The Untamed Forest Chapter 5


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Palace Play

 They got back to the palace and saw everyone was still hanging around there. They landed beside Sara that was with Tara and Avan. So have my girls been behaving? asked Hennie to Sara. Yep, they are so funny to watch. I have never seen the fairies laugh so much, said Sara. See have a look. The fairies are way faster then the small ones but they figured out a way to even things up some. Really, how? asked Hennie. Just watch, said Sara. See Chestnut, Sunflower and Pippie are teasing Fettie by flying circles around her. Now watch what Fettie does, she is the best at this. There see, she got Sunflower by the foot and won't let go. Now watch what Sunflower does to shake her loose. They all watched as Sunflower flew up and down, sideways and even loop de loops but couldn't shake off Fettie. All the time Chestnut was laughing and so was Pippie. Even Alieta and Ginger were laughing. Fettie then let go and just hovered in the air so Pippie and Chestnut both went to grab Fettie from the front and back at the same time but somehow Fettie was able to move sideways very fast and both fairies ended up grabbing each other. That is so funny, said Ivy. Yes it is, said Hennie. I didn't realize the girls were that talented. They do play together all the time, that must be one of the games they play, said Hennie. Alieta saw that Ivy and Hennie had returned and ran over to them. Your girls are amazing, said Alieta. Started this game earlier and the fairies were teasing them too much so I was going to step in and tell them to stop but then I saw Nessie grab a fairy by the foot. I decide to watch and see what happened next. Then Fettie and Setta did the same and there was no way the three fairies could shake them loose. It was like they were connected completely. Then the other fairies went to help get them out but as they went to grab them to pull the three nymphs off, they all did this mid air side step thing and the fairies missed them completely, some even colliding together. This has been going on since Fettie and Setta got here. It seems they never tire, said Alieta. Look at Ginger her face is all red from laughing so much. I am glad you like my girls, said Hennie. Good thing all the others were not here. They would drive the fairies crazy with the stunts they can do. We may not be fast like you or the fairies but we sure know how to maneuver quickly. All Fairy nymphs are born with that side step as you called it. It is actually a short teleport that we can do about four or five feet in any direction. I comes in very handy when a wild animal sneaks up on one of us then jumps to attack. Tigers and lions are very quiet at first but when they leap out they always roar or make some sound giving us a chance to teleport to the side then fly away. That is a very good defense then, said Alieta. Setta came up to Ivy. Hey Ivy, do you want to play Catch Me If You Can, I bet you can't catch me, said Setta. I bet you are right, said Ivy. If the fairies can't catch you girls then I have no chance.

So Ivy how was it in the forest when you got there? asked Alieta. Oh it was very cool, said Ivy. They have a cove just like ours but much smaller. Hennie didn't know how to work the overviewer so I showed her how to work it but first I had to turn on the cove and set up all the rules for it to follow. Then we set magic paths to the apple trees and cherry trees and stuff. Everything is working properly now. They have fruit trees in there too? asked Alieta. Yep and a big veggie garden too, said Ivy. Okay that makes sense, you had to grow your own food, said Alieta. Yep and I showed Hennie Eden and we met Viridian, Carmen and Zatsuky there. Hennie made some new plants for Carmen that were her creations, said Ivy. Her own creations, how is that, asked Alieta. Oh Mother Nature said that fairy nymphs are plant life creators. They are responsible for most of the trees and plants we see now, said Ivy. So Mother Nature met Hennie too? asked Alieta. Yep I called her, said Ivy. She took off to tell Gabriel the good news, she looked really happy and excited, said Ivy. Gabriel you say, I think I will have a word with her tonight also, said Alieta. Well Mother Nature told Hennie not to stay hidden in the forest all day any more and to start making more new plants all over Fae Land, said Ivy. I think it is going to be looking a lot different and unique here soon. Yes I think you are right, said Alieta. Nessie flew over and said I am pooped now but did you see, we beat the fairies. Three against eight. Yes we all saw that, it was very funny to watch, said Hennie. Some times being small can be a good thing. Yep, we may be small but we are smart and very strong, said Nessie. Okay then, you ready to go back home now? asked Hennie. Yes please. They are too, said Nessie. Can we come back tomorrow please? Well that will be up to Alieta, said Hennie. Alieta thought for a few seconds then waved Ginger over. Ginger I think I have an idea for when Samantha shows up. Oh, what is that? asked Ginger. Well what if Hennie lets some of the fairy nymphs come over here tomorrow. That way it will definitely not be boring here at all plus some can fly around and tour some of Fae Land and stuff. You know let them get used to the place so they can venture out later when every they want, like the fairies do, said Alieta. Hmm, that sounds good. So twenty at once, said Ginger. Well some won't leave the forest especially Kappa he won't leave the forest unguarded plus he is not that social like these three, said Hennie. You really don't want eighteen excited fairy nymphs flying around here at once in the open. Trust me, what you just saw here was nothing. Okay we will wait and see what happens but these three for sure and yourself of course, said Ginger. Samantha probably won't show up until later on in the morning or afternoon. She has to meet Ivy first and talk to her, said Alieta. Okay I will let Tulip know the plan, and she can help with all your girls, said Ginger. Okay good plan, said Hennie. Go get your friends dear and tell them we are going home. Okay mom and off she flew. They may have lots of energy but went that runs out it is lights out big time, said Hennie.

 Alieta and Ginger went back to the steps and everyone else settled down. Ivy and Sara went home to have supper with Viridian. Most of the fairies went back into the forest. Everyone else just went to their regular groups and sat down talking. Alieta looked at Ginger and said, "Another amazing day". Yep they just keep on coming, said Ginger. Tulip and Lollipop stayed and went over to Alieta and Ginger. You know those little girls are more than what they look to be, said Tulip. What do you mean? asked Alieta. Well when they asked us all to play that game Catch Me If You Can if figured they didn't have a chance against the eight of us but they are tricky and not once did any of us catch any of them or even touch one. We came close that's all. Well I found them to be adorable and had the most fun ever with them, said Lollipop. I don't know how they beat us but they did and now I am exhausted. Ya me too, said Tulip. We need a rematch. Well you will have your chance tomorrow when Samantha gets here. Hennie is bringing them back to meet her around lunch time, said Alieta. Okay we will be prepared this time, said Tulip. Okay see you tomorrow then they both flew off to the forest. So do you think they will win against the fairy nymphs tomorrow? asked Alieta. Not a chance I bet they have been playing that game with each other for years, said Ginger. Yes I believe your right anyways I want to talk to Gabriel a bit so stay out for a bit to enjoy the quiet, said Alieta. Alieta went upstairs to her den and called for Gabriel.


Both Gabriel and Cindy showed up this time. Okay, said Gabriel. We know what you want to talk about. Okay so tell me, how is it that twenty fairy nymphs could stay hidden in that forest for like three hundred years and no one ever found them or even new about them until now? asked Alieta. Well Mother Nature came by all excited and was barely making sense to either of us at first. When she settled down she told us about what Ivy found or Ktara but that doesn't matter, the fact that there were extinct fairy nymphs living in Fae Land surprised us two also. The two of us had to go upstairs and ask some questions, said Gabriel. Okay so what did he tell you two. Well as usual he made it straight and plain to both of us. Very little discussion was need afterwards. He said that we should know by now that he has created Fae Land to be a safe haven for all his most loved creations. Fairy nymphs are very high on his list. He couldn't save them all because that would be interfering again so he did the next best thing and brought out the hero in one male fairy nymph. He was able to keep seventeen of the girls down low and led them the opposite direction that the dragons were going. It took them several days to reach Fae Land because they are very slow flyers. When they arrived at night they entered the big first forest they found. That is where they stayed. They have strong fairy dust and could make there own plants for food so that is where they stayed until he though it was safe enough for them to come out, said Gabriel. Okay but I was told there is twenty of them, said Alieta. One very young one is Hennie's daughter from Kappa I guess. But where did the other one come from? Ya we asked that too. Mother nature also told us there were twenty of them. He just said ask Fettie then said nothing else. We went back to see Mother Nature and she had settled down a lot now, so we asked her what was so important about these fairy nymphs because I had never heard of them before. My job has always been looking after the people, not fairies. She told us how they were responsible for most of the plant life on earth. That they were God's creators. They are very magical beings and must be respected by us two. Then she said they are really fun to be around also. Mother Nature said she knew some of them before the dragons killed them. They have been around before Triffies and fairies. They can do things that fairies can't do yet they can't make things with wands like our fairies can. We knew that you would have questions so we waited to hear from you but watched them playing with our fairies, said Gabriel. Aren't they something and so cute. Okay so we have another species with unique talents living in Fae Land that are defenseless and need to be protected, said Alieta. Well not completely defenseless, said Cindy. Gabriel did say they could do things that fairies can't but best not to concern yourself with that. Okay now one more thing before we leave, said Gabriel. I am going to be spending some time in heaven to teach a bunch of new angels the rules and a bunch of other angel stuff so Cindy will be coming when you or anyone else on the priority list calls. She is really good now. Okay, said Alieta, we all like Cindy too. They both smiled then disappeared. Okay that was an earful but as usual it all made sense. Time for bed, another big day coming up tomorrow. Alieta went down the hall and went in her bedroom.

The End...



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