The She Devil Chapter 3


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Ivy Gets In Trouble

Alexa was sitting with Diego on the couch then stood up fast. You know, Ivy told me that I can go in the fairy forest anytime I want but only she can allow anyone else in. Okay so what is wrong with that? asked Diego. Well say I wanted to bring you in with me, I would have to find Ivy first and if she is in the cove then I would have to walk all the way in by my self leaving you at the entrance of the fairy forest then get her to allow you in and not just that but we would have to do that every time we wanted to go in there. So what is in the fairy forest that you would want to go see? asked Diego. Well it is amazing in there when she took me in a couple of days ago and they are planning on putting other things in the forest for people allowed in to enjoy. It is like a members only club where you have to have a guest sign in. Well there must be a reason why she has it set that way, said Diego. Maybe but you are a hero and what about the rest of the team. I have to go talk to Ivy about her stupid rule. Okay but settle down Alexa, said Diego. Well she doesn't get it, She doesn't have a boy friend so she has no idea what it is like to enjoy nice things together with him. Well okay go and talk to her but remember she is your friend and she is very young still. Use that amazing brain of yours to reason with her, said Diego. Okay I will. I am going there now. She should be there by now, said Alexa. The fairies made a waterfall in the forest and Ivy mentioned something about a spa they are working on, said Alexa. A waterfall where there used to be just desert land. That is something I would like to see, said Diego. Okay see you when I get back, said Alexa. I just hope I can convince her. She is the queen of the forest now. Alexa left, got on her horse and headed out. I hope she doesn't upset Ivy. She is just trying to do what is best for Fae Land, Diego said to Angus. Angus sat down and put his big head on Diego's lap.

While Alexa was riding to the forest. Ivy and Sara went back to the fairy forest to check the overviewer to make sure everything was okay now. Alexa got to the forest entrance and told the trees who it was. The trees opened up for her. She walked in and tried to run but the trees wouldn't open fast enough for her. This isn't working she thought to herself. I am going to run and I can run very fast so open up nice and long please she said to the trees. The woods opened up very long and Alexa saw it worked. She ran as fast as she could and got to the cove entrance in about fifteen minutes. She was winded and took a break first before going in. A tree branch moved and rubbed her back. Alexa smiled and thanked the tree. She entered the cove and saw both Ivy and Sara talking to each other. Hi Alexa, what's up? asked Ivy. I need to talk to you Ivy, said Alexa firmly. About what? asked Ivy. About your stupid rule, that is what, said Alexa. What rule? asked Ivy. The one that won't let my boyfriend in the forest with me, only you can let him in. Oh and Ivy started to look a bit scared now. But I... No buts, you have no idea what it is like to have a boyfriend and not being able to share something that is so amazing with him, started Alexa. He deserves it too you know. He defends and fights for Fae Land where you live and should be allowed to enter the pool too when he wants. Sara stepped back a bit behind Ivy. And what about Viridian your best friend and Carmen and Zatsuky plus the rest of the team that put their lives on the line just to make Fae Land safe for you and everyone else plus what about...Ivy started to cry and Sara went to Alexa and gave her a very dirty look and grabbed her by the shoulder. Alex went to move away from Sara but couldn't budge. Why are you making Ivy cry, I thought you were her friend, said Sara. I am sorry Ivy, I didn't mean to make you cry. I am just so mad about the rules that you made, said Alexa. Ivy wiped her eyes and looked at Alexa. I all ready changed the rules, I tried to tell you but you said no buts and kept talking and getting mad at me, said Ivy. Oh, so what are the new rules asked Alexa. Well all the heroes are allowed to come in the forest and can bring friends in with them but the friends can't come in by themselves with out at least one of the heroes or Alieta of course. Everyone that lives in the palace can come in too. Ginger also plus I just told the pool about Zan. I have to make it so guest can't come in by themself in case they bring someone bad in here. Oh ya Pippa can let anyone in too but just her. The other pixies can come in anyways when ever they want because the forest loves them. Oh boy, now I feel like a dummy, said Alexa. Those are very good rules you made. Sara let go of Alexa's shoulder. Man you got quite the grip there, said Alexa. Yep I am very strong, said Sara. Yes I saw that, Well I will be going now, said Alexa. Wait who is Zan? She is a Triffie that we saved from being killed today in Cumberland. She is really nice but doesn't speak too much English yet. You should go see her, she is real pretty. I see, okay I will do that, said Alexa then left the cove.

 When Alexa got out of the woods she headed over to the palace to see who this Zan was. When she reached the palace she found Alieta talking to who must of been Zan. She rode up to them and got off the horse and walked over. Hello, Alexa, what brings you here? asked Alieta. Well first I went to the cove to talk to Ivy and man did I make a fool of myself. Really what happened? asked Alieta. Well I was mad about the rules Ivy had set in the fairy forest so I started telling her how stupid I thought they were not knowing she had already changed the rules that made perfect sense and were about the way I wanted them to be. I guess I was yelling at her and she started to cry before she could tell me about the new rules. Diego even told me remember Ivy is my friend and not to get mad at her but I did anyways until Sara grabbed me by the arm and got mad at me. Man that girl is strong, I couldn't break free of her grasp with just one hand on my arm. Really, you couldn't break Sara's grip? asked Alieta. Nope I couldn't budge and she wouldn't let go until I said I was sorry to Ivy, said Alexa. Then Ivy told me about Zan so I wanted to come here and see who she was. Well here she is quite the girl that is for sure. Zan, this is Alexa, said Alieta. Hi Alexa, said Zan. She doesn't speak English though she is catching on pretty fast, said Alieta. Ivy said she almost got killed in Cumberland, why was that? asked Alexa. They thought she was a she devil, said Alieta and attacked her with swords but Ivy and Apollonia went and save her then Lilly healed her good as new. Really, she doesn't look anything like a she devil, said Alexa. True enough but Ivy did read her some and found she has a pure white soul and can disappear, jump high and can read people some. Still haven't been able to find out where she is from or what she was doing in Cumberland. Ivy said she is a Triffie, Have you heard of them before? asked Alexa. Nope not at all yet Ivy said she is the queen of the Triffies. Well Zan said she was not a queen anymore, said Alieta. Well that can only mean a couple of things, said Alexa. Either she got kicked out from being queen or she is the last one of her kind. I never thought of that. If she is the last of her kind then maybe she was meant to be here. You know how God is when it is protecting his special creations. Yes I do. Zan once a queen always a queen, said Alexa. Zan tilted her head to the side then smiled and gave Alexa a hug. Well she sure is friendly, said Alexa. Anyways I am going back home, Nice meeting you Zan.


 When When Alexa got home she went to Diego looking some what sad. Diego looked at the sad Alexa and figured that she didn't succeed in getting the cove's rules changed. It's okay Alexa, at least you tried, he said to her. Oh the rules are changed and all the team can now enter the forest and use the pool in the cove and what ever else they make in there, said Alexa. Oh so why are you looking so sad? asked Diego. Well I really embarrassed myself, said Alexa. What do you mean? asked Diego. Well I started off okay when I first started to talk to Ivy but then I got carried away and even got mad at her and didn't let her talk even when she tried to, said Alexa. She even started to cry. Sara grabbed me and gave me a very dirty look and said I thought you were Ivy's friend. Okay so you got carried away like I warned you not to do, said Diego. So are you two still friends? Yes but then Ivy told me she had already changed the rules and the new rules were very good, said Alexa. Oh I see, that is why you got embarrassed, said Diego. Well I did find out one thing though, Sara has super strength. When she grabbed my arm I couldn't move it to break free. Diego looked at Alexa and saw that she was, suffering from regret. Alexa, you are human you know and sometimes us humans do things that we regret later. You have to move on and look at all the good that resulted from your anger. Look at Ivy, she forgave you and moved on right away and never stopped loving you at all, he said to her. That is not the point, said Alexa. No that is the point, said Diego with a smile. You may of gone over board which I was afraid you would but all is good now and Ivy seems just fine. Ya I suppose you are right, said Alexa. Do something nice for Ivy as an apology, she likes it when when people show their love to her. Alexa smiled, ya I will. I think I know what to do for her, said Alexa. Now you said Sara grabbed you and wouldn't let go, how is that possible. You are super strong and a simple forest sprite could no way of stopped you from breaking free, said Diego. Oh she is no simple forest sprite. She grabbed me with one hand and I couldn't break loose of her grasp. That girl is a lot stronger than me, said Alexa. I didn't think that would be possible, said Diego with a surprised look on his face. Well Ivy always said she was really strong right from when she first met Sara. Now I know how strong Ivy meant. Wow, she looks so kind and gentle, said Diego. A bit bigger than Ivy that is all. Well I would never want to mess around with her, that is for sure, said Alexa, then smiled at Diego. Come here and sit with me girl, said Diego. Time for you to rest and feel my love, said Diego.




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