The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Heavenly Voice Chapter 1


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  When Keiko and Amelie got back to the Fantasy Pixie Forest they went to the spot where Ginger told then to sleep. Well her bed looks real nice so lets copy how she made her's, said Amelie. Okay, but lets do it fast, I am getting very sleepy, said Keiko. They went and gathered a bunch of big leaves each and got to work on making a fairly soft bed and pillow to sleep on. Once they were finished they both layed down and quickly fell asleep. The rest of the day went fairly normal back at the palace. Ginger went with Phonixa and Repellia and got a few things ready for the picnic they were going to have for Tabitha the next day. They figured just before lunch would be best. That way Zan would be up too and everyone would be hungry. By the end of the day the palace grounds got nice and quite again. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps and talked a bit before turning in for the night. So Ginger, are you still wondering about that other Ginger, Keiko was talking about to me? asked Alieta. Just a little bit, said Ginger. It would be nice to just meet her anyways. Yes me too, said Alieta. I just find it funny that Pippa hasn't mentioned her to me or you seeing she is suppose to be special and very cute and has the same name as you. You would think she would at least say something about her. Well maybe she is not special, said Ginger. Like I said earlier, all pixies are cute. Soon it got dark and the two of them headed in and got ready for bed. Back at the Fantasy Pixie Forest both Keiko and Amelie woke up and heard a lovely voice, singing a very nice soft song. It didn't sound too far away either. Someone knows how to sing here, said Keiko. Yes and a very pretty song too. Makes me feel sleepy again, said Amelie. Ya me too, and they both fell back to sleep...

Her Heavenly Voice

  In the morning, as soon as the sun started to break through the branches. Keiko and Amelie woke up and saw Ginger was still sleeping. They tried to leave quietly but Amelie leaned on a branch and it broke with a loud snap. Oops sorry, said Amelie. Ginger woke up and said, "Oh hi you two, hope you slept well". Yes did we ever and now we feel great and ready for another day of adventure, said Keiko. Ginger smiled. Well have some breakfast first, there is some sugar cane very close to me that always hits the spot and will give you the energy for the day, said Ginger. Just follow me. Okay I think, said Keiko and they both followed Ginger down to the forest floor. Here we are, said Ginger. Lots of canes here. They grow fast with all the pixie dust in the forest, said Ginger. Well I suppose we could have that but have you ever had some food made from a fairy before? asked Keiko. Well no, you two are the first fairies I have ever met. You can make food? asked Ginger. Yep that is one of the things we are good at making with our wands, said Amelie. Keiko is a better cook than me though. So what kind of food can you make? asked Ginger. Lots of stuff sort of but I am only real good at some things for breakfast and some for dinner, said Keiko. What do you like? Well all I have ever eaten is sugar cane and nectar, said Ginger. Really, that sounds boring, said Amelie. How would you like to try some pancakes with maple surup. Now that is a good breakfast. Well okay I suppose, I have had maple surup before but not very often. I liked it too, said Ginger. Keiko make us a nice breakfast please, said Amelie. Keiko made her wand appear and made the three of them a pancake breakfast. My this smells good, said Ginger. Taste good too, said Amelie. Try it. Ginger took the fork in her hand but had a bit of trouble figuring out how to use it. Here let me show you, said Amelie. She cut a bit of pancake with surup on them and said open up Ginger, then put the fork in her mouth. Wow, this tastes amazing, said Ginger. Wait until everyone else tries these. Um maybe we should keep it a secret for now, said Keiko. It would take a long time for me to make over one thousand pancake dishes for all the pixies. By the time I was finished it would be lunch time. Ginger smiled. Yes I can see that. Lets keep it our little secret for now, said Ginger. Yep good idea, said Keiko.

  After they were done, Keiko cleaned up. Oh did you hear that lovely singing last night? asked Keiko. You were not in bed yet so did you go watch who ever it was? Well no, I didn't watch, said Ginger, It was me singing. I always sing a song before I go to bed. It makes me feel good inside. That was you singing? That was the prettiest voice I have ever heard, said Keiko. Very heavenly and put me right back to sleep. That must of been what I saw in you when we first met. I knew it was special but didn't know what it was. Does everyone come and listen to you sing before going to bed? Nope, everyone kind of stays away from me mostly, said Ginger. They say I am different from them and stuff. My colour is not like their's plus my wings are not as pretty either, I dress different too. Your kidding right, said Amelie. You are the prettiest pixie we have ever seen. You are just as cute and pretty as Ginger at the palace. Ginger at the palace? Sorry but I am new here so don't know many people or places yet, said Ginger. Well Ginger is an elf and super cute and sexy. She is Alieta's best friend, said Keiko. Okay so who is Alieta? asked Ginger. Okay never mind, you Ginger are coming with us to meet Ginger and Alieta. They will be at the sun dial very soon. Are you allowed to leave the forest though? asked Keiko or does Pippa prefere the pixies here stay here. Oh I haven't met Pippa yet but I heard she is a wonderful queen, said Ginger. You are very new then, said Keiko. Well you are going to meet another wonderful queen so lets get out of here. What about your adventure though? asked Ginger. This is better than any adventure and will be more fun too, come on and lets go, said Keiko. Okay I suppose it will be okay, said Ginger then the three of them flew out of the forest and headed to the palace.

  I have never seen this much of Fae Land before, said Ginger. It is very pretty everywhere. Yep, the most beautiful place anywhere we think, said Amelie. Now down there is the candy factory, we will take you there later but first you got to see everyone at the palace first. They will love you. Okay I guess are they all nice? asked Ginger. Yep, super nice, you will see, said Keiko. They got close to the palace and Alieta and Ginger was just coming out and heading to the sundial. There they are, said Keiko. Lets get down there. They landed beside the sun dial and Alieta waved at them. Hello you two and who is this pretty girl with you? asked Alieta. Well Ginger, I want you to meet Ginger, said Keiko. Really, the pixie that you told us about yesterday? asked Ginger. Yep, this is her, just like you super cute and special, said Keiko. Well she is very cute and has the same lovely colours as Clary, said Alieta. She looks more like a fairy though. Nope she is a pixie and very new here also. Hasn't even met Pippa yet, said Keiko. Well that explains why Pippa hasn't mentioned her but you said special also, said Alieta. Well yes she is. When I read her yesterday I saw something very special but didn't know what it was, said Keiko. But first, Ginger this is Alieta, queen of all Fae Land. Isn't she a beauty. Ginger smiled. Well yes she is very pretty, but you shouldn't talk like that to a queen you know. There is proper ways to speak while in the presents of a queen, said Ginger. Umm, ya your right, said Keiko. Alieta smiled and saw this very pretty pixie was very well mannered and didn't act nutty like all other pixies and even fairies. So Keiko, tell us what you saw so special in Ginger. Not tell, you just listen to her, said Keiko. Listen? asked both Ginger and Alieta. Yep, said Keiko. Ginger sing that song from last night please. Well okay, said Ginger. I have never sang for a queen before so I hope she likes it. Ginger cleared her throat then began to sing for them.

  She started to sing softly like last night and soon got louder and a bit loader still. Both Ginger and Alieta listened and couldn't believe how such a petite girl could sing so beautifully and loud at times. A couple of elves heard the singing and came over to listen. She kept on singing then the three girls came out to see who was singing so beautifully. Then Zan came out rubbing her eyes and looked at Ginger singing then smiled. Pixie Ginger was swaying to the beat of the song then her voice went soft again as she finished singing the last part of the song. Was that okay, asked Pixie Ginger, I know other songs that I think are better. Everyone started to clap and came very close to the where Ginger was standing. Well dear, they all loved it and I must say, you have a voice that is, well like the voice of an angel would be the best way I can put it, said Alieta. How about you Ginger? She looked at Ginger and she had tears running down her cheeks. Yep Ginger loved it too, said Alieta. Where did you learn to sing like that dear? asked Alieta. Well I have always been able to sing but I used to fly to different places like churches and outdoor performances and stuff seeing no one liked to be around me, so I just went out on my own and learned more types of songs to sing, said Ginger. What do you mean no one wanted to be around you? asked Alieta. Well they all said I was different than them and didn't have nice colourful wings plus talked funny and slow. They didn't like the way I dressed, but I don't care what they think. I like my wings and what I wear and I like what you two are wearing also. Very, well you know. Yep very sexy right, said Alieta. Pixie Ginger giggled. Well yes sexy and pretty too. Zan walked up to Pixie Ginger and looked her over. My this girl is hotter than me, said Zan. Everyone started to laugh. I just had to get up and find out where that wonderful voice was coming from. Can you sing one more song before I go back to sleep please? asked Zan. Well okay, what would you like to hear? asked Ginger. Anything dear, your voice is magical, said Zan. Okay then here is a nice song I learned at a festival. Now everyone clap your hands like this then I will sing and dance a bit too if that is okay. Oh please do but lets all sit down first, said Alieta. Everyone sat then Ginger showed them how to clap out the beat she wanted. She then put her arms in the air, looked up and started to sing a very cool song that had a faster beat to it plus she was dancing like someone you would see in a dance studio. When she was done she bowed and everyone clapped again.

Absloutely amazing Ginger, you are a one girl show, said Alieta. Well you all helped by clapping. That helps me keep the beat better with faster songs, said Ginger. Well a singer and a dancer. That is two amazing things you can do, said Alieta. Now would you like to meet Pippa? I think you should for two reasons. Oh really, what are they? asked Pixie Ginger. Well first she has to see you and hear about what you can do and secondly she will strighten out all those pixies in your forest. Just because you are different is no reason you have to not have many freinds there, said Alieta. Pixie Ginger smiled and said okay. "Pippa, once again I have someone you just have to meet". As usual Pippa waisted no time appearing. This is becoming a daily thing with you Alieta, said Pippa. Well who is it this time? asked Pippa. Ginger, said Alieta. I already know Ginger, said Pippa. Not that Ginger, this Ginger and Alieta pointed at her. Oh my, another Ginger, and so pretty but she is a fairy and they are all really pretty and cute, said Pippa. No she is a pixie and she now lives in the Pixie Forest. Really, since when? I know everyone in there, said Pippa. Pixie Ginger curtsied and said, it is an honor to finally meet you queen Pippa. I have heard so many wonderful things about you, She said. Oh I like her, said Pippa. Well my pleasure to meet you also Ginger. Pippa looked at Alieta. Man she is hot looking. Now Pippa she is being proper to you so do the same please, said Alieta. Yes of coarse. So Ginger when did you arrive to Fae Land. Oh just two days ago, said Pixie Ginger. Really. I have been there several times and no one mentioned you and you would be hard to miss. Well no one bothers with me so I stay near my tree most of the time, said Pixie Ginger. I have two freinds now though, Amelie and Keiko. Really, I was told about them moving in but nothing about you, said Pippa. Is there something wrong with you that I can't see? asked Pippa. I don't think so, said Ginger. Must be something else going on here you are very easy on the eyes, said Pippa. Yes she is and she sings and dances like an angel, said Alieta. Pippa looked around and saw everyone still sitting on the ground. So is that why they are all here, listening to her sing? asked Pippa. Oh and dance too, said Alieta. You sit with me Pippa, said Zan. I am not up this early for nothing you know. Let her sing for you. Um okay, said Pippa and sat down beside Zan. Wow two queen performances, lets see, oh I know, said Pixie Ginger. Ginger put her hands to her chest and all fingers together as she looked down. Then started to sing. She slowly raised her head and was looking at Pippa that now had a stunned look on her face. The song was very majestic in nature and told a story of a very kind and brave queen. She danced slowly to it but kept her eyes on Pippa for the most part. When done everyone clapped once again and Pippa just fell back on the ground and said that was so beautiful.

Hey you, don't lay down, you are making me tired, said Zan. Ginger started to giggle. Pippa jumped up and went up to Ginger. You girl are amazing and as for those other pixies they are just jellous. Pixies can get that way somethimes. Now you stay here and I am going to fix things for you, said Pippa. Have something to eat or something. There are two fairies here. Oh they already made me breakfast, said Pixie Ginger. Ya, what did they make? asked Pippa. Pancakes, said Ginger. Yum, now I am hungry, just stay here okay, I won't be long then Pippa flew off. My she is such a nice queen, said Pixie Ginger. Alieta looked and saw Guen coming with Clary. Well this will be interesting she thought. Okay everyone the show is over for now and Zan yes go back to bed if you like, said Alieta. I just want Ginger and Ginger here with me, when those two arrive. Hmm, two Gingers is going to take some getting used to Alieta thought to herself. Everyone got up and moved away. When Guen and Clary got there Clary was looking at Ginger. Hi Alieta, just thought we would come and visit for a bit while we wait for Ivy and Sara to get to the cove. Guen saw Clary staring at Ginger. Mine you manners Clary, why are you staring at that pretty pixie? asked Guen. Oh sorry, said Clary. It is just I don't get it, I best keep my mouth shut. Not really much to say though. What do you mean? asked Guen. Well if it is okay with Alieta I will tell you. Alieta remembered what Keiko said she saw so said sure what is it? Well she is special but that is all I get. A bit more about traveling alone and something about music I think but that is it, said Clary with a confused look on her face. Well didn't you even get her name? asked Guen. Well there is a conflict there. I keep getting Ginger but Ginger is over there, said Clary. Hello, you are very pretty and like me, mostly turquois. I love turquois. My name is Ginger. Okay so that explains it, two Gingers, said Clary. Well you were going in the correct direction when you mentioned music, said Alieta. Ginger can sing and dance like an angel. I have never heard anyone sound so beautiful as she sang for us all here this morning. Okay so that makes sense too, said Clary. I sensed she was very special but that was all I could see inside her. She has a natural talent and not a magical talent. That is something I can't read nor can anyone else unless I read deeper into her past. She sure sounded magical to me, said Ginger. So you said she sings and dances like an angel? asked Guen. Well that is the best way of putting it, said Alieta but I have never seen Cindy or Gabriel sing or dance but Ginger did sound heavenly. So maybe she would like to come in our forest, said Guen. Nope, Pippa told me to stay here and not go anywhere, said Pixie Ginger. She is my queen and I do what she says. Besides I have Keiko and Amelie here as friends and we stay together in the pixie forest.

Well very honorable of you dear and nice to see Amelie and Keiko have made freinds with you, said Guen. You know you kinda look like a fairy too but you don't talk like a fairy or a pixie. Very proper speech like you came from royalty or something. Anyways I just saw Ivy fly into the woods so we best be getting back. Nice to meet you Ginger and talk to you later Ginger and Alieta. My the strangest things happen in Fae Land, said Guen then the two of them flew to the forest. You know she is correct, said Ginger. You talk very good for a pixie. Well I did go to school and learned two other languages also, said Pixie Ginger. I became very good at public speaking and loved going to gym doing gymnastics. Ginger grabbed Pixie Ginger by the arm and pulled her to the side. Do you think you could teach me some of that fancy dancing? asked Ginger. I only know how to rock to party music. Sure I will, but we need a place to practice, said Pixie Ginger. Oh we have the grand hall, said Ginger, it would be perfect for doing dance classes. Bet you Phonixa and Repellia would love to learn also. You mean those very pretty girls over there, said Pixie Ginger. Yep, they love dancing also, said Ginger. Pippa came back and walked over to Alieta. Okay, all fixed there, said Pippa. You know they all heard the singing for the past two nights and not one of them thought to go see who was singing. Now I thought pixies were very smart but that sounds really dumb to me. I also made sure no one calls her different anymore, special is okay but now they are all wanting to meet her. Things will be better in there for her. Well Guen offered to let her stay in the fairy forest but she kept her word with you remained here and wants to stay with Keiko and Amelie in the pixie forest, said Alieta. Well with those two living with her, I bet they will have there own little tree palace there soon, said Pippa. So what are the two Gingers talking about over there. Oh I think I heard something about dance lessons, said Alieta. Hmm, might be nice, but don't think I would look good in tights though, said Pippa. Those two would but me, not so much. Pippa went over to the two Gingers. Okay all is good in the forest now, said Pippa. Now you and those two fairies, I will concider a team so have fun together and explore Fae Land. They are two very nice fairies, a bit nutty at times but very nice just the same. Okay, thankyou Pippa, said Pixie Ginger. Now you two separate a bit or something. Haven't gotten used to two Gingers yet you are confussing me, said Pippa. Ginger smiled. Amelie and Keiko came over to Ginger and asked if she was done with Pippa and Alieta. Yep I think so, said Ginger. Pippa said we are a team and should explore and have fun together. Good and we got some ideas for that spot in the woods, said Keiko. Oh really? said Ginger. So what would you think of living in a nice tree house with beds and chairs, some tables and stuff, said Keiko. You can do that too? asked Ginger. Oh you have seen nothing yet girl, wait and see, said Keiko. So lets do some exploring first but slowly this time, said Amelie. Okay and they flew off.



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