The She Devil Chapter 4


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  Zan Moves Into The Palace

Back at the palace grounds, Alieta was wondering what the next step was she needed to take with Zan. Tabitha, Phonixa and Repellia were talking with Ginger so all seemed okay at the moment. Ivy had returned with Sara and were standing beside Zan so Alieta walked up to them. Ivy, do you know what Zan wants to do now seeing she seems to have adjusted nicely so far to her new environment. Sort of, said Ivy. She is hard to read sometimes. Why is that, asked Alieta. Well like I said she thinks in a language I don't understand so all I can do is sense and look into her past but it is very very long and it would take a while for me to see it all but she is quite harmless to others so why bother invading her like that, said Ivy. Okay, can you tell what she would like to do now? asked Alieta. Yep, she wants to be able to talk to everyone especially you, said Ivy. Zan smiled then said something back to Ivy then turned to Alieta and pointed at her. Alieta smiled. Really me, said Alieta. Yep you are the queen and she likes everyone here, said Ivy. Wouldn't you want to be able to talk to everyone so they can understand you?. Seems pretty simple to me. Well then I will teach her our language, said Alieta. Zan smiled at Alieta. Yep that is what she wants, said Ivy. Good that is a start, said Alieta. Now my next concern is where she is going to stay, said Alieta. Oh that is simple, said Ivy, in the palace with you. From what I saw in her she has been living indoors for some time now. Alieta smiled. I kinda figured that, said Alieta. Yep she is not a forest dweller and hates sleeping out side. She likes it clean and hates insects. She is a pretty girl Alieta and just wants to be treated as a girl. That is all, said Ivy. Alieta called over Ginger and asked to get a room set up for Zan. All ready done, said Ginger. I kind of figured she wasn't the type to venture out in the wild by herself. Okay then, Ivy can you take Zan in the palace and have a elf show you two where her room is please? asked Alieta. Okay sounds good, said Ivy. Sara go home and tell Viridian what I am doing please. Okay boss, I mean Ivy, said Sara then flew off.

Ivy took Zan in the palace then followed the elves to the room and then the elves asked Ivy to show her how to use the bathroom. Okay, said Ivy and they all left. Once in the room Ivy saw that the room had lots of nice things in it plus flowers. A nice long mirror on the wall and pretty pink curtains that were on a window that looked behind behind the palace. Ivy pointed at the bed and said bed and Zan sat on the bed and said bed is nice. She then showed her the bathroom and the bath tub and as soon as Zan saw the bath she turned on the water then stripped naked and got into it. Well she is not shy that is for sure and knows how a bathtub works, Ivy thought to herself. Bath good? asked Ivy. Yes bath is very good, said Zan. She seemed to know all about having a bath and how to use soap and probably everything else in the bathroom. Ivy went out and left her alone and brought the clothes that she had left on the floor out with her. She called for an elf and asked if she could clean these for her Zan. Well yes but we have lots of those old elf outfits still, said the elf. All elves used to wear them a long time ago. We have them in green or black. Too sexy for most of today elves. Okay bring a couple of each colour for now, said Ivy. She can always get clothes out of the wardrobe room later. Okay, it does kinda suit her though said the elf with a smile.

Ivy sat on the bed and waited for Zan to finish. In about fifteen minutes Zan came out with just a towel wrapped around her. Much better now, said Zan. The elf came in and Zan saw the outfits and ran over to the elf but let the towel fall off. Oh my she is naked, said the elf and covered her eyes. Zan smiled then took the clothes and got dressed. Okay, she said and the elf uncovered her eyes. Ya she is not shy at all, said Ivy. Wow she is so pretty, perfectly shaped too said the elf. Okay let me clean up the bathroom for her and went in the bathroom but came out almost right away. Is there something wrong? asked Ivy. No, not at all, said the elf. It is clean, like she didn't even have a bath, said the elf. Actually I think it is even cleaner. It is going to be a pleasure taking care of this room. Ivy smiled then the elf left. Zan put the other clothes in the dresser nice and neatly. So do you want to go back outside now? asked Ivy. Um, hungry still, said Zan. Oh okay I will bring you to the dinning room and get Alieta for you, said Ivy.

Ivy went and got Alieta that was outside talking to Ginger. Okay Zan is waiting for you in the dining room, she had a bath and has clean clothes on, said Ivy. She said she was still hungry. Okay thanks Ivy for all your help, said Alieta. No problem, definitely Zan has lived indoors before though, said Ivy. When I showed her the bathroom she went right to the tub and turned on the water, got naked and jumped in then began washing herself with a bar of soap. Well that is very good then, said Alieta. Yep and it gets better, when the elf went in to clean up the bathroom she came back out and said it was already clean, said Ivy. Zan cleaned it herself. That is unusual, so she is a very neat and tidy girl, said Alieta. Okay I am going home talk to you latter, said Ivy then she flew away. Alieta went in the palace and dining room and found Zan sitting at the table with Sally trying to talk to her. Oh hi Alieta, I can't seem to be able to take this girls order, she speaks a weird language, said Sally. Well she doesn't know English that mush but just because she speaks her own language, doesn't make it weird. Ya your right, said Sally, she is kinda cool looking though. Okay just get us some spaghetti and meat balls please, said Alieta then sat down. So you had a bath I heard, said Alieta. Yep, bath good, very clean now, said Zan. In a few minutes Sally came out with the spaghetti and meat balls. Zan got a big smile on her face and said, "Fun food" then picked up a noodle and sucked it into her mouth. Alieta smiled at her then did the same. Well you sure don't look the worst for wear after the day you have had, thought Alieta. Then Zan grabbed the fork and began eating normally.


After they were finished they went back outside and saw Tabitha, Ginger, Phonixa and Repellia with a couple of fairies dancing together. Zan ran over and joined them. Well she knows how to dance too, thought Alieta. Alieta sat down on the steps and watched them for a bit then the two fairies had to go and flew back to the forest and the three girls came up to Alieta and asked if it was supper time yet. Yes I think it is, said Alieta. Just go in the dining room, there should be some fresh spaghetti for supper in there, said Alieta. They just have to heat it up some. Okay we love spaghetti, said Repellia. The three of them ran into the palace together. Zan came over to Alieta and said, "Me sleep okay". Yes, said Alieta and off Zan went into the palace too. Ginger walked up to Alieta and sat down beside her. So while you two were in there did you find out any more about Zan? asked Ginger. Actually yes I did, said Alieta. She knows how to use a bathroom and she is very clean and tidy, plus she calls spaghetti fun food and likes to play with it a bit before eating it. Other than that I am still at a loss how she got here and where she came from but Ivy said she has a very big history. Well she seems nice enough, all you have to do is teach her English, said Ginger. Ya I know. Not until tomorrow sometime though, said Alieta. In the mean time I am going to the den and get back to doing some writing. Okay, I am going in also to to have some fun food with the girls, said Ginger.



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