The Untamed Forest Chapter 4


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Ivy Shows Hennie Eden

 Ivy flew over to her place first and called for Viridian to come out. "Viridian come out and meet some of my new friends" Viridian came out and just saw Ivy first while the three fairy nymphs were behind her. More new friends Ivy, where are they? asked Viridian. Ivy moved over then Viridian looked down and saw the three tiny girls. My goodness where did they come from? asked Viridian. Just over there in the forest, said Ivy. They have been living in there for at least three hundred years without anyone knowing about them. Your kidding that long, so what are they? Too small to be fairies and even cuter than pixies, said Viridian. They are fairy nymphs, this is Hennie the queen and girl in red is Fettie and the girl in blue is Setta, said Ivy. Hennie's little girl is at the palace playing with the fairies right now. Well it is very nice to meet you all, said Viridian. Wow you are really tall, how did you get that big? asked Fettie. Well I am an elf and just grew this way though I am taller than most elves, said Viridian. Okay you two just fly south and past the big waterfall then you will see the palace that is a big building and there will be a bunch of people there waiting for you. Okay, by Viridian then they both flew off. Well I hope they don't get lost, said Hennie. How can they get lost, the palace is easy to find, said Viridian. Oh you don't know those two girls but you are probably right, said Hennie.They are the youngest of all the fairy nymphs along with my daughter Nessie, they are very curious plus get distracted easily, said Hennie. They will get there eventually. I am showing some of Eden to Hennie before we go back to the palace, said Ivy. Sara and I will be home later. Okay, have fun, said Viridian. They the two of them flew off. Hmm, never heard of that kind of fairy before, I wonder what they do, thought Viridian.

So lets just fly around the corner and I will show you where Ktara lives, said Ivy. Okay, she seems really nice, said Hennie. Likes to carry a sword with her. Well not always but she is one of the heroes though, said Ivy. She is also the best cook in Fae land. She is teaching me how to cook. If you ever want a snack just fly over to her place, she is usually home and loves to give people treats that she made. There, that is her place. Beside the pineapples and Coconut trees. Wow those are big but they are not supposed to be growing in this region, said Hennie. Ya well that is a long story about a weather problem Mother Nature had to deal with, said Ivy. I have one growing in my front yard but I planted it myself from a coconut. It is too young yet to have any coconuts on it yet. Ktara is not very good at growing things so I come over and help her sometimes. But growing stuff is easy, you just plant the seed and water it, said Hennie. I know but Ktara used to live in the Bad Lands that is all desert where nothing much grows so she just hunted animals for food back then, said Ivy. Oh she did say that she was in the forest hunting for a turkey when we first met, said Hennie. Yep she is a really good hunter and tracker, said Ivy. In Alieta's first book it tells how the team of heroes first met Ktara in the desert cooking a wild turkey over an open fire. If you can read then you should read some of her books about the adventures the team went on. Ya I can read but Nessie, Setta and Fettie can't, said Hennie. They are always out playing somewhere and don't like to sit and learn like they should. One day they will learn they should of listened to me. Okay lets fly further up and I will show you where Carmen and Zatsuky lives. They are both heroes too and really nice, said Ivy.

Okay see there is one of them now, said Hennie. That is Carmen, she is always working out side on her gardens. She loves pretty things though she is very pretty too, said Ivy. Lets go talk to her. They flew down walked up to her and she was singing to herself while pulling out weeds. Hi Carmen. How is the garden doing? asked Ivy. Oh hi Ivy, it seems to be doing great but weeds just keep coming back. So who is the tiny girl with you? asked Carmen, Oh this is Hennie, she is a fairy nymph, said Ivy. Okay, not sure what that is but sounds nice though, said Carmen. Can I help you with that garden? We love things that grow, said Hennie. Sure go ahead, said Carmen. Hennie waved her hand over the garden and all the weeds turned into nice flowers. Wow now that was special, said Carmen. Oh not done yet, said Hennie. She waved her hands again and the garden got bigger with some amazing looking flowers that Carmen had never seen before. Very cool, said Carmen, what kind of flowers are those? I don't know, I just created them. You name them, said Hennie. Um what do you mean you just created them? asked Carmen. Fairy nymphs are the ones that create all the plants in the world, said Ivy. Really, so these are all new original plants? asked Carmen. Yep, they are, said Hennie. Carmen turned to her house and yelled, "Hey Zatsuky, get out here and see who Ivy brought". She has to meet you, said Carmen. Zatsuky came out and walked over to them all. Hello Ivy and little friend. This is Hennie, a fairy nymph and look what she just did to the garden for us, said Carmen. Nice, what kind of flowers are those? asked Zatsuky. No one knows, said Carmen. She just created them. No way, really, said Zatsuky. Yep, that is what she said and asked me to name them. Well you do that, they just look very pretty to me, said Zatsuky. My you are really tall and very nice red hair and eyes, said Hennie. Zatsuky saw that Hennie was straining to look up at her so she knelt down. There is that better? asked Zatsuky. Yes, thank you, said Hennie. So you sound really important to people like God and Mother Nature, said Zatsuky. Yes I suppose so, said Hennie. Call her Ivy, she always comes for you, said Zatsuky.

Okay, said Ivy. "Mother Nature, I have another person for you to meet". Mother Nature appeared fast. Another person Ivy, Who is it this time? she asked then she looked down. Hennie, said Ivy. Oh my goodness, a fairy nymph, where did you find her? There is not suppose to be any of her kind left, said Mother Nature. I didn't fine her, said Ivy. Ktara and the palace gang did in that big forest over there. Really, how wonderful do you know how important she is to the world? asked Mother Nature. Well of coarse you don't but she is. They are the creators of plant life. Yep, see what she made for Carmen then Ivy pointed at the new plants Hennie made. A new species of plant life. That is so wonderful, let me study it for a second. Mother Nature looked it over. Okay got it. I can't create new plants just make new ones that already exist. Now I can make this one too. Very pretty one too, she said. You keep her safe everyone. I may need her help soon. Well there are more of them, said Ivy, like twenty all together. Twenty! That is the best news I have heard in a long time. I hope they all start making new plants and trees soon. Um hello big tall Mother Nature. It is nice to see you finally, said Hennie as she looked way up. Oh sorry dear. I was just so excited to see this new plant. So have you made any other new plants since you have been here? asked Mother Nature. Just water cups so that animals in the forest can drink from. Oh can you show me one please, said Mother Nature. Sure can, said Hennie. She waved her hand and one grew in the garden beside the other flowers she made. Very interesting looking, said Mother Nature. Cup shaped leaves with tiny yellow flowers. So they must hold the rain water then, right. Well yes but they also gather the morning dew and hold it in all the leaves. The water is really good and a bit sweet tasting too, said Hennie. Brilliant, said Mother Nature. I know of a lot of places that can use this type of plant. I must go tell Gabriel about you if she doesn't already know. I will be back soon though so don't go hiding on me please. Okay, said Hennie. Mother nature then vanished. Well she seemed nice, I didn't know Mother Nature was that big though, said Hennie. Ivy smiled. Just about everyone is bigger and taller than you, said Ivy. Ya I guess so, said Hennie. Well maybe we should get back to where my girls are. I am sure they are tiring everyone out at the palace, said Hennie. Zatsuky laughed. I bet the fairies are having a blast with them, they just love to play, said Zatsuky. Okay but we have one quick stop to make first then we can go back to the palace, said Ivy. Okay thanks for coming by. Always nice and usually very interesting when you visit Ivy, said Carmen. Okay bye and they both flew off heading west.

Now just up a head is the golden beacon tree that I planted from a clipping off the golden tree in the fairy forest, said Ivy. It is very magical tree. Okay, is that it up ahead? asked Hennie. Yep, lets go down and have a closer look, said Ivy. I like to come by every day to check it. They both flew down beside the beacon tree that seemed to be doing very well. Very pretty tree, said Hennie. It kinda glows a bit. That is the magic in it and following the path I drew to the pixie forest way out there. The fairies made it too big and too far away from Eden so I needed this beacon tree to help save the forest from falling apart, said Ivy. Because of this tree the forest is doing great now and has tons of pixies living in it. So you control the magic here too all the way from the cove in the fairy forest? asked Hennie. That is a long ways away. I know but our cove is much bigger and a lot more powerful, said Ivy. I can see all of Fae Land from it's overviewer. Okay lets get back to the palace now.



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