The Day Before Chapter 5


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Ivy and Sara headed off home then Jessica said they had enough fruit left to get about thirty boxes done for now. Okay I will get more to you today, said Alieta. But don't work too late, you need to be at the palace by noon. Okay we will all be there, said Jessica. You too Daisy, come have some fun with us all Fae Land style, said Alieta. Okay I will, said Daisy. Okay then off we go to get back to work, said Jessica. The two of them flew off and when they got to Jessica's place, Jazmen was already home. Good you are here, said Jessica. Well hello to you you too, said Jazmen. Oh sorry but I am all excited right now, said Jessica. Oh how come? asked Jazmen. Well Daisy here broke into a new market in Cumberland for me. And now we have a lot of orders to work on. Alieta and I made a deal together to build a new building to do the work in when it really takes off but we have a lot of orders to do and get delivered by the next three days, said Jessica. Okay I will help, you know that but how many orders are we talking about? asked Jazmen. Um just as many as we can with the fruit I have left here now which is around thirty but the entire order is almost three hundred boxes, said Jessica. What, that is way too many we can do, said Jazmen especially with Ivy's party tomorrow. Ya I know that is why I am hiring some elf friends to help. Alieta has a new supply of fruit being delivered today so that fruit I will get cooked in the morning with Daisy and then while we are at the party our friends can do the easy part of mixing and pouring then letting them set and dry, said Jessica. Okay, you seem to have it all under control, said Jazmen. I knew there was something special about you Daisy when I first met you. I am no Ivy but I am a good judge of people, said Jazmen. Well I met the queen today and saw Ivy's sister Sara, they are both beautiful, said Daisy. Yes but Sara isn't Ivy's sister though they do act like it, said Jazmen. So where do we start? Well we need to cook down the cherries and the grapes first plus there is already some apple and peach ready to use in the ice box that just needs to be heated up again then add the sugar. That takes about half an hour, said Jessica. Then we just add the hardening compound. Mix it in then pour it into these trays with all the shapes on it. They will harden in about one hour then they are ready to be boxed, said Jessica. Okay then, said Jazmen. You ready Daisy to get your hands dirty? Yep, lets do this, said Daisy.

The End



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