, said Alieta. Yep she sure did. Eat play and sleep, that is an amazing way to live, said Samantha. Well it is the only way we know how, I am happy that my girls make you all smile though, said Hennie. Tulip came flying over and saw everyone by the steps. Okay I am out numbered her big time she thought. She flew down beside Alieta and said sorry for being late but Sara wanted to see if we could fix that spot in the forest that we are having trouble with. Look Letish a Fairy! said Capi. Well well well, two more of you little rascals, said Tulip. Yep I am Capi and this is my best friend Letish. Well we will play some soon when more of the other fairies come out to help me. Five against one is just too many for one fairy, said Tulip. Okay they all said at once. Mom can we go play by our selves? asked Nessie? Lots of room out here. Okay dear have some fun but not to far away, said Hennie. They all flew off a bit and began playing together. My you have good control over them, said Samantha. Well they are all good girls, said Hennie. They never hurt anything and never get mad at each other. They understand that I am the queen and know best and besides fairy nymphs are pure white beings created to create things that are beautiful. It is not hard to control people like that. I suppose you are right, said Samantha. Too bad the rest of the world isn't like you all. Well maybe Fae Land is the beginning of what the rest of the world will be like one day, said Hennie.

So you must be Samantha, said Tulip. Yes I am, said Samantha, Very nice to meet you Tulip. Well very nice to meet a good friend of Alieta's. Here have a welcoming gift from me. Tulip made her wand appear and made a pretty necklace for her with three leaf shapes on it. Oh my that was so cool. Is it going to stay? asked Samantha. You bet, I never take back a gift, said Tulip. So maybe after lunch Lollipop and I will take three of them with us for a little tour of Fae Land, said Tulip. Maybe the fairies will have a better chance of winning the game with just two of them. You lost a game with these tiny girls? asked Samantha. Yep eight of us and just three of them. Sure surprised us all. Was lots of fun though, said Tulip. Tara over heard Tulip so came over. Maybe Avan and I can be on the fairies team. That might even the match. Tulip smiled. Yes maybe but what if they have some other tricks we haven't seen yet, said Tulip. Well we don't use magic of any kind but we can hover. Could be fun to see what they will do, said Tara. I am pretty sure they will figure something out like they did with us, said Tulip. Besides one of your wings might hit one of them and that could hurt. Ya best we watch, that was fun, said Tara. So Hello Samantha it looks like you are having a good time. Did you like Ivy? Oh yes she is a very nice girl, said Samantha. Good she is all of our friend too and a very special girl for sure. Talk to you latter then Tara returned to her group. My she is so pleasant for a she devil, said Samantha. Ya pretty too, said Tulip. Pretty, she is absolutely gorgeous, said Samantha just like everyone I have seen here. Ginger was watching the little girls and asked Hennie what they were doing. Oh they are playing the finger game, said Hennie. It can only be played by fairy nymphs. Why is that, asked Ginger. Well when two of the girls touch the end of their fingers together they bind them with magic. They then try their hardest to pull them apart. Eventually some one weakens and they separate. The only thing is, no one knows who won or lost. The fingers just came apart from pulling, best played sitting down but is fun while hovering in the air too, said Hennie. That is a weird game, said Ginger. Yes maybe to you but to us, there is never a loser so everyone wins!, said Hennie. Sounds perfect, said Samantha. So Alieta, we should go somewhere we can talk. I have some questions about my project and I figure you would like to hear what I have been doing now. Okay, we can go up into my den, said Alieta. Okay, you come too Ginger. You are good at planning stuff, said Samantha. We might need Ivy too, because there is a magic issue I need to find out about. Okay I will get her, said Tulip and off she flew. Okay don't worry about me I want to talk to those three girls over there, said Hennie. I haven't had a chance to talk to them yet other than when we met in the forest. Okay they would love to chat with you too I bet, said Alieta. They then went into the palace.



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