The Reunion Chapter 2


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The Amazing Reunion

  Pippa showed up fast again. So who is it this time Alieta? asked Pippa. Her, do you know her then Alieta pointed at Clary. Pippa looked then rubbed her eyes, then looked again. No way, Clary? I thought you were dead, said Pippa. Nope not dead. Almost got killed a few times but still alive, said Clary. Pippa ran up to her and gave her a hug and wouldn't let go. Where have you been, what have you been doing, I have so many questions, said Pippa. Alieta turned to Ginger and said "Well Pippa knows her but she seems to know everyone". Know everyone, Clary is not everyone she is Clary, Guen's very first daughter, said Pippa. She is part sprite you know, she is amazing! Then she let Clary go. I have to get Guen, no Chestnut, no all the fairies, no maybe not Tulip yet, said Pippa that was now jumping around. Relax Pippa, I will get Apollonia to get Guen for us, said Alieta. Oh ya Apollonia, I forgot about her. Apollonia, come fast, Pippa yelled. Apollonia showed up right away. Yes Pippa, what is it? You come for Pippa too? asked Alieta. Of coarse she is a queen too you know, said Apollonia. Who is that? asked Clary. That is a very good and powerful angel, said Pippa and she is going to get your mom here fast, said Pippa. You said mom. She is one of Guens daughters? asked Apollonia. Yep the very first one, said Pippa, Can you go get her and say we found Clary? asked Pippa very politely. Clary has been dead for over a hundred and twenty years. Looks very good for a dead person, sure I will be right back, said Apollonia then vanished. Guen is going to be so over joyed to see you alive, said Pippa. Okay everyone make room please. Keiko and Amelie over there, Ginger and Repellia over here and Alieta, well you go where ever you want. I will go over here with Ginger, said Alieta that was now smiling. Looks like Pippa has taken charge of the palace grounds, said Ginger. Yes she has and why not, said Alieta. This is a family affair. Nope a family reunion, said Pippa and a very important one. You will find out, said Pippa.

In a few minutes Apollonia appeared with Guen. Guen, Guen, look who is here?, said Pippa. Guen looked and saw Clary that now had started to cry. Mom I missed you so much, said Clary. Oh my God, is it really you? Yep it sure is, she is back, said Pippa. Guen ran up to her and hugged Clary and started kissing her back and forth on each cheek. Clary, my Clary, we thought you were dead killed by the dragons. Where have you been for all these years? asked Guen. Lost Mom went the wrong way. Ended up in the southern tropics. Really why? asked Guen. I don't know, I thought I was going the right way but couldn't find you or any of my sisters, said Clary. It was really scary being all alone. Guen turned to Alieta. I need all my girls here now even Misty and Lollipop please. Well Pippa is in charge now so tell her, said Alieta. Guen turned to Pippa. Okay on it, said Pippa then took off to the forest. Thank God you are alive, it took years for me to used to you being gone, said Guen. Aleita turned to Ginger. I think this is the sad story Mother Nature told us about. Are you crying agian? asked Alieta. Yep, I am so happy for them, said Ginger. Yes so am I, said Alieta.

  Let me look at you Clary, You look so beautiful just like I remembered you. A lovely turquois just like your father. Is he still alive? asked Clary. No he got killed by the dragons. At least he made it possible for all of us to get away, said Guen saidly. I finally did it though, said Guen. Even without your help. It took five princesses but we made Fairy Land. And then after a while we made a cove and everything, said Guen. You did! It must be beautiful. Oh it is, said Guen. And now there is another magic forest here in Fae Land. Much bigger than Fairy Land and very beautiful too, said Guen. Pippa came back with all the fairies. Okay Guen, here they all are. Girls, You won't believe it but Clary is alive and back. Come and see your sister, said Guen. They all ran up to Clary except for Misty, Lollypop and Tulip. We should wait here, said Misty to Lollipop. We can see her in a bit, she is a very magical fairy. Guen saw that Tulip was hanging back and walked over to her. You Tulip are going to meet your real oldest sister, said Guen. Not Chestnut, but Clary, said Guen. I don't understand, said Tulip. No one ever said anything about Clary. No dear, it was to painful to think of her death to us all but she is going love you so much and what you have achieved at such a young age. Wait until the others have reunited with her then I will bring you to her, she is very special. Alieta could hear Guen and was wondering what she was meaning about Clary being special and how they built Fary Land without Clary. She called Pippa over. Pippa what do you know about all this talk about Clary being special? asked Alieta. Well you would have never met Samson, Clary's father. He was a pure turquois sprite, skin and all, the rarest of all sprites. Turquoise is a very pretty colour, said Repellia. Yes that is the colour of my wings, said Alieta. Well Samson was unique in that he kept a lot of the powers from all the other sprites that merged with him and became the first male sprite. Very powerful Alieta, much stronger than you and could still send out energy pulses. Really,I never even heard of him, said Alieta. Well very few did and only the older fairies will remember him, said Pippa. Guen told me it was him that saved all of them. He was able to kill dragons and keep them away from them long enough for them to get small enough and escape the dragons fire. Eventually he was burned to death. That was a very sad day for the fairies especially for Guen. There are so many mysteries about you Pippa, said Alieta. There is always something new that happens that you know about. Well news travels fast among us pixies, you know that and me well I am a nosey one, you know that too, said Pippa with a smile. Yes you are but we all love you for your ways, said Alieta.

  Okay girls, it is time for Clary to meet the newest member of our family so step back please. There will lots of time for questions later, said Guen. Okay Tulip, lets go meet you big sister. Okay, said Tulip that now was getting a bit teary eyed. Guen grabbed Tulip's hand and brought her over to Clary. Clary this is Tulip, your youngest sister. A very special princess that you will see later, said Guen. Tulip, such a pretty name for such a beautiful princess, said Clary. You almost glow with love. Take my hand and feel my love sister. Okay, said Tulip she reached out and Clary held Tulips hand. The two hands began to glow and Tulip looked up at Clary with a big smile. I can see in you, said Tulip. Yes and I can see in you, said Clary. There are wonders in you that haven't been unleashed yet. You my sister are very special, like mom told me. I can feel that there is something very special in you too but I don't understand it. Who is the blue man? asked Tulip. That Tulip was my father, the most powerful sprite of all time. He died saving us all a long time ago. Clary let go of Tulip's hand. So what does everyone do around here for fun, asked Clary. See told you she was just a regular fairy like the rest of them, said Amelie. Ya then why can't I read her? asked Keiko. You can't? But you can read anyone even animals, said Amelie. I know, but not her, just like Ivy. There is something special about this fairy, said Keiko.

So Alieta, come and meet Clary Now that you know who she really is. She probaly has many tales to tell us. Can I come too? asked Ginger. Yes you can Ginger. So Clary, have you got some stories you would like to share with everyone? asked Guen. Oh I may have a few, said Clary, with a smile. Okay everyone to the steps, said Alieta. They all moved to the steps and Alieta got Clary to sit dead center. Everyone else sat on the grass even Alieta and Ginger. Okay is everyone comfortable? asked Clary. Yep all good, they all said. Okay first Tulip, you come and sit by me please and help me give everyone a treat first. Okay, said Tulip and ran up and sat down beside Clary. You too, Keiko and Ametie, come sit with everyone. Did you tell her your name? asked Keiko, Nope, said Amelie. Me either, said Keiko. Well she can read us. Okay Tulip touch my hand and see what I am seeing then lets do it together. Tulip touched Clary's hand then smiled. You got it? asked Clary. Yep, said Tulip. They both made their wands appear and everyone suddely saw their favorite ice cream sundae in front of them. Wow you got a bigger wand than me, said Tulip. Well I can do more with it, said Clary but it is all good. Every one started eating their sundae then Clary started telling everyone the story of how she ventured back to find her family again and the problems she ran into.



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