The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The She Devil Chapter 1


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A few days have passed and Sara was doing very good with her reading and writing lessons mostly with Viridian. Because Viridian had an extra mouth to feed now Ktara was helping out a lot bringing over cooked meals and deserts for them which she loved doing anyways plus she was able to test new recipes on them. Grace and Liza were well settled in at the elf village and spent a lot of time at Cathy and Jim's place though Jim was very busy working with the three elves he trained doing repairs on many of the older homes. Ivy was still having a problem deciding how to make a spa in the fairy forest but knew it was a great idea so she brought the magazine that was all about spas to Tulip that liked the idea also and said she will figure it out with some of the other fairies help. Ivy's inner energy was growing more and she was able to sense and read people from very far away but she didn't tell anyone about that because she knew it was not nice to read people without them knowing. Apollonia finally got to meet Sara but when she just appeared in Ivy's front yard while they were checking on all the flowers she scared the heck out of Sara but it didn't take long for Sara to warm up to her. Alexa had heard about Sara from Tempressa but hadn't gone to meet her yet. She figured she will when it was time for Angus and Sivia to go get shampooed at the palace by the elves. All in all things were very peaceful in Fae Land and even Safire was coming up more often to visit which was always fun seeing she can be quite funny most of the time...

The New Guest

In the morning Alieta went outside to check the sun dial as usual. Almost seven o'clock it said. Okay, perfect, all is normal for now, Alieta thought to herself. Hi Alieta, how are you on this fine morning? Alieta turned around and saw Cindy standing there smiling. Oh hi Cindy. I haven't see you in a while. Ya Gabriel keeps me busy all the time. She is a good boss though, said Cindy. Now Gabriel wants to know if it would be okay if Tabitha from Prayden could come and visit during school break. Her father is worried that she may want to stay in Prayden after she graduates high school and not go to collage and learn a better trade instead of working in the slaughter houses. Tabitha is a sweet girl that just passed grade eight with honors and has always wanted to see more of Fae Land but her father is the mayor and is always too busy to bring her here. I don't think I have ever met Tabitha, said Alieta but I know Jeff very well though. He never told me he had a daughter. Well how often do you go to Prayden? asked Cindy. Not often enough it seems, said Alieta. Well Gabriel wanted me to ask you and was concerned that you might have too much on your plate right now, said Cindy. I am never too busy help out a young girl, said Alieta. Besides there are plenty of elves around plus the twins too. She is a young teenager but very smart and well mannered, said, Cindy. Oh that is fine. I am getting very used to the young ones especially with Liza coming by all the time plus the fairies can act like children too, said Alieta. Cindy smiled. Okay good, said Cindy. Now first I need to talk to her father but that should not be a problem, said Cindy. Okay so soon then? asked Alieta. Yes later today probably, I will transport her to you with whatever belongings she wants to bring with her. Oh okay. I will probably be sitting on the steps with Ginger then. It is our quite time together, said Alieta. Okay see you soon Alieta and Cindy disappeared. Alieta walked over to the palace steps and sat down to wait for Ginger.

In a few minutes Ginger came out and sat down beside Alieta. Hi Ginger. How do you feel today? asked Alieta. I feel great and made a fresh breakfast this morning for myself, then smiled at Alieta. Good girl, said Alieta. Now we are expecting a guest today from Prayden. Really who would that be? asked Ginger. She is a young teenager, the daughter of the mayor in Prayden. Cindy said she is very smart and well mannered, said Alieta. She will be staying with us during the summer holidays. Okay so she is coming today? I better get the elves to set up a room for her then, said Ginger. Yes but can you be in charge of her for me for a bit today and show her around the palace a,d some of Fae Land? asked Alieta. She has always wanted to come here but her father is always too busy. Ya sure, I can do that I guess the twins will like another human girl living in the palace with them, said Ginger. Now I am sure no one in Prayden knows that fairies live here now and neither do they know about Ivy and Sara too, said Alieta. Oh she will love Ivy and Sara for sure and the fairies are a given, said Ginger. I will have a quick talk with her before you two run off together, said Alieta. Some of he fairies should be here around lunch time so we can surprise Tabitha then. Okay sounds good, said Ginger. Just get a smaller horse from the stable for her to use to ride, said Alieta.

About an hour had passed and Ginger had a room set up for Tabitha when Cindy appeared with Tabitha. Here you go Alieta, now take good care of her, said Cindy. As you can see she is very excited to be here. Hi Alieta, Cindy filled me in on the proper educate to have when talking to you, said Tabitha. Well that is good, now this is Ginger and she is in charge of the palace, said Alieta. She will show you around inside plus where your room is. Ginger will be introducing you some of the people living here also. Just remember Ginger, be back here for lunch time. No worries I will, said Ginger. Now just leave your suitcase here and an elf will bring it to your room while I show you around. She took Tabitha inside and showed her the dining room first then the grand hall. They went upstairs and Ginger showed her the wardrobe room. This is where you can go anytime to put on a change of clothes, said Ginger. Phonixa and Repellia organized it all in here so now it is easy to find stuff. Who are they? asked Tabitha. They are twin sisters that are a bit older than you, said Ginger. They will probably like to show you around to some of their friends also. They are very pretty and can be funny also. Just remember Phonixa always wears something red and usually Repellia wears blue but that can change with her. Wow real twins, do they live in the palace. Yes just down the hall from you, said Ginger. Now let me show you your room. Ginger took her down the hall past the twins room to the guest room. Okay here you go, There is a bed and dresser plus a bathroom for you to use. If you need anything else just ask one of the elves that work here. This is a huge room, way bigger than my room back home, said Tabitha. Plus I have my own bathroom. Yes Alieta treats everyone that lives in the palace with rooms like this, said Ginger. There are overnight rooms that are smaller but they are on the third floor. Now as you can see, your suitcase is on the bed. You can unpack it now or you can do it later. Maybe later, I really want to see what Fae Land looks like, said Tabitha. I stay in Prayden mostly but have been to the north town to shop sometimes with my dad or aunt but never further south from there. Well then, you are in for a treat then, said Ginger.

Alright then, lets go back outside, said Ginger. You are going to need a horse so Alieta said for you to pick a smaller one that best suits you. Okay I ride a pony back home, said Tabitha. Well we don't have ponies but you are close to my size so there are some smaller horses in the stable like mine, said Ginger.They went outside then walked over to the stable. Tabitha picked a nice horse that fit her nicely then the two of them headed out. First I will show you Waterfall Mountain and Sandy Lake that is very beautiful, said Ginger. Okay, said Tabitha, sounds great. When they got there Tabitha was amazed how perfect and beautiful it looked. You see the water comes from underground, comes up the mountain then falls into Sandy Lake, then a river runs off of it and goes underground again towards the elf village I think, said Ginger. Where it goes from there I am not sure but if anyone knows it would be Ivy. Who is Ivy? asked Tabitha. She is a forest sprite and we are heading to her place next, said Ginger. Now just around the bend is where Eden starts and were Ivy lives with Sara and Viridian. Oh I heard of Viridian, she is one of the heroes right? asked Tabitha, Yes she is and Sara is a forest sprite also, said Ginger. They are two very pretty forest sprites. Really, I read that they only lived in a forest, said Tabitha. Ginger smiled. Well things are different here in Fae Land but yes, normally a forest sprite can only be found in a big forest, said Ginger. They rounded the bend and saw Viridian watering Ivy's flowers. Hi Viridian, this is Tabitha. She is Prayden's mayor's daughter and is staying at the palace while on her summer holidays, said Ginger. Well very nice to meet you Tabitha, said Viridian. She has an outfit that can make her invisible and an amazing spear, said Ginger. Really, completely invisible? asked Tabitha. Yep, said Viridian. It is very useful when in battle. So Tabitha has never seen a forest sprite before so I was wondering if Ivy and Sara were home, asked Ginger. No they both went to the new forest first thing in the morning to meet the fairies there and get to work, said Viridian. Fairies! You have real fairies here too? asked Tabitha. Yes there are six of them and they are all sisters and princesses, said Ginger. Can I meet them please please please, asked Tabitha with lots of excitement. Well they will be making lunch for us today so you will meet them then, said Ginger. Viridian smiled. Well while you are here why don't you go see Ktara next then Zatsuky and Carmen, they should be home, said Viridian. They are heroes to right? asked Tabitha. Yes they are dear, said Viridian. You will probably meet Ivy and Sara at lunch time too but if not they will be here so I will tell Ivy that you were asking for them, said Viridian. Okay thanks Viridian, said Ginger and off they rode to see Ktara next.

When they went around the corner and past the coconut trees they found Ktara not far from the trees raking the ground. Hi Ktara what are you up to? asked Ginger. Preparing the ground for a vegetable garden, said Ktara. Okay, meet Tabitha, she is visiting from Prayden, said Ginger. Nice to meet you Tabitha, do you like to garden? asked Ktara. Yep it is fun, said Tabitha. Not me, I like to cook but I have a problem making things grow, said Ktara. Good thing Ivy is next door to make sure things grow. I think I will wait until Ivy gets home and pay her to do it for me seeing I have no idea how to make a new garden. Well you are doing it wrong, said Tabitha. You need to use a shovel first to dig up the land and turn it then you use that rake. Oh so you do know how to garden then. Well if you ever need to make a few bucks come over and help out, especially it the kitchen, said Ktara. I just made a new batch of brownies so stay put and I will get a couple for you. Then Ktara went in the house. Ktara just doesn't like to cook she is the best cook in Fae Land, said Ginger. If she lets you help in her kitchen and teaches the way she cooks then that will be well worth your time. Okay, my dad isn't that great of a cook except for barbecues. I do most of the cooking now, said Tabitha. Sometimes what I make is good and sometimes not so much but my Dad never complains and always eats it. Ginger smiled, That is because he loves you and sees that you are trying your best. Ktara came out with a plate of brownies. Okay pick one each, they are very rich and sweet, said Ktara. Tabitha took one and tasted it. Wow this is really good, said Tabitha. I wish I could cook stuff like this. Well like I said I could use some help in the kitchen and all I do in there is cook and clean, said Ktara. Ginger took a brownie next and bit into it. I don't know how you do it Ktara but even the cooks at the palace can't cook as good as you, said Ginger. Well I may be a good cook but a definitely don't have a green thumb, said Ktara. So where you going next? Just up to Zatsuky and Carmen's place then back to the palace, said Ginger. Oh okay, Tell one of them to come down and get the cake I baked for them, said Ktara. Those two are useless when it comes to cooking but amazing dragon slayers. Okay will do, thanks for the brownie, said Ginger then they got back on their horses and rode off.

As they rode Ginger talked to Tabitha about what just happened. Look at you, here for like and hour and you already landed a part time job for the summer, said Ginger. What do you mean? asked Tabitha. You heard her, she wants you to come help her in the kitchen and she will pay you for helping. Ktara has elves paying her to make birthday cakes for them and other treats. Even Alieta pays her to make special cakes and pastries for the palace dining room some times. She never charges any of the heroes for anything or visitors, but she does very well for herself on top of the money she gets from the crown for being a hero. She will pay you and teach you at the same time. When Viridian first came to Fae Land she couldn't cook but Ktara taught her some of the basics and now Viridian is a real good cook. Wow so I can make some money and learn how to cook good for my Dad? asked Tabitha. Yes and you can go there when ever you have some free time because Ktara has always got something going on outside and in the kitchen. So Viridian must be doing good too seeing she is a hero also and has two forest sprites living with her that do stuff in that fairy forest, said Tabitha. I am not sure, I never thought about that, said Ginger. Okay here we are. There is Zatsuky sitting out front.

They got off their horses and walked up to Zatsuky. Hi Zatsuky, what are you doing? asked Ginger. Hi Ginger, just cleaning my sword, I like to keep it nice and shiny, said Zatsuky. So who have you got with you? This is Tabitha she is staying at the palace for her summer holiday, said Ginger. Well lucky you Tabitha, they will treat you like a princess in there, said Zatsuky. She stood up while holding her sword at her side. I read all about you and Carmen in one of Alieta's books, said Tabitha. You are even prettier than how you were described in the book. Well you sure know how to make friends, thank you. So where are you from? I live in Prayden, my Dad is the mayor there. Oh so you're sort of are a princess then. Well my Dad used to call me his little princess when I was smaller but now her says I am his angel. I see, you have to be really good to be an angel, said Zatsuky. I try to be good all the time. Is that the sword in the stories that is super powerful and nobody else can touch it? asked Tabitha. It sure is, the Crimson Sword, created by Merlin the wizard, said Zatsuky. Wow it is so beautiful yet deadly looking at the same time, said Tabitha. Yes and it is even more beautiful when fighting evil and sending out multiple coloured energy beams in all directions, said Zatsuky. So where is Carmen? asked Ginger. She is at Paisley's place, those two are always doing girly stuff together, said Zatsuky. Carmen loves looking good all the time even before battle. It is kinda cool though how she uses her beauty to her advantage. How is that? asked Tabitha. Well she will walk up to a very bad person while I stay out of sight. She will flirt a bit with the bad man which throws him off guard for a moment then before he knows it she has the tip of her sword on his throat. She is very fast with a sword, much faster than me. She has killed two dragons by herself. Nothing scares Carmen, man or beast and from her looks, you would never know what she is capable of. Don't get me wrong though she sure does like to flirt with men and get free drinks and food. If you are here for the summer you will meet her and see for yourself that she looks nothing like a warrior, right Ginger. Your right, Carmen just looks like another sexy pretty blonde girl, said Ginger. So we are heading back to the palace for lunch. Tabitha wants to meet some of the fairies. Lunch time already. Maybe I will go visit Ktara and see what she is cooking, said Zatsuky. Oh that reminds me she has a cake for you two and wants you to come get it, said Ginger. Nice, all the more reason to pay her another visit, said Zatsuky. Nice to meet you Tabitha, enjoy being Alieta's guest at the palace, your going to love it there plus that is where all the excitement is.



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