The Reunion Chapter 6


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Clary In The Fairy Forest

  Alieta and Guen went outside and saw that all the fairies were gone and so was Ivy and Sara. Well I guess they are all back to work, said Guen. Yep Ivy will have them doing something in there she is good at getting things done, said Alieta. Yes she is a good leader also, said Guen. I think I will go over there and see what is going on and have a look at that new temple you mentioned, said Guen. Okay see you in a bit, said Alieta. Then Guen flew off the the woods. So Ginger has anything been happening out here while we were upstairs. Nope, nice and quite for a change, said Ginger. Alieta looked at what Ginger was wearing and asked her wear she found that outfit. Oh it was in in the wardrobe room. The girls had it hanging up as a set, they are good at matching outfits. I was bored so decided go play dressup while waiting for you to finish. Looks good on me, don't you think, said Ginger. Well yes it does but kind of sexy don't you think. Ginger smiled. Well yes I know but look at your outfit, that is sexier than mine, said Ginger. Yep your right, no reason not to show off when you got it and man both of us got it, said Alieta. Yes we do but still not as hot and Tara and Avan's outfits. Those outfits I wouldn't want to wear, said Ginger. Ya me neither but for some reason they suit them, said Alieta. Well same as Zan but Zan is Zan and she would look sexy in anything, said Ginger. Just then Clary came back out. Oh I needed that, thanks Alieta, beds are very comfortable but I don't like being a room that much, said Clary. I stayed at a nice woman's place once and she had an extra room for me to sleep in but I really didn't like it. She was so nice, and I could see it made her feel good to be doing something nice for me. The room was smaller than that big room Ginger brought me too so that was good. This palace is very big, you should show me around some time. Very pretty everywhere too, even the hallways. Well thank Ginger for that, she is in charge of the palace and all of the elves that work here, said Alieta. Oh okay, Thanks Ginger you do a great job here, said Clary, my you sure do know how to pick out the best clothes. Pretty girls now how show off that is for sure. So where is everyone? Well all the fairies and your mother are back in the forest and the cove I guess and so is Ivy and Sara. You should go there and see what your sisters built from nothing. They turned a huge desert into a massive forest, said Alieta. Really, desert to forest? No huge desert, over two hunderd square miles of sand and made three quarters of it into fertile soil and forest, said Alieta. Wow that is big, my sisters must be quite the team, said Clary. Oh they are and Ivy helped a lot. You know she went there every day to talk to the trees as they grew. She made sure nothing went wrong, said Alieta. Yes a forest sprite can do that and Ivy is more than just a forest sprite in more than one way. So I guess I should go there or do you two need to talk to me? asked Clary. No Guen and I had a good talk about you so all is good and she wants you to go to the forest to see what your sisters do for fun also. Ya we don't work we just play, good things always happen when fairies are having fun, said Clary. Okay see you two later and off she flew. Um you forgot to tell her how the forest entrance worked or where it was, said Ginger. Oh she will figure it out, said Alieta. Can't make everything easy here for Clary the super fairy.

Clary flew over to the forest and tried to get in through the top of the trees but couldn't get in that way. Okay that is different she thought to herself. Lets try walking in from the side. She flew down to the northen side of the forest and saw that this forest was huge like her mother told her. She tried walking in there but still couldn't get in. Wow this is one tough forest to get into. There must be an entrance somewhere. Pippa appeared and asked are you having a problem Clary? Oh hi Pippa. Yes I can't get in the forest. There must be a way in somewhere, said Clary. Yep there is and only one. Ivy set it up that way, said Pippa. Ivy set it up? Yep she is the queen of the forest and what she says the forest does. Really, Ivy is that powerful. Nope not powerful just in control and the forest loves her, said Pippa. Okay I can understand that so how do I get in? asked Clary. Oh Ivy set this up prefect. We have to go through the woods first that have a lot of pixies in it. We all get to see who is walking towards the forest entrance and can warn Ivy ahead of time if they are bad. So that means you can enter the forest anywhere? asked Clary. Nope only from the the entrance and the top. We helped the forest grow with our pixie dust so the forest loves us too, said Pippa. Plus Ivy set the cove to allow us to, said Pippa. This Ivy is sounding more and more interesting all the time, said Clary. Yep Ivy is the best and knows how to keep her friends safe, said Pippa. Now follow me and I will bring you to the wood's path that lead to the entrance. The two of them flew over to the front of the woods then Pippa told her to just fly to the forest trees, You can't miss it and there is a sign out side of the entrance that shows different pathways to different spots in the forest. Pathways, there are pathways in this forest. Yep. Ivy again, said Pippa. So just call if you need help then Pippa flew off. Hmm, pathways and a secret entrance plus only one way in. This forest sprite is more than what I saw when I tried to read her. She must be able to block me more than I thought. Clary flew through the woods and could sense many eyes were on her as she passed threw it. Nice looking woods she thought too. Okay so this must be it. She looked at the sign and read Outdoor Eatery, Sauna, Waterfall and Swiming Pool? There is a swiming pool in here too? Okay the cove is straight ahead. Never seen a finished cove before so this will be interesting, she thought to her self. She touched one of the trees and said hello and immediately the trees opened up for her. Okay that was awesome. Just like I planned a forest would work. Okay straight ahead the sign said but looks like I can't fly in here. Suddenly the path opened wide and far ahead. Cool, I am liking this Ivy more and more, said Clary. She started to fly and watched as the path opened up to her then closed behind her. When she got to the end she stopped and figured she reached the cove.

She went to touch a tree but the tree beside her reached out and touched her. Oh my, you are alive? Yes of coarse you are. Hello I am Clary and I want to see my sisters, in the cove. The cove opened up wide for her and she walked in. Oh my God, look at this place, it is so much more amazing than I ever imagined, she said out loud. She saw three fairies flying around and Ivy with Sara over by the north wall talking to Tulip. The overviewer screen went very bight and stayed bright. Sara looked around and saw Clary standing just inside of the cove. Tulip look your sister is here. Tulip saw her and flew over right away. Hi Clary, welcome to our cove, said Tulip. You all made this? It is amazing, said Clary. Well just four of us did but yep we did it just like we did in Fairy Land but this cove is bigger, said Tulip. So what is Ivy and Sara doing over there? asked Clary. Oh Ivy is making a new path from the temple to the cove so it will be easier to get back here from there, said Tulip. So she does that from over there? asked Clary. Well yes but she can do other things too from the pool, said Tulip. Okay done, said Ivy. That was very easy this time. Ivy looked and saw Clary. Ivy flew over and said Hi Clary, glad to see you here in our cove, hope you didn't have a problem getting here. Well yes I did but Pippa helped me. My this is one hard forest to get into, said Clary. Yep got to keep your sisters safe, said Ivy. So what do you think, did they do okay? I know you are strong and stuff but they are really good as a team, said Ivy. Oh yes it is amazing, Ivy did you help them? Nope I had to wait outside in the forest while the four of them built it. Didn't take long though, they are real good at building, said Ivy. So where is my mother? Alieta said she was in here. Yep, she went to check out the new temple, she should be back soon, said Ivy. So Ivy, you control all of this? Like I mean you set everything up and stuff. I mean well I am not sure what I mean, but Pippa told me you are the forest queen and the forest does what every you ask it to do. Yep I control everything here, the cove's pool is where all the magic is sent out to the forest. We have a good relationship with each other now seeing I almost died in the pool trying to make some changes but all is good now, said Ivy. Okay, I think, said Clary. Now I can see why it is hard to see in you, that energy inside of you must be very powerful to be able to do all of this, said Clary. I guess so, oh look here comes Guen, said Ivy.

Guen flew over and asked Clary if she slept good enough. Yep it was nice and a big room too, said Clary. Good so how do like it here, your sisters did a good job right, said Guen. Good, it is fantastic, said Clary. Yes I agree, said Guen. Pippa showed up in the cove also to see if Clary made it in okay. Now I want you to spend some time in here with Tulip and let her tell you how she does things. She is the best even though she is the youngest, said Guen. Okay, said Clary. Now you should talk to your sister Lilly too, she has become quite the designer and is best at fixing things. Alieta reminded me about that, said Guen. Okay Lilly was always good at coming up with ideas, said Clary. Well now she does more and can make something that looks good, look way better, said Guen. She is like a fairy artist. So do you have any questions? Umm yes just one. Can I see the swimming pool the sign said there was one in here, said Clary. Guen smiled. Sure, who wants to show Clary the swimming pool? asked Guen. I do, me too, me also. They all wanted to show Clary the pool. Okay go ahead you all show her and maybe have a swim. I am going back to see Alieta. It is going to be lunch time soon so I want to see Tillia if she comes by so Tulip you need to come with me and help with lunch. Okay Mom, said Tulip. Oh I will get Tillia, said Sara, she loves eating at the palace. Tulip always makes her a good lunch. Okay, said Guen, that is what I heard. So lets go and you all have some fun, said Guen. I am coming too, said Ivy. Can't miss one of Tulip's lunches. Guen smiled and they flew up and out of the forest. So you can leave the forest like they did? asked Clary. Yep getting out is easy, getting in is not so easy, Ivy's rules, said Pippa. Yes I have been seeing that, said Clary. She is some girl. Yep she is the best, said Pippa, so lets all go and show you the pool. We all love it there, even me now after Ivy taught me how to swim. Again with Ivy, said Clary. Is there anything she can't do? Probably but ever since Ivy came to Fae Land things just keep getting better all the time, said Pippa. She is very smart and loves everyone here on top of being beautiful. Yes, even for a forest sprite her beauty is something to behold. Inside and out it seems, said Clary.



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