The Untamed Forest Chapter 2


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The Big Surprise

Tara and Avan got to the palace but didn't see Alieta or Ginger. Tara called over an elf and asked if she could go inside and find Alieta for her. It is an emergency. The elf ran in and found Ginger first, sitting in the dining room. Ginger, it is an emergency, Tara and Avan needs Alieta. What are we being attacked? asked Ginger. I don't know they didn't say, said the elf. Okay settle down I will get her, said Ginger. Go back out side and tell them we will right out. The elf turned and ran out. Ginger went up to the den to get Alieta and relayed the message. Oh my, what could be that important that Tara and Avan are wanting me? wondered Alieta. They both ran out and saw the two she devils talking to each other. So what is going on? asked Alieta. Tara turned and said you won't believe it until you see with your own eyes. Okay, so tell me more please, said Alieta. Well we got very close to the center of The Untamed Forest and ran into the most amazing beings. It seems that they had never heard of Fae Land and didn't know they were trespassing so the queen put it. Hmm, I didn't know anyone was living in that forest, said Alieta. Well they didn't know anyone was living outside of the forest, said Avan. Now Ginger's eyes got wider. How is that possible? asked Ginger. Who are they? Well they call themselves fairy nymphs and as we speak, the queen and her daughter are on their way here to talk to Alieta. Ktara was with us so she is guiding them all out of the forest. Ktara? How did she get involved with all this? asked Alieta. Oh we met her on the way to the forest. She was headed there too. She wanted to get a turkey, said Tara. Okay, let me get this straight, two, so called fairy nymphs are on their way to the palace led by Ktara and they want to talk to me, said Alieta. Well sort of I guess. Hennie said that she wanted to say sorry for trespassing. Well they are not trespassing, they are welcome to that forest but I have heard of nymphs before but never anything about fairy nymphs. What do they look like? asked Alieta. Mostly like pixies or fairies, said Tara. Okay maybe they look like a mix of both but tiny and very cute and young looking. They definitely do magic seeing Hennie parted the trees with her hands so we could fly out and she sent the other two girls back to their cove. So they got a cove also? asked Ginger. That is what she said. They did get all excited though when they heard that real fairies lived here too, said Avan. Well this is very unexpected but that seems to be the normal lately. So we just have to wait then, said Alieta. Not if that is them over there, said Ginger. Wow, how did they get out of the forest so fast? asked Tara. Took us almost three hours to walk in that far. If they have a cove maybe the trees are magic there too and move out of the way, said Ginger.

Alieta straighten her outfit. And saw Ginger was already standing nice to meet them. As they got closer they could see that the two beside Ktara were quite small. Is that them? asked Alieta, they look very small. Yep they are small. Smaller than a fairy, said Avan. My goodness, said Alieta. They must be brave to venture out here. Well they can sense stuff like Ivy I think. They felt no bad in us and felt it was safe too, said Tara. Hmm, interesting, said Alieta. They finally reached them and Ktara introduced both Alieta and Ginger to them. Hello Hennie, it is very nice to meet you. Um yes it is nice to meet you too, but we are so sorry about trespassing. We thought we were alone here, said Hennie. Well first of all, you are not trespassing, everyone is welcome to live in Fae Land, said Alieta. Look Mom, Ktara spoke the truth, she is kind. Yes dear I see that now, said Hennie. Alieta smiled. So when did you come to Fae Land? asked Alieta. Well not exactly sure but about one or two hundred years ago, maybe a lot longer, we don't really keep track of time much, said Hennie. Really that long ago. How is it possible that no one here ever saw you in all that time? asked Alieta. Oh we rarely leave the safety of the forest, said Hennie. Some of us have gone out very early in the morning before it got light and planted some trees and plants in bare areas. Things were very bare when we first got here but looks much nicer now. You stayed in there for over two hundred years and never thought to look around outside the forest during the day? asked Alieta. Nope, we are forest folk now though Nessie here keeps on trying to sneak out all the time so now I have Fettie and Setta taking care of her, keeping her amused. No need to go into the open during the day where it can be dangerous. Besides we got here when it was dark and saw no one or anything that looked like there might be anyone else around, said Hennie. Alieta looked at Ginger. This girl you are looking at is very very cute, she has no wings so what is she? asked Hennie. Oh I am Ginger and I am an elf. I have heard of such beings but though they lived in the forest, said Hennie. Well we don't anymore and there is lots of us here in Fae Land, said Ginger. Yes I see that. They seem to be walking around out here a lot, said Hennie. Mom, ask her about the fairies please, said Nessie. Alieta smiled. In a bit dear, but first we are talking to a queen. You are the queen right? asked Hennie. Yes I am, said Alieta. I've never seen a sprite before but Ktara told me that you were a sprite. I heard they were very fast flyers and very good warriors. Very strong too, said Hennie. While you heard correct, said Alieta. I have an army of sprites that help to defend our land from evil though lately things have been very calm due to Tara and Avan. Hennie and Nessie both looked at the two she devils. Yes they do look strong, and I sense a massive power inside them too. Yet they look so kind and well pretty, said Hennie. Both Tara and Avan smiled.

So now that you know that there is people out here and very friendly ones we all are, will you still stay cooped up in the forest? asked Alieta. Well we like it in there and it is our home but we can come out and meet people during the day. We sleep at night, said Hennie, unlike fairies that sleep during the day. What, where did you hear that? asked Alieta. I don't know, just thought it was common knowledge, said Hennie. Okay now mom, I want to see a real fairy, please, said Nessie. Alieta smiled. You are very polite and been very patient Nessie. Let me call Pippa and she will get one for you. Okay thanks Alieta, said Nessie. Pippa could you come here please, called out Alieta. Is Pippa a fairy? asked Nessie. No she is a pixie but she will get one for you out of their forest, said Alieta. Pippa showed up fast as usual and said yes Alieta, you rang. Hi Pippa. This pretty little girl would like to meet a real fairy. Pippa looked at Nessie then Hennie. Wow, fairy nymphs! I didn't know any were around in this area anymore or anywhere else for that matter. I though your kind was extinct, said Pippa. Well almost, but there are twenty of us left, said Hennie. I have heard the name Pippa before a long time ago. You used to live close to where we all were attacked by dragons, said Hennie. Yep I did but we got the heck out of there fast. We can fly a lot faster that fairy nymphs, and anything else, said Pippa, Glad to see some survived, very nice folk for sure and very important to the planet, said Pippa. Okay I will get you a fairy or two little one, I'll be right back. Nessie smiled, she is funny, I like her, said Nessie. Well you should dear, she has been around forever, said Hennie. Yea pixies are the fastest and we are not very fast at all, said Hennie. Faster than a big bird, but that is all. No need to fly fast when we like to stay in a forest most of the time. Well we are going back in the woods to take a nap, said Tara. Send over a sprite if we are needed. Then Tara and Avan flew to the woods. Ya we need to change into cooler clothes, said Repellia, we won't be long. Ya right, you two take forever to figure out what you are going to wear, said Tabitha. I am coming in with you to speed things up. Pippa showed up with Tulip and Pippie. There you go dear, real fairies, said Pippa. Nessie's eyes opened up so wide that they looked like they were going to pop out. Tulip knelt down in front of Nessie and said, hello. I am Tulip and this is my friend Pippie. Wow two real fairies, is it true you have magic wands? asked Nessie. Yep we sure do, said Tulip. Here watch this and put out your hand, then Tulip made her wand appear and gave Nessie a four flavored ice cream cone. Go head lick it, you will love how it tastes. Okay, said Nessie. Wow what is this, it tastes amazing. Here mom taste. She lifted the cone up to Hennie and she licked it too. Wow, it is real good. I can't make food with magic but I am a real good cook though, said Hennie. So Pippa told me you are fairy nymphs, said Tulip. My mom talked to me about your kind. She spoke very highly about you all. You all love magic like we do but can only do forest and plant magic. Yes but that is all we need, said Hennie. We make sure things look very nice and create vegetation and woods for animals to survive in. Well we are limited too, said Tulip. We only do good magic but can't make living things like plants but we can make a seed grow really fast. Our mother has the strongest magic and she can make underground roots sprout out of the ground. Only the oldest fairies can do that but I am the youngest. Other than that we have lots of fun with magic and love doing it for everyone.

Tulip and Pippie did a few more magic tricks for them and Hennie showed them how she can make plants and with just a wave of her hand and made one of those plants that had cup shaped leaves. They are called "Water Cups", said Hennie. They are good for the small animals to drink from seeing there is no real river in the forest. So where did you originally see them? asked Alieta. Oh I created them myself, said Hennie. You made a whole new plant that never existed? asked Ginger. Yep, us fairy Nymphs created a lot of plants that are now growing all over the place, said Hennie. That is what we like doing best. Wow, we can't do that, said Pippie. Yep, cherry and apple trees, berry bushes, and grape vines are some that we all made a long time ago, though we did start with a grape tree first but that didn't work so well because they grew like a cherry on the tree and dried out too fast so we made them grow in bunches on vines that worked great. I heard that later on humans made wine from them too but we like them fresh off the vine. Hmm, I thought God made all those plants and trees, said Alieta. Nope, we did most of them, said Hennie. Winds blow the seeds all over the place and over time all kinds of different trees and plants are growing all over the place. Ivy should be here soon with Sara and Tobias, said Ginger. They are forest sprites. Really, I haven't seen a forest sprite since the dragons came. They all flew away like the pixies, said Hennie. They can fly really fast too. We used to work and play with them all the time. We would make the plants or small trees then give them a bit of water and they would help make them grow healthy and fast. You can make water too? asked Pippie. Well you need to water the plant once you make it you know, said Hennie. Only enough to make the ground wet. We take the water in the air and use that. Then we hope for rain but now Mother Nature takes over with rain and makes sure nothing dies. So Ivy told me that there is a lot of new growth out in Eden that started out of no where, said Alieta. Eden is all the beautiful area just west of the forest you live in. Was that you making those plants? Yep, a bunch of us have been planting flowers and bushes all over the place out there in the mornings for years. Things grow really fast in that ground. There is still lots of empty space to add plants to out there, said Hennie. We don't venture too far from the forest so maybe there is other areas further away that can use our magic. Well Ivy is really going to like to meet you, that is for sure, said Pippa. She controls all the magic out there that makes things grow so fast. Really, she can control magic? asked Hennie. Yep you will see, said Pippa, Ivy is a very special forest sprite. Nessie finished her ice cream cone and looked up at Tulip with a big smile. Thank you Tulip, you make good ice cream, makes me feel happy inside. Yep Ivy calls ice cream happy food, said Alieta.



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