The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Day Before Chapter 1


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The following day Ivy and Sara went to check on the new Fantasy Pixie Forest. All looked great and found out that Pippa put a few of her closest pixie friends in charge of the forest. They headed off to the cove. At the palace all was normal with Alieta and the girls all having breakfast together then went outside to check the sun dial. They saw it was going to be another beautiful day. Jazmen headed off to work and Jessica had two more candy orders to fill so she got to work on them right away because she now wanted to read the second book that Alieta had written. In the cove Guen told her kids that she was heading back to Fairy Land today but she will be back in a month or probably less but if they needed her to tell Apollonia. She just had to tell Alieta first before she called Apollonia to transport her back home. Back at Alexa's place she was starting to get worried because she had no idea what to get Ivy for her birthday tomorrow. Diego hadn't even thought about it thinking that Alexa was going to take care of it. Alexa got mad at him and said that you have to get your own gift for her that she will like. Now Diego looked a bit worried because he had never bought a gift for anyone before. Alexa decided to call a meeting of all the girl heroes and try to figure something out together. Daisy went to work at the swimming pool store but her boss got mad at her for leaving so early yesterday. She told him that she figured after making that big sale yesterday that she deserved to take the rest of the day off. He told her that one sale was not good enough so she quit on the spot and went back home. The store owner now thought he made a big mistake because Daisy was his best sales person plus most of his customers came to see her being the only sprite left in Cumberland.

Daisy Looks For A New Job

When Daisy got home she was feeling bad for quitting like that and now she had no income other than the few boxes of candy she sold to her friends. She thought maybe one of the clothing stores in town would hire her but those stores were always busy and dealing with woman over clothing especially things she would never wear so that was not what she really wanted to do. A friend came over and asked if she had a box of candy to sell her. Daisy had one left that she wanted for herself but let her have it anyways. Why are you looking so down? asked the woman. Oh I just quit my job at the swimming pool store, she told her. Why? You did very good there, she said. Ya well the boss got mad at me for leaving yesterday early even though I sold a big hot tub to Jessica, said Daisy. You mean Jessica the candy lady? she asked. Yep that was her, said Daisy. Well I am no genius but maybe you could talk to her about helping out in her business. I am sure she could use the help especially from a great sales person like you, said the woman. Ya maybe you are right, though I have only met her once but what the heck, won't hurt to ask. Good, said the woman. Now get off your butt and fly over there. Okay I will, said Daisy and the woman left with her box of candy. So I wonder if she is home now or has a place where she makes all these candies. Well won't find out sitting here, she thought to herself then took off to Fae Land to find Jessica the candy lady.

Daisy was headed towards the elf village when she saw a very big forest below her. That wasn't there before, she thought to herself. She went down to have a look and landed on the island in the middle of the forest. Wow this place is amazing. How did it get here so fast, she thought out load to herself. Magic girl, lots and lots of magic, said a voice from behind her. Daisy jumped forward then turned around. Oops, sorry for scaring you, said the pixie. Us pixies move pretty fast. Oh that is okay, said Daisy. So magic made this forest you said? Yep, fairies created it and us pixies maintain it with our pixie dust. So I am Sunflower and I am one of the pixies that is in charge here, said Sunflower. Oh, I am Daisy. I just stopped by to see this place. I was not here last week when I flew by, said Daisy. Ya it is only a few days old, said Sunflower. The forest is called the The Fantasy Pixie Forest. Catchy name, said Daisy. So I have never seen you in Fae Land before, said Sunflower. Where are you from? Cumberland is where I live for some reason, said Daisy. I suppose because I have a nice quite place away from everything and I had a job there. You had a job there, what happened? asked Sunflower. My boss was a jerk so I quit, said Daisy. Oh okay, said Sunflower. So where were you going before you stopped here? Oh I and looking for Jessica the candy lady's place. I figured I would try her home first but don't know where it is. All she said when I sold her a hot tub was she lived near the palace in the elf village, said Daisy. Oh it is easy to find her place, said Sunflower. Just keep heading south from here until you see the village and pass the first big old house then keep going until you see the next even bigger house you see on a big plot of land and that will be hers and Jazmen's home, said Sunflower. Okay thanks, I need a new job and want to ask her if she needs any help, said Daisy. Well I don't know anything about that but making candy sounds like fun to me, said Sunflower. Daisy smiled then said thanks and goodbye then flew off.

She flew south like Sunflower told her and came up to a big village with lots of homes in it. One house stood out that was very big and had lots of room around it. That must be hers said Daisy so she flew down and knocked on the door to see if she was home. Jessica answered the door and saw Daisy standing there and asked, "Is the hot tub here already?" Nope not yet, said Daisy. Just me visiting for now. Oh okay then come in please. I was just working on a new batch of candies. Daisy went in and followed her to the kitchen. Wow it smells great in here, said Daisy. Ya that is all the natural fruit flavoring I add to the candies, said Jessica. So you make all the candies here? I was expecting that you had a separate shop to make them in, said Daisy. Nope I like doing it here, said Jessica. Lots of room to do it. Jazmen and myself did a lot of expanding with this house so it is more than big enough for us. Yes I see that. This place is lovely and huge! said Daisy. So how is it going at work, is it busy? asked Jessica. Well I don't know. I quit today after my boss got mad at me for leaving early yesterday, said Daisy. Jessica smiled. Well I am my own boss here. I can't quit on myself, she said with a smile. So I was wondering if you needed any help. I promise not to leave early, said Daisy. Well not really right now but at Christmas and Easter time I am flooded with orders, said Jessica. Jazmen helps me then but now that she is the general, I am not sure how that will work out now. Oh that is too long to wait for an income, said Daisy. Well I would need a lot more orders to be able to hire a person to work with me, said Jessica. I already have two girls doing deliveries for me and that is just once a week. Daisy then thought of a good idea. You know, I might be able to help you there, said Daisy. Really, how? asked Jessica. Well I have been coming here to Fae Land to buy a bunch of boxes of your candy then selling them to my friends in Cumberland. I don't charge too much extra for them I just do it to be nice. Now you are starting to sound like Ivy, said Jessica. She loves making people happy. So what are you thinking about with my candies? Well they are not sold in any of the stores there but I am sure once word gets out that the stores have your candies in stock now, orders would at least double, maybe triple, said Daisy. Plus a lot of the neighboring towns go to Cumberland to shop for stuff too. Hmm, you might have something there Daisy. Well right now you will work for free. Help me fill up all those boxes over there with candy for me please. Okay I can do that but can I have a candy. I sold my last box today, said Daisy. Yep, help yourself, said Jessica.



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