The Dark Apocalypse Chapter 3


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The Battle With The Carnomolocks And Wizards

  In the morning they got up and had a light breakfast then went and got their horses and started back out. They travelled for about five hours then saw another town ahead but this one was being attacked by the creatures. They stepped on it and soon they could see that people were running for cover in houses and other builds but the creatures were working on breaking in to these places. Okay we have to get their attention, said Tempressa. Try sending out a blast to that pile of rocks over there. Zatsuky blasted the rock pile but just a few looked and started running towards them. Okay let's hold our position and send the horses out of danger then you two take care of those three. We need to get them all out in the open somehow, said Tempressa. The three creatures were closing fast so once the horses were out of the way Zatsuky and Viridian shot out energy beams killing them. Man they are fast, said Zatsuky. Yep and very ugly too, said Viridian. Okay so how do were lure a bunch of extinct prehistoric creatures out into the open? asked Tempressa. Maybe with a very bright light, said Zatsuky. Maybe but how do you plan on doing that? asked Tempressa. Just watch, said Zatsuky.

Viridian stood back a bit to see what Zatsuky was going to do next. Merlin told me the Crimson Sword has both dark and white magic in it, said Zatsuky. That means the sword can be used for good also. All I have to do is think what I want the sword to do like this. Then Zatsuky raised the sword. Then think bright light, said Zatsuky. The blade of the sword turned blue then shot out a long and very bright bean across the top of the town. Zatsuky moved the sword back and forth while keeping the beam going. Look it is working, said Tempressa. They are all looking to see where the light is coming from. Keep it up! Soon all the Carnomolochs had gathered just outside of the town and were preparing to charge the three of them. Okay you two stand back and get low, said Zatsuky. Time to make dust of these old creatures that have no right being here in this time anyways.

When Zatsuky saw they were far enough back she put the sword to her chest then pushed up with her feet and began to rise up into the sky. Okay, that is new, I never seen her do that before, said Tempressa. The Carnomolochs began to charge straight for Viridian and Tempressa. Best get that spear of yours ready incase she misses some, said Tempressa to Viridian. When Zatsuky was high enough she began to spin, faster and faster until she was just a blur. When the Carnomolochs were right below her she squeezed the swords handle hard and then hundreds of red and blue energy beans shot out at the creatures in all directions so fast and wide that none of them had a chance to run away. In about one minute all that could be seen was smoke where the creatures used to be. Then Zatsuky stopped spinning and slowly came back down to the ground and didn't fall this time. Did you get them all, asked Tempressa. You tell me, said Zatsuky. Slowly the smoke faded away and all that could be seen was piles of ash everywhere. Zatsuky looked at Viridian that had a stunned look on her face. Are you okay Viridian? asked Zatsuky. I have never in all my days seen anything as powerful yet as beautiful to watch as what I just witnessed today, said Viridian. Tempressa saw that the blade of the sword was still glowing a bright red. Okay lets see if the wizards will come out now, said Tempressa.

Okay Tempressa, what is that plan you said you had? asked Zatsuky. I need to see them first to know how many there are, said Tempressa. Suddenly a huge cloud of smoke filled the air ahead of them and when it cleared there was ten wizards standing there and they looked mad. How did you kill our army so fast? yelled one of the wizards. We are just three days from out target and now we have to start all over again making new creatures. You are not going anywhere near Fae Land, yelled Tempressa. How did you know we were going to Fae Land to take it over? asked one of the other wizards. Lets just say a little birdie told us, said Tempressa. This is where your rain of terror ends, said Tempressa. The wizards all began to laugh. Okay Tempressa, time for that plan, said Zatsuky. Can't we just start killing them? asked Viridian. No wizards can make shields that will stop the energy beams, said Tempressa. They are going to send fireballs at us first so when they do I will put up a wall of ice that won't last long but then you Zatsuky fire through it and kill a couple of them. Your sword passes through my ice wall like nothing. That is when they will put up their shield. Okay then what? asked Viridian. Well then we hope they don't just vanish and start rebuilding again but if you two keep a constant blast on their shield then they can't go anywhere until they lower the shield for a moment. The timing must be perfect but at least we will kill some more of them before rest vanish. Well that will have to do, said Zatsuky. Looks like they are getting ready to hit us with fire.

As Tempressa told them the ten wizards all sent out a fireball at them so Tempressa put up the ice wall that blocked them. Now Zatsuky fire, said Tempressa. Zatsuky sent out an energy beam that passed right through the ice wall and hit one of the wizards that went down to his knees then laid down face first looking dead. Immediately the remaining nine wizards put up their shield. Zatsuky fired again but this time it didn't go through the shield the wizard had in front of them. That should of went right through their shield said Zatsuky. Well with nine wizards combining there magic that shield is a lot stronger now, said Tempressa. Can you send out a continuous beam in one spot? That shield can't last forever with that beam burning it's way through it. Sure can, said Zatsuky, the sword just gets really hot after a while and is hard to hold. Well lets hope it won't take that long, said Tempress. Zatsuky focused on the center of the shield then sent out a strong beam at it. Good, keep it there, said Tempressa. They can't send anymore fireballs at us with that shield up. The wizards started to look worried as Zatsuky kept the beam focused on the one spot and the shield looked to be weakening. Keep it up, it's working said Viridian. Let me help. Viridian shot her sword at the same spot and now the shield was flickering. It looked like the wizards were going to teleport away when suddenly a figure dressed in white appeared above the wizards. You are going nowhere she yelled at the wizards then froze them all solid at the same time. Who is that? asked Viridian. That is my big sister, said Tempressa.

Okay girls, start blasting away, said Mother Nature. They won't stay frozen for long so turn these idiots into ice cubes. You heard her, start blasting, said Tempressa. Both Zatsuky and Viridian began shooting at the wizards quickly breaking them into small pieces of ice. When they were done the hot sun finished the job melting all the ice fragments into the sand. Viridian raided her arms in the air saying Yea, we did it but then a bolt of lighting came down from the sky hitting the blade of her spear. What the heck was that all about? asked Viridian. There is not a cloud in the sky. Mother Nature came over to the girls that were looking a bit puzzled. So you are Mother Nature, was it you that hit my spear with lightning? asked Viridian. Nope that wasn't me. There has to be clouds for me to make lighting. It is a physics thing, said Mother Nature. Okay then what happened? asked Viridian. Just then Gabriel appeared. Nice work girls, you all did a good job today. Okay so it must of been you that sent that bolt of lightning down at my spear, said Viridian. No, I can't do things like that, said Gabriel. Only God can, and Fillina but she is busy elsewhere right now. These Carmomolocks were killing woman and children and he won't stand for that. Usually he would just strike them all dead but he saw Zatsuky had things well in hand. Regardless he just gave your spear the power of the heavens, nothing is more powerful than that. He sees great things for you in the future. Wow, so it is stronger like Zatsuky's sword. I suppose but that is something you will have to find out for yourself and what it can do now, said Gabriel. Anyways I am off to tell Alieta that you three are fine and killed all the wizards. She worries a lot every time she sends out the team on a mission and this is the first time only three were sent. But I am not part of the team, said Viridian. Gabriel just smiled then vanished.



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