The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Untamed Forest Chapter 1


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The following day came and Tobias's mother hadn't arrived yet. Alieta and Ginger were kind of glad seeing they had an extra day to put together a little party for when Samantha arrived. Ginger remembered that Samantha was quite pretty but very warrior like though she had no idea what she was like now after all these years. Alieta was just excited to be able to see an old friend again and exchange stories with her. Ivy was still a bit nervous about meeting Tobias's mother that was a warrior with Alieta. She figured if she exercised some and get stronger looking Tobias's mother would like her more. She started doing push ups and sit ups in her bedroom before breakfast but didn't see no difference when she looked in the mirror. She went and had breakfast with Sara and Viridian then the two of them went to the cove as usual. There really wasn't much to do seeing that Ivy was very good at keeping things in order and had full control over the forest when she was in there so she asked Sara to help her get stronger. Sara thought she was joking and started to laugh. Ivy got mad and told her she really wanted to be able to impress Samantha when she got here. Sara said sorry but you all ready will impress her just the way you are. Maybe you are right but why am I still nervous? asked Ivy. It must be natural, said Sara. Maybe you need to go for a swim and burn off some energy. I'll go with you. Ivy remembered that Sara had never gone swimming yet so she agreed to go with her. They got Tulip to suit them up then they flew over to the pool but Ivy had to show Sara how to swim first which didn't take too long seeing Sara had very strong arms and legs and soon was able to swim very fast across the pool. Later Ivy and Tobias spent a bit of time together at his place. Ivy liked his room but wanted to decorate it for him but he said no, he had his own ideas of what needed to be done. The ice boxes and carpenters arrived today at the candy factory and they got to work with Jessica telling them what she wanted. Looked like the candy factory would be ready to start working the next day so she decided to just relax today at home after giving them her instructions...

In The Forest

It was a bit cooler today and the palace crew all gathered together to figure out what to do as usual. Tara said that when Avan and her were flying around they noticed there was a very big forest east of Eden. Maybe we should go check it out. I didn't even know there was a forest there, said Phonixa. Me either, said Zan, Cindy never mentioned it to me when she took me on a tour of Fae Land. Has anyone here been there before? asked Tara. Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. Maybe we should ask Alieta about it first, it might be dangerous or something, said Repellia. I suppose, said Tara but if you are with us two, what could happen? Ya I know but still lets ask anyways, said Repellia. They all walked over to where Alieta and Ginger were usually sitting but they were not there this morning. Wonder where they are? asked Tabitha. Let me go inside and see what is going on. She went in and saw they were not in the dining room. Sally came out of the kitchen and asked what she was looking for. Oh just looking for Alieta or Ginger, said Tabitha. We just want to ask her about that big forest just east of Eden before we all decided to check it out. Oh that is the Untamed Forest, said Sally. Oh that doesn't sound too safe then, said Tabitha. Sally smiled, well if you are afraid of turkeys, foxes and rabbits then I suppose it would be unsafe for you. Ha ha very funny, said Tabitha. Sorry but you walked right into that one. Actually that is a good place to get a turkey for holiday dinners. I know Ktara and Alexa hunts there and that is where she found Angus. Oh really! So that sounds very safe then, said Tabitha. Yes I think so, said Sally though it is very big and no one has ever made it to the center of that forest yet but doubt if any big wild animals live there either. Okay we have Tara and Avan with us anyways, said Tabitha. Then go for it. Sounds like a nice adventure, said Sally. Lots of cool stuff in there to see. No pixies I was told for some strange reason. The south end of that forest turns into the east woods so I guess they all stay there instead. Okay thanks, said Tabitha and went back outside. Alieta came out just in time to see Tabitha leaving. What did she want? asked Alieta. Oh they all just want to check out The Untamed Forest, Sally. Oh okay, I haven't been in there for years, said Alieta. Never did get to explore all of it though. Got lost in there once and had to fly out. Pretty big forest with trees growing very close together the deeper you go in. Pippa said it is too dark in there all the time so pixies don't like it, almost like a jungle in parts. They should be okay in there with the she devils anyways.

Tabitha came back out and told everyone that it was safe to go in that forest. It was called The Untamed Forest but only had small animals in it like rabbits and foxes. So did Alieta say she had been in there before? asked Zan. Well I couldn't find her but Sally told me all about it and she found it to be safe and lots to see, said Tabitha. She did say though that she doesn't think anyone ever made it to the center of the forest though. It is very big. Well lets go everyone, said Tara, sounds like fun. Lets see if we can get close to the center. Okay they all said and headed out on foot towards Sandy Lake. It took them about fifteen minutes to reach the part of the woods that turned into a forest which was not that far from Ivy's place. They saw Ktara with her sword heading there way so they stopped to wait for her. Hi everyone, you all going for a hike in The Untamed Forest? asked Ktara. Yep we were told it was safe and all, said Zan. Why do you have your sword? Oh I am looking to get a turkey. It is more fun trying with a sword, said Ktara. So I can be your guide if you like. I have been in here a bunch of times already. Okay, that would be cool, said Phonixa. We are going to try and get to the center of the forest. Ktara smiled. Well that will take some time, I have never gone that deep before. Sounds like an adventure though so lets do it, said Ktara. They all followed Ktara in and saw there was a well beaten path to follow. It was also nice and cool under all the trees. Look over there, said Ktara. Those plants have leaves shaped like cups and they hold water in them from when it rains and also from morning dew. It is really good for drinking. They all checked them out and tasted the water. Oh nice and cold and a bit sweet too, said Phonixa. Ya it is really good, said Ktara. They all walked along the path for about another hour and saw a few small foxes and a couple of rabbits but they scurried off as soon as they saw everyone. Ktara stopped and told them that this is where the path splits. Are you sure you want to head deeper into the forest towards the center? she asked them. Yep, I am, said Tara. Ya sure, like you said it is an adventure, said Tabitha. Okay then. That path is not very wide so we will have to walk single file, said Ktara. Lets head out and see what is in there.


So have you ever taken this path before? asked Zan. I went along it for just a bit but it gets pretty dark and I just go in the forest for turkeys and rabbits, said Ktara. Never needed to take this path too far before but looks like some people have used it before but not lately. How do you know that? asked Repellia. Well the weeds and grass are growing back on the ground so I would say that maybe a few people have gone this way or just small animals, said Ktara. I don't see any foot prints or animal tracks though. Now if you want to get close to the center lets move faster. Hopefully there will be a bit of a clearing up ahead so we can rest a bit. Okay we can do that, said Tabitha. Us too, said Phonixa and Repellia. We are really good runners and so is Zan. Okay then lets go everyone, lets move it! They started to run and now they were seeing that the forest was getting denser and denser the further they went in. I about another thirty minutes they came to a small clearing that was somewhat brighter but shouldn't of been because there still was a bunch of trees that were making it so they couldn't see the sky at all. They all sat down after taking a drink from the water cup leaves. Wonder why it is so light in here? asked Zan. Beats me, said Ktara. Must be the light reflecting off all the leaves. Tabitha turned quickly. Did you hear that? she asked. No what? asked Tara. Sounded like someone giggling. I didn't hear anything, said Avan and I am sitting right beside you. Must be your imagination. Ya I guess so, said Tabitha. Okay is everyone ready to move on or are you all ready to start back? asked Ktara. They all agreed to keep going so off they went but now running was out of the question. The path was harder to follow and the forest was getting very dense. They walked for about another half hour then Ktara said we better go back. It is like a jungle this deep in the forest. "Chicken". Did someone just call me a chicken? asked Ktara. Everyone look at each other and said nope. "Chicken, chicken". There it was again and that time everyone heard it. Where is that coming from? asked Zan. Then they all heard some giggling that seemed to be coming from a few different directions. Okay you all heard that this time, said Tabitha. Yep I did, said Zan but I can't sense anything out there yet. Then they all started to hear girlish giggling. Well if I didn't know better that sounds a lot like pixies giggling, said Zan.

Ya it sort of did sound like pixies, said Ktara, like they are playing with us. "Yep but nope", said a voice. Ktara smiled. It must be pixies, they always say yep. "Close but nope" said the voice. "Do you give up?". Yes we do, said Ktara. Everyone else was just looking around to see where the soft voice was coming from. "Okay", said the voice then three small very cute winged girls flew out and said hi. Wow, they are pixies, said Tabitha. No, silly, we are fairy nymphs, said one of them. Really, didn't know there was such a thing, said Ktara. Well we are not things we are fairy nymphs and who are you?, asked one of the fairy nymphs as they were flying around checking everyone out very quickly. Okay sorry, I am Ktara and these are my friends. Oh you have strange looking friends, said one of the fairy nymphs over by Tara and Avan. I am Nessie and I am a princess and these are some of my friends. That is Fettie with the two look alike girls and over there with those two very big winged girls is Setta. They are so cute, said Avan. You all are very pretty but very big, said Nessie. I guess that is okay. Why do you two look the same? asked Fettie to the twins. I am Repellia and this is my twin sister Phonixa. We were born at the same time by the same mother. Wow never heard of that before, said Fettie. I feel no bad in any of you. Tabitha smiled. So you can do magic? asked Tabitha. Yep, we love magic, said Fettie. We make everything look beautiful with plants and flowers and stuff. Really like the fairies in the fairy forest? asked Ktara. You have fairy nymphs somewhere else too? asked Nessie. Well not fairy nymphs, just fairies, said Tabatha. Really like real fairies with magic wands and everything? asked Setta, that now was all excited and flew very close to Tabitha. Well yes but they are not ours, they are our friends and live in a magical forest, said Tabitha. Wow, you are really lucky, we have only heard about real fairies but thought they only came out at night when everyone was sleeping, said Nessie. No these fairies sleep at night like us, said Tabitha. So everyone, they were nice enough to tell us their names so introduce yourselves to them, said Ktara. Zan, Tabitha, Avan and Tara introduced them selves and saw that these three fairy nymphs were very curious as they looked over each of them very closely. Nice names too, said Nessie. So who do we have here? asked another voice from behind Ktara. Oh hi Mom, we found some nice people from the outside the forest. We were just playing with them and stuff, said Nessie. Ktara looked behind her and saw a very pretty slightly older looking fairy nymph smiling at her.

Well they look harmless enough except for you with that sword, she said. I am Hennie, Queen of the Fairy Nymphs. So we have never had visitors in here before. Where did you come from? Ktara smiled. Sorry about the sword. I am one of Fae Land's heroes. I am Ktara. Fae Land, where is that, asked Hennie. Um you live in Fae Land, at least part of it, said Ktara. Really, I though this was just a forest, said Hennie. Well this part is but Fae Land is huge and ruled by Alieta, a very nice and kind sprite, said Ktara. My a sprite, I heard they are quite pretty and very fast flyers. Yep they are, said Zan. She would love to meet you, that is for sure. Hmm I don't know. Us girls in here are very safe and usually stay with in our cove that keeps the jungle thick to keep bad animals out, said Hennie. If you carry a sword I would think it is dangerous outside of the forest. Well no, Fae Land is very safe because we all defend it from evil, said Ktara. I have a sword because I was originally going hunting for a turkey but met my friends here and I decided to go with them instead, said Ktara. Well okay, I will have to believe you. Seeing that we seem to be trespassing so I best go explain why and when we got here, said Hennie. Can I go too please, please, please, asked Nessie. Tabitha laughed. She sounds just like the fairies we know. Yes I over heard there might be real fairies around, said Hennie. Okay you can come with me, but the rest of you get back into the cove please. Okay, and they all flew off. Okay so I guess we walk seeing most of you don't have wings, said Hennie. Now maybe you two with the big wings can fly up and tell your queen we are coming. I don't like showing up unannounced, said Hennie. Both Tara and Avan looked up but saw no way out. How? asked Tara. there is no opening anywhere. Hennie waved her arms and the trees opened up for them. Okay, there you go girls. We will be there when ever. I don't know how far it is, said Hennie. Took us almost three hours to get here along the path, said Tabitha. Well we won't be going that way, said Hennie with a smiled. Tara and Avan took off up and headed to the palace. The rest followed Hennie as she parted the trees as they all walked heading straight towards Eden that was a very fast short cut.



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