The Dark Apocalypse Chapter 4


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Back At The Palace

Mother nature talked to Tempressa a bit in private then said goodbye to Zatsuky and Viridian then vanished. Your sister is very pretty, said Viridian. Ya I know, she was always the one that made all the boys heads turn in school, said Tempressa. Well your kinda hot too, said Zatsuky. Maybe if you let your hair down that would be better. I know but I like it up and out of my face, said Tempressa. I am not really the sociable type anyways. So let's get going back home. Okay but first we have to find our horses, said Viridian. That is easy, said Tempressa and she put her fingers up to her mouth and let out a loud whistle. In a few moments all three horses came running towards them. I can whistle louder than my sister too, said Tempressa. They all started back and this time there were no dragons or wolves to bother them. So now I have a major weapon, said Viridian. Yep so use it well, said Zatsuky. Having a powerful weapon comes with big responsibilities. I will, said Viridian. Everything looks so peaceful out here now, just like nothing ever happened. That is what we do as a team in Fae Land. Return the peace to the land, said Tempressa. You will have to stick around for a bit though, said Tempressa. There are some people that are going to want to meet and talk to you. Like Alexa? asked Viridian. Yes, especially her, said Tempressa.

After two and a half days they were just a couple miles from Fae Land. So you said Alieta likes to feed people right? asked Viridian. I am famished. Oh ya, said both of them at the same time. And she loves to throw parties too, said Zatsuky. A queen that loves to feed people and throw parties is something I have never heard of before, said Viridian. She is not your run of the mill queen and she is loved by all plus is very fair with all her people, said Zatsuky. She rules over the most magical land anywhere and she never ever complains about anything. So how old is she, she looks like maybe thirty years old, said Viridian. They both laughed. What, did I say? asked Viridian. Well no one really knows how old she is but she is a sprite and she can tell you stories that happened centuries ago, said Tempressa. Didn't you know sprites are ever lasting? asked Tempressa. No, Alieta was the first sprite I have ever seen, said Viridian. They all continued their journey through the woods and to the palace then a couple of elves saw them and started to shout, "They are back, they are back". Aleita could hear them from her living room so she ran out to greet them and got two elves bring their horses to the stable. I was so worried that I made a mistake of sending out such a small team to battle such a big enemy but Gabriel came by and told me that you were all okay and won the battle, said Alieta. I got to meet Gabriel and Mother Nature, said Viridian. They are so nice. Yes they are and they like you too, said Alieta. So you killed ten wizards this time, that is a new record. Yep, but I prefer not to break it again any time soon, said Zatsuky. They all smiled. So are you off now Viridian or would you like to stay and eat and rest up first, asked Alieta. Well I am hungry and these two said you love to feed people and Zatsuky here said she is going to show me how to use my new spear that God struck with lightning, said Viridian. Yes Gabriel told me he made it much more powerful, said Alieta. Well while I am here I would really like to meet this Alexa that I keep hearing about, said Viridian. Sure, said Alieta and she signaled to an elf to get a messenger out to Alexa's place. Now you will be surprised when you first see her. She is the smallest of the team, yet she is the fastest, smartest and strongest plus she is the team leader, said Alieta. Yes so Tempressa told me. She must be something special to have the respect of these two amazing people, said Viridian. Alexa has the respect of me and everyone else here in Fae Land, said Alieta. She is very friendly when not in action and you would never guess she was the team leader. Now I am going to the kitchen to tell the elves to make you a very nice supper. Then Alieta headed back in the palace. Now that is the type of queen I could live with, said Viridian. Tempressa and Zatsuky just looked at each other and smiled.

A sprite came back and told Tempressa and Zatsuky that Alexa is on her way. I didn't tell her to wear her gear. Are you all going back on a mission? No were just got back from one, said Tempressa. Really, so who is the new girl? My name is Viridian. Nice to meet you, I am Jazmen, captain of the winged army. Please enjoy your stay here. Then Jazmen flew off. Okay so there is a winged army here also, what kind of winged army? asked Viridian. Jazmen is also a sprite, just a different breed and yes she commands over two hundred of the most amazing army of sprites plus she is in control of the ground troops that are all elves that have mastered the bow and arrow plus the sword, said Tempressa. There is over a thousand of them but they are all female. Just girls, where are all the men? asked Viridian. Most of them died defending Fae Land during the great war, said Tempressa. So if Alexa is going to be here soon we should go inside to the den and wait for her. They went inside an elf asked them if they needed anything. Maybe in a bit but Alieta said we are having supper here so best do to spoil it, said Tempressa. The elf smiled, yes it will be ready shortly, said the elf then left. In a few minutes Alexa showed up and walked over to Tempressa. So how did your first quest go leading the team? asked Alexa. It was exciting but I really wouldn't want to do it again, said Tempressa. There were times when I was unsure what to do next. You did just fine, said Zatsuky. Well one thing you should of done was request a hundred armed sprites to help with those creatures, said Alexa. I read up on them and they would of been helpful with them. I suppose but we didn't need them. Zatsuky killed them all by herself in like two minutes, said Tempressa. That sword of hers can do things I have never seen before. Anyways Gabriel came by and told me what plan you should use. Alexa smiled then turned to Zatsuky. So you found it easy to kill them creatures then? asked Alexa. Yep it was kinda fun and I turned them into piles of ash, said Zatsuky. The wizards were a bit harder but Mother Nature showed up and froze them all which made it easy after that. Alexa began to giggle. I should of known not to worry about you two, said Alexa then she looked at Viridian. You are a very tall elf, even taller than Zatsuky, said Alexa. Alieta said you are a mercenary which is a very honorable job. I have to thank you for coming to Fae Land to warn us about the coming attack. So that spear is very powerful I was told can I see it or will it burn me like Zatsuky's sword. No it won't, said Viridian. Here it is light and has perfect balance. Alexa took the sword and looked at it closely. Just don't squeeze.... suddenly the spear shot a blast upward blowing a hole in the ceiling. Oops my bad, what were you going to say? asked Alexa. Don't squeeze the grip, said Viridian. Tempressa looked up through the hole made by the spear. Holy crap I can see the sky. It went through two floors and the roof. Just then Alieta ran in. What happened? We hear an explosion from downstairs in the dining room. Alexa handed back the spear to Viridian and pointed up to the ceiling. Your kidding Alexa. You blew a hole in my palace? asked Alieta. I didn't mean to but yep I sure did, that spear is very powerful and touchy, said Alexa. I just hope it don't rain soon. Why is that? then Alieta looked up the hole. Oh I see what you mean, said Alieta with a smile. I'll get Ginger to hire some men to fix it for us. Good thing there is no one living above us. Okay supper will be ready soon. I will have an elf tell you all when to come downstairs and Alexa do not touch that spear again while you are inside. Then Alieta left. Amazing, she didn't even get mad, said Viridian. Alieta doesn't get mad at things like that, said Tempressa. Actually she rarely gets mad at all unless one of her friends get hurt by someone then look out, that woman can do some big time damage and doesn't need a weapon either. So she is very strong too, she doesn't look it, said Viridian. Alieta is a highbred sprite, the strongest of all sprites but none of us know how strong she really is but a while back I saw her move big boulders out of her way like the were nothing, said Tempress. Okay, then, just don't get the queen mad, got it, said Viridian. Everyone laughed.

Why don't you three get changed into something more comfortable and clean, said Alexa. Zatsuky, you know where the wardrobe room is so show Viridian and I will tell Alieta what you are doing if she comes back before you three get back here. Good idea, Alexa, said Tempressa then they all left the den. Alexa looked up at the hole she made. Man I am glad I just use a sword. I better stay away from powerful weapons. In about five minutes they came back down and both Alieta and Alexa was there talking to each other waiting for them. Now that is much better, said Alieta. Where did you leave the clothes and weapons? In one of the bedrooms, said Zatsuky. I told an elf not to touch the spear and my sword but she knew that already but she did take all the dirty clothes to be washed. Well Viridian you clean up nicely, said Alexa. Ya she has a hot body hiding under all that gear, said Zatsuky. Yes that she, said Alieta. Okay supper is ready so let's all go down and eat. They all headed down to the dining room.

Once in the dining room Alieta told them to just pick a seat. All the plates are the same and if you want more just say so, said Alieta. They all sat down and everyone began to eat. So Alexa, now that you have first hand experience with Viridian's spear, what do you think of it? asked Alieta. Well first I am never touching it again and I am sorry about the hole I made but that is one powerful weapon, said Alexa. Okay so why don't you ask Viridian what is on your mind, said Alieta. Well what do you think Tempressa? asked Alexa. Hey she is fearless and obviously likes to travel around and follows plans, said Tempressa. I think she will be perfect. What about you Zatsuky? asked Alexa. The girl has it happening, said Zatsuky. She is a natural warrior and now has a deadly weapon. I agree with Tempressa. Good, so Viridian how would you like to live in Fae Land? asked Alexa. Well I would love to but I need to help people in other parts. I am needed by many in distress, said Viridian. Well my team does that too, We have traveled long distances to help other towns and countries, said Alexa. Oh, so what are you saying? asked Viridian. I want you to join Fae Lands team of heroes, said Alexa. All of us together can do more and defeat bigger enemies better and faster than just you on your own. Viridian looked at Tempressa then Zatsuky and finally looked at Alieta that was smiling at her. Well the food is really good here, said Viridian. Yes I think that would be a good change for me. You get to live in the palace also, said Alieta, It has been a bit lonely here since Zatsuky and Carmen moved out. Really live here with you too, said Viridian. Well you did say that Alieta was the kind of queen you could live with, said Zatsuky. Yes I did say that didn't I. Okay this has been an amazing day, said Viridian. So it is settled, I will tell Ginger to put you on the salary list with the rest of the team, said Alieta. Your going to pay me too! This is a magical land, said Viridian.



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