The Day Before Chapter 4


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Daisy Proves Herself

Both Jessica and Daisy packed up the candies and labeled them. Then order slips were taped on them so the delivery sprites knew where they all were going. Now if I could have a box of mixed candies then I can use them to give store owners in Cumberland a sample taste that I am sure will make them want to order some for their stores, said Daisy. Okay, said Jessica. There is some left over, I always make extra. Now in case they do want to order some, here is a book of order slips that they can fill out and you can bring them back but make sure you tell them that it will be a few days before they get them because of Ivy's birthday tomorrow plus I want to visit her in the cove the day after to see what she does in there also, I have heard it is amazing looking. Well if it is anything like the new Fantasy Pixie Forest that I saw on the way here then it will be amazing for sure, said Daisy. Ya I heard the fairies were working on something new just north of here, said Jessica. Then I want to see if she wants to try out my new hot tub, if it gets here on time. Oh it will be, said Daisy. The store needs the money so they will be on time. Good, said Jessica. How much is the tub anyways? asked Jessica. Um two thousand dollars, said Daisy nervously. Oh okay I will have the cash for them plus a tip for putting it all together, said Jessica. Then I just have to fill it up some how. Well the first delivery of water is free, said Daisy. It will be here the same day. Perfect and remember you said you would show me how to work it and try it out with me, said Jessica. Daisy smiled then took off to Cumberland.

When Daisy got to Cumberland she knew all the stores in the main town and all the owners. She knew exactly where to start also. She went into a small store first where they sold small items like bread, milk, pastries plus other stuff like soap and paper products. Hi Daisy, how are things? asked the owner. Oh pretty good, said Daisy. So is the silly pool store still going that you work at? she asked. Ya it is but I quit today and got a new job in Fae Land, said Daisy. Good, said the store owner. They didn't deserve to have you there. So what do you do now? Oh I work for Jessica now the candy lady, said Daisy. Oh really, I have heard about her candies but have never had one yet. Well I have some samples if you would like to try a couple, said Daisy. You bet, said the woman, I heard they are amazing. Daisy opened a box and let her pick out a couple. Now put one in your mouth and just suck on it, said Daisy. Wow, these are really good, like I mean super good. They taste like real fruit but in tiny form, said the woman. Ya I love them too, said Daisy. So you said you work for Jessica now? Yep I do sort of, I am first proving to her that I can get some Cumberland stores to begin buying them also, said Daisy. I stopped here first because I figured your shop gets a lot of people in it and it would be a good item to add to your stock. You bet it would, said the woman. I will take ten boxes please. Daisy opened the order slip book and filled it all out. Now payment is on delivery, is that okay? asked Daisy. Oh yes that is fine, said the woman. Now it will be three days before they arrive because of Ivy's birthday in Fae Land. Yes I heard about it, said the woman. The news travels fast all over this grand land of ours. Three days will be fine also. You are going to sell a ton of these you know. Every store will want them, even stores that don't sell food products. Really! said Daisy. Oh yes, it is called point of sale, said the woman. When someone buys a sweater and goes to pay for it, the boxes of candy will be displayed beside them by the cash out. They will become very popular here. Not too many treats in Cumberland with exception to ice cream products. Cool, okay thanks for the order, said Daisy. It sounds like I have a lot of work to do today. Then Daisy flew off to the next store. She went to the big grocery store in town next and found the store owner stalking some shelves himself. Oh hi Daisy, always nice to see you. What can I do for you? he asked. Well don't you usually have staff stocking the shelves for you. Yes but I had to let a couple go because sales are down right now, he said. Come holiday time I will hire them back. Oh well maybe I can help you out some then, said Daisy. Really how is that? he asked. Well have you every heard of Jessica's Candies? she asked him. Oh yes he said but we can't get them here in Cumberland. I heard they are really good though, said the man. Well I work for Jessica now and I am making them available in Cumberland now, said Daisy. Really, you got a new job? he asked. Yep and much better than the pool place, said Daisy. Of coarse that place is always struggling. Probably will go under now that you have left, said the store owner. So do you want to try a couple, asked Daisy. Sure do, he said. He took one and put it in his mouth. My God these are heavenly, I bet they cost a lot though. Not really here look at the order form, it has the pricing on it. He looked at it and couldn't believe how reasonable they were. Wow and forty percent profit on the recommended pricing too. That is more than anything I sell in this store. He pulled out his pencil and quickly filled out the form and handed it back to Daisy. Wow seventy five boxes. That is awesome, said Daisy. What is awesome are those candies, he said. Okay good, terms are payment on delivery and it takes three days for delivery. No problem he said but asked for another candy before Daisy left.

Daisy went to a few more stores in town that she knew would order the candies but then realized that she had almost three hundred boxes of candy ordered and to be delivered in three days. Oh oh, I hope I didn't over do it, she thought to herself. I better stop now and get back and see if Jessica can fill that many orders. I have no more samples left anyways. Daisy took off back to Jessica's and found her relaxing on a lawn chair outside. Hi Daisy, you back already? asked Jessica. Yep and I think I might of goofed, said Daisy. What do you mean, didn't you get any orders? asked Jessica. Well the opposite, said Daisy. Probably too many and I just went to six stores. Here look at the order slips. Daisy handed Jessica the book with the order forms in it and her eyes opened wider and wider as she read each one. She looked up and said, this is just under three hundred boxes and they all say delivery in three days. Ya I know, sorry, like I said I goofed but didn't expect everyone to order so many the first time, said Daisy. Jessica looked back down at the slips then smiled and looked at Daisy. You must be one heck of a sales person, said Jessica. Well maybe but I know everyone in Cumberland and they all like me and once I gave them a sample candy to try, they just started filling out the order form, said Daisy. Okay we have to figure this out and are going to need help too. This is like an entire months order in just one day, said Jessica that was now getting all excited. So you don't look mad at me, said Daisy. Mad, are you nuts, you just created an entire new market for me in a few hours, said Jessica. So how many more stores do you think will order candies when approached. Oh at least twenty, said Daisy. Maybe more though because one store owner told me that even stores that don't sell food at all will probably want to order them. Something about point of sale she said. Yes I know about that very well, said Jessica. There are clothing stores in town here that sell these candies at the counter. Okay we have to go see Alieta. I hope she is not too busy with the party preparations. Plus I have to drop of my gift anyways, said Jessica.

So why do we need to go see the queen, asked Daisy. Oh it is her orchards that supply the fresh fruit for the candy. I have to see if there will be enough fruit all year round to take care of this new market. Plus I will not be able to keep doing this at home, said Jessica. Got to look at building a new place but not in town I want it close to the elf village here so I can hire my friends to work with us, said Jessica. Okay I guess, but I haven't met the queen before. Oh she is cool, just don't call her queen, she likes Alieta, said Jessica. Okay, said Daisy. They flew over to the palace and landed beside an elf. We need to see Alieta, plus I have to drop off my gift too, said Jessica. Okay I will go get her, I will bring your gift in for you and put it with the rest of them, said the elf. The elf took the present and went into the palace. I a couple of minutes Alieta came out with Ginger. Oh hi Jessica. I saw you brought your gift, Ivy going to have a wonderful birthday tomorrow, said Alieta. So what did you need to see me about? Well this is Daisy and she just did the most amazing and unexpected thing for me, said Jessica. Oh really, said Alieta. Alieta looked at Daisy. I don't recall seeing you before and I know all the sprites that live in Fae Land. Well I live in Cumberland and only came to Fae Land to buy Jessica's candies twice a month, said Daisy. You look young to me, how long have you lived in Cumberland? asked Alieta. I am older than I look, I'm over twenty five years old, said Daisy. Ginger chuckled. So what is it that Daisy here did that was so amazing yet unexpected? asked Alieta. Well she needed a new job and asked if she could help me out making candies. I told her that I can handled doing it myself except at holiday time but she said she had an idea that would increase sales for me, said Jessica. Okay so what did she do, I am all ears, said Alieta. Me too, said Ginger. Well I gave her a sample box of candy and she flew back home to Cumberland and in just a few of hours she came back with more orders for candy than I do in an entire month here in Fae Land. So how many is that? asked Ginger. About three hundred and that was just from six stores, said Jessica. My lord, just six stores, There is over a hundred stores in Cumberland. Yes I know. She figured she really messed up so came back and said sorry but I didn't realize everyone would order so much at once, said Jessica. Well you don't know Cumberland then, said Alieta. There main supply of treats is ice cream stuff. Of coarse they would love something new, said Alieta. So what do you need from me? asked Alieta. Well first I need to know if your fruit supply will be able to keep up with the orders if more stores start to place orders, said Jessica. Well yes. I have a huge orchard and it generates new fruit about every three months, said Alieta. So how are you going to keep up with this new demand, asked Alieta. Well that was my second question, said Jessica. My kitchen is big but not big enough to make this larger volume of candy. I can get a couple of friends and Daisy here to help with this order that has to be delivered in three days but after that when more stores start placing orders I will need a new location to work from, said Jessica. Wow this small business of your just turned into a big business, said Alieta.

So will you need to hire people to help now? asked Ginger. Oh most definitely, I never work more than a few hours a day making candy, plus I want to spend more time with all you people, said Jessica. Maybe get out and see more of Fae Land and stuff. Hmm, sure sounds like you need help, said Alieta. Well where do you plan on building this new place? Well not far from my home, said Jessica. There a a bunch of my friends that don't work and have very little money so I pay some of them to do deliveries for me and others I just help out with basic needs, said Jessica. Really there are people like that in the elf villages? Alieta looked at Ginger. Ya there is but none of them complain so it is hard to see what is going on with them money wise, said Ginger. That is why I asked if Jessica would be hiring more people. I see, said Alieta. So Ginger, is there a spot where this new building can be put near the elf village. Yes there is many places, said Ginger. Not in the village but just outside of it in the open. Okay I think we can work together on this, said Alieta. Seeing that you buy the most amount of fruit from me and if it wasn't for you most of the fruit would go bad and just get used for compost. I will fund this building but I want just one thing from you, said Alieta. Okay, what is that? asked Jessica. You don't charge me for my candies anymore, said Alieta with a smile. That's a deal, said Jessica and they both shook hands. Ginger saw Ivy and Sara heading towards the palace. Now you know about Ivy right, asked Alieta to Daisy. Yes we have met a few times in stores but only talked a bit, said Daisy. Good that means she won't read you, said Alieta. She does that when she meets someone new with me. Ivy and Sara landed close to them all and Alieta walked over to Ivy and said hello. Hi Alieta, I was just telling Sara how much I am looking forward to having a birthday party with all my closest friends. Good, we are all looking forward to it also, said Alieta. Now you have met Daisy before, at least that is what she said, Yep, she shops in some of the same stores as me. She is really nice and sells swimming pools in Cumberland. Well now she is working with Jessica, said Alieta. I would seem she is very good at selling candies in Cumberland. Really, that is so cool, I could feel you didn't like selling pools anyways, said Ivy. So hi Jessica, why are you here. Oh I just made a deal with Alieta to make a bigger place to make my candy from. Daisy created a bigger market for me so I need more room and helpers, said Jessica. Nice the more candies the better right Sara, said Ivy. You bet, said Sara. Almost as good as ice cream. Okay we are heading home now for supper, said Ivy. Viridian's turn to cook. Why don't you learn to cook also Sara? asked Ginger. No thanks, I have enough things to do already, said Sara. They are good at cooking and I am good at eating.



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