The Amazing Land Of Fae

The Reunion Chapter 1


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  After Alieta and Ginger got back in the palace. Keiko and Amelie played around with the sun dial a bit but it didn't take them long to get bored with it. So what do you want to do now while we wait for someone to show up here? asked Amelie. Lets go on top of the palace and wait for someone to show up. I think Alieta said Tara and Avan usually come out first, said Keiko. Okay sounds like a plan, said Amelie. The two of them flew up and sat down together. Hey we can see a lot from here, said Keiko. Yep and if you look down we can see the steps, said Amelie. They both laid on their stomach and looked down to see and wait for someone to come out. While looking down a light blue streak zoomed by. Hey did tou see that? asked Amelie. Yep and very fast too, said Keiko. Is that it way over there by the woods? asked Amelie. Maybe, let me zoom in on it, said Keiko. Keiko had a quick look. I think it is was a fairy but she moved to somewhere else before I could get a good look, said Keiko. Do want to go over there an investigate? asked Amelie. Nope, it is better up here. We can see more from on the roof and if it is just a fairy then no worries, said Keiko. Okay, good idea, said Amelie. Got to save our energy for our adventure today anyways. Okay lets lay back down and see who comes out of the palace first, said Amelie. The two of then continued to wait on the roof...

The Blue Streak

  About ten minutes went by and no one had come out of the palace yet. This is getting boring, said Amelie. Maybe we should go look for that fairy, said Keiko. Wait I hear someone opening the door. Look, it is Repellia. She is a pretty dresser isn't she, said Keiko. She is a pretty everything, said Amelie. Lets sneak up on her and scare her, said Keiko. Okay lets go quietly, said Amelie. They slowly flew down then came up behind Repellia and they both said Boo!. Oh hello you two, said Repellia. Hey how come we didn't scare you, asked Keiko. Repellia smiled and said when you have been here as long as I have then not much scares or suprises you anymore. Oh so you have seen some scary things here then? asked Amelie. Oh ya, and very wierd things too, said Repellia. Just then the blue streak zoomed by. Now that was new, said Repellia. Yep we saw her a bit earlier, said Keiko. Looked like a fairy but she was very far away and moved fast. It zoomed by again just missing Repellia. Okay two can play this game, she said. So how sure are you that it was just a fairy? asked Repellia. Um pretty sure, said Keiko. Too fast to get a read on her though. Okay good just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything bad, said Repellia. Lets play a trick on her. You two go and hide behind the sun dial and I will lean against the palace. When she comes by again from over there, I will send out a few pulses that should knock her off balance or at least slow her down a lot. Then you two jump out and grab her. Oh you are good, much better than us sneaking up on you, said Keiko. Okay get over there and I will tell you when she is coming, said Repellia. They all got into position and waited.

  Repellia kept watching then saw it coming again fast. Okay here she comes get ready, said Repellia. It was coming fast so she kept on sending out pulses then suddeny she could see her and was flipping head over heels in the air, Keiko and Amelie flew out fast and grabbed her before she hit the ground. Got ya, said Amelia. The fairy screamed then yelled let me go, real loud. In a few moments Ginger came running out to see what was going on. Take it easy girl we are not going to hurt you, said Keiko. Repellia ran over and said, "You might be fast not fast enough to beat us". What's going on out here? asked Ginger. Um just having a bit of fun with this fairy, said Amelie. Ginger and Repellia looked at her as she was squiriming around a bit and kept lifting Amelie and Keiko off the ground. That is not one of our fairies, said Ginger. Why are you holding her? Well she was zooming back and forth in front of the palace and almost hit me so we decided to try and catch her before anyone got hurt, said Repellia. Let me go or I will, I will...You will do what? asked Amelie. I don't know but something that is for sure, said the fairy. Okay you two let her go if she promisses not to fly away until she answers a couple of questions, do you promiss? asked Ginger. Okay I promiss and a fairies promiss is solid, said the fairy. Keiko and Amelie let go of her and she stood very still and look scared. Okay, said Ginger, first what is your name? Clary, said the fairy. Good, nice to meet you Clary, my name is Ginger. Now why are you here is my second question. Well some nice yellow people in a golden forest told me where Fae Land was, said Clary. I have been travelling for months trying to find my home. They told me that they heard some fairies live here. Okay well yes this is Fae Land, said Ginger. Now last question then you can leave if you want. Why were you flying back and forth like these three said you were doing? I wasn't flying back and forth, just flying all over the place to make sure this was Fae Land and not some where bad, said Clary. I don't want to leave, I want to stay. Okay I think that will be fine but first I have to get Alieta first. She has the final say as to who can stay here, said Ginger. Who is Alieta? asked Clary. The queen, both Keiko and Amelie said at once. Oh a queen, hope she is a good queen, met some bad ones on the way here and some bad kings too plus lots of wierd things too, said Clary. Lots of bad stuff out there you know. I had to fly fast most of the time and hide in the trees at night. Is she nice? asked Clary. Kieko laughed, she talks like us and Sakura a bit, I think Alieta will like her, said Keiko. Yep pretty sure, said Ginger and yes she is a very good queen so wait here please. Ginger ran back into the palace to get Alieta. Wow very pretty colour of blue, said Repellia. I am turquois not blue, said Clary. Well very pretty regardless, said Repellia.

  In a couple minutes Ginger came back out with Alieta. Is that her? asked Clary. Yep that is Alieta, said Repellia. Nice turquois outfit and wings, very pretty sprite I think, said Clary. Alieta walked up to her and said hello. So Ginger here told me that your name is Clary and you traveled for a long time to get here, said Alieta. Yep, said Clary. Okay you seem nervous, you are safe here so relax, said Alieta. Well your the queen and you can make me leave but I don't want to leave because it took a long time to get here and it really looks nice in Fae Land plus Ginger said that you have the last say if I stay or go, said Clary. Alieta smiled then looked at Kieko. Yep a true fairy, said Kieko with a smile. Yes I see that, said Alieta. So how long is long that you have been traveling? asked Alieta. Well lets see, I left Garson in May, so what month is it now? asked Clary. Well it is near the end of August so you have been flying for five months? asked Alieta. Really, August already, said Clary. Well almost September, said Alieta. Where is Garson? Oh it is in the tropics but not the tropics up here. In the southern tropics, said Clary. Your kidding, that is thousands of miles away, said Alieta. Yep I know but things in that part of the world are really bad,said Clary. Had to come back. Come back, you used to be here? asked Alieta. Well not here but with Mom, queen Guen and my sisters, said Clary. I sort of went the wrong way when we were being attacked a very long time ago. I took off so fast I didn't realize how far away I was so I searched all over the place for like a hundered years I think then when a pixie told me I was in the south tropics that is when I started heading north. You are one of Guens daughters, she said she only had six daughters and they are all here, said Alieta. Really, no there was only six of us before I flew off the wrong way, said Clary. There is Pippie, Sunflower, Lilly, Chestnut, Roseberry and me. No there is Tulip also, said Alieta. Really, I have another sister? How old is she? asked Clary. Not sure but over one hundred years old I think, said Alieta. One hundered and ten years I think, said Keiko. I read her yesterday. She is still just a kid, I have to see her, where is she? asked Clary. Now Clary was very excited and wanted to find her. From what I understand you have been gone for over a hundred years according to you so just realx I will get Pippa to bring her here for you but first I need to know if you really are one of the sisters, said Alieta. Pippa is here! Just ask Pippa, she know me, said Clary. Yes she would if you are telling the truth, said Alieta. She called for Pippa and said there is someone you need to see.



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