The She Devil Chapter 2


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Mystery Girl In Cumberland

As They were riding back to the palace Ginger stopped in front of Tabitha. So Tabitha, what did you think of Zatsuky? asked Ginger. She was very nice and very pretty, too bad Carmen wasn't there though, I would of liked to meet her too, said Tabitha. Well yes and you will meet her but Zatsuky is not as out going as Carmen is. She tends to keep to herself so that is why she talked all about Carmen and hardly anything about herself. Okay so what are you saying? asked Tabitha. Well you saw how tall Zatsuky is and that vibrant red hair and eyes of hers, she is one powerful elf. I don't think there is an elf alive as strong as her, said Ginger. So she is like a super elf? asked Tabitha. Sort of but that sword of hers is very heavy, no one else can touch it to know that but I have seen it up close and it is very thick and long it has to be over twelve pounds. When she was staying in the palace she used to go out and do her exercises with it. She can swing that sword around like it was light as a feather and extremely fast. Carmen may be very quick with her regular sword but give her one that is twelve pounds and see who is faster. Only one girl here would be able to use that heavy sword like Zatsuky and that is Alexa. When you meet Carmen she will talk more about Zatsuky than herself. They are the best of friends and traveled together for three weeks to find Fae Land together. Okay I get it. Carmen is out going and flirty and Zatsuky is very strong and modest, said Tabitha. In a nut shell yes, said Ginger. Okay lets get to the palace it is lunch time now and Alieta won't start lunch until we get back. Ivy and Sara flew to the palace grounds just as Ginger and Tabitha were rounding the corner to the grounds. Wow said Tabitha are they the forest sprites Ivy and Sara. Yes they are now you go up to them and introduce yourself and I will bring the horses to the stable. Okay, said Tabitha then jumped of her horse and walked very fast towards them. She went up to Ivy and Sara and said hi, I am Tabitha. Hi Tabitha, they both said. It is so true, forest sprites are so beautiful. Ivy smiled. I am Ivy and this is Sara. It is nice to meet you. So how did you like meeting some of our heroes. How did you know we went out to meet the heroes? You read me, didn't you, said Tabitha. Well just a little bit. When ever someone new comes to the palace I automatically see a bit about that person. That is all though, promise. That's okay, I have nothing to hide. So how come none of the books I have read mention Sara? asked Tabitha. She is very new here that is why, said Ivy. Oh look here comes a couple of the fairies now, said Ivy.

Wow, will they come talk to me? asked Tabitha. Yes, they tend to talk to everyone and a lot, said Ivy. You stay here and I will point them to you. Looks like Lilly and Chestnut, Tulip is in the cove figuring out how we can make a spa in the forest. Lets go over and see what Alieta is doing Sara. Then Ivy and Sara walked over to the palace. When Lilly saw Tabitha they both flew over to meet her. Hello, I am Lilly and this is my sister Chestnut, what is your name? Tabitha had a big smile on her face. I am Tabitha. I am on summer holidays from school and Alieta is letting me stay in the palace with her, said Tabatha. Really, we stayed in the palace when we first came here, said Chestnut. It is really nice in there but we like the forest way better. So how long is the holiday? Three months, said Tabitha. Oh that is a long holiday, said Lilly. What is a holiday anyways? Tabitha smiled. Well I go to school and every summer they give the students time off after they finished the school year. All the kids get to play with there friends again. Oh we must be on holidays all the time then because we play every day, said Lilly. So are you hungry? Yes, I am starving, said Tabitha. Good, we will fix that for you, said Chestnut then they flew over to the palace. This is going to me the best summer holiday ever, thought Tabitha.

Chestnut and Lilly set up a table and made a nice lunch buffet for everyone to Tabitha's amazement. Everybody grabbed a plate then started eating. Repellia and Phonixa went over and introduced themselves to Tabitha. So out of school for the summer, how nice, said Phonixa. Your going to like it here at the palace, all the best stuff happens at the palace. What kind of stuff? asked Tabitha, Just stuff, you will see, said Repellia. Ivy walked over to Alieta looking concerned about something. Something is wrong, said Ivy. In what way, asked Alieta. Not sure but I feel someone is very scared but the feeling is faint, said Ivy. Do you have an idea where this feeling is coming from asked Alieta. Not in Fae Land but north, maybe in Cumberland, said Ivy. You can sense stuff that far away? asked Alieta. Yep, even further now but usually just bad stuff, this kind of feeling is different though, said Ivy. Tulip did show me a blue dot way up in Cumberland which is odd because the magic doesn't reach there. What does a blue dot mean, asked Alieta. People that live in Fae Land or someone good with magic, I figure someone was just shopping there but now I feel they are very scared. Now Cumberland I think you told me is a province of Fae Land so that is why I included in the overview. In order for the overviewer to show somebody that far out of range the person would have to have some kind of white magic is my best guess. Yes Cumberland is part of Fae Land but I let them govern the province themselves and just help them out financially sometimes, said Alieta. Now I can't zoom in there, just in the forest so it was hard to make out what was going on, said Ivy. I would have to fly there and have a look myself to see what it is. No dear, that is why we have armed sprites, said Alieta. Okay, said Ivy. I really didn't want to go myself. Do you remember where in Cumberland the blue dot appeared? asked Alieta. Cumberland is a very big province. Yes, right in the middle of the province, said Ivy. Oh that is the main town where most the people live, said Alieta. She waved down two patrolling sprites. Yes Alieta, what can we do for you. There may be a situation brewing in the main town of Cumberland. Can you go there and find out what you can and report back to me please. Okay Alieta. We will be back soon. Good and stay armed. We don't know if there is a danger yet, said Alieta. The two sprites flew off fast.

They shouldn't be too long, sprites can fly to Cumberland in a couple of minutes, said Alieta. If there is anything going on there they will find out. Okay good because who ever it is it is very scared, said Ivy and I have a bad feeling about this. In about fifteen minutes Ivy saw the sprites coming back. Hey Alieta, here comes your sprites, said Ivy. Oh good, said Alieta. Now we may find out what is happening. The sprites landed and walked over to Alieta and Ivy. So what did you find out? asked Alieta. Well we are not sure exactly but something is going on there, said one of the sprites. Okay can you expand on that for me please. Yes of coarse sorry Alieta. Well we flew around above the town and looked around but all looked normal at first. Now we were about to leave when we hear a noise and someone screamed. We flew over to see what happened and a woman was on the ground but she wasn't hurt. We helped her up and she said it was that thing again. What thing we asked. I don't know but it is weird looking she said. Two men came running and saw us with the girl. She told them it was that thing again and the men looked at us and asked if Alieta sent us. Well said yes because Ivy sensed something was wrong here. One of the men said, then go back and tell her that it is a she devil and is scaring the heck out of everyone. We asked if it had hurt anyone yet but he said not yet. Neither of us have seen a she devil before so we asked what she looked like. They said red hair and eyes with goat like horns and a body of a woman. I asked was she ugly looking because I heard they were ugly but he said not really. So we took off and came back. Ginger came out of the palace and asked what is going on. Well supposedly there is a she devil in Cumberland scaring people, said Alieta. I have never seen one before, do you know anything about she devils. Oh ya, there used to be some in the south where I was brought up, said Ginger. Did you see any yourself? asked Alieta. Yep but when she devils are around hunting you have to stay hidden. They are very nasty creatures. They are winged demon like creatures, very ugly, devil like horns and hooves for feet mostly plus big hands with claws. So they are dangerous they sound, said Alieta. You bet, they will destroy anything in there way and eat anything including people if they are hungry enough. I read a bit on them and it is thought that they were created by demons to do their dirty work but because they were hard to control a demon would just abandon them when the job was done. She devils can't be killed by anything except by another she devil in battle I think. So would a she devil have white magic and be scared by people? asked Ivy. Not a chance, she devils are creatures with no soul and afraid of nothing, said Ginger. So this she devil is in Cumberland, what is it doing there? Hiding and very scared, said Ivy. Then that is not a she devil that is for certain, said Ginger. One she devil can destroy an entire community but what I know is they are attracted by strong magic and there is no magic in Cumberland that I know of. Nope, the overviewer shows none, said Ivy.

Oh no,yelled Ivy. She just got hurt badly. Must of been one of those men with a sword, said one of the sprites. We better get back there and stop them. No time for that, said Ivy. Apollonia, come quick, it is an emergency. Apollonia showed up right away. What is it Ivy? asked Apollonia. There is someone hurt bad in Cumberland and we need to find her, said Ivy. Where is Cumberland? asked Apollonia. Just follow me, we have to fly fast, said Ivy then they flew off. What is going on, asked Lilly. Ivy and Apollonia are bringing back someone that is hurt, said Alieta. Okay, I will stay here, said Lilly I am the best healer. Now the rest of you get out of sight. We don't want to scare her when they get back, said Alieta. You stay Ginger and make sure this is really not a she devil. Okay Alieta but there is no way that is a scared hurt she devil, that is impossible, said Ginger... Both Apollonia and Ivy got to the town and landed on the main street. Can you feel anything yet asked Apollonia. Yes over there down that road, said Ivy. Okay lets go fast, said Apollonia. They turned the corner and saw a bunch of men with swords walking to what looked like a dead end. A man swung his sword even though he couldn't see anything. A scream was heard. Apollonia ran and grabbed the sword from the man and broke it in half. Ivy went invisible and was able so see the girl and ran up to grabbed hold of her. The girl appeared for a second then disappeared again. Ivy grabbed her around the waist. Don't let go of her Ivy. I won't but she is wiggly. What is wrong with you people, can't you see she is scared. Well she has been scaring us one man yelled out. Maybe because you surprised her and she disappeared. She is probably hungry. Has she hurt anyone yet. Well no, said another man. She is bleeding Apollonia, said Ivy. Alieta sent us to get her so get out of our way or you will get hurt by me. Alieta, sent you, oh well that is different then. It shouldn't be. She is just a scared girl. She is a she devil yelled out a man. No she isn't idiot. If she was a devil you all would be dead now, said Apollonia. She went to where Ivy was that was visible again. Relax little one we are here to help, said Apollonia as she touched her. The girl went visible then began to collapse but Apollonia grabbed her and held her in her arms then the girl shut her eyes. Apollonia teleported them back to the palace.

When they appeared at the palace, Alieta and Lilly were standing there waiting for them with Ginger. No wings or tail Alieta, not a she devil, said Ginger. She is bleeding bad and I am sure I can't heal her, said Apollonia. I was not made to heal. Well I can, said Lilly. Quick Lilly she is dying, said Ivy. You poor thing, Lilly quickly took out her wand and started healing the stab wounds on her stomach. The girl opened her eyes and looked at Lilly and said,"Angel". No dear I am a fairy, she is an angel, said Lilly. She looked at Apollonia and smiled then shut her yes again. Here she has another big on on her back, said Apollonia then turned her around and held her up. My god they really did a number on her, said Lilly then began to heal the long cut on her back. There all done, said Lilly. The girl opened her eyes then began talking in a language they didn't understand. Did you understand her Ivy. Nope, what do you think I am, a mind reader? asked Ivy. Well yes, said Alieta. Oh ya but she thinks in the same language so I don't know, said Ivy. Some how I know a bit of what she is saying, said Apollonia. She said thank you and I think she said Triffie and bad men. Well try to tell her she is safe around friends now, said Alieta. Apollonia tried saying a few things to the girl then said we are friends. The girl looked at her and said, "Friends" then smiled. She then stood up on her own. The girl turned around and hugged Ivy then Apollonia. Alieta she is happy now but still very hungry, said Ivy. Any idea what she eats? asked Alieta. Make her a bit of ice cream first Lilly. Everyone likes ice cream, said Ivy. Good idea, Lilly made ice cream cone and gave it to her. The girl smelt it and then smiled at Lilly. Then started to eat it. Looks like she loves it Ivy, said Lilly. Told ya, said Ivy. I wonder what her name is, said Alieta. I don't know, she has a very complex mind and all I understand is Triffie and Zan, said Ivy. Okay lets try this. Zan do you like? asked Alieta. She turned and smiled at Alieta then said, "Yum". Alieta smiled back. Well her name is Zan I guess, said Alieta. See I told you she couldn't be a she devil, said Ginger. I doubt she devils would like ice cream.

Okay soup time, said Lilly. Best to put some vitamins and nutrition in her. She made a table and with two chairs and made some vegetable soup for her. You sit with her Ivy and try to talk with her. Okay but that soup smells good, can I have some too, please? asked Ivy. Lilly smiled and made her a bowl too. Look at her, she is gorgeous. Even the horns look good on her, said Alieta. Apollonia went over to Alieta and said, she is harmless and wouldn't hurt anyone even if she needed too I bet, just like fairies and pixies. She can go invisible though. Look Sara, she is so nice. Yes I feel that, said Sara. Zen looked and Sara and smiled then went back to eating. She has a very pretty smile too, said Sara. So Ivy now that she has been healed what do you see in her? asked Alieta. Well Zan is her name but short for a name I can't pronounce, she has a pure white soul and can go invisible plus jump real high and she can read people a bit. Oh and she is the Queen of the Triffies. Really, I never heard of a Triffie before, said Alieta. I wonder where she came from. Zan finished her soup then stood up and walked over to Alieta. She pointed her finger at Alieta and said, "You queen, Ivy queen, Zan queen no more. Then she walked over to Ivy. Okay where is this English coming from, asked Alieta. Oh she feels what we are thinking and copies us. That is all, said Ivy. But she is very smart plus she can hear us using each other's name. Well what am I going to do with all these adorable girls around me. At one time I used to be the adorable one, said Alieta. You still are adorable Alieta that is why we all hang around you, said Ivy. Oh okay, I like that, said Alieta. Can we come out yet asked Repellia. Oh my god I forgot they were still hiding in the palace. Yes Repellia come on out now. They went over to where Ivy and Zan were standing and talking. Look at our new friend girls. Her name is Zan, said Ivy. Hi Zan, nice to meet you, said Phonixa. Zan looked at the twins and smiled then, said, Pretty". Well she has good taste, said Repellia. So I take it she doesn't speak English. Zan said some thing back. What did she say Ivy? I don't know, she speaks an unknown language, said Ivy. Well it is a very pretty language, said Repellia. Tabitha, come over and talk to Zan she doesn't bite, at least I don't think so.



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