The Dark Apocalypse Chapter 1


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Alieta did what Gabriel suggested to her and started making plans with Ginger to start building homes for the heroes in Eden where the magic was the strongest. Carmen and Zatsuky were enjoying their time living in the palace but now that they had some money from going on quests and adventures with the team they figured it was time for them to get their own place together. They asked Alieta how much it would cost to buy a house in Fae Land but Alieta had a different plan in store for them. She had already told Ginger to get workers to build a house for them in Eden and it was ready for them to move in. The house was just a bit west from where Ktara lived and seeing that both Carmen and Zatsuky were not that great at cooking, Ktara made sure when ever she cooked which was all the time, there was enough for them also. Now with those two out of the palace Alieta was feeling a bit lonely without them around all the time but that was soon to change...

The Need For Help

Back at the palace Alieta was resting by the fire in her den. All was peaceful so she thought about writing another story book about the team's adventures when an elf came in and said that there was someone here to see you and she looks like an amazing warrior. Well show her in then please, said Alieta. Okay, said the elf and went and got the visitor. A tall elven woman entered carrying a spear and had on a very interesting outfit. Alieta got up and welcomed her. Hi the woman said. I am Viridian Sky and some people call me the Dark Apocalypse. I heard that you have a team of heros that fight against evil and help others whenever needed. Well yes we have a team of heros that help out other lands and battle armies and monsters, even evil wizards and witches, said Alieta. Well have they ever battled a land demon as some people call them, asked Viridian. They have battled demons before but usually Lucifer ends up grabbing them and bringing them back to Hell, said Alieta. Well these creatures did not come from Lucifer's domain, said Viridian. They are creatures conjured up by evil wizards that want to take over and rule over a country. Wizards can be killed but it is not an easy task especially when they stay out of sight most of the time. So what are these so called land demons called? asked Alieta. Carnomolochs, said Viridian. They are reptile type creatures, almost prehistoric looking and are shielded by thick enchanted scales. They have been instinct for hundreds of years but these wizard figured a way to bring them back for their own needs. Regular enchanted swords and arrows cannot penetrate the scales. So how are they killed? asked Alieta. You need a special weapon like this spear that I have, said Viridian. It will penetrate anything and can even shoot an energy beam but it's distance is limited, about twenty feet. I use it more as a combat weapon for face to face fighting. So where are these demons now? asked Alieta. They are in the west, about three days ride from here but moving east and destroying anything that stands in their way, said Viridian. I heard rumors from people that stayed out of their way that they plan to come here to Fae Land. So you are saying they will be here soon, said Alieta. Yes but they are on foot and Carnomolochs are not fast moving land creatures so that may take a couple of weeks for them to come this far. The thing is the wizards keep making more of them every day. They are meat eaters and love to attack farms with animal stock on them. They don't eat people though, just kill them. I cannot battle such an army by myself so that is why I came here to warn you and to get the help of your heroes. We do have a person with a very powerful and magical sword that can kill anything even from a long distance, said Alieta and Tempressa the Ice Queen is on the team also. Together with Zatsuky they can take care of just about anything with Alexa leading them. You have Zatusky here, asked Viridian with a new look of excitement. So you know her then? asked Alieta. Yes I do. Where I am from she is known as the Vibrant Warrior, probably the most powerful defender and dragon slayer on the planet, said Viridian. Yes she is quite the girl, said Alieta. Do you know how many wizards are behind this attack? Not exactly but at least six I have been told, said Viridian. Alieta asked the elf to get two sprites to tell Alexa, Zatsuky and Tempressa to come to the palace fully armed. So this Tempressa will be able to help also? asked Viridian. You will see when she gets here. Those two work together nicely and prefer to fight on the front line, said Alieta.

The winged messengers came back and told Alieta that Zatsuky and Tempressa are on their way. I went to Alexa's house but there was no one home, said one of the sprites. That is fine then, said Alieta. Tempressa will make sure everyone stays safe and she can lead also. In about half an hour the two of them got to the palace and an elf brought them to the den but not before telling them to be prepared to see someone very remarkable looking. There you both are, this is The Dark Apocalypse, Viridian Sky, said Alieta. She has a request that you need to hear. Okay, said Zatsuky, how can the two of us help you. I have heard about you and I am surprised to actually meet you so far north. Your famous and people call you the Vibrant Warrior, said Viridian. I have not been called that for quite some time, said Zatsuky. Well you look well protected but Tempressa has very little armor on at all and is just armed with a sword, said Viridian. How can she help? Oh she has her own defences and weapon, said Zatsuky. Tell me why are you called the Dark Apocalypse? Doesn't that refer to the end of the world. Well I never gave myself that title, said Viridian. I have been traveling for many years helping people that need it. When I come across them being tormented or attacked by dark and evil beings or creatures. I kill the dark beings with my spear ending the attacks. That is why I suppose and the name caught on and spread over the years. So tell us what you need help with please? asked Tempressa. She told them about the Carnomloches and the wizards that created them, and that only magic weapons can kill them. So why have you not been able to kill them yourself, asked Zatsuky, that spear of yours looks magical. Yes it is but it has limits on range and even when I kill one the wizards just create a new one, said Viridian. Well I know Alexa would say, kill the Wizards first then the rest will be easy, said Tempressa. So why isn't she here also. She was not home when the messenger went to get her, said Alieta. So you will be in charge of leading seeing the others only have swords and no magic to fight these creatures or wizards with. Okay but she is the one that comes up with the best plans, especially against wizards, said Zatsuky. You will have to figure it out yourselves this time if you decide to help. Just remember what she told you to do before. These creatures are moving east and will eventually reach Fae Land so I hope you can see why I asked you here, said Alieta. Zatsuky turned to Tempressa and smiled and Tempressa nodded her head. Anything for Fae Land and getting to fight wizards again may be fun, said Zatsuky. You think it is fun fighting wizards that are controlling creatures? asked Viridian. Well it is with my Crimson Sword and when I am with Tempressa, said Zatsuky. So what is so special about Tempressa may I ask, said Viridian. Oh she is the Ice Queen. She has very strong magic that will make it much easier to beat all the creatures and the wizards, said Zatsuky. Why do they call you the Ice Queen? asked Viridian. Okay lets go outside and around the back and she will show you, said Alieta.

They all went outside and around the back of the palace. So now what? asked Viridian. That spear of yours has a magic blade that can pierce anything right, asked Zatsuky. Yes it does. I use it in hand to hand combat a lot, said Viridian. Okay then raise your spear and charge Tempressa, said Zatsuky. Really, what if I kill her? asked Viridian. Just trust me, said Zatsuky, you wanted to see how she can protect herself. Alieta looked on with a smile on her face. Okay then, she charged at Tempressa and she quickly put up a thick ice shield in front of her. The spear only penetrated the ice a few inches. Holy crap, said Viridian. How did you do that? Magic, said Tempressa, I was born with it. But that is just ice, my blade should of passed through it, said Viridian. Well you see the opposite of hot is cold so as your spear entered the ice it cooled the tip enough to stop it, said Tempressa. I just made it nice and thick. Now you are starting to sound like, Alexa, said Zatsuky. Ya I know. She tells me stuff when we are hanging out, said Tempressa. The only blade that can penetrate my ice shield is Zatsuky's Vibrant Sword. It can slice through it like butter. Now show her what else you can do, said Zatsuky. Tempressa looked around and saw a big tree. She pointed a finger at it and froze the entire tree solid. Now that is very useful, said Viridian. Now the tree will thaw and will be unharmed but anything alive that gets frozen will die in minutes like people and creatures, plus elven swords can then strike and smash it into pieces just to make sure, said Tempressa. Okay then, I am very impressed and it is hard to impress me, said Viridian. So when can we leave and have some fun as you put it, asked Viridian. As soon as we get loaded up with supplies for the trip, said Zatsuky. They went around to the front of the palace and Alieta signaled to the elves to get the supplies for all three of them.

Once all was readied by the elves they got on the horses. I will get the sprites to tell the rest of the team what is going on and put them on alert just incase, said Alieta. Don't worry Alieta we got this, said Zatsuky then they rode off towards the West Woods. This is the first time they have gone out without Alexa leading them, said Alieta. I Hope all turns out good. It will, said one of the elves. I sure wouldn't want those three coming after me. Alieta smiled then went in the palace. Soon the three of them entered the woods and as usual it was quite in there with just some rabbits and squirrels running around. Then out of nowhere a pixie showed up. Hello there, where you going? asked the pixie. Tempressa smiled, We are out to kill a bunch of creatures and wizards, said Tempressa. Wow you three must be brave, said the pixie as it flew back and forth checking them out. We just scared three wolves out of the woods, they don't belong in here, said the pixie. Just keep an eye open for them when you leave the woods. Then the pixie flew off fast into the trees. What was that asked Viridian. A pixie, said Tempressa, there are lots of them in these woods. They can get very small so you can't see them but rest assured they are watching us. Well that is the first one I have seen since I came here, said Zatsuky. Like little fairies. Yes she was cute but how could she scare away wolves? asked Viridian. Well pixies are extremely fast flyers and there are hundreds of them in here or maybe thousands, said Tempressa. They just fly around like crazy Driving unwanted animals crazy until they take off out of the woods. Other than that they are harmless and known to be quite nutty most of the time. Okay so this is a magical land that I heard it to be, said Viridian. Yep and very beautiful as you move through it to the north, said Zatsuky.



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