The Untamed Forest Chapter 3


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Ivy Meets The Fairy Nymphs

Soon the fairies all flew over and Nessie just loved seeing all the fairies everywhere. Wow they are so small, said Lollipop. Yep they are fairy nymphs, said Tulip. They been here all along, just hidden in that big forest across from Eden. Cool, said Lollypop. They are smaller than us! Lots better than being bigger than us for a change. Okay every one spread out some and make some room for the fairies to get things set up, said Alieta. So is Ivy and Tobias coming soon? asked Alieta. Nope, just Ivy and Sara. Tobias is staying at home in case his mother shows up, said Tulip. They should be here soon but Ivy is acting funny though, she keeps doing sit ups and push ups. It looks funny watching her, said Lollipop. The fairies all got together and created a very nice spread of food for everyone. Tulip asked Hennie if they ate some thing special that she could make for them. Nope, this all looks great and smells good too, said Hennie and look my little girl is already helping herself, it must be good. Ginger saw Ivy and Sara coming. Here they come she told Alieta. They both landed and asked if they were late. Nope, just started dear, said Alieta. Who are the tiny ones over by the food? asked Ivy. Oh go see for yourself dear, you may like what you see, said Alieta. Ivy walked up to Hennie that was still deciding what to eat. Hi I am Ivy, she said from behind Hennie. She turned around quickly and said hi back but also saw she was the forest sprite Ginger told her about. My goodness you are a forest sprite and a very good looking one too. I can't read you for some reason though. Ivy smiled. Nope, people can only read me when I let them, said Ivy. Alieta told me to find out who you two were myself. Is that okay? Sure dear. I was told you were special by Pippa, said Hennie. Just me though, my daughter is busy trying all the different food on this table. Been a long time since we ate food like this. Okay, said Ivy. Ivy looked at her for a few moments then smiled. You are a fairy nymph, my mother told me about your type a long time ago when I was young. You do forest magic, different from our fairies magic but very strong and good. My Mom told me we work together right? asked Ivy. Well yes, we created amazing plant life together and you make sure they grow, said Hennie. What else did you see? Oh lots, said Ivy. You are a queen and that is Nessie your daughter. You have been around for a very long time but you almost got killed by dragons. How sad, only twenty of you are left, said Ivy. Oh and you live over in that big forest very close to where I live. I have never been in there yet. The name scares me, said Ivy. Why, what do you all call it? asked Hennie. The Untamed Forest for some reason, said Ivy. I can only sense good in there but something inside blocks me from seeing deeper in the forest. Well that is because we only allow people to see deeper where we all live when we let them, said Hennie with a smile.

Mom, eat. Every thing is really good, said Nessie. Okay dear I will, I was just talking to Ivy first. Nessie looked up at Ivy and smiled. My she is so cute, said Ivy, a real princess that is for certain. I like you, said Nessie. You got green hair just like the plants. Ivy smiled, yep and green nails and eyes too, said Ivy. Mom will I grow up to be as pretty as her? Hennie laughed. Well dear you are already pretty but forest sprites are special, so I don't know, said Hennie. She is so adorable, said Ivy, I sense she is fairly new. Yep she is, just ten years old, said Hennie. So you are married? asked Ivy. I didn't sense that. Nope he is just our worker but my best friend. He is the only male left of our kind. It was him that helped us escape the dragons. We treat him like a king but he doesn't want to be a king, just likes helping everyone, said Hennie. That is nice, said Ivy. Okay lets eat and after I will get Tulip to show you my favorite desert. They both filled up a plate then went and sat with Sara that had already started eating by herself. Hi Sara, look who I brought to eat with us, said Ivy. Sara looked at Hennie. Wow real small but cute, said Sara. Well she is queen of the fairy nymphs, said Ivy. Really a queen like you, that is cool, said Sara. So you are a queen too? asked Hennie. Yep, queen of the forests and all the plants and trees in Fae Land, said Ivy. My that sounds like a big job, said Hennie. Ya well I have my sister to help me, She is the best, said Ivy. Hennie looked at Sara that was smiling. Yes she is very pretty too. Bigger wings also. Bet she can fly fast and far with those. Yep, they are really strong, said Sara. So what does a fairy nymph do, asked, Sara. Oh we create plant life and also like to play, said Hennie. Oh that is good, said Sara then went back to eating. After they finished eating Ivy called over Tulip. Yes Ivy was everything okay? she asked. Yep, prefect said Ivy but now it is time for the best part. Oh okay, said Tulip and made three bowls of chocolate ice cream for them. Enjoy, and she flew off. Now try this, said Ivy, just eat it slowly because it is very cold. Okay, I had a lick of the ice cream cone that Tulip made for Nessie earlier, said Hennie then took a bit on her spoon and tasted it. My goodness, this is very good, even better. What is it called? Chocolate ice cream, said Ivy. Well my daughter has to taste this, said Hennie. Looks like Tulip just gave her some cake instead, said Sara. Maybe Tulip should of given you a smaller bowl. Nope, I may be small compared to you but I have a big appetite, said Hennie, though this is an awful lot. No worries I will finish what you can't, said Sara. They smiled and ate their desert. Ktara came over and said, "I see you turned on another person to ice cream". Yep, got to share what I think is the best, said Ivy. So Ivy, did Hennie here tell you about her cove yet? asked Ktara. Nope, they have a cove too? asked Ivy. Well yes we do Ivy. It is in the center of the forest. It is where we control the forest from, said Hennie. Can I see it, please. I work in a cove where I control all the magic, said Ivy. Well sure you can. We can fly over there in a few minutes, said Hennie. Just got to get Nessie first. Where did she get to now? Oh she is over there playing with the fairies, said Ktara. Oh, looks like she won't want to leave yet, said Hennie. She will be fine, said Ktara. I will keep an eye on her. Okay, I will send Fettie and Setta over too, They are probably going nuts back in the cove right now waiting to hear about the fairies. Ktara smiled. Okay good I will watch them too, said Ktara. Well do your best dear but they can be a handful when together, said Hennie. They are rarely apart. The three of them do everything together.

Hennie went and told Nessie that she was going to send her two friends over while she shows Ivy their cove. Okay, said Nessie. These fairies are real fun. Now be good. I have Ktara keeping an eye on you all, said Hennie. Okay mom, said Nessie. Both Ivy and Hennie flew off to the forest. Wonder where they are going? asked Ginger as she saw them fly by. Looks like The Untamed Forest, said Alieta. It will be interesting to see how the forest reacts when Ivy gets in there. In a couple of minutes they got to the forest. Ivy had to fly slowly because she saw Hennie was not a fast flier. They flew to the center of the forest then Hennie parted the trees so they could land inside. Ivy looked around and saw Fettie and Setta sitting playing some kind of game with their fingers. So Ivy, this is our cove, said Hennie. Wow, it is just like ours except a lot smaller, said Ivy. Yes I imagine it is, said Hennie. A cove will only grow as big as the forest needs it to be. Your forest must be much bigger than this one. Yep it is a lot bigger. Well over a hundred and twenty square miles, said Ivy. Yep that is big, said Hennie. I would get lost in a forest that big. Well we build stuff in the forest and I made paths to everything, said Ivy. Oh that is a good idea, said Hennie. Do you know how to do that here? asked Hennie. I just stand by the pool and think about what I want done and usually that works. Well that is okay for doing over all changes but you have to use the overviewer. It is over their, with it you can make new paths and control the magic better, said Ivy. Oh is that what it is called, I call it the looking glass, said Hennie. Ivy smiled. Well I guess it can be called that too. Lets have a look at it and see what is going on, said Ivy. They flew over then Setta and Fettie flew over also. What ya doing? asked Fettie. Oh Ivy knows how to work this, said Hennie. Oh okay, didn't know it could do anything. Ivy passed her hand over the top of the water then the entire screen lit up very bright. Wow, it has never done that before, said Hennie. Yes it is brighter than what I am used to seeing, said Ivy. Now I see that there are green blotches here and there so that will indicate special spots in the forest, said Ivy. Let me see, said Hennie. Okay that spot is where the cherry trees are growing. That one over there is apple trees. Grapes over there and a big veggie garden over here. So everything seems to be on one side of the forest, said Ivy. The side furthest away from Eden. Yes the magic only covers the thick forest and we keep the food we grow farthest away from the animals that live in just the west side of the forest, said Hennie. Now that is another time I heard someone mention Eden. What is it? Oh that is the center of all the magic for Fae Land, said Ivy. The magic there is very strong and things grow fast and is the most beautiful place in Fae Land. I can only control a bit of that magic from my cove but it takes care of it's self nicely. Okay, that explains why anything I made out there grew so fast, said Hennie. You plant stuff in Eden, for how long? asked Ivy. Just about every morning since we got here, said Hennie. Lately I started a new wooded area as a decoy in case dragons were to come again. Well no need to worry about them anymore but when did you first get here? asked Ivy. About three hundred years ago I think, fairy nymphs don't really keep track of time, said Hennie. My god, you are the ones that made Eden so beautiful, said Ivy. Well that is what fairy nymphs are suppose to do, said Hennie. Make the land beautiful.

Now lets see if I can improve the magic here from the cove to your gardens and fruit threes. Ivy put her finger on the the top of the water but then the pool behind them started to change with a lot of movement and even began to bubble a bit. Ivy removed her finger and said, I have never seen anything like that before. Me neither, said Hennie but I have never touch the water in there. Let me try something, said Ivy. I think I know what it is. Okay, said Hennie. Ivy walked over to the side of the middle of the pool then closed her eyes. What is she doing, asked Fettie. I don't know but lets watch and see, said Hennie. The water started to move very rapidly then almost came to a boil then all of a sudden it calmed right down and cooled off. Lilly pads started to get bigger and more appear on top of the water. Ivy opened her eyes then said, okay all fixed. Okay, didn't know it was broken, said Hennie. Ivy smiled. Well it wasn't broken. It just was never was activated properly, I turned it on and then gave the cove some special instructions, said Ivy. What kind of instructions? asked Hennie. Well some were just general ones like not to allow people too deep into the forest and keep all dangerous animals and insects out. Stuff like that. But most important I told it that you and I are the controllers of the magic. That way when either of us use the overviewer it will do what every we tell it to do with our finger and mind, said Ivy. Now lets go back to the overviewer and I will show you how it works. Now let me do the apple trees first, said Ivy. This center green square spot is the cove of coarse. Now I just touch the center of the cove with the tip of my finger then draw a line towards the green area that has the apple trees in it. All the time that I am drawing the path I am thinking hard for the magic to follow my finger. See how the green line is now following my finger. Yes that is very magical, said Hennie. Now keep watching this part is very important. Now once you have reached the green area where the apples are growing and the green path touches it, you stop and then think connect. Then lift your finger out of the water. There you see. The green magic path stays and the green area where the apple trees are is much brighter now indicating that now magic is going there. Yes I see that now. Very cool. So now what will happen? asked Hennie. Well magic will make the apples grow much faster and ripen perfectly. You harvest them and new apples will start to grow again right away. You should get three harvests per year instead of just one, said Ivy. So more food for us all here, said Hennie. Yep, said Ivy. Now you try it to the cherry trees. Okay, said Hennie. She did the same as Ivy did and saw that the overviewer was following her instructions. There all done and it worked! said Hennie. See pretty easy isn't it. Now if something goes wrong somewhere like a broken link, that area will turn red, so you just have to redraw the path to fix it, said Ivy. Ivy looked down and the two little girls. I think you two want to see some fairies right. They both smiled and said yes please Ivy. Ivy look at Hennie. My they are polite. Yep I teach them proper to respect each other too, said Hennie. Okay you two. I am going to check out this Eden place with Ivy so you two can come with us then I will point you in the correct direction to where the big building is and the fairies. The rest can take turns later if they want. Don't want to drive Alieta nutty with you all at once. Hennie opened the trees above them and the four of them flew out.



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