Samantha Visits Chapter 4


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The Magical Tour

When Ivy got outside she saw that Tobias trying to play with two fairy nymphs that she hadn't met yet. She walked up to Hennie and said hi. Where did Tulip take Nessie and those other two little girls? asked Ivy. Oh, Tulip and Lollipop took them for a little tour of Fae Land so they would know the area a bit better, said Hennie. Capi and Letish are pretty young also as us fairy nymphs go so they wanted to come see the fairies also. Oh okay, said Ivy. So looks like some of the fairies are out now, said Ivy. Yep, Tulip went and got a few of them. Tulip seems to be in charge of all of them, said Hennie. Not really, said Ivy. But she is the best at making plans and everyone else always does what she asks. I guess that is kinda like being in charge of them all. Guen is really in charge though. She is the queen of Fairy Land. She comes and visits to check on them every so often. Oh so there is a Land of Fairies? asked Hennie. Yep and there is a lot of them there, said Ivy. Last I heard was that Fairy Land was getting bigger because more fairies were being born. As you said, the cove will make things bigger as needed. So looks like everyone is having fun out here. Yes, Tara and Avan are playing with these two also but being very careful with their wings. They can hover without moving their wings and get small like them. Tobias is trying to catch Capri but hasn't figured out how she keeps moving out of his reach so fast. So lets go play with them all, looks like fun what every they are doing, said Ivy. Okay, lets go, said Hennie. The game is called Catch Me If You Can, it is even hard for me to catch one of the young ones but it can be done if you use insight. Insight, I am good at that, said Ivy. I know and so am I so lets go catch us a couple of fairy nymphs, said Hennie.

Tulip and Lollipop were keeping pace with the three, fairy nymphs. They were not used to flying so slow but saw the benefits of it as they got to see everything better instead of zooming right by. They took them to Casper Lake first seeing it was a nice popular spot. They landed and saw the three girls playing in the water. Wow they are almost as small like us, said Setta. Yep, they are human children, said Tulip. Do want to go talk to them? Yep, you bet, said Capi. That is a lot of water, said Nessie. Well it is not deep so they are safe, said Tulip. They walked over to them and the three girls came running out. Wow are you all fairies? asked the smallest girl. I am and so is Lollipop here but these three are fairy nymphs, a bit different than us. They are smaller, I see that, said another girl. Do they do magic also? Yep we do but just forest magic, said Setta. So what does that mean? one of the girls asked. Well we can make plants and flowers grow anywhere see. Setta waved her hand and made some tulips appear in front of them. Wow that is magic, said the smallest girl. So what else can you do asked another girl. Just make water to feed the plants that we make and stuff like that, said Capi. Well not really, said Tulip. They got secret magic too. Really, what is that? asked the youngest girl. Well, lets see, said Tulip. Now we just met you and none of us even know your names but I bet that each of these girls can tell how old each of you are plus the day and the month you were born and maybe a bit more. No way all three of the girls said. Okay Capi you start with the smallest girl, said Tulip. Okay, she said. Capi looked at her for a couple of seconds then told the little girl how old she was plus her birthday. Also she named her favorite colour and food and topped it off with what food she hated the most. Each fairy nymph took a turn on each girl and got them all right. Now that is amazing, said the oldest girl. There is no way those could of been a lucky guesses. You all want to come play in the water with us? The water is real nice, said the oldest girl. Capi looked at Tulip. Oh why not. It is safe and not deep, she said. Cool and the girls all ran into the water. This is amazing, we have never been in water before, said Setta. Really, how come? asked one of the girls. Well we live in the forest and there is no lakes in the forest. Just yesterday was the first time we came out of the forest. Oh, so it is fun right and feels good too? asked the little girl. Yep sure is, said Fettie. They all played around in the water for a little while then they all got out to dry off. Come over to the park. It is right over there. Our parents have a picnic set up, said one of the girls. We will run so you can fly a bit. Okay, said Capi and took off. I guess we are going to the park, said Tulip to Lollipop. Yep, guess so, said Lollipop. They started to fly to catch up but then the littlest girl fell and was holding her foot. Lollipop stopped and saw she had stepped on something sharp and was crying. Don't worry dear. I will fix it for you. Lollipop made her wand appear and healed the little girls foot. Everyone was watching and couldn't believe their eyes. Thank you Lollipop. It feels all better now. Okay good, now lets just all walk the rest of the way and watch your stepping, said Lollipop.

They reached the park where the parents were having a picnic. My who have you got there with you? asked the mother. Well this is Tulip and this is Nessie and this pretty little girl is Fettie and her friend Setta plus this amazing fairy is Lollipop that just healed my foot after I stepped on something sharp, see and she showed her mom the bottom of her foot. My I don't even see a mark, said the mom. They all know magic you know and they are fun to play with in the water, said the oldest girl. Do you want to see how we play together? asked Capi. Sure, show us, said the mother. Okay watch. They all flew up and started playing like they they did at the palace. A crowd was starting to form and everyone was starting to laugh. Look mom, the fairy can't get her to let go of her foot. She must be strong. The mother smiled. Must be because Tulip is really trying hard to get her off. Lollipop went to grab Capi but she side stepped her then grabbed Lollipop's foot. The crowd now was all laughing hard. This is the best show I have seen ever, said the mother. The three fairy nymphs then got really close together and started to spin in mid air together. Tulip and Lollipop came at the three spinning girls thinking they couldn't see them coming but the three girls flew apart making Tulip and Lollipop bump into each other. The crowd all cheered and started to clap. Okay that is enough, said Capi. I'm dizzy. So are we, said the other two girls. Every one laughed and and said the funniest and cutest show ever, thank you so much. Okay we have to go back to the palace. It is lunch time now and their mother will be waiting for us, said Tulip. Okay bye and fly safe, said the little girl as she waved. Well that was fun. I think you three just made a bunch of new friends, said Tulip. Ya, I like the littlest girl the best, she is the same size as me, said Nessie. Tulip smiled then they got to the palace just in time for lunch.



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