Samantha Visits Chapter 5


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Candy For Everyone

Jessica and Daisy had finished there first test run in the candy factory and figured all went well. Lets bring a bunch to Alieta and the palace gang, said Jessica. Okay good idea, said Daisy. Ya and Samantha might be there also. I would like to meet her too, said Jessica. Okay lets lock up and go. We need to order some more fruit anyways, said Daisy. They took a couple of boxes each with them and headed over to the palace. Lunch was all done and Alieta asked Tulip how the tour went? Well we didn't get past Casper Park but you should of see the crowd of people that watched these three play with us like yesterday. They actually started to cheer and clap, said Tulip. Well that sounds like it went very well, said Alieta. Ya and I think Nessie made a new human girl as a friend. She was young and the same size as her. They definitely seemed to hit it off, said Tulip. Well making humans laugh are usually the hardest to entertain. Sounds like all of you made friends today, said Alieta. Hey look mom, someone is coming up there, said Nessie. Oh that is Jessica and Daisy, looks like they brought some candy with them, said Alieta. The candy factory must be working now. Did you say candy? asked Capi. I love sugar cane candy. Yes I bet you do but this much better than sugar cane candy, said Alieta. Really better than natural candy cane, said Hennie. Oh you all will love this candy, said Ivy. It is the best, sweet and fruity. Jessica and Daisy landed beside Alieta and Ivy. Well we ran a test run and everything worked perfectly, said Jessica. Hi I am Capi, do you have candy? Alieta says it is better than sugar cane. My who have we got here? asked Jessica. I will tell you later Jessica, said Alieta. They are so cute and small. I just love them. Love us enough to give us some candy? asked Capi. Jessica laughed, Yes of coarse here have some. Share some with the other little girls over there, said Jessica. Okay thank you Jessica, said Capi. So where did you find these cuties, asked Daisy. Oh they were in The Untamed Forest. Just found out they were living in there yesterday for a long time, said Alieta. So anyone want to have a candy? asked Jessica. We just made them so very fresh. I will have one, said Hennie, Just ate but there is always room for candy. Yep that is one of my sayings too, said Jessica. You have a lot of saying don't you, said Daisy. Yep nothing wrong with that, said Jessica.

Daisy opened up the other three boxes and put them on the steps and told everyone to help themselves. She didn't have to tell everyone twice as they all wanted to have some candies. Ivy grabbed a handful then went over to where Sara and Tobias were sitting and offered them some. Letish came over also and asked if she could have one too. Even though I am small there is too many people there getting candies. Ivy smiled and let her have a couple. Yum these are real good, said Letish. Yep, sweets power the wings, said Ivy. Sara asked Ivy what was going on upstairs in the palace? Ivy told her about Samantha wanting to build a cove but she had to explain to her about magic and a cove was not what she needed. I am going there tomorrow to have a look around and see if there is anything I can do to help, said Ivy. Tobias was glad to see that Ivy was going to help his mother. He didn't realize that his parents had another place to live. Ivy told him that it is not too far away so in the meantime Sara will have to do her best running the cove for the day. I have been thinking about something that might help but I want to wait for now, said Ivy. Well you know about all that magic stuff and from what I have seen Sara is getting really good too so I will help Sara while you are gone, said Tobias. Maybe she will help me learn a bit more about how the cove works. Sara said sure. Last time you were there you helped us fix a problem by just being in the cove. Ivy smiled. Yep, It seems that the forest likes him, said Ivy. I will tell the cove to let Tobias help you before I leave. When can we see this magical forest? asked Letish. Well you probably can go anytime seeing that you are fairies but best you go with Hennie and Sara if I am not there. Okay, said Letish. It sounds really cool in that forest. Lilly told me that it is very magical in there.

Alieta turned to Samantha and asked if she wanted to fly around a bit and see all the changes that have happened over the years. Yes lets go, said Samantha, I would like to see what else has change seeing I have only been to Ivy's place. Just then Jazmen flew over and said hello to Samantha. My goodness, Jazmen you look fantastic. Life must be treating you well, said Samantha. Yep life is good. Very busy with the winged army though but I love it, said Jazmen. Well I made Jazmen a general so she is in charge of the entire army now, said Alieta. Wow, that is a great promotion, said Samantha. You always were a great captain back in the old days. That is another thing I will have to look into when our new nation is finished. A bit of an army will probably be a good idea. Oh so you are building a nation? asked Jazmen. Yep all five of us, said Samantha. Ya you always were the type to get what you wanted, said Jazmen. I am sure you will attract some elves and sprites eventually. How far is it away? Oh not far, said Samantha. I took me just an hour to fly here and I wasn't in a hurry. Wow that is really close, said Jazmen. Well in the meantime you can always get help from us if you need it. Do you have any pixies there? Yep a whole bunch, said Samantha. Well they are super fast. Just get one to fly over to the palace and ask for Alieta if you need help. A pixie will probably take just a few minutes to fly here. Alieta smiled. Yep they make the best long distance messengers. Okay that sounds great, said Samantha but right now things are calm. Rasta, Merri and Soni are in charge of keeping the peace, for the time being. We have only humans living on our land right now. Well they are good builders and farmers, said Jazmen. Hopefully you will be able to set up trades with other palaces around you. We do a lot of trading out of Fae Land. Yes, said Alieta. If you ever need anything just ask. We have lots of resources. Okay, good to know, said Samantha. Now how about that tour? Oh you are touring Fae Land? asked Jazmen. Yep we are, said Alieta. Lots new things for Samantha to see. Yes there is, can I come too? asked Jazmen. Sure why not, lets all go now, said Alieta. Ginger you are in charge now. Okay, said Ginger and saluted Alieta. She still is funny, said Samantha. Yep she is my princess, said Alieta then the three of them flew off.


Alieta took Samantha for an aerial view of Eden first that had changed a lot since Samantha last saw it. My it is so much bigger now, said Samantha. Yes and even more beautiful than before, said Alieta. Yes I can smell the flowers even from up here, said Samantha. What is that down there, asked Samantha. I don't know, said Alieta. Ivy planted that tree a while ago, said Jazmen. Lets go down and have a look then, said Samantha. They flew down and landed beside the beacon tree. A golden tree, said Samantha, that is different for sure. Yes, I never saw that here before, said Alieta. Must be new but it sure grew fast. That is the beacon tree that Ivy told me about, said Jazmen. Guen gave her a branch of the one in the fairy forest. Now I remember Tulip asking Guen about that, said Alieta. Yep, Ivy said it has something to do with transferring magic from Eden to the pixie forest or something, said Jazmen. I don't get all that magic stuff. I leave it all up to Ivy. Yes me too, said Alieta. She seems to have it all well under control. My that Ivy is quite the girl, said Samantha. Where did she come from? Oh she was from another forest with sprites and pixies in it, said Alieta. Her parents died saving her life when she was younger. She had a dark side back then and lost all of her friends so she left that forest and found the woods where Pippa lived. She was not that nice back then and was able to go invisible too, something about wanting to be unseen by anyone anymore but once Pippa, Alexa, Viridian and Carmen were able to grab her and bring her to me. Gabriel came by and told us all her sad story. Ivy saw that everyone started to cry a bit when they heard about her loss then felt that these were very good and nice people. She took an abrupt turn of attitude then Pippa and Viridian became her best friends. Even back then her inner power was very strong. I have never seen her go invisible since then. Wow, so this young girl went through a lot to end up where she is now, said Samantha. Yep and now she is loved by everyone in Fae Land. You should of seen her birthday party, said Jazmen. It was amazing how all of Fae Land celebrated it like a national holiday. So what is that over there, asked Samantha. Oh that is the new Fantasy Pixie Forest, Ivy can send magic from this tree there, said Jazmen. It is amazing in there. Oh can we go look? asked Samantha. Sure, said Alieta. I haven't had time to check it out yet. I heard that there is close to one thousand pixies living in there now and the magic is very strong. More like more than two thousand, said Jazmen. Wow, magic must be everywhere in there, said Samantha. Magic is everywhere In Fae Land, it is the most magical place on the planet, said Alieta. They all took flight and headed to the Fantasy Pixie Forest.

The End...



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