The Dark Apocalypse Chapter 2


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The Trip Across The Plains

As they continued on they could feel they were being watched and faint giggling sounds could be heard in the trees but no one saw a single pixie. Soon they were out of the woods and heading out on the desert plains. Then from behind some bushes the three wolves the pixie warned them about came running at them. Get ready to fight these wolves, said Viridian. Zatsuky just took out her sword and shot a red energy beam across the front of them and they all took off fast. Why kill when you can scare, said Zatsuky. That is a awesome sword, said Viridian. Yes, Merlin made it and gave it an enhancement not long ago, said Zatsuky. Merlin you said, he is supposed to be the most powerful of wizards, said Viridian. Yep and he is a good wizard, said Tempressa. They continued on for some a time, even passed a small town. Next the came to some woods that didn't seem that deep. These wood have wolves and wild dogs in them so we have to ride through fast without stopping, said Viridian. They headed into the woods and just picked up speed to pass through quickly. They saw some animals but they had no chance of doing anything as the three of them just sped on. Soon they were out of the woods and were on a nice grassy area, that seemed to go on for a few miles. We should make camp here. It will be getting dark soon, said Viridian. They all agreed and made a fire with some wood that was scattered all over the place. They all sat down and Viridian opened up her bag with supplies in it. Wow that Alieta really knows how to pack a lunch, said Viridian. Ya she loves to feed people, said Tempressa. It was now starting to get dark and they were getting ready to sleep when Viridian asked should anyone take a first watch. No need, If anything bad gets close to us my sword will start to glow bright red, said Zatsuky. Nice waring device, said Viridian. Then they all laid down and went to to sleep.

In the morning they packed up and started on their way again. The area up ahead goes back to desert like conditions so it should be clear of animals, said Viridian. It is all sandy and there was nothing when I passed through it when I was going to Fae Land. They kept going and for about twelve hours they saw nothing threatening. Then a sound was hear from above and they looked up and saw two dragons headed towards them. These we have to kill, said Zatsuky. They all got off their horses and made the horses lay on their sides. They will go for the horses first, said Zatsuky. Get down beside them and wait for them to get close then blast them. The dragons started downward, one beside the other. You take the left one Viridian and Zatsuky you take the right one, said Tempressa. Sounds good to me, said Viridian. What are you going to do? asked Zatsuky. I get to watch, said Tempressa with a smile. They waited until they were nice and close then stood up and they both blasted the two dragons. Both the dragons pasted over them and crashed to the ground. Okay I'll make sure they are dead, said Tempressa. She ran up to the dragons and froze their heads then smashed them into pieces with her sword. Now that was awesome, said Viridian. Yep, I told you it will be fun, said Zatsuky. Okay let's get going again and pick up the speed some, said Tempressa. They headed out again and there is lake up ahead. We can fill up our water containers and water the horses there, said Viridian. That water is clean and fresh.

Once they reached the lake they filled their water containers and took a bit of a rest while the hoses drank some water. We are making good time so far, said Tempressa. We should go as far as we can before the sun goes down. Good plan, said Zatsuky. Yep, we may not have Alexa with us but I think I am doing pretty good, said Tempressa. So this Alexa must be some woman to be the leader of the team of heros, said Viridian. Oh yes though by just looking at her you wouldn't know it, said Tempressa. What do you mean? asked Viridian. Well she is a small girl and cute as they come but, she is super smart and very strong and can use a sword better than anyone I know, said Tempressa. Yep Alexa is awesome, said Zatsuky. She has a pet Titan wolf also that is amazing also. A Titan wolf as a pet? I have to meet this girl, said Viridian. You will once we take care of business here, said Tempressa. Okay the horses look rested enough so let get going. They rode for a few more hours then saw a town off to the north a bit. Maybe there is a hotel in that town where we can eat and spend the night, said Tempressa. I have no money on me, said Viridian. Zatsuky and Tempressa just smiled at her. Look in your supply bag Alieta had the elves pack for you, said Tempressa. Viridian found some gold coins at the bottom of the bag. That Alieta thinks of everything, said Viridian. Ya she takes good care of us, said Zatsuky. They headed to the town and saw there was a big hotel there called The Travellers Inn. Once there they found they had more than enough money to pay for the stables, a good supper and a room with three beds in it. They all got ready for bed then Viridian asked Tempressa if she always had the power to freeze stuff. Yes I did and so did my older sister, said Tempressa. So where is she now? asked Viridian. Oh she is dead sort of, said Tempressa with a smile. Sort of, what does that mean? asked Viridian. Well she was killed fighting orcs with me and then Gabriel the angel brought her back to life and made her immortal then changed her name to Mother Nature, said Tempressa. So your older sister is Mother Nature? Viridian, asked slowly. Like the one and only Mother Nature? Yep and she was the one that named me the Ice Queen, said Tempressa. My goodness you two are definetly interesting people, said Viridian. So did you every get to meet Gabriel. She is the number one angel you know, said Viridian. Oh ya, she is our friend, said Zatsuky. I would call her but she usually only comes when Alexa or Alieta calls for her, said Zatsuky.

Gabriel appeared and said what do you mean I only come when those two call. I will come when ever any of you call. I did tell you call any time if you need me. Oh good to know, said Tempressa. We met a new friend named Viridian. Oh hi Viridian Sky or should I say Dark Apocalypse. You know me? asked Viridian. Yep. I know everyone, said Gabriel. Well I prefer to be called Viridian, I didn't give myself a Apocalypse title. Good Viridian is a much nicer name for you, said Gabriel. So what are you three going after this time? A bunch of evil wizards and lots of Carnomolochs. Really, Wizards and Carnomolochs. They have been extinct for centuries, said Gabriel. Yes I know but the wizards are reanimating them as their army, said Viridian. I see, so where is Alexa and the rest of the team? asked Gabriel. The messengers couldn't find Alexa and Alieta figure only heroes with magic should be used, said Tempressa. She made me the leader for this mission. That is good then, said Gabriel. So have you put together a plan yet? Well I figure Alexa would say kill the wizards first then the creatures will be out of control and easier to kill, said Tempressa. I doubt very much Alexa would say that, said Gabriel. Really, how come, asked Temressa. Well Alexa knows how wizards and demons work and they always stay out of sight and invisible while whatever army they have made do their job, said Gabriel. You can't kill what you can't see. Oh ya, I never thought of that, said Tempressa. I never said I was as good as Alexa. Gabriel smiled, no one is as good as Alexa. Now I know Alexa would get just Zatsuky to wipe out the army of Carnomolochs first with just one or two big blast like she did with the dragons over Prayden. That will upset the wizards and make them appear to see what happened to them all. Then all three of you work together to wipe them out before they start making more creatures. Now that is the right plan, said Tempressa. Yes it is, I do watch over Alexa to see how she is progressing as she gets older, said Gabriel. Now I can't interfere with what goes on down here but I will let your sister know what is going on. She can do whatever she wants down here. Now you three have a good sleep, you have work to do tomorrow. Then Gabriel vanished. Well it was a good thing she showed up, said Tempressa. Ya but we probably would of began killing the creatures first anyways if we saw no wizards, said Zatsuky. Now you have to come up with a plan on how we deal with the wizards when they appear. That I have already figured out, said Tempressa. I have plenty of experience dealing with them. Good now let's get some sleep, said Zatsuky.



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