Just A Country Girl  Chapter 3


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 Match Making Ginger

Shirley jumped up on her horse then Ginger flew up behind her again. Okay lets go faster this time said Ginger. Okay, said Shirley, Jim jumped up on his horse then trotted over to them. So Jim you don't wear boots while riding? asked Shirley. No not when I am riding Buck, said Jim. Not nice to be digging boot heels into his sides. Don't wear shoes much anyways. Just when I go to town to shop. Ya me too, said Shirley. Okay lets go and get some food in our stomachs, said Jim and they rode off. So you said you figured out what that thing was back there, said Shirley. Ya I am pretty sure it is a teleporter, said Jim. Seems like someone from Fae Land built it seeing there is nobody here that has that kind of knowledge or magic. From what Ginger said about the wizard markings, my best guess is a long time ago a wizard got caught in that portal and got stuck here before Granada was Granada. Just small country towns here and there. He must of built that Steampunk Gatehouse with either magic or hired people to build it for him. From the looks of the other parts that were in that crate like the mechanical arm and leg plus a metal skull, I would say he was trying to build a robot too. Those other crates and barrels probably have other parts of things he was trying to make. Back then it would of taked a long time for that Gatehouse to be built by men so he would of had lots of time to work on things to stay busy. That teleported was all him though. Lots of magic there and must of needed the Steampunk Gateway for it to work. Ya but wizards can teleport by them self, they don't need a teleporter, said Ginger. Well maybe from one place to another but not between dimensions or realities I suppose. Can Merlin teleport to different dimensions? asled Jim. I don't know, probably not but he does teleport to the North Pole every year around Christmas time to help Santa make gifts with his elves. So Santa is real also and goes to Fae Land too. I suppose he can move between realities seeing he is a Saint but I haven't been in Fae Land at christmas time, said Ginger. Ivy just tells me stuff all the time. And who is Ivy asked? Jim. A forest sprite like Kenda bu much prettier and very powerful, said Ginger. Ivy likes the way Santa smells, like candy canes all the time. Shirley and Jim laughed. Well here we are, my horse ranch. One of my men will take the horses and feed them for us. They got off the horses then Jim called one of the ranch hands over. Feed and water the horses for me please, said Jim. The ranch hand kept staring at Ginger. What, haven't you seen a pixie before? asked Ginger. Actually no, you are very pretty, said the ranch hand. Well thankyou, you are very pretty too. Then Ginger flew after Shirley and Jim that started walking towards the house. Hey wait up, remember me, the hungry pixie!

Jim took them into the kitchen and told them to have a seat at the table while he went and got changed into some cooler and more comfortable clothes. What do you think of Jim Shirley? asked Ginger. I like him and he is very polite. Ya he seems nice, said Shirley. He does have a nice smile. He likes you ya know, How do you know that? asked Shirley. I told you I can sense what people are feeling, said Ginger. Besides he pays way more attention to you than me and he has never seen a pixie before but I bet her has seen lots of human girls. He smiles at you all the time and you two laugh together. Sounds like love in the making to me. Quite here he comes, said Shirley. So you two, I have some beef stew in the fridge I can heat up. Do you two like beef stew? asked Jim. Ginger look at what Jim was wearing which showed off his muscles and how good shape he was in. Wow you are hot, said Ginger. Nice big muscles. Mine you manners Ginger. We are guests in his house, said Shirley. So what's that got to do with how strong he looks? asked Ginger. Shirley is a real good dancer and she likes rock music. Enough Ginger, you are embarassing me. said Shirley. Oh sorry but I love dancing and rock music too and I am not embarassed to say that, said Ginger. Wait I am talking too much arn't I. Your lucky I am not like the pixies in Fae Land, they never stop talking and can drive you crazy. Something like you are doing right now, said Shirley. Yep, sorry, said Ginger then sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. Actually I find you very entertaining and interesting, said Jim.

After putting the stew on the stove Jim sat down at the table. Okay that won't take long to heat up, said Jim. So Shirley how do you like where you are living? I love it, said Shirley. Lots of fresh air and wide open space. Way better than the city. Ya I hated the city too, said Jim. When my uncle died and left me this ranch I was a bit concerned at how much work it would take to run it but the ranch crew stayed on and helped me learn everything so it ended up not being hard at all with their help. So you inherited the ranch then, said Shirley. How fortunate for you. Well yes but not at first, said Jim. I did have to make a lot of modifiations like having a new well dug and a pump put on it so I had running water plus and new oil furnace had to be put in. Good thing I was very successful at work in the city and had no problem affording new modern things. Shirley needs running water. No bath tub and we have to pee and poo outside in a little house, said Ginger. Well if you want I can call the guys that did mine and they will fix you right up. New well, plumbing, water heater and septic tank. They are very reasonable. Okay I will think about it said Shirley. Do it silly, said Ginger. Hot baths are amazing. I have them all the time in the tree house. Yes baths are nice, said Jim. Okay stew should be ready let me get us set up. Jim got three bowls and spoons then filled each with beef stew then put them on the table and sat back down. Smells good, said Shirley. Did you make it or did your wife? On I am not married, said Jim. I was dating for a while but now I am busy here on my ranch, said Jim.My men bug me sometimes to go out dating but the girls in the city are just to forward and a man can't really trust them for if they like you or just your money. Well Shirley is a country girl, said Ginger as she kept eating. Yes that she is and a very pretty country girl, said Jim. Anyways lets eat up. Already did, said Ginger. Got any more. I am still hungry. You ate that entire bowl already? asked Shirley. Yep, told you I was hungry, said Ginger. Small girl with a big appietite, said Jim. I guess that means you liked my stew. Yep, sure do, so more please if you have some, said Ginger. Yes there is more. Slide your bowl over, said Jim. Do you have any ice cream too by chance? asked Ginger. Where are you going to put it? asked Shirley. In my mouth of coarse, said Ginger. Well you have to love a girl with a good appietite, said Jim. Yes I always have ice cream in the freezer.


After they were all finished Jim cleared the table. That was very good Jim, Than you for treating us, said Shirley. Ya that was yummy stew and good ice cream, now I am energized, said Ginger. Can I be excused from the table? Why are you asking me that? asked Shirley. Your a grown up. Sapphire said you were in charge of me, that's why. Who is this Sapphire anyways? asked Jim. Oh she is a fairy nymph that looks after the Fae that show up here, said Ginger. I wanted to stay with Shirley so that is why she put her in charge of me. Okay so where are you going if you want to leave the table. Well you two want to go riding together and don't say you don't because I can tell and I want to go play with the guys outside, said Ginger. One even said I was very pretty. Do you have a ball?  Well they kick one around when all the work is done, said Jim. Perfect, okay by and have fun, said Ginger then she went out the door. That is quite the friend you made there, said Jim. Well she is just temporary. She will be going back to Fae Land in a couple of days, said Shirley but yes she is very fun to have around and actc like a very smart yet nutty little gire even thiogh I thing she told me she was over six hundred years old. Really that old, said Jim. Yep she said pixies will live forever if they don't get killed, said Shirley. Wow that is amazing so do you want to go riding some? asked Jim. I like to go on a good ride after eating, helps me to digest. Okay, like Ginger said we both want to, said Shirley. So she really can read what people are feeling? asked Jim. Seems that way, said Shirley. She hasn't been wrong about me yet. Okay let me grab some water then lets go, said Jim. They both went and got there horses and rode off together and saw Ginger playing soccer with the men. Where are they going? asked one of the men to Ginger. They are going to riding, said Ginger. I am sure they bith like each other. Good, Jim needs a good woman in his life, said the man. Ya and Shirley is a hottie and Jim is a hunk, said Ginger. Yes and you are one very good soccer player, said the man. Ya I have my talents too, said Ginger.

Alieta was standing out in front of the palace waiting for Pixie Ginger to show up to teach another dance class. I wonder where she is, thought Alieta. Everyone else is here and it is past nine o'clock. Something doesn't feel right. Ivy came out asked if she saw Ginger yet. Nope no sign of her yet, said Alieta. Can you sense if she is on her way? Well it is hard to sense pixies because there are so many of them but I don't sense any out of the forests, said Ivy. I have a feeling she may of been caught in one of those portals but it is cooler today si I was hoping they were going to stop, said Alieta. It is still pretty hot out but if she did end up in Granada I am sure she will be fine having Sapphire there, said Ivy. Yes that is true but what about all of you in there waiting for her? asked Alieta. Well if she is there she will be back in two days when Sapphire's portal opens again but in the meantime I will let everyone know and we can still do warmups and practice the dance routeens she has taught us already, said Ivy. Okay, do you know how to work the music box in there? asked Alieta. Yep it is easy, said Ivy. Okay do that then and I will wait out here for a bit longer but if she doesn't show up soon, I will call Gabriel and ask her if she knows anything, said Alieta. Okay, if she is there Ginger will be the first pixie in Granada. She is the only one that comes out and flies around during the day other than Pippa, said Ivy. If she sings for people I am sure she will make friends fast. Then Ivy ran back into the palace. I am sure she will be fine but I still like all my people from Fae Land here in Fae Land and not in Granada, thought Alieta.


Alieta waited another five minutes then figured that was long enough so she called for Gabriel. She waited for a couple of minutes and wonder why Gabriel hadn't shown up yet. She always appears almist right away the thought so she called again. This itme Gabriel appeared fast. Okay I heard you the first time, said Gabriel. I was a bit busy. Okay so we may have a problem, said Alieta. Pixie Ginger is missing and she was suppose to be here a while ago to teach a dance class a little while ago. Ih I didn't know she was suppose to be doing that, said Gabriel. Anyways she is fine in Granada. She met a wonderful young woman that lives in the country, said Gabriel. Sapphire called me to tell me about her like she does when ever someone from her gets teleported there. After she healed her completely Sapphire saw that Ginger was okay staying with Shirley until the portal opened up in a couple of days. What, Ginger got hurt, how? asked Alieta. Well she came crashing down to ground like Kendra did but Ginger is a pixie and very fragile where Kenda is quite strong and didn't even get a bruise, said Gabriel. Seems like she almist died if it wasn't for Shirley that saw her crash land on her property and spread pixie dust from her wings all over her body. Then when Sapphire showed up, she healed her completely. Okay so long as she is okay I guess, said Alieta. Yes and she is having a lot of fun there with Shirley singing and dancing plus they met a very nice man that owns a ranch named Jim that has eyes for Shirley. Ginger is doing exactly what is expected of a pixie and making friends and made an interesting discovery that you will find out about soon. After I talked with Sapphire I went to see how she was doing myself just to make sure she was doing okay. She is a very special girl as you already know. Yes I know, I just get worried when my girls are not home, said Alieta. Yes I know and that is one of the things that makes you such a good queen, said Gabriel. Call if you need me again but Mother Nature told me the heat wave will be ending in two or three days and you will have everyone back home the way you like it. Then Gabriel vanished. Okay that solves that mystery and now I am wondering what discovery Ginger found, thought Alieta.




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