The Reunion Chapter 3


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Ivy And Sara Meet Clary

  Ivy and Sara flew over to the forest while Tillie stayed at home with Viridian. When they got to the cove they noticed no one was there. Not even Tulip that was usually there to get the day started. Well maybe there are already working on something, said Ivy. Lets go check the overviewer and see what they might be doing. They flew over to it then Ivy activated it. Hmm, do you see anything different Sara? asked Ivy. Nope looks all the same as yesterday, said Sara. I wonder what they are doing then? asked Ivy. Maybe they are all still sleeping, said Sara. No way, not all of them, but they are always up before we are, said Ivy. Well maybe we should fly around in here and see if we can find them, said Sara. Ya good idea, said Ivy. Can't sense them though, that is very odd. They both went out and headed towards the temple first. Once they reached the temple there still was no sign of a fairy so they headed off to the waterfall that wasn't far away. Nope no one here either, said Ivy. Now we have to go back to the cove, said Ivy. Maybe Tulip is there now. They flew back to the cove but still no one was there. Maybe the pool, said Sara. Ya I guess so. No way they are all in the sauna, said Ivy. They flew over to the pool but still not a single fairy could be found. This is really wierd, said Ivy. It is not even close to lunch time yet so they can't all be at the palace. Lets go back to the overviewer and see if we can find them all outside, said Ivy. They headed back again and checked the overviewer. Ivy panned it out so she could see all of Fae Land. What is going on there, asked Ivy. Don't know looks like a big meeting in front of the palace, said Sara. A meeting, why would they be having a meeting and with out us two? asked Ivy. Beats me, maybe it is a private meeting, said Sara. No way and look, there is a very bright spot in front of everyone, said Ivy. What does that mean? asked Sara. Not sure but Alieta has never shown up that bright before. Something else is going on, said Ivy. We better get over there and see what is happening. But what if we are not invited? asked Sara. When was the last time you or me were not allowed on the palace grounds? asked Ivy. Umm never, said Sara. Right so lets go, said Ivy and they both flew up and out of the forest heading for the palace.

  Okay everyone, that is good enough for now, said Guen. Lets let Clary rest some. As you heard she has been flying a lot during her long journey. You girls all get back to the forest except for Tulip please. I need to talk to her for a bit. They all got up and headed to the forest. Hey look it is the fairies all heading this way, said Ivy. What is going on? The fairies pasted them saying hi as they flew by. Misty stopped and said hi. Tulip and Guen are at the palace with Clary. Go say hi to her. Then Misty flew away. Who the heck is Clary? asked Ivy. Maybe the bright spot, said Sara. Ivy smiled. Smarty pants, she said then they flew to the palace. They landed beside Ginger and Repellia. What was going on here, asked Ivy. Oh Clary came back, said Ginger. Isn't she a pretty turquoise and all. Ivy looked over and saw Clary. She is okay but can't see too deep inside her, said Ivy. Well go meet her, she is Guen's first born and is very special, said Ginger. Why is she special? asked Sara. She is half fairy and half sprite and more powerful than the other fairies, said Repellia. She has been lost for over a hundred years. Go and meet her I am sure she will be happy to meet you two, said Ginger. Ivy and Sara walked over.

As Ivy and Sara walked over Alieta saw them coming. Oh here comes Ivy with Sara. Ivy will read you but just a bit, said Alieta. She always does to make sure you are okay to be around her friends. Oh how nice of her but she won't be able to read me, said Clary. Hi everyone, what is going on? asked Ivy. Well Ivy we have someone new here today, said Alieta. Yes Misty said Clary was here when she flew by, said Ivy. Repellia said that she is Guen's first child, said Ivy. Clary and Ivy looked at each other but seemed to bee a bit confused. Hi Ivy, you are really good ai blocking, said Clary. Well it is kinda automatic but so are you, said Ivy, I can't see too deep in you at all. Same here I can't get very deep at all, said Clary. Well maybe you two should do it the old fashion way, said Alieta. What way is that asked Ivy. Talk to each other, said Alieta. Sara smiled, ya you two it is more fun to talk then look inside some one, that is just rude. Bith Ivy and Clary smile. Okay you four sit and talk then while I talk with Alieta and Ginger, said Guen. Then the two of them walked over to the palace steps. Tulip look at the three of them. Look Ivy is special and Clary is special and Sara is special too plus Mom says I am special so we are all special in our own way or ways, said Tulip. I want Clary to get to know both Ivy and Sara that are very good friends of mine plus very important to Fae Land. Well for such a young fairy you are very smart and Sara is right, it is impolite to read people, said Clary. Let sit and talk the old fashion way. They all sat down on the grass then Tulip started off the discusion.


Okay first off Clary is my oldest sister that everyone though was dead but she is not and she told us some amazing stories during her trip back home. Isn't she pretty, said Tulip. Well yes she is very pretty, said Ivy so why didn't you ever say anything about her to me? asked Ivy. Well I wasn't born yet and no one said anything to me, said Tulip. ANyways here she is now and can do some things that other fairies can't and is very strong too. Well not as strong as Sara that is for sure. Sorry Sara but I saw that in you when you were walking over here, very smart and very young too some how, said Clary. Sara whispered in Ivy's ear. What did she say? asked Clary. Well she said you left out pretty and sexy, said Ivy. Clary smiled. Yes very pretty and sexy you both are, said Clary. So you two take care of all the plants and trees here? Sometimes, mostly we control the magic in the cove and in Eden some, said Ivy. Sara is getting real good at it now too. What you two control the cove? How is that possible? asked Clary. Yep Ivy is the best, even better than me and Mom, said Tulip. She has a power inside her of some sort that is conected to the magic everywhere. Okay so that must be why I can't see much in her, said Clary. A little after I first got to Fae Land, Alieta told me that it was best for me to keep stuff to my self when reading someone new. It can offend them especially when there are other people around. Everyone has there own little secrets and they are not bad just personal stuff. Some things should be left private. That is why when I meet someone new I just read them and if all is okay I either turn and walk away or just tell Alieta that they are okay. Yep if they are okay to Ivy then they are okay to everyone, said Tulip. Oh I see, you Ivy are also very good and sly at speaking your mind. In other words you think people will like me more if I kept my mouth shut when I see they are okay. Yep that is better I think, said Ivy. If they live in Fae Land then they are okay and no need to read them at all. Yes I agree, said Clary. So can we be friends now. I think you could teach me more about being around other people here. It has been a long time since I had a friend. Yep having friends is very important, said Ivy. Can I be your friend too? asked Sara. Yes you may Sara. You seem like a very nice girl, said Clary. Now you are getting it, said Ivy.

Well I need to get some rest, said Clary. It has been three days since I slept last. Can I use the woods over there? Well it is kinda full of pixies and the fairies are working in the forest so might be a bit noisy, said Ivy. Go try one of Alieta's bedrooms it is quite in there and beds are better than trees.You mean inside the palace? asked Clary. Just go talk to Guen, she will tell you, said Ivy. Clary got up and walked over to Alieta, Ginger and Guen. Ivy said I should rest some in the palace, I have never slept indoors before. Yes and you will love it, said Guen. All your sisters slept on nice soft beds when they first got here waiting for the forest to grow. Okay if my sisters liked it then I will try it, said Clary. I will show her a nice room at the back where it is nice and quiet, said Ginger. Oh good, thankyou dear, said Guen. Okay just follow Ginger then. Ginger started in towards the palace. Clary whispered to Alieta, why does it seem like she is a daughter to you and your are a kind of mother to her or is that something that is none of my business? Oh not really. Everyone here knows that Ginger is like a daughter to me, said Alieta. She is my best friend but more than just friends. More like close family. Oh okay, I think Ivy and Sara will be good freinds for me, said Clary. Oh they will, said Alieta. They both have very big hearts and pure souls. Best freinds you can have here in Fae Land, said Alieta. Clary smiled. I am so glad I made it here. Hey you coming or what, yelled Ginger. The boss is calling you better go, said Alieta. So darn cute too, said Clary as she headed towards Ginger. Yep cute as a button and smart as a whip Alieta thought to herself.

Keiko and Amelie walked up to Alieta. So what is up with you two? asked Alieta. You both have been very quite. Well ya this was a family thing plus that fairy is something else, said Keiko. I over heard what Ivy said to her though. That girl has a very good head on her shoulders. I like what she said about keeping the mouth shut when reading people. It makes sense, I can't help it when I see someone new I automaticly read them, but I do have control of my mouth, said Keiko. Now seeing that all is quite now, is it alright if we go on our adventure? Sure why not, said Alieta. Oh good and don't worry we won't upset anyone. Ivy's way of doing things must be the right way. She is the one with all the friends you know, said Keiko. Okay ready Amelie. Yep, lets go have some fun and off they flew. So those two are Garson Fairies right, said Guen. Yep, very unque fairies and a bit unusual, said Alieta. Yes and powerful wands too, said Guen. It is good to have them around my girls. Well Amelie saved Lilly already from a shadow sorcerer a couple of nights ago. Really, a shadow sorcerer! Man I hate them, said Guen. So lets go inside and you can tell me more about this daughter of yours. I feel there is a lot more to her than what I have seen so far, said Alieta. Oh ya, lots more, said Guen.



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