The She Devil Chapter 5


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Alieta went up to her den and was going to do some writing but instead she decided to plan out some words and even sentences to teach Zan. Well Zan seems to be able to take care of herself nicely and seems pretty smart so teaching her English shouldn't be that hard said Alieta to herself. Well of course, said Gabriel, she has been around longer than you and even me. Oh I was wondering when you were going to show up, said Alieta. Gabriel smiled. Well you all looked like you had everything in control and were having fun so why interfere, said Gabriel. So you said she has been around longer that me and you, said Alieta. Oh yes, much longer, said Gabriel. She goes back before men and women. Wow that is a long time ago, said Alieta. Yes when humans finally evolve into smarted and more creative beings. they were in a different part of the continent than Triffies so never interacted with each other for the longest time, said Gabriel, They were created before me, because they were very peaceful and got along with each other and all of the animals. Triffies were God's first creations after the first apocalypse. Pure white souls each and everyone of them. Too pure as it turned out, said Gabriel. I didn't get created until man was more modern and were always fighting over something stupid killing each other. God needed help judging all the souls. So you said they were too pure, what does that mean? asked Alieta. Well eventually man found where they lived and thought they were demons or monsters for some reason and began to hunt them that made God very sad but he saw that the Triffies were too gentle and kind for the times and gave them a defense of disappearing and being able to jump high out of the way of danger but that only worked for a while. As centuries went by, less and less Triffies could be found hiding in caves mostly until only one was left about thirty years ago to the thanks of a kind older woman that lived alone in a very nice home but she could not talk. She found Zan hiding in a tree being chased by men that wanted her horns for trophies. The old woman was able to point the men in the wrong direction then convinced Zan to come with her using food. She kept Zan safe and showed her many things until not long ago the old woman died and Zan now didn't know what to do. So why did God let them all get killed? ask Alieta. He had no choice as to not interfere but Triffie souls are and pure white and never sinned so they were ready to be transferred into other beings that were forming on the planet that we all call elves now. Elves are very smart like the Triffies were and knew how to defend themselves and man feared them so stayed away from them. Alieta smiled. So if Zan was the last remaining Triffie in the south, how did she end up in Cumberland, Alieta asked. Oh he transferred her there. He wanted to see if the people there would except her. Well they didn't, said Alieta, we had to go save her and she almost died if it wasn't for Apollonia and Ivy plus Lilly, said Alieta. And you Alieta, your heart felt that something was not right and sent them to find her. First the sprites then Ivy felt Zan's pain and had to call Apollonia to help. Now she was the Queen of the Triffies, and very well polished, said Gabriel. That is the reason she lasted the longest because other Triffies and even centaurs gave up their lives to keep her safe for the longest time. So she was a queen as Ivy said, though Zan said queen no more, said Alieta. She will always be a queen, that was the only way for her to tell you all her people were dead. Poor thing has been though hell, said Gabriel. I hope you gave her a nice room to stay in. Well yes she got one of the last of two rooms that are very nice, said Alieta. So why didn't he just send her here first? asked Alieta. Oh he has his reasons but we are all constantly being judge. I suppose he wanted to make sure she would get excepted here and not just appear out of nowhere. Isn't she adorable, said Gabriel. Yes and very beautiful and kind, said Alieta. Well yes, those with pure white souls are all about the love of life, said Gabriel. There are only two such people here close to the pureness of Zan's soul. That Is Ivy and Sara. So best she stays within the borders of Fae Land then? asked Alieta. Well yes and no. She can enter the forest any time she wants with no permission from anyone and soon Ivy will have new areas set up in the forest that others will be able to enjoy. The forest will love her! By nature Triffies tend to stay where they feel safe and rarely travel very far. Okay, she seems to really like it here in the palace, said Alieta. Well of coarse, look at it in here. It is gorgeous and she really likes pretty things and people. Like I said long ago she lived a polished life surrounded by people that loved her, said Gabriel. It is a shame Fae Land wasn't here long ago or there would be many more Triffies around today but now you know one of the reasons why God created Fae Land and is protecting it. There are many unique people and beings out there that you have nit met yet but you will eventually. Okay that is all I know about her so keep on teaching her English. She is super smart and learns fast so have fun with one of our lords favorite creations that he left in your trusting hands. Bye now and Gabriel disappeared. Just a little more responsibility, I can handle it, I hope, Alieta thought to herself then decided to go to bed instead of doing anything else today.

The End...




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