The Reunion Chapter 7


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At The Fantasy Pixie Forest

  Keiko and Amelie said goodbye to everyone after flying around very fast to meet everyone in the park. Then they took off to find the Fantasy Pixie Forest. Now those two are some very talented fairies, said Sandy. I have never seen a fairy do what they did here today and the ice cream cone was very good, better than store bought ice cream cones. Well fairies love ice cream, said Victoria. They know how to make it right. Yes they sure do, said Sandy. Keiko and Amelie flew south and soon the saw the forest up ahead. Wow that is a nice big forest, said Amelie. This Fae Land has lots to see and discover. Yep looks like it but this forest has to be big to have that many pixies in it, said Keiko. Ya but they can get really small too remember, said Amelie. Oh ya, that is right but it still looks big from here, said Keiko. They flew over to the forest then went in about the center of the forest and landed on what looked like a small island surrounded by a shallow pond. So here we are but I don't see any pixies, said Amelie. Hello, I am your guide for the day, my name is Roseberry, welcome to the Fantasy Pixie Forest. Oh you two are fairies, never had fairies in here visiting yet. Well hello, we were told that this was a good place to go and see on our adventure across Fae Land, said Keiko. Well yes this is a very good place to visit, said Roseberry. Well we were also told by Alieta that it might be a good place for us to live seeing we are Garson Fairies and can't get in the fairy forest, said Keiko. Oh so Alieta said that then you should have a look around first but I am sure you will like it here. Well it would be nice to have fairies living here and that would be a good thing for our forest too, said Roseberry. So Alieta said there was over a thousand pixies in here so where are they all? asked Keiko. Oh there is but they stay small most of the time, said Roseberry. Some of them get bigger to to have fun with visitors. Well can we meet them all, we would like to say hi to everyone, said Amelie. What say hello to all of them here? asked Roseberry. Yep we love making freinds and are very fast, said Keiko. Okay if you say so, said Raseberry. She put her fingers to her mouth and whistled loud. Every one come and meet the two fairies that want to live here with us. Suddenly the forest got filled with pixies that were every where. So that is what a thousand looks like, said Keiko. Yep lots more than a thousand, said Roseberry. Okay Amelie, lets get started, said Keiko. They flew up and started meeting each pixie and and wasted no time getting to meet them all. Roseberry just watched and saw these two were very fast and seemed to be very funny because every pixie they met ended up laughing. In about an hour Amelie and Keiko flew back down to Roseberry. Okay, all done, said Keiko. Lots of friends here now.

Wow that was something to watch and I guess you know everyone now. Yep we do, said Keiko. Over there is Kisha, Livia, Sally, Dilia and Telli and over ther is Dallo, Srura and Ginger and over there is... Okay I got it, said Roseberry. Even I don't know all their names yet. I don't know how you did it but it seems like everyone likes you two. Yep we love to make friends, the more the better, said Keiko. Yes I saw that, said Roseberry. So where do you want to live, there are lots of places availiable, said Roseberry. By me, said Ginger, I have lots of room for them and some very nice trees too. Okay so do you want to check out where she is living? asked Roseberry. Yep that would be good, she has the same name as Ginger back at the palace but we have to go back there to tell Alieta that we found a place to stay, said Keiko. Okay so go back to the palace but first find out where Ginger lives then come back when it gets dark or when ever you two get tired. Okay, said Keiko then they followed Ginger to her trees. Srura flew down and asked if they are okay to stay with us all here? Well you met them and Alieta said it was a good place for them so I beleive so, said Roseberry. Ya I guess so but they were very fast saying hi, said Srura. Yes but they told me they are Garson Fairies and can't get into the fairy forest. So you know what having Garson Faries living here means, don't you. Not really, said Srura. Well it means they can protect us from bad things, said Roseberry. Oh, then that is good but we are good and safe here anyways, said Srura. Yes but even better now, said Roseberry. But with Ginger, she is different from all of us, said Srura. Yes and so are the two fairies. Good match up I think, said Roseberry. Pippa will be here soon, she will fill us in. Okay, said Srura. Look some more humans just came in. I will go welcome them and I will entertain them, said Srura. Okay back to work, said Roseberry.

Keiko and Amelie followed Ginger to her tree spot. Okay here we are, not bad don't you think, said Ginger. Yes very nice, said Amelie. Now you can go down to the ground and gather a bunch of fallen leaves and make a very nice bed for yourselves, even a nice pillow like mine see, said Ginger. Now there are no insects in Fae Land so you don't have to worry about getting them in your ears. They looked at Ginger's spot and saw it was very nice looking. Okay this will be perfect, said Kieko. So you know where your place is so come back when you are finished at the palace and are sleepy, said Ginger. I don't snore, at least I don't think so. Keiko and Ameilie smiled. Okay we will be back in a bit. This adventure has been tiring us out, said Keiko. Okay, see you later, said Ginger then Keiko and Amelie headed back to the palace. When they got there they found Alieta talking to Ginger and Zan. The two of them flew down and said hi to Alieta. Oh you are back already? asked Alieta. Yep we had a great adventure so far. We first met two elves then we met the candy lady and she gave us free candy plus I think we helped her make a new chocolate treat then went to the park and met Sandy and her daugther plus Victoria too that loves fairies then went to the Fantasy Pixie Forest like you said and met all the pixies, though that took a while then after we met Ginger that is a very cute pixie, cute like your Ginger, she gave us a nice place to stay with her, said Keiko. She is different from all the other pixies we met there. I sensed something special about her. There is a lot of very nice pixies here, said Keiko. Well I am glad you had fun plus there was no reports of you two causing problems so that is all good too, said Alieta. Reports, what kind of reports? asked Keiko. Oh I have winged sprites that fly round Fae Land to make sure nothing bad is happening, said Alieta. Oh that is okay then, you have people making sure all is safe here then? asked Amelie. Yes I do and they are very important to the safety of Fae Land. Wow, the best queen ever, said Keiko. Well we are a bit tired so can we rest here for a bit? Yes please do, said Alieta it will be lunch time soon. Is that all, it feels like almost bed time to us, said Amelie. Well you did a lot in a very small amount of time so I understand why you would think it was later, said Alieta. Just sit and rest for a bit, you two will be fine. Just learn how to slow down some. Okay we will, said Keiko, then they both sat down right where they were standing. Do you really thing they will slow down? asked Zan. That is like telling a horse not to run. Ginger smiled. I like them just the way they are.


   So who all is coming for lunch? asked Guen. Well they will all be here soon but not many more seeing most of the fairies are at the pool so Ivy told me. They will be there for a while, said Alieta. Ya I figured that much, said Guen. So just what you see here but here comes Tara and Avan too. Okay good, said Guen. Tulip lets get things set up for lunch, hungry people to feed. Okay, said Tulip and they made a nice lunch for every one. Soon Sara and Tillia arrived and Tulip made a nice bowl of food for Tillia also. Okay everyone dig in all is ready, said Tulip. Every one ate lunch and when finished Tulip cleared every thing up. So does anyone want to play? asked Tulip. Not us, said Keiko. That was a great lunch but I a am beat. What about you Amelie? asked Tulip. No I am very tired too, said Amelie. Okay then now you two know to pace yourself, seeing and meeting everyone here takes time, so slow down, said Alieta. Ya okay, said Keiko. Lets go Amelie and set up our beds. A good sleep is all we need. Ginger says she dosn't snore. Okay said Amelie and off they flew. Well this has been another interesting day so far, said Alieta. I was a little worried about Keiko and Amelie but they seem to be fitting fine. Well I should head back to the forest, said Guen. I dough they all will come here to eat. They have that eatery in there that they built. But first I am going to talk to Tillia for a bit. Such a beautiful unicorn, said Guen. Guen walked over to Tillia and asked her if she had enough to eat. Yes, Tulip always makes me lots to eat, said Tillia. So you are the mother of these fairies, you must be proud of them all and what they have done. Yes all my girls are special to me, said Guen. Sara must make you very happy and powerful with her being your companion now. Yes Sara is the best I have ever had, said Tillia. Well you two stay safe, I am going back to the forest to check on everyone. They may be very good princesses but the are still fairies. Then Guen flew towards the forest. 

Well I am heading back to the forest too, said Tulip. They may need my help making lunch for them. Okay said Alieta then off flew Tulip. Well Ginger, another day is shaping up nicely. Lots happened as usual, said Alieta. Yep and nothing bad this time, said Ginger. So do you have any plans for tomorrow? asked Alieta. Well Tabitha leaves the day after tomorrow so Phonixa, Repellia, Zan and myself figure we would go on a picnic with her tomorrow and say our goodbyes and stuff. She plans on leaving early in the morning on Saturday, said Ginger. Okay, that sounds nice, said Alieta. I figure hanging around here will be best for me. I am working on book ten now so I will sit out in the sun and finish it if all stays calm. Oh good, said Ginger. I am almost finished the nineth book so it will be interesting to see what happens next. Well I won't spoil it for you but it is another good one also, said Alieta. Lots of magic and adventure in this one. Lets sit and relax for a bit. Let the food settle a bit. The two of them sat on the steps and watched everyone as they talked together. So Keiko told me something interesting when we were talking about another very cute Ginger in the Fantasy Forest, said Alieta. Really, but all pixies are cute, said Ginger. Well Keiko made it a point to say she was different from all the other pixies, much cuter and said there was something special about her, said Alieta. I bet if Keiko wasn't so tired she may of told me more but the two of them looked beat. Hmm, I would like to meet this other Ginger, she sounds interesting, said Ginger. Well you may say interesting but Keiko said very cute and special like you. Maybe you have a twin, said Alieta jokingly. Ya right. Now I definately want to meet her, said Ginger.

The End



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