The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Just A Country Girl  Chapter 1


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In Fae Land things seemed to be getting back to normal. There hadn't been any reports of people disapearing in a portal and ending up in Granada plus no new people had shown up in Fae Land from Granada. Kendra was still in Granada for another day and was loving all the attention she was getting seeing here intervirew and the pictures that Janet brought back were brodcasted on every news network in the world. Aiko like hanging out with Olympia and was preparing her for when she was going to be travelling and living in Fae Land that was going to be very soon. When Alieta got up and checked the sundial she saw that it was getting a bit cooler than what the previous days were so she hoped thet the worst had pass but little did she know there were some very unusual things about to happen in the very near future...

Pixie Ginger Meets Shirley

Ginger got up early like she did every morning and instead of making breakfast for her self she decided to go to the palace and eat in the diningroom seeing Alieta did say she was welcome to come eat there anytime. Besides she had another dance class to teach and it would be nice to talk to Alieta some before the class. She left a note for Amelie and Keiko that were still asleep then headed out to the palace. It was a bit cooler this morning in Fae Land so she took her time flying enjoying the scenery. Suddenly she noticed a section of the air in front of her was looking very strange. It got bigger and everything behind it got blurry. Ginger tried to stop but what ever it was it had a hold on her and was dragging her towards it. She tried everything to get away from it and even tried to get small but she couldn't shrink plus no matter how fast she flapped her wings and tried to turn away from this thing, it just kept dragging her closer very fast until Ginger was engulfed by it and both Ginger and the anomaly both vanished.

Shirley went outside to get some water from the well to make her morning coffee. She was about to drop the bucket down when she heard a scream from above. She looked up and saw something or somebody falling fast to the ground then hit the ground about twenty feet from her. Oh my god what is that she wonder and walked over slowly to have a closer look. Ginger hit the ground so hard that it knocked her out so Shirley figured what ever it was, it must be dead after a fall like that. she looked up and saw no airplanes flying in the sky so she wonder where this small persin could of come frome. When she got close enough she could now see that it was a little girl with wings. She listened to the radio yesterday about the girl named Kendra that was from a land called Fae Land in an alternate reality. Kendra was a sprite with wings and could fly so she figured this was another sprite from that place. Shirley looked closer and saw that Ginger was breathing. She is alive? How is that possible she wondered. She didn't want to touch her at first incase she had broken bones or even worst a broken back but everything look in tact and not out of place. She got down on her knees and reached out then touched her shoulder and gave it a shake. The wings began to move a bit and she pulled her hand back fast. Ginger opened her eyes a bit and turned her head towards Shirley then looked up. "I hurt everywhere", said Ginger. Then she put her head back down. Oh my, she can't be more than twelve years old, she thought. How can I help? asked Shirley. Take some dust off my wings and start spreading it all over me, said Ginger. Shirley thought that was really wierd but used one hand to wipe some wing dust into her other hand then asked Ginger where she should start. Do my legs and lower back first, said Ginger. Then do my shoulders. Use as much dust as you can get off my wings. Shirley did as Ginger said and got to work spreading the wing dust on Gingers legs, lower back and shoulders. Next she did both her arms and hands. There is no more dust left, said Shirley. That should be good enough, said Ginger. Can you help me up please? asked Ginger.


Shirley helped Ginger up that was a bit wobbly at first. Okay you can let go of me now, said Ginger. Ginger flapped her wings a bit. Good wings still work so I will be able to fly again but they are a bit sore still. So who are you? I don't think we have ever met, asked Ginger. Well no, I am sure of that, I am Shirley, so you must be one of those sprites from Fae Land. If I was a sprite then I wouldn't of got hurt from that fall, said Ginger. First time anyone every mistook me for a sprite, usually they think I am a fairy. Sprites are way stronger than me. So what are you then, asked Shirley. I am a pixie, said Ginger. I don't look exactly like the other pixies and I act different but I can do everything that a pixie does. Okay so do you have a name? asked Shirley. Yep, Ginger but some call me Pixie Ginger because there is another Ginger that lives in the palace and is Alieta's best friend. Well I will call you just Ginger, said Shirley. There is no other Ginger here nor is there a palace. Just my old country home. Ginger looked around. This doesn't look or feel like Fae Land. Where am I? asked Ginger. Your out in the country in west Granada, said Shirley. Granada, where is Granada. Um you better come over to the well with me and I will get you a drink of cold water, said Shirley. Water, yes that sounds good, said Ginger. They both walked over to the well and Shirley dropped the bucket down then cranked it back up. She filled her coffee cup up and handed it to Ginger. Here you go, drink up. Ginger took the cup and dranked the entire cup. That was good, said Ginger. Tastes like Fae Lands water though. Are you sure this just isn't a part of Fae Land I haven't seen yet? Possitive, said Shirley. Though what I found out yesterday in the radio we are very close to each other. Actually in the same place. I don't get what you mean, how can Granada be in the same place as Fae Land? asked Ginger. Two different realities, said Shirley. Fae Land is the land of magic and Granada is a land with advanced technoledgy. There is some kind of portals opening up randomly teleporting people. Don't you know about that dimension portal thing? Is that what grabbed me and pulled me in? asked Ginger. Pixies are very fast and strong flyers but I couldn't break free. Wait, you said a land advanced technolgy? Yep, sure did, said Shirley. You look very young to be out on your own without a parrent.


 Oh she is more than old enough to be out on her own and pixies don't have parents, said Sapphire that once again appeared out of nowhere. Wow where did you come from? asked Shirley. Not far, just in the city, said Sapphire. My arn't you a pretty looking country girl. Hello Sapphire. Shirley says I am in a place called Granada because of some portal thing. Do you know anything about that? asked Ginger. Well if you would come out of that pixie forest more often then you would of heard about it, said Sapphire. So that is what you look like, said Shirley. I only have a radio but I heard you took a girl to Fae Land. Yep and she took pictures with her cell phone and they are showing them now on the news, said Sapphire. Well I was headed out to the palace this morning when that thing sucked me in and dropped me here, said Ginger. Almost killed me, said Ginger. Oh my, are you okay now? asked Sapphire. Well I got Shirley to wipe my pixie dust all over me and that helped a lot but it works slowly and I am still sore, said Ginger. Okay then let me fix you up said Sapphire and she went to Ginger and put her hand on her chest and it started to glow. There, hows, that? asked Sapphire. Much better thanks, said Ginger. So you just healed her completely? asked Shirley. Yep, that is one of the reasons why I am here, to take care of the Fae that get teleported here, said Sapphire. So you got sucked in to the portaljust like Kendra did. Yep, tried my hardest to break free but couldn't do it, said Ginger. So you said Ginger is old enough to be out on here own and has no parrents, how old are you Ginger? asked Shirley. Um lets see, I think six hundred and fifty two. I don't really keep track anymore, said Ginger. No way, you look no more than twelve or thirteen, said Shirley. Yep pixies look that young forever, said Sapphire. The youngest looking everlasting of all the Faes except for the regular fairy nymphs that are smaller. Pixies don't reproduce like other people and beings, said Sapphire. They kinda split or something. I am not sure exactly how that works.

  So how do I get back, I have a dance class to teach at nine, said Ginger. Well I can take you back but the portal Gabiel made for me doesn't open for two days, said Sapphire. I could bring you to Olympia's place where Aiko is staying and seeing you can get very small and won't take up much room at night in the bedroom. Can't she stay here with me? I live alone and could use the company of someone that is not human and especially male, said Shirley. Sapphire looked at her and did a quick read. Yes that would work, said Sapphire. What do you think Ginger. Do you want to stay here with this nice country girl? Ginger looked at Shirley. Well she did help me and stopped me from dying and it is kind of like Fae Land here, even the water tastes like Fae Land ground water, said Ginger. Sure, it will be fun seeing I can't get back just yet. Good then you are in charge of Ginger then, said Sapphire. Make sure nobody tries to hurt her. She has no magic to defend herself and pixies are not very strong and quite fragile, said Sapphire. Like you said she looks like a twelve year old and is about that strong too. When in danger they just get tiny and fly away fasr when threatened. Oh no body comes here and if anyone did I have a shot gun to scare them off with. Sapphire smiled, Okay good so can I have a drink of water before I leave? asked Sapphire. Ya sure, said Shirley and got Sapphire a cup of water from the well. Yes this is very good water, said Sapphire. Have you noticed anything different about yourself since you moved here. Well I don't get any blemishes anymore plus scrapes and cuts heal real fast now, said Shirley. Just good clean country living will do that I figure. Yes I suppose so, said Sapphire. Well here is you cup back and I am off. Just call for me Ginger if you need me and I will be here in a flash. Then Sapphire vanished. Well that was interesting, so Ginger lets go inside out of the hot sun. My place isn't big but it is very cozy and clean. Okay, said Ginger and they headed for the front door. Ginger stopped at the bottom of the steps and pointed at the outhouse. What is than small building for? asked Ginger. That is the outhouse, said Shirley. You know where you go to pee and poop. Really, you don't have a bathroom? asked Ginger. Nope, no running water just the well, said Shirley. Don't worry I have the septic company come and clean it, pump it out and put new water and sanitizer in it every week. Okay I guess, said Ginger then they both went into the house.


So this is my cozy country house and the kitchen is upstairs, said Shirley. This is just the main entrance room, well the only entrance  but up those stairs is the main main floor where the kitchen and my bedroom is. Okay our bedroom is up one floor too but we use ladders to get to it in our tree house, said Ginger. So you live in a treehouse, that must be nice, said Shirley. Yep it is, Keiko and Amelie made it for me, they are Garson Fairies, said Ginger, Kinda nutty most of the time but very strong magic and fun to be around. Well you have to tell me more about this Fae Land but lets go up to my room, it is the biggest and mist comfortable room in the house, said Shirley. Ginger followes Shirly up the stairs and into the bedroom. Nice big pictures and I love your bed, it is a bit bigger than mine. Can I sit on it? Sure make yourself at home, said Shirley. Ginger went and knelt on the bed facing Shirley. So what I would like to do first is bring that chair over there beside the bed and then you can tell me a bit about your self then I will tell you some things about me, said Shirley. Okay, we should get to know a bit about each other, said Ginger. You can sit on the bed with me though. No I think I will sit on the chair for now, said Shirley.


Shirley grabbed the chair and placed it beside the bed then sat with her legs crossed. Ginger sat down cross legged. So you know how old I am and what I am, said Ginger. What else do you want to know? Well you mentioned that you live in a tree house in a pixie forest. What is it like? asked Skirley. It is not a regular tree house, said Ginger. It isn't in a tree but it is made of trees and is amazing. It is very high up and people without wings have to climb a big ladder to get up to it. It has two floors and a big wrap around porch where I sing at night before going to bed and a look out tower where you can see lots of Fae Land from. You sing, what do you sing? asked Shirley. Just about anything, said Ginger. I have been singing most of my life plus dancing too. I give dance lessons in the grand hall at the palace to some of the girls that have gotten really good so we will be performing on stage for everyone during the harvest festival. My, so you must be very good if you are performing on stage, said Shirley. Yep, they say I have the voice of an angel. The pixies in the forest love to listen to me every night before I go to sleep at night. Well you will have to sing a song for me, said Shirley. Okay, I like to sing and dance at the same time mostly, said Ginger. Okay so you sing and dance plus live with two fairies in an amazing sounding tree house in that land of magic I heard about yesterday, said Shirley. Now it is time for me to tell you a bit about me, said Shirley. Okay your turn to sit on the bed, said Ginger.


They switched places and Ginger sat in the chair with her legs crossed again. Shirley smiled at her. What, I like sitting like this, said Ginger. It's not that, said Shirley. You just look so small in that chair. Yep pixies are small even at full size, said Ginger. I can get a bit bigger but this is my normal size. Okay so I will tell you about me then you can ask me questions after if you have any, said Shirley. Okay, I am all ears, said Ginger. Yes and they are very cute ears at that, said Shirley. So first I didn't always live in the country. I used to live in the city most of my life. I went to Parson High School that was a very special school that had mostly girls in it that were very good looking and we all had to wear these school girl uniforms. Mr Parson thought it was better for all the girls to dress that way si that the biys wouldn't be tempted to try and flirt so much with us so that everyone would pay more aeewnion to their studires but in my opinion they were very sexy uniforms the girls had to wear. Anyways when I was in my last year at school I was eighteen years old and was allowed to buy beer and wine at the stores and lottery tickets. Well I am not much of a drinker so didn't care about that stuff but I did start buying lottery tickets every week. After spring break there was a special lottery draw that if you paid and extra dollar then you would get this extra number called the encore. The prize was one million dollars if all the numers came up. I figured why not, it was just an extra buck so I bought it. Well Thursday night came along and I put on the lottery as usual to see if I won anything. Well when the first main lottery numbers were drawn, I saw that I had four of the six numbers which meant I won one hundred dollars. I was so happy I didn't wait to see what the encore numbers were and rushed to the store to get my winnings. I told the girl at the store that I won a hundred dollars so she made me sign the ticket then scanned it. Um sorry but you didn't win a hundred dollars, said the girl. What do you mean, I watched the numers come up on Tv. Well yes but that was the main lottery numbers, said the girl. You also won the encore which is almost imposible to do. I did, so how much did I win then? I asked. One million one hundred dollars in total, said the girl with a big smile. I almost fell down when she said that. She told me to come around behind the counter and call the lottery phone number on the back of the ticket and they will tell you what to do. I called them and had to read off the bar code number to them and they agreeded I was a winner. All I needed to do was give them my bank account numer and what bank I used and they would transfere the money directly onto my account in the morning.


Shirley then got up on her knees on the bed which made Ginger have to look way up so she just stood up on the chair. In the morning I checked my bank account online and there it was, all that money. I had never seen that many zeros before in my account. When I went to school I told all my friends what happened which was a very big mistake. Why, weren't they happy for you? asked Ginger. Happy maybe but more like they now had a friend that could buy anything she wanted, said Shirley. They all expected me to buy everything when ever we went out and after news got around at the school people that I never met before started to act like my friend and asked to have some money for what ever reason. The guys were the worst though. Boys that never bothered with me in the past were now all wanting to date me and have me pay for everything. No one cared about me, just my money. That is when I cut my beautiful long red hair off and stopped talking to everyone. Soon I became known as a snob which I didn't care about at all. Once school was over I decided to get out of the city and start a new life where nobody knew me. That is when I found this place in the news paper listings and went and bought it with cash. I have been here for five years now and nobody bothers me anymore. Now I am just a country girl. Wow, that is some story. You were happy then won money and became very happy, then sad and mad and now you are happy again sort of, said Ginger. What do you mean sort of? asked Shirley. Well your out here alone in the country with no friends. What is life without any friends. Well you are my friend right? asked Shirley. Ya but I am just temporary, said Ginger. You have to have friends in your life to be truely happy. I was a loner for a long time too but I made sure to make friends everywhere I went. You must have a very sad heart. I don't know, I just don't want to go through all that crap again, said Shirley. Well you pick your friends, don't let them pick you because you are rich, said Ginger. Don't tell anyone that you have lots of money at least until you are sure that they love you for what you are. You are pretty smart, said Shirley. Yep, pixies are very smart too. Nutty and smart, that is us, said Ginger.


So do you want to see me sing and dance? I love performing for people, said Ginger. It makes me feel happy everywhere inside. Sure lets see what you got, said Shirley. Do something that rocks and is a bit sexy too. Okay, that is my favorite way to dance. I call it free style dancing, said Ginger. The song is about a girl that just ended a bad relationship and is now free and is dancing along the beach. A very happy and fast paced song. Sounds perfect, said Shirley. Ginger got off the chair and stood back some from the bed. Shirley took off her hat and threw it and the hat landed right on the rack. Hey good shot, said Ginger. Yep, I have had a lot of practice doing that, said Shirley. I bet you have, said Ginger. Shirley laid down on the bed and Ginger took a starting stance then began to sing the opening of the song that was slow and soft at first. Wow she does have the voice of an angel thought Shirley. Then the song kicked in and began to rock and so did Ginger's dancing and singing as she used all the space she had in the room to move and spin. Then she stayed in one spot for a bit and was moving her hips and arms then began to move around some again. Finally she leaped up high almost hitting the ceiling then slowly floated down with her wings while singing softly again until her toes touch the ground then the song ended and Ginger bowed with arms spread. Did you like that? asked Ginger. Like it I loved it, that was just amazing, said Shirley. Where did that amazing voice come from in such a small girl. So soft and so strong and loud too. I just sing from my heart, said Ginger. Then you must have a very big heart, said Shirley.



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