The Day Before Chapter 3


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The Big Preparations

Alieta was hard at work getting everything set for Ivy's party tomorrow. Ginger was in charge of all the palace staff as usual and had everything all set up fast with them plus all and the cooks were prepping the food for tomorrow also. No fairy food was in her plans but if they want to add to what the cooks make then she will not stop them. Guen came by and said she had to leave now and was sorry she was going to miss the party but she had seen many birthdays and really didn't think them to be a big thing. Alieta really didn't like that but Guen did give her a present to give to Ivy for her. She will really like this, said Guen, but I do have to go. I know that being away for so long this time will mean things are not being done as they should be at Fairy Land. She called for for Apollonia to take her home. What do you think it is? asked Ginger. I don't know, said Alieta. It is in a square box so it could be a lot of things. Nice wrapping paper though, said Ginger. Ya it is. Bet she really didn't mean what she said about birthdays, said Alieta. Now you got all of your end done already so now you can help me, said Alieta. Lets go into the grand hall and set up everything for the present giving. We will have the party outside but only after all the gifts on the table for Ivy are unwrapped . She is hoping for lots of presents and that she will get, said Alieta. Okay lets get to work, said Ginger, just you and me. This we can do ourselves. They went into the hall and set up a couple of tables and a very nice queen like chair for Ivy to sit on. Okay now no need for more chairs than what is already here. Most people will stand anyways, said Alieta. Now set up that table for the birthday cake and lets put it over there, said Ginger. I have two elves that will be cutting the cake and handing out the slices to everyone after Ivy blows out the candles. Good, said Alieta. You have thought of everything. Just then an elf came in and said, "You better come out and see this. You won't believe it". Alieta and Ginger followed the elf outside then saw over a hundred elves, sprites and humans all standing out there on the grounds holding a present in each of their arms. We heard that this was a private party for Ivy but that doesn't mean we can't show our love to her also, said one of the elves. We all have birthday gifts for her so please except them on our behalf. Alieta and Ginger both got tears in their eyes. I think we got to set up some more tables, said Ginger. Yes we do Ginger yes we do. Everyone come in to the grand hall a bit at a time and drop off your presents on the tables that we are having set up. As for a private party, forget that. You are all invited to the outdoor party that will start around three o'clock. It is going to be a fantastic time for everyone, said Alieta.

Everyone started into the palace and dropped off their gifts. Tables had to be kept being set up as more people arrived with gifts. Over three hours went by and finally all was finished. Nine tables were filled with gifts at the end. Alieta, Ginger and four of the elves stood there looking at all the gifts. Do you think Ivy is well loved in Fae Land, said one of the elves. They all laughed. I have never seen so many wrapped gifts in all my years, said Alieta. It will take her forever to open all of these. Well Sara and Pippa can help her, said Ginger. That will speed things up some. Where is she going to put everything, said Alieta. Well I know you just had her place made bigger but I think we need to add a games room or something, said Ginger. Alieta smiled. I think you are right but in the mean time they can stay here and she can take home what she wants a bit at a time, said Alieta. So now we need another plan, said Alieta to Ginger. Yes I can see that, said Ginger. So the way I see it when Ivy first comes in this room she will see a huge amount of presents, and will probably fall on her butt, said Ginger. The elves chuckled. So what if we have the one table with all our gifts and the hero's gifts on it up front beside the chair and use those big dividers to hide the rest of them. That way we can get her to blow out the candles on the cake first and have a piece of cake then start opening the personal gifts from all of us, said Ginger. Yes perfect, said Alieta, then when she is done we show her the rest from everyone else. Sound good to us, said the elves. This is going to be one heck of a day. Yes it is, said Alieta.

Alexa and the rest of the team were in and out of small specialty stores in town and they all found it a lot easier to shop for Ivy than just thinking about what she would like. They also noticed that a lot of the shelves were almost bare. Eventually they all found a very nice gift for Ivy that they could each give to her. Luckily Alexa found a nice porcelain ordainment of a family of centaurs. Perfect, said Alexa. Look what I found, said Alexa. No way, said Carmen. It even looks like the four of them some, said Carmen. Paisley bought some wrapping paper that was slim picking also, then they all headed out to the palace to wrap the gifts. When they all got there the regular crew were outside except for Alieta and Ginger. Alexa asked an elf where they could wrap the gifts? She smiled and said in the grand hall probably. That is where Alieta and Ginger are. They all went in and said hi to Alieta and Ginger. We need to wrap these gifts, said Alexa. Is it okay if we do it here? Sure but have a look behind the dividers, said Alieta. They all looked around behind the dividers and saw all the gifts. Holy! where did all those come from? asked Alexa. Well lots of people came to the palace to drop off their gifts for Ivy, said Alieta. What do you think? Will Ivy have a good birthday or what. Are you kidding. This is better than five Christmas's put together, said Alexa. Well everyone wanted to give Ivy a gift here in Fae Land, said Alieta. That explains why most of the shelves in the stores were almost empty, said Paisley. Well we need to wrap our gifts for her, said Alexa. Oh use that last table over there then put the gifts with your name on it on our table beside the chair. We are hiding all the rest of the presents until she has opened ours first. Then we will surprise her with the rest of the presents, said Alieta. Good plan, said Alexa. They all wrapped up the gifts they bought then placed them on the table beside the chair. Phonixa, Repellia and Tabitha came in with gifts all nicely wrapped with bows and ribbons. Well that is that, said Alexa. Now we just have to wait for tomorrow. What time should we all get here? asked Alexa. Gift opening starts at noon, said Alieta. I told everyone else that brought gifts that they were invited also but just to the outside party that will start around three o'clock, said Alieta. Ya it will take Ivy at least that long to open them all, said Alexa.



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