The Heavenly Voice Chapter 4


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The Tree House

Keiko, Amelie and Ginger got to their place in the forest that was near the south east corner. So how much room do we have to work with? asked Keiko to Ginger. Well lots I think. Not many pixies live around me. Well that might change seeing Pippa said she fixed things in here for you, said Keiko. So best we get started and get this built before it gets too crowded. Okay we need a big enough space between all these trees to get things started. So you are not making it on a tree? asked Ginger. Nope, it will be too heavy and the trees are not big enough to support a nice big house for three people, said Keiko. So lets walk around and find a good open spot. They looked around and for the most part there was not a big enough spot open. Well I suppose here will work, said Keiko. We just have to use some of these trees as supports and stuff. Most of the house is made of wood so nothing will get waisted. Okay ready Amelie? asked Keiko. Yep lets get it done, said Amelie. They both made their wands appear and got to work. First the ten supports were made then the first floor. Then they made the walls out of logs with places left open for windows and a door. Then they started on the second floor that would be the bedroom with big spaces on the walls for big windows. Then they built the roof. Okay that looks good so far, said Amelie. So you make the doors and the windows and I will build the deck and start the tower. Okay, said Keiko and away they went again. So far they had been working on it for three hours. Okay I am done, said Keiko. Okay good just come and help me with the look out tower. Just need a roof put on it, said Amelie. No windows are needed up here. They finished the roof and then looked around. Yep all done, said Keiko. Looks good to me. Ya me too, said Amelie. Now we have to see if Ginger likes it. So where is she. Keiko smiled. Down there on the ground sleeping. She fell asleep before we finished the first floor. "Ginger", Keiko yelled down to her. "Wake up we are all done with the house". What umm all done the house? said Ginger that was still half asleep. Keiko and Amelie flew down to her. Look see, do you like it so far? they asked. My it is huge. That is for just three people? asked Ginger. Well yes seeing the up stairs is the bedroom and the first floor is big enough for a kitchen and livingroom plus some freinds if they want to visit, said Keiko. Okay so a kitchen too, said Ginger. Yep but we haven't made that yet. Still got some things to do, said Keiko. Come and have a look. Okay and they all flew up to the first floor. Wow it is really big in here, said Ginger. Well here let me make you a place to sit and we will finish of this floor, said Keiko. She made a nice long couch with a soft seat and back. Okay sit and watch, said Keiko.

They got back to work and started making the kitchen counter with lots of drawers plus cabinets above and below. Then a stove was made and a big two door ice box with a built in water depenser. A sink with hot and cold taps at the base of the facet also were made. A small divider was put beside the stove to heep the heat away from the living room. Then Amelie finished off the counter with a nice marble top. Okay now lets finish the living room off, said Amelie. They added another chair and a carpet then small table in front of the couch. A couple of end tables on either side of the couch then that finished off the living room. Oh almost forgot, said Amelie. She made a picnic table in the kitchen. There, now this floor is done, said Keiko. You two are amazing. We are going to live like queens, said Ginger. Yep, only the best for us, said Keiko. I have never used a stove before, said Ginger. Ya us either but maybe Ktara will show us how it works. She is supposed to be the best cook around, said Keiko. Now we have to go up to the bedroom, said Amelie. Okay so up that ladder over there, said Ginger. Yep, that is part of the fun with a tree house, going up and down ladders. I wouldn't want to climb that lader outside, said Ginger. Well we don't have to use it but elves and humans will have to plus people it will stop guest to the forest from coming up to the front door, said Keiko. They all went up to the empty bedroom.

Okay first three beds and a dresser, we only need one dresser right now for you Ginger if you like to wear night clothes, said Keiko. Maybe, I never tried wearing anything different but I have seen what girls wear to go to bed and I like them, said Ginger. Plus I am going to need tights for dance class. Okay then two dressers then, the other on will be for Amelie and me, said Keiko. A couple of comfortable chairs and bed side tables. A nice mirror right here and that should be good enough for now, said Keiko. What about a carpet, said Amelie. Oh ya, need a nice carpet too, said Keiko. If you think of anything else then we can do that later. Well I think I will need a desk and chair over there to write down the songs and types of dance steps I will be teaching, said Ginger. Okay I can do that, said Amelie, with some paper and pencils I suppose. Yes Please, you two are the best! said Ginger. Amelie made the desk, stool and sullpies for Ginger. There so now we are all set, said Keiko. They heard someone knocking on the door down stairs. Oh our first visitor, lets go see who it is, said Amelie.

They all went down the ladder and headed into the kitchen. Okay you answer the door, said Keiko to Ginger. She opened the door and Roseberry was there. Hello please come in, said Ginger. Um okay, said Roseberry. Wow this wasn't here this morning. You built all of this in just one day? Well about four hours, said Amelie. Do you like it? Yes it is amazing, this is what fairy magic can do? asked Roseberry. Yep and lots more, said Keiko. Chairs, couch and a kitchen too plus a bedroom above us and even more. This is like a real home, said Roseberry. It is a real home, it is our home, said Ginger. Yes I see that, said Roseberry. So it must be close to dinner time so would you like to sit and eat with us, asked Amelie. Sure, I heard that fairy food was real good, said Roseberry. Okay then lets sit and I will make us all something, said Keiko. Another knock came at the door. I will get it this time, said Keiko. She opened the door and there was Pippa. Hi Pippa, come on in to our new home. Okay, thankyou, said Pippa. Well I saw the tower when flying here so I figured you two had made a home for yourselves, a very big and amazing home I should say. Yep, we promissed Ginger we woild make a tree house for her so we did, so we were just about to make some supper, would you like to eat with us? asked Keiko. Oh yes, I love fairy food, said Pippa. They all sat and Keiko made a meal for everyone. They ate and talked then after Amelie made all the dirty dishes vanish. That was very good, thankyou, said Pippa. Yes I haven't eaten like that for a long time, said Raseberry. So I am guessing you made beds and everything upstairs too, said Pippa. Well not stairs but up the ladder, said Keiko. Stairs take up too much space but ladders are more fun. All the beds are colour we like best for each of us, said Keiko. Amelie even made a desk for Ginger to to do her dance lessons on! Pippa smiled then said, "You fairies never stop amazing me, you three will fit in perfect here"! So Ginger are you enjoying being here? I have never seen things happen like this before in my entire life, it is wonerful here so yes very much! said Ginger. Yep nowhere better to live anywhere and I have been everywhere, said Pippa.

Amelie asked Pippa if she would like to see the rest of the tree house. Pippa was very interested in seeing what the palce looked like on the other floor so they went up the ladder. This is the only way up to your bedroom? asked Pippa. No we can fly to the balcony and go in the sliding doors but this is fun using the ladder, said Amelie. They climbed up and Amelie showed Pippa what the bedroom looked like so far. Very nice and home like, something like what it looked like in the palace when I got hurt, said Pippa. You got hurt at the palace? asked Amelie. No I almost died saving Zatsukys life at her place but the palace is where I had to stay for a while until I could fly again, said Pippa. So does that door on the roof take us too that tower I saw when I first flew here? Yep, all you do is pull this rope and the door opens and a ladder falls down, said Amelie. Do you want to check it out? Yes please, It seemed to be very high up there, said Pippa. Amelia pulled the rope and the hatch opened and the ladder came down and they both went up. Wow, you can see for miles up here in all directions except to the south where the palace is. The trees are too tall on the south side of the forest, said Pippa. Alexa would like it up here that is for sure. A long time ago she used to be a look out guard on a high cliff. She did that for years before the team was formed. So what are your plans for tomorrow, asked Pippa. Well Ginger is teaching a bunch of girls how to dance at the palace so Keiko and I will probably be going there in the morning, said Amelia. Then we have to find a way of making some money to buy stuff so that we can get some food in the ice box seeing we have a kitchen now but we don't know how to make it work. The candy at the candy factory is free for faries but I doubt other stuff is in town. Kieko and I only know a few types of meals to make. Well lets get back down before it gets dark. And talk together for a bit, said Pippa. They went back down and sat with everyone.

So Ginger, I hear you are giving dance lessons now, said Pippa. Yes, tomorrow moring will be my first class. So who are you teaching? asked Pippa. Ginger, Phonixa, Repellia, Ivy, Ktara and Paisley, said Ginger. Oh good, they all have money to pay for the lessons then. Well I wasn't thinking about charging them, said Ginger. Well you won't have to charge them, they will just give you money for the lessons. That is the way they all are, said Pippa. Now food costs money and shopping is fun but with out money it is not so much fun. You three need to get this nice new kitchen working, said Pippa. Now I will get a box of candy from Jessica in the morning. Just get one of these two to make a small table with a bowl on it. That way they will just have a candy and leave some money there in the bowl. It will be like a donation instead of a fee. Okay that sounds okay then, said Ginger. I always wanted to learn how to cook. Well I am sure Ktara will help you and probably Tempressa too, said Pippa. I heard she has become a pretty good cook too. Now Roseberry, you tell the other pixies that greet people here, that no guest are allowed near this place. It is private property okay. Yep got it, said Roseberry. Now lets go so these three can get some sleep, sounds like they have a busy day ahead of them, said Pippa. Thanks for supper and good luck with the lessons Ginger. I know you are going to be great. Okay thanks for coming, said Ginger then they left. Okay so that was our first dinner in our new home so lets have our first sleep now, said Keiko. They all climbed the ladder and went to the new bedroom and got ready for bed and a good nights sleep. They all just laid on their bed and Keiko asked Ginger if she liked the bed she made for her. There was no answer so Keiko figured it was good. Yep she must loke it, said Amelie. Too bad she didn't sing first though, that puts me to sleep. You can sleep anywhere but yes I do love her singing too, said Keiko. Amelie?.. Okay she is out for the night too, thought Keiko.



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