The Heavenly Voice Chapter 3


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Dance Class Gets Bigger

The three of them were flying by Sandy Lake when Ginger stopped. Why did you stop? asked Keiko. Look at this beautiful waterfall and lake, said Ginger. I have to get a closer look then she flew towards the waterfall. The two of them followed her then stopped and saw her standing on top of the waterfall mountain. It looks so beautiful from up here, said Ginger. Watch this. What is she going to do now both Keiko and Amelie wondered. Ginger crouched down then leaped off the mountain and came down fast doing flips in mid air then straightened out and dove into the water with barely a splash. She surfaced then yelled out, "How did you like that"? Umm, unbelievable. Where did you learn to dive like that? asked Amelie. Oh lots of places, said Ginger. I love the water. Ginger then flew out of the water and asked if they were ready to go to the palace or if they wanted to dive also. Oh not me, said Keiko. Me neither, said Amelie. The palace sounds much safer. Okay then lets go, said Ginger. Hey wait. I thought pixies can't fly with wet wings, said Keiko. I don't know but I can, said Ginger. Okay, lets go then and they flew to the palace. They saw Aleita standing over by the steps so the flew over to her. Well hello girls. Having fun on your adventure? asked Alieta. Yep, first Ginger talked to that golden tree then we talked to Zatsuky, Carmen, Ktara and Paisley too, said Amelie. Good, said Alieta. She looked at Ginger then said. You look kind of wet. Were you swimming or something? asked Alieta. Nope she dove off the waterfall mountain. It was unbelievable to see, said Keiko. Didn't even make a splash. So a pro diver too then, said Alieta. No just freestyle, I love the water, said Ginger. And then you flew here, said Alieta. Yep and the wet wings didn't even slow her down, said Amelie. Hmm, definately some kind of mix going on with you. No pixie I know can fly at all with wet wings, said Alieta. They have wait for them to dry and get some pixie dust on them first. So where is Ginger? We need to know when dance classes will start, Ktara and Paisley want to join too, said Keiko. Well she is on a picnic with Phonixa, Repellia, Tabitha and Zan, said Alieta. Oh, I guess we will have to wait until they get back, said Keiko. Well it is almost lunch time now so relax for a bit and the girls will all be here soon, said Alieta. Okay can we sit on your steps. Sure but they are the palace steps not mine, anyone can sit on them, said Alieta. Okay, said Keiko then they went and sat down.

Guen walked over to Alieta. Every time I see Ginger I hear more interesting things she can do, said Alieta. Dances, sings, talks to trees, dives and swims and can fly with wet wings. Ivy would call her a super pixie. Guen giggled. Yep I would say the same. Well she is Fae Land's super pixie now, said Guen. Okay here comes my girls with Ivy and Sara, must be lunch time. Has Ivy met Ginger yet? asked Guen. No I don't think so, said Alieta. Okay lets watch and see what Ivy does when she sees her. Everyone landed on the palace grounds and Tulip looked around and saw four were missing but the other Ginger was on the steps. Ivy there is the other Ginger that Clary told us about. Go see her while we get lunch ready, said Tulip. Okay said Ivy then walked over to the palace steps. The three of them stood up to get ready for lunch. Oh hi Ivy, have you met our new friend Ginger yet. No I haven't, said Ivy. Clary told me about her though. She sounds very talented. Yep and she is going to be giving dance lessons too, said Keiko. Oh really, can anyone join? asked Ivy. Well yes Ivy, you want to join too? asked Ginger. Yep dancing is fun and dancing better sounds like more fun, said Ivy. So do I need anything special to go to your classes? Well tights are best for dancing or anything that gives you free movement, said Ginger. Okay I will buy something after lunch. When do we start? asked Ivy. Well we have to wait until Ginger gets back from the picnic, said Keiko. Oh I know where they are at. I will ask Ginger on the way to the store, said Ivy. So who all is going to be there? Keiko named everyone that was attending then Ivy walked away. Now I dont care what any of you say but that is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and so nice for a forest sprite, said Ginger. Usually they have very little to say and stay in the woods. Ya Ivy is really nice and your right, very pretty too, said Amelie. So Ivy, I see you met Ginger. What did you see in her, asked Alieta. Oh I didn't read her, no reason to, said Ivy. Clary told me about her and you seem to like her so why bother, said Ivy. She is going to teach me to dance better though. I am going to tell Ginger who all wants to join the class and find out when it starts. I know Ginger will say "We start tomorrow morning at nine in the morning". Don't need to read her either to know that, said Ivy then walked over to Sara. So it seems that Ivy has you all pegged. Dosn't even have to read you to know what you are going to say or do, said Guen. Well Ivy trusts all of us and figures if someone new is okay to us then they are okay to her too. But what if that someone was really bad and hiding it, asked Guen. Oh Ivy also said that if there was anything bad inside it would stick out like a bad thorn to her. Oh I see, said Guen.

After lunch Ivy took off to talk to Ginger. She knew that they would be in her favorite shady spot where she took them before. When she got there they were all talking and laughing. Hi Ivy, did you come to join us. Sorry not much food left, said Ginger. Oh I ate already at the palace, said Ivy. Actually I came to talk to you first. Oh what about? asked Ginger. Well Ginger back at the palace said that you, Phonixa and Repellia were going to take dancing lessons with her. Well yes we are and she said she would teach us. She is really good, said Ginger. Well Keiko said that Ktara and Paisley want to join also plus me too, said Ivy. Oh okay, said Ginger. The more the better and more fun too. Yep so we all want to know when we can start and where is it going to take place, said Ivy. Ya the sooner the better, said Phonixa. With Tabitha gone we will need something to do. Oh, okay then how about tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning in the grand hall. All your birthday gifts are out of there now so there is lots of room for us all, said Ginger. Ivy smiled. I knew you would say that. Now Ginger said we should wear tights or something good for easy movement. I need to go to the store and buy something like that, said Ivy. Oh there is a nice green two peice outfit in the wardrobe room in the palace with yellow trim. It would look hot on you, said Repellia. There are some sexy tights for us too in different colours. Lots of clothes in that room. We organized it. Oh okay that sounds good to. So what are you all talking about? asked Ivy. Oh just good things and funny stuff that has happened this summer, said Ginger. Like the time Tara scared Phonixa with that dead wyvern while looking closer at it then she kicked it and made the head move but then saw it still was a bit alive. Ya that does sound funny, said Ivy. How about you Ivy, what happy stuff and funny things do you remember? asked Tabitha. Well my birthday party was the most fun thing for me but in the morning before the party when we were still at home waiting and I was pacing all over the place, Sara told me to stop or she would sit on me. Viridian thought that was very funny. They all giggiled, yep that would of been funny to see, said Tabitha. So did she have to sit on you. Nope, Sara is bigger than me and heavy too. I sat down right away, said Ivy. Good thinking, said Tabitha.

Another funny thing was when Zan first got to the palace and had a bath. She came out with just a bath towel on when two evles came in with some clean clothes for her, Zan walked over and reached for the clothes but the towel fell off and she was naked. The two elves dropped the clothes and covered their eyes. Zan just smiled and got dressed. Everyone smiled and looked at Zan. What? we were all girls and I have nothing to hide, said Zan. Ya we see that, said Ginger. What about you Ginger. You must of seen lots of funny things at the palace, said Ivy. Oh yes, lots of things always happens there, said Ginger. Like when the fairy nymphs were playing with the fairies and when Tempressa came by to see what was new after not being around for a while. After she heard everything she had to sit on the steps some to absorbe everything she said. But inside the palace lots of funny things happen all the time that no one hears about. Elves are very funny people and quite playful. Even when they are working they make a game out of it. They play tricks on each other and even me sometimes. Working with elves is always fun with unexpected things happening all the time. What about you Tabitha. You hang out with these two all the time. You must have some stories to tell, said Ginger. Well ya it is always fun hanging out with the twins, said Tabitha. When we go to town they always like to tease the boys all dressed up nice and sexy looking. Everyone knows we live in the palace and the boys are careful around them. They are very careful what they said to them that is funny by it's self but know they have boyfriends so they don't do that anymore. The best time we have together is when we play in the wardrobe room. We try on different clothes, even elven and sprite stuff. Sexy lingerie and weird old clothing that looks funny when we try them on. I am glad we were not living in those times because sometimes the only skin you could see were the face and hands. Lots of funny hats to. Sandals made of wood too that were very uncomfortable and made a loud sound when you walked around. We have acted out what people did back then in different types of clothing. These two can be very funny you know. Best freinds I have ever had, said Tabitha. Well we always will be your friend so just keep coming back or we will come and get you, said Phonixa with a smile. Well we are all glad that you have been enjoying youself here, said Ginger. So when you come back make sure you tell us about stuff at home and school, and we will catch you up with new stuff here. So I suppose we should start packing up and get back to the palace and see what is going on there. Okay they all said. Well I am heading back to the palace too and let Ginger know when dance class starts, said Ivy. See you all there then Ivy flew off.

When Ivy got back she told Ginger when and where classes were going to start and be held. Oh good, said Ginger. The grand hall sounds big. Oh it is big alright, do you want to see it? asked Ivy. Sure if it is alright with Alieta, said Ginger. Oh she doesn't mind it is best you see the room first, said Ivy. Can we come too? asked Keiko. Yep follow me, said Ivy and they all walked into the palace. Ivy opened the doors to the grand hall. There see told you it was big, said Ivy. Wow it is perfect, said Ginger. Lots of room for everyone. Well the room is empty right now so is there anything that you need in here like tables or chairs? asked Ivy. Well yes but most important I need some barres in here at least three, said Ginger. Like steal bars? asked Keiko. No workout and stretching barres, said Ginger. Before we start lessons we all need to stretch and loosen up. Well I don't know if we have anything like that, said Ivy. Well let me read you Ginger and think of what a dance studio would look like to you, said Keiko. Then I will make them for you. You can do that? asked Ginger. You bet, magic wand remember! Okay then, said Ginger. Keiko got close to her and read what she was thinking about. Okay got it, said Keiko. This will be simple. She made her wand appear then flew along the back wall and made three barres then flew along the side wall and made some chairs, a bench and a mirror. There you go. Is that what you wanted? asked Keiko. Yes perfect, said Ginger. Only thing we are going to need now is music when we start to dance. Oh the two of us can make music. Any kind you like, said Amelie. Then we are all set for tomorrow then. So now what do we do until then? asked Ginger. Well back to the Pixie forest. We got a home to build, said Keiko. So you really meant that about making a house in the trees? asked Ginger. Yep and it is called a tree house, it will take a bit to build and get it perfect so lets go and get started, said Keiko. They all left the grand hall and the palace. Okay see you tomorrow Ivy and off the three of them flew. So Ivy where are they off too, asked Alieta. Oh they are going to build a tree house, said Ivy. Really, in the Pixie Forest? asked Alieta. Yep, that is what Keiko said, she said it will take a while to make, said Ivy. Well Pippa did expect them to make some type of tree palace as she put it, said Alieta. So what did they do in there? asked Alieta. Well not a lot but is sure looks like a dance studio now like in the pictures I saw in the magazines when shopping, said Ivy. Go have a look, said Ivy then walked over to where Sara was. Guen, Clary, want to have a look? asked Alieta. I do, said Clary. Haven't seen much of the palace yet. Okay lets go look, said Guen.

They walked in and Alieta opened the grand hall doors. Well this definately looks like dance studio now, said Alieta. Yep and real big too, said Clary. Maybe I can add something for them. They are going to need music too. I saw one of these things in an old country bar. Clary walked over to the far wall then made her wand appear and made a very interesting looking device appeared against the wall. What is that? asked Alieta. It is a music box, I think they called it a juke box, said Clary. Now I have to set it up for them. Her wand started to glow then then the music bow becan to glow then went back to normal. Okay now see these buttons, there are two rows Letters A to J and numbers one to ten, said Clary. That gives them one hundred different songs to pick from, some with singing, rock and country mucic. That is a good variety of music. Now normally you have to turn this crank on the side to wind this thing up but let me get rid of that and make this run on magic. She went to the side of the box and used her wand again. The crank disappeared then the whole thing started to glow again. Soon it stopped glowing. Okay done, said Clary. Do you want to try it? Clary asked Alieta. You bet so what do I do? asked Alieta. Well on the back through the glass is all the names of the songs with a letter and number beside each song. Just hit the start button then pick a song and enter it with those buttons. Okay sounds easy enough, said Alieta. Oh I like this song so I hit 4 then C. The song Alieta selected started to play. Wow that is amazing, said Alieta. Now this bar adjusts the loudness so it can get very loud or nice and quiet, said Clary. If you want to stop the song just push the start button again. Thankyou Clary that was very nice of you, said Alieta. Well you have some wonderful people here so my present to the dance class. So Mom do you think I did okay? Guen smiled. You were always full of surprises dear. Looks like there are many more good surprises to come. Yes it is very good, said Guen.



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