Samantha Visits Chapter 3


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Making A New Nation

They all went upstairs and sat down and Alieta had some of the snacks brought in that Ginger had the cooks prepare. So you said you have a small palace now and Tobias said he knew you were up to something so what exactly have you been up to all these years? asked Alieta. Okay, now this has been a group project with all five of us. When I got pregnant with Tobias, Dallas and I stopped fighting. Before that the five of us got to be known as the amazing five because we able to defeat any attacks from armies of men or creature attacks on all the towns in the country of Paxon which is your neighbor as you know. Rasta, Merri and Soni kept helping people when needed but things had slowed down a lot after a while. The five of us had a lot of money stashed that the pixies kept hidden for us in the forest where we lived. Now we found this nice plot of land that had a good size forest on it but no where near that big forest I flew over getting here to where Tobias was staying with Fawn. There were a bunch of pixies living in that forest and were very friendly. We could sense that there was some magic in that forest too. Ivy walked in and asked what was going on. Oh have a seat Ivy. We may need your help, said Alieta. Okay, said Ivy and sat beside Ginger. Now this land was part of Paxon but at the very south west part of it. Yes I know of Paxon. All country with mostly farms on it with lots of unused barren land, said Alieta. Yes and it is a very big country we found out later, said Samantha. We found a farm and asked the people if there was a place that had a town hall in it or some type of office where we could lease some land. They told us that there was but they don't lease property unless you are planning on farming it. They do however sell big chunks of land then wash their hands of it. They told us where the town was and when we got there we found a building called "Land And Farming Department". We went in and saw that there was a long line to the farming window but no one at the land table. We figured why not see what it would cost to buy instead of leasing. A nice lady greeted us and asked if we were interested in buying land and all it's rights. I said maybe, just need to know some prices. Okay then she said, We have three packages. The smallest is one hundred square miles, It is four thousand dollars. I figured that would be too small for us so I asked what the second size was. That is a prime package and is very expensive. The land is very rich in minerals and the soil was great for growing everything. It was three hundred square miles but cost thirty thousand dollars. Well that was too much for us we thought so we were going to leave and get in line with the others looking to lease. She then asked, "Don't you want to hear the cost of the third package? It may be what you want." Why not we figured and sat back down. This land has not been work on at all. Mostly small woods and small forest plus barren spots but some good land for a small farm. It has one good size forest on it but rumor has it that it is haunted or something. We all smiled. Well just for fun, how much is it? I asked. Well it is five thousand square miles and costs only eight thousand dollars. We were very surprised at how cheep that much land was so I asked if we could see where it was located. Okay she said then pulled out a map and pointed at it then used a pencil to show us the boundaries. I asked what that was on the map and she said that was the haunted forest. There is another one not far from it but that is not on our land. That is where the map ended but there was an arrow pointing north east and was initialed "FL". I asked what the letters stood for, and she said, you know Fae Land. Very nice and huge place but we have nothing to do with that country. Already has a queen and lots of people living there. That land must of been bought a long time ago. No record anywhere when or who bought it but it is huge. We all looked at each other and smiled. We will take this one please. Okay she said with a big smile on her face. We will except three payments if you like. Nope we will pay cash for the whole thing now, I told her. Soni pulled out the bag of gold and gems and put it on the table.

We had to sign a bunch of papers plus wait for the accountant to figure out the correct amount of gems and gold that we needed to give them. It ended up that what Soni was carrying would of bought an entire country almost. We had no idea what gems were worth, to me they were just pretty. Ivy started to chuckle. When we left we still had a pretty big bag of gold and gems. They gave us the rights to the land in all our names and a big map of the entire area. When we got back we had a closer look at the map with some of the pixies and saw that there was some smaller woods closer to the center but also another forest nearly in the middle. The next day we all flew over there with some pixies to check out the forest. It was pretty big but did look a bit rough. One of the pixies said that it was much bigger than the one they were in now and would like to move there if we let them. I knew that pixie dust was magical and over a bit of time that forest would look great so we agreed. Now the best part was that the haunted forest was actually a forest that pixies lived in not far from our forest to the east. After meeting with a few of them they said they could help some to make our forest look better by flying over at night time and spreading dust off their wings. I told them that we were the new owners which made them very happy to know the amazing five were now going to be protecting their forest now. The first thing we had to build was our homes. We had tons of money and the town closest to us that actually was on our property now were happy to have their builders work for us seeing they knew we were the amazing five. They had been paying tax for many years to what they called the worthless drunk mayor of Paxon. Who needs tax money we figured with all these gems and even more bags were still back at our old forest where Tobias was so told them we would not tax them for being on our land. This made them very happy and we had five houses built very fast. Now that was about twenty years ago. During that time a lot of people came to live there knowing there was no tax plus they would be well protected by Rasta, Merri and Soni. The forest is looking great now and has a lot more pixies in it and the land close to the forest is looking a lot better now too. The forest seems to sending magic outwards slowly. That is why I figured I would need to talk to Ivy after hearing what she does in a cove and what Eden is doing for all of Fae Land that is much bigger than our land that people were now calling Land Of Freedom.


So Ivy, what do you think of all you heard so far? asked Alieta. Ivy scratched her head. Well I saw a forest grow from desert to the magical place it is now so I am sure something can be done there but we will need the help from four princess fairies to do that. The forest would have to have enough magic to make a cove but I am sure there is not enough magic from pixie dust there yet, said Ivy. Not just that but there has to be a good underground water source in the forest. Misty could see if there is one but still I would have to see this forest to get a better idea of what you are talking about. In my opinion you should be focusing on all the land surrounding the forest first. How do I do that? asked Samantha. You will need to have the pixies fly around all your property every night putting pixie dust down to sort of kick start it. That way the land will become very fertile and magical and things will grow faster and healthier. Once the land looks very good to people more will move in. You need people that are caring and loving to make all this happen the way you want. Why more people, we have almost three hundred living there now, said Samantha. That is hard to explain but I will try my best but I am not sure you will get it, said Ivy. Try me, I need to know what it is all about, said Samantha. Well have an open mind because what Ivy will tell you is not found in any books, said Alieta. Took a few days for it all to sink in with me. Okay, I am listening, said Samantha.

First you have to know a bit more about how magic works in Fae Land and where it comes from, said Ivy. First thing magic is everywhere and it is all connected no matter where you are. The magic here is the same magic across the ocean. Next is the reason why it is connected and the same everywhere is because it is God's love that creates all that is good. It is in the land, the water, the sky and the air we breath and it is all made from his love. God gives us a soul that at first is pure white and full of his love so we all have some magic inside of us. Now when people pass that love inside of us to others then the magic of love gets stronger. Helping someone or doing something nice for a friend is all it takes and I am sure you have felt good inside when you have made someone else feel good and happy. Now because all magic is connected the magic all around you gets stronger too. That is why it is important to have lots of good people around that do nice things for others. The more love being shared the stronger the magic. That is how Fae Land grew so strong because of the thousands of amazing people here with the center and strongest place of the magic being in Eden. When I first came here I sensed the strongest spot of magic in Eden and sat down on the ground and that is when God's magic first communicated with me. Okay so how do I know if someone is good or bad? asked Samantha. You can't but if they are around good people that show their love and kindness they will change unless they are pure evil then you have to get rid of them, said Ivy. Most people can tell if someone is bad or good after talking with them for a while. Very few people are pure evil though. Okay so all that said what does it all mean? asked Samantha. It means it will take time for the magic to become very strong all over your new land you said is called Freedom, said Ivy. You have no need for a forest with a cove in it because all it will do is protect those inside it and besides it needs to be controlled by a fairy or a forest sprite. What you are doing now is all you have to keep doing, showing the people your love and kindness and they will return it back to you. I don't think I can explain magic any better than that. Just remember magic is everywhere and is connected and gets stronger with love and kindness. Samantha looked at Alieta then Ginger then back at Ivy. Your just twenty years old and you know all this about life already, said Samantha. Yep, twenty is pretty old you know, said Ivy. Anyways can I go now. Tobias is waiting for me outside and I want to play with the tiny girls outside. Yes Ivy you may go now, said Alieta. They all stood up as Ivy walked out of the den. How does someone that young become so wise? asked Samantha. Not sure and I don't care but Ivy never lies so I am glad she knows this stuff and is my friend, said Alieta. She said she communicated with God's magic in Eden. Does that mean she talked to God? asked Samantha. Well we all can talk to him but I think Ivy has a very strong connection with him, said Alieta. What I figured out is when Ivy says magic is everywhere she is saying God is everywhere.

I would like to show Samantha some of Fae Land before she leaves. Plus she should see the cove we have here also so she knows what Ivy was talking about, said Alieta. Well that girl knows her stuff, said Samantha. I didn't understand a lot of what she was talking about but I am sure you all know. Nope not a clue, said Alieta, me either, said Ginger. The thing is she knows all this magic stuff and can talk to it so you know what that means, said Alieta. Not really other than she can communicate with the magic, said Samantha. Think about it God is love and love is magic so when she talks to the magic, she is talking to God, said Alieta. She has a special connection to the almighty unlike any one else. Now that I find hard to believe, said Samantha. You will, just give it time and see for yourself as you get to know her. In just two short years Ivy went from a troublesome trickster into the most loved and respected person in Fae Land. You haven't met Sara yet, she was a gift from God to help her and later Gabriel the angel made them real sisters because Ivy wanted a sister. Gabriel told me Ivy was led here to do some amazing things, tomorrow I will show you what she has done for Fae Land in the short time she has been here so far. Okay sounds like a good plan, said Samantha. Now that we are just the three of us. Tell me how our Ginger here had something to do with Mother Nature that you mentioned earlier. They both smiled. Okay you start Ginger then I will take over when they were living in the palace with me, said Alieta. Mother nature lived in this palace too. Nope but Snowflake did, said Ginger.



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