The Heavenly Voice Chapter 2


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Finishing The Paintings

  Alexa was now teaching the four girls from the grade four book and was surprised how quickly they picked up things. She was teaching them how to do long division plus writing about something they knew nothing about. They would have to go to the library and look up a book that had the information they needed about the subject then write the story in their own words. Alexa gave them each a different subject so no copying could be done. This also taught them how to find books in a library. After they all had their lunch and came back to the class. Alexa told them it was time to finish the paintings today. Now you have all done an amazing job so when you are finished I will show you were to add you name to the bottom of the painting. Okay but Satura's looks the best so far. She can draw and paint better than us, said Nessie. Well they all look great to me but yes Sakura may be better with art but she can't make flowers like all of you can, said Alexa. Ya and I made pink and purple daisys too in Eden, said Nessie. Really, pink and purple daisys? asked Alexa. Yep Mom said the purple one looked nice and Sakura wanted me to make a pink one also, said Nessie. Yes of coarse Sakuara would want a pink one, said Alexa. Okay lets all get to the art room and get to work. They all said okay and headed out. When they got there Alexa noticed that the paints were almost used up. Hopefully there would be enough for the girls to finsh today.

Now girls, we are getting low on paints so try and make what we got go as far as you can, said Alexa. There is lots of pant tubes still, said Sakura. Where? asked Alexa. Over there in them drawers, said Sakura. Alexa walked over then opened the drawers and saw that there was two draws full of a variety of paint tubes. Okay good, said Alexa. Thanks for finding them Sakura. So everyone start doing the finishing touches please. Alexa kept walking back and forth behind the girls and watched them working away. Nessie still seemed to like painting with her tongue out of her mouth moving back and forth. Should I put some purple and pink daisy on the ground in my painting, asked Nessie. Let me see, said Alexa. No that background is not in Eden so best keep it more real like. Okay, said Nessie. Maybe Alieta would like some near the palace. Maybe, but ask her first, said Alexa. Okay, I will, said Nessie. Then she went back to finish her painting. In about fourty five minutes they all finished painting and Alexa went to each painting and checked them over. Well girls, these are the best paintings that I have ever seen. Very life like and even the backgrounds are great. Next week we will start a new painting each so over the weekend think of something that you will like to work on, said Alexa. Now we have one week left in the school so I am going to teach some more from the books in the classroom and some other things that will help you when you talk to other people, they will be able to tell that you have been well schooled in many subjects. Now it is time to clean up everything, then you can all go home. Have a great weekend. Okay, you too Alexa, they all said then cleaned their brushes then headed out to the washroom. The elf came in and asked if they were finished. Yes they are and quite the paintings they did, said Alexa. Yes very good, said the elf. These all need frames and hung up somewhere. Yes I know that but where I wonder, said Alexa. Pretty sure Sakura will want to take her's home and probably hang it in her room but the other girls don't have bedrooms. Well maybe in the palace, said the elf. I will ask Ginger, she will know where they would look best but first you should get these four fairies to come and see what these girls painted. I am sure they will love them. Yes good idea, said Alexa. Alieta and Ginger should come and see them also. Okay I am off for the weekend so see you next week. Yep one more week left, said the elf then they both left.

Another Day Of Adventure

  Keiko, Amelie and Ginger were flying around some when Keiko asked where do you want to go next? Oh lets get some more candy from Jessica at the candy factory first, said Amelie. Ginger will like them. Yep candy sounds good to me, said Ginger. Good lets go, Candy is free for fairies, said Keiko. But I am not a fairy, said Ginger. Well you look like one and besides Jessica is really nice so she will let you have some too, said Keiko. Okay, if you are sure, said Ginger. Yep, very sure lets go then we will continue our adventure, said Keiko. They all went to the candy factory then went inside. Wow smells nice in here, said Ginger. Yep sure does and look at all the boxes of candy, said Amelie. They are all full of candy? Wow, that is a lot of boxes, said Ginger. Daisy was in the warehouse talking to an elf. There are those two very cute fairies again and they brought some one with them this time, said the elf. They must be here for some free candy. Oh I will take care of them, said Daisy. You keep doing the inventory. Daisy walked over and said hello. Hi is Jessica here? asked Keiko. No she is deliveriing a few boxes of candy to the palace. She likes to do that delivery herself, said Daisy. Oh so when will she be back? she said that fairies can have some candy for free and we brought Ginger with us to try some, said Keiko. Well yes you three can have some candy, said Daisy. Now I haven't seen you three before so what are your names? Oh we are all new, said Amelie. I am Amelie, this is my good freind Keiko and this is our new friend Ginger. Well nice to meet you all and my name is Daisy. So would you three like a whole box to share? Oh no, just a couple candies each, said Keiko. We are on an adventure exploring Fae Land some more. Oh okay, so let me open this box that has assorted flavours of hard candies in it and take what you like. Daisy opened the box for them. You first, said Keiko to Ginger. Well okay but maybe I shouldn't, said Ginger. Why not? asked Daisy. Well I am not really a fairy, I am a pixie, said Ginger. No matter, said Daisy. Pippa comes here all the time and we always let her have free candy. The rest of the pixies rarely come out of the forest during the day when we are open so it is very nice to see a pixie during the day. Here help yourself, then Daisy handed the box to Ginger. She took a couple then passed it around to Keiko. Wow these are really sweet and fruity, said Ginger. See told you, said Keiko. Best candies anywhere. Okay thanks Daisy, we are off on our adventure now but not sure where to go yet, said Amelie. Well Eden is very nice plus most of the heroes live there. Have you been there yet? asked Daisy. Not really just went to Carmen and Zatsuty's place once but that was just me and Ivy, said Keiko. Okay we will go there first. They can tell us were else to look in Eden. Thanks again and see you later. Then they left and flew away.

Daisy went back to talk to the elf working. My those three were very nice and polite, said Daisy. Yes they were yesterday also. That was a very pretty fairy with them too this time, said the elf. Well yes very pretty but not a fairy, she is a pixie, said Daisy. Really, I have never seen a pixie that looked like her before. All turquoise and taller too. Even sexier than a pixie, said the elf. Yes I noticed that too, said Daisy. She has the same name as Ginger at the palace too. Both of them are cute, pretty and sexy. The elf laughed. Yep that is our Ginger and now there is two of them... Okay lets fly lower so we can see better down there, said Keiko. Lets head over to where that pretty tree is growing all by itself. Okay they said. They landed by the tree and could feel the magic all around it. My golden leaves too, said Ginger. Never seen a tree like this before. Ya us either. Feels like it is surrounded with magic, said Amelie. Let me see, said Ginger then walked up to the tree and said something to it. You can talk to trees?, asked Keiko. Everyone can talk to trees and plants silly, they are living things and I think they like being talked to, said Ginger. Ivy told me she planted it and helps her control the magic in Eden, said Keiko. Really, a tree can do that? asked Ginger. Well this one can, said Keiko. So where do you want to go from here? asked Amelie. Well the house way down there is where Zatsuky and Carmen live, said Keiko. You have never met those two so lets go there first and say hi, said Keiko. Okay they said and flew over.

Look there they are on those chairs. Looks like they are sun tanning or something, said Amelie. Wow they are not wearing much, said Ginger. Those are bikini bathing suites, said Keiko. People wear them to swim and tan at the beach. Pretty girls always wear them to relax in. They flew down and walked over then Keiko said hi. Well hello, said Zatsuky. Nice to see you again Keiko, so that must be Amelie that Ivy told us about but who is the other fairy? Oh this is Ginger, she is also new here but is a pixie not a fairy, said Keiko. They both stood up and shook Ginger's hand. Wow you two are so pretty in those bikinis, said Ginger. Well you are very easy on the eyes too, said Zatsuky. So would you like a drink of juice? I bet you are a bit thursty after flying around. Sure, that would be nice, said Amelie. Carmen went in and got a tray of cold drinks for everyone. So do you three live in the fairy forest with the other fairies and pixies, asked Zatsuky. Nope we can't get in that forest because of our wands. We are Garson Fairies so we live in the Fantasy Pixie Forest with Ginger, said Keiko. Oh that is right, Ivy told us about Amelie here and how they killed a shadow sorcerer together, said Zatsuky. Yep, Ivy and Sara were awesome, said Amelie. Ginger has a nice place in the forest though and invited us to stay by her, said Keiko. Pippa said we are a team and should stick together so we are going to build a tree house for us to live in with beds and stuff in it. Really, now that sounds like a perfect place to live in a forest, said Zatsuky. Carmen came back out with the drinks for them. Now Ginger really doesn't look like a pixie though, said Carmen. At least none that I have ever seen before. Oh she is special, said Keiko. She can sing and dance. Alieta said she sings like an angel. She is a great dancer too. Ginger at the palace wants this Ginger to teach her how to dance fancy like her. I think Phonixa and Repellia are going to learn also. Really, then you all should go down there to Ktara's place. She is trying to learn how to dance, though she has been practicing and is getting better but still needs a lot of help, said Zatsuky. I am not into dancing though, I like to watch everyone else dance. Carmen is a very good dancer, she is one of the best of us all. Yep I took lessons back home, said Carmen. Better than just standing and talking with the boys so we went to dance halls and had fun. There is a dance hall here in town but it is more of a local hang out for the young ones. Phonixa and Repellia go there a lot I have been told. So Ktara lives close to here? asked Amelie. Yep just down there, said Carmen. Oh ya, now I remember, said Keiko. You can see her place from here and just a bit south of there is where Ivy, Sara and Viridian live. The rest of the heroes are spread out all over the place in Eden except for Alexa and Tempressa. They live in the north town, said Carmen. Okay we will go see Ktara now. Nice meeting you too then they flew off. Wow that is some pretty pixie, said Carmen. Yes plus sings and dances too. Now that is special for sure, said Zatsuky.

When they got close to Ktara's house, that was when Keiko remembered going there. Last time I was here with Ivy Ktara wasn't home but we found her at Carmen and Zatsuky's place but there is Ktara outside, said Keiko. Ivy said she spends a lot of time with her garden. They flew down and said hello. Well hi Keiko, nice to see you again, said Ktara. You too, said Keiko. Now this is my good friend Amelie that you heard about and this is our new freind Ginger. She is a pixie and not a fairy. Well nice to meet you both then, said Ktara. So Ginger is a pixie, you said, she sure dosn't look like a normal pixie. Well she isn't normal, said Keiko. She sings and dances. Oh really, she sings and dances that sounds nice, said Ktara. Yep very nice so Zatsuky said that you are trying to learn how to dance better, that is why we came here next on oiu adventure in Fae Land, said Keiko. Well yes I am but just practicing on my own, said Ktara. Well Ginger at the palace plus Phonixa and Repellia are going to take lessons from Ginger here, said Keiko. Really, she is that good? asked Ktara. Yep, super good. You want to see? asked Keiko. Sure why not, said Ktara. Ginger got in a basic ballet pose then did a few spins plus some other steps. Wow I would love to be able to dance like that, said Ktara. Paisley came out of the house with two cold drinks. Oh fairies are here, said Paisley. You three want drinks too? No we just had some at Carmen and Zatsuky's place. Oh okay then, said Paisley. Ginger here just dance a bit for me, said Ktara. She is amazing. Really she dances that good? asked Paisley. Yep and sings too, said Amelie. Ginger is giving dance lessons at the palace, do you want to go with me too? asked Ktara. Well I already can dance pretty good, said Paisley. Oh not like she can dance, said Ktara. Show Paisley your stuff, said Ktara. Okay but maybe something different this time. Ballet is where you learn balance and cordination so you can do dance steps like this, said Ginger. Ginger spread her legs and put her hands on her hips. Then spun around fast and started to do some complex dance move then did a bit of sexy dancing then flipped and landed on her feet. Holy crap, said Paisley. Now that is some super professional moves you got there girl. I can't dance like that, not even close. Okay sign me up, when do lessons start? Um not sure, said Ginger. The other Ginger didn't mention that. Well you find out and let Ktara or me know. Finally a pro dancer is here to teach! said Paisley. Okay we will, said Keiko. I guess we should go to Ivy's place next, said Keiko. Oh Ivy and Sara won't be there. Maybe Viridian will though, said Ktara. It is getting close to lunch time though so maybe head back to the palace first and eat they usually show up there also. Ya that sounds like a good idea, said Amelie. Okay see you soon and the three of then flew off. So a dancing fairy now, said Paisley. Oh she is a pixie, said Ktara. No way, pixies don't look that great and those were definately fairy wings or sprite wings, not sure now, said Paisley. Well she is a pixie and a very special one as you just saw. Keiko said she can sing great too, said Ktara. A singing and dancing pixie now, said Paisley. Things just keep getting better around here.




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