The Dark Apocalypse Chapter 5


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Okay so eat up and there is a nice cake on the table to finish things off, said Alieta. If you want some ice cream with the cake, just ask an elf but for some reason not many people eat ice cream here. Just the younger elves sometimes. Well it is hard to keep frozen in the icebox said Zatsuky plus Camen says it is fattening so she won't eat it. I eat it all the time but I have Tempressa living near me and she keeps it frozen for me, said Alexa. Well a long time ago there was no such thing as ice cream, said Alieta. Yes I heard that no one knows how old you really are, said Viridian. That is because I am a sprite. I was created along time ago back when sprites were just glowing energy balls that flew around. That was shortly after elves and humans began to evolve and begin to start living in self made houses. One day I will tell you how sprites came to being winged sprites with legs and arms. As far as I know sprites will not die naturally, said Alieta. That is a good thing, said Viridian, I hear everyone here loves you. Well I try my best, said Alieta. Okay I am done and ready for cake, said Tempressa. Already? You ate fast, said Alieta. Well look at that cake, it is amazing looking, said Tempressa. Well that cake Ktara made for me. She loves to cook and sends the palace tasty cakes and cookies all the time. That figures, when ever I go to her place her home always smells like a bakery, said Tempressa. She is the best cook in Fae land so I asked her to teach me how to cook better. So how is that working out? asked Alexa. Well my sister comes by for supper more often now and she always cleans her plate, said Tempressa. Baking cakes and bread is kinda tricky though so I am still learning how to get that right. Ktara is on the team also so you will meet her soon, said Alieta to Viridian. One day she will cook for you and you can judge for yourself. After every one was finished Alexa said goodbye to everyone and headed home. Tempressa said she would come back later for her gear and left wearing the outfit she put on from the wardrobe room. Zatsuky went and got her gear and sword then headed home to tell Carmen all about her adventure. That left Alieta and Viridian sitting at the table by themselves. So you really don't mind me living in the palace with you? asked Viridian. Not at all and Ginger lives here too, said Alieta. It will be nice to have you around for more company. Not just that sometimes the craziest things happen at the palace and you will get to meet everyone. Okay and if anyone bad comes here I can protect you, said Viridian. Yes that is true but next time you go out on the palace grounds, look up. You will always see some armed sprites flying above the palace, said Alexa. Jazmen makes sure I am never in any danger. Anyways we best get some rest. Tomorrow is another day and anything can happen.


Alieta had an elf show Viridian to her room then she headed to her den to unwind before going to bed. She sat back in her comfy chair and closed her eyes. Gabriel appeared and said, you are not planning on sleeping there when you have that great bed in your room? Oh no, said Alieta, just resting my eyes. Hey I didn't startle you this time, said Gabriel. Nope, I have gotten used to you popping in, said Alieta. Well I just came to tell you that Viridian is going to be more useful to you than just being another hero in Fae Land, said Gabriel. In what way? asked Alieta. Well that I don't know. God is very secretive with what he tells me and everyone else for that matter, said Gabriel. Okay so is there anything else? asked Alieta. Yes one more thing that to me sounds like a riddle sort of, said Gabriel. Supposedly there will be another girl coming to Fae Land. So another hero? asked Alieta. Not really but she will become a different kind of hero, said Gabriel. All he said is she was white then dark then will go white again and then become the most important person in Fae Land for you. I don't get it but he said you will figure it out when the time comes. Ya I don't get it either, said Alieta. White then dark then white again, sounds like an eclipse. Yes but the eclipse isn't a girl, said Gabriel. One more thing, he said Pippa will be involved too. What, Pippa is a pixie and is pretty nutty most of the time when ever she shows up. Pippa I know about and you should not under estimate her. She has been around for a very long time and is very smart plus is respected by every pixie all over the world though she doesn't realize that yet. Pippa loves what you did to Fae Land for her. That nutty little pixie will do anything you ask. Just call out her name and see what happens. Anyways have a good sleep Alieta. Then Gabriel vanished. Hmm, why didn't she wait until tomorrow to tell me all this stuff, thought Alieta. Now I am going to be up trying to figure things out. So just call out Pippa's name she said. I wonder what will happen. It's not like she can hear me from in the palace.

Alieta stood up and yelled out Pippa's name but not loud enough to wake up Ginger. She waited for a couple of minutes but nothing happened. While I guess she can't hear me from in here, said Alieta, That only makes sense. Then suddenly Pippa flew up in front of her face. Do you know how hard it is to get into this palace at night when everyone has gone to bed? asked Pippa. I flew all over the place looking for a way in and finally found a window that was opened a tiny bit so I squeezed under it and then had to find a way out of the room so I got bigger and tried the door knob but that was the wrong door, it was a closet so then I found the correct door but it was locked so I had to get tiny again and slide under the door then I had to figure out where you were. Good thing this door was opened and I saw the light so I checked it out and found you. Pippa got bigger and stood in front of Alieta. So what do you want? asked Pippa. At this point Alieta had the biggest smile on her face. Pippa you are so funny, I love you, said Alieta. Pippa began to blush. I love you too Alieta, do you want to play, pixies love to play you know or do you need me to do anything for you? Wait, why aren't you in bed asleep? Is there something wrong because if there is I will fix it for you or at least try to, said Pippa. No everything is fine, said Alieta. Gabriel was just here and said that you would come if I just said your name. Well ya, you are the queen you know, said Pippa. I am always at your service unless I am asleep or far far away but I am usually just in the west woods. Okay I am sorry to bother you then, I just had to find out, said Alieta. Okay no problem but in the future say a bit more than just my name like, Pippa I need your help or Pippa I need to talk to you. That way I know a bit more and please leave a door or window open for me. Yes I will, said Alieta. Okay I have to go tell the other pixies to start flying around now spreading pixie dust everywhere, said Pippa. I thought pixies don't do what they are told, they just do what they want? asked Alieta. Ya but for some reason they do what I asked them. Nobody can tell me what to do that is for sure, except for you that is, said Pippa. Okay bye call if you need anything then Pippa got small again and flew away. That Pippa is such a pleasure to have around thought Alieta. Then Pippa flew back. Can you open a window for me please? asked Pippa. Yes I can, follow me, said Alieta.

The End 



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