Just A Country Girl  Chapter 5


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Shirley In Fae Land

They both stepped out of the sphere and Ivy stepped back a bit. Hi Ivy, how do you like my new bi-dimensional transporter? asked Ginger. Yours, who gave that to you? asked Ivy. No one but we found it in Granada and humans can't operate, just me so finders keepers I say, said Ginger. Why can't humans operate it? asked Ivy. Well you have to have some magical powers, said Ginger. We read that in the instructions. So I can work it then, said Ivy. Maybe, do you have any magical stuff. Ya, lots more than you Ginger, said Ivy. Okay don't get all mad at me, then I guess you can, said Ginger. I'm not mad at you, just a bit confused, so who is your friend? asked Ivy. This is my very very new good friend Shirley that lives in the country and saved my life then we danced together and we met a handsome man that she she likes and he likes her and we recirded a song and... That's enough information Ginger. I am sure Ivy isn't interested in all that stuff all at once, said Shirley. Ivy smiled. Pixies can ramble on but they are a lot of fun, said Ivy. My best friend is the queen of the pixies. So Alieta asked me to bring you two over to her once I found out what is going on and I do a bit now. So arn't you going to read Shirley first? asked Ginger. Nope, you said she saved your life and you can sense the good in people plus you even danced with her which means she is good enought for me, said Ivy. So can you turn that thing off? It is starting to draw a lot of magic to it. Yep should be able to, said Ginger. She turned and pushed the off button and everything vanished except the circle. Guess that stays so we know where we left it, said Ginger. Okay follow me please, said Ivy. So Alieta is that girl with big wings by the palace I take it, said Shirley. Yep she is the Queen, said Ginger. Oh boy, I am meeting the queen of Fae Land already, thought Shirley and she straightened her hat.

So Ginger, when did you leave and what have you been up to in Granada plus where did you find that thing? asked Alieta. Well first I was coming here this morning to have breakfast with you but I got sucked into that portal thing then crash landed in front of Shirley's place, where I told her to spread my pixie dust on me so I wouldn't die. We have been up to lots of things, dancing and Shirly let me ride behind her on her horse Firefly Then we found this old structure that may not be that ild called a Steampunk Gatehouse that Jim told us when we first met him there. Then we went to his place to have linch then Shirley and Jim went for a horse ride. He owns a big ranch and I stayed and played soccer with the men that worked for him on the ranch. I beat them all four against one. Then when Shorley and Jim got back we went into this room that had a guitar and keyboard in it so we made a song and he recorded it saying it was really good and went to bring it to a radio station on some small musis disc where thousands and maybe millions of people will listen to it some how. Probabaly on boom boxes like Shirleiy's. Did I leave anything out? asked Ginger. Alieta smiled. That covers everything I asked and more except you didn't say where you got that thing over there, said Alieta. Oh ya, that is a bi-demensional teleporter that was in the Steampunk Gatehouse that only people with magic can use and certan Fae people, said Ginger. It is real pretty when I turn it on and easy to use. Okay so this is the girl that helped you? asked Alieta. Yep, she is my new very very good friend, said Ginger. Well thank you for taking care of our Ginger, said Alieta. She is very valuable to us. It was my pleasure, said Shirley.Now I did talk to Gabriel and she filled me in with some of the things you just told me, just not in such detail. So has Ginger been causing you any trouble, I pixie in a strange land can be quite a handful I would imagine. Nope she is really nice and is very fun to be with, I don't think I have laughed so much in years, said Shirley. Is she really over six hundred years old? Probably and that is young for a pixie, most are thousands of years old, said Alieta. So what did you find out about that thing they appeared in over there? asked Alieta to Ivy. Some kind of transporter, said Ivy. Ginger says it is her's now seeing she found it. That is a lot of power for a pixie to have, said Alieta. Ya but she seems to know how to work it and there is no way she is giving it up to anyone else. That I can see in her very strongly, said Ivy. She called it finders keepers. Yes until the real owner that built it wants it back if there is such a person still around, said Alieta. That is ine of the rules to finders keepers. Anyways I have to get back to my place, said Ivy. Alexa and Tulip are putting the solar panels on our roof. I want to be the first one to turn on the lamp Alexa and Mika made together. Okay tell me how that works out, said Alieta then Ivy flew off. So Ginger, you said that thing is a bi-demensional transporter that brought you here, said Alieta. Yep and this device is the cotroller but Shirley and Jim couldn't make it do anything, just me and the makrking are in old elven and so were the instructions, said Ginger. Hmm, that is odd. The only place old elven has been used is in Fae Land's reality, said Alieta.

Okay so tell me again how you two came about this teleported again but slower this time, said Alieta. Well the structure we went into is called a Steampunk Gatehouse, that was very cool inside even though it wasn't sealed in with walls, just gates and pillars. Jim showed up while we were in there and said he has been trying to find out more about it but there wasn't much information about it on something called the internet. He wasn't able to open any of the crates that were in there, even with a crow bar but I easily slid the lid off one and that is when we found the controller. It did nothing for Jim when he pushed the buttons but when he gave it back to me, I understood the language on the buttons and it worked for me. When Jim wasn't with us that is when we found the note pad with instructions that said it was a bi-dimensional transporter. I was able to read it and found out how to make it work and scro;;ed trough all the locations shown in the shere and stopped it when it showed the palace grounds. I wanted her to meet some of my friends here so we got in the transporter and I pushed the send button and it teleported us here. Okay so why didn't it work for Jim? asked Alieta. Because the instructions said only wizards, witches and some types of Fae with magic can work then controller, said Ginger. Okay so let me have a look at what is over there, said Alieta. Okay, said Ginger but I turned it off for now, Ivy said it was drawing a lot of magic into it. They walked over and the first thing Alieta noticed was that the outter ring had symbols and letters that wizards use. I better call Merlin. He will know what these symbols mean, said Alieta. What do we need him for, said Ginger. They are probably just there to help make it work. Ya but Merlin will know if there is any danger involved, said Alieta. Ginger got mad and went in the circle. No wizards, said Ginger. They can operate it too. Merlin will see it and want it for himself. You don't know that, said Alieta that was surprised to see Ginger acting this way. Wizards like and want magic and he will want this because it was probably made by a wizard and has lots of magic in it, said Ginger. Sorry but I have to call him too make sure it is safe, said Alieta. Ya well we are leaving, come Shirley lets get out of here and we will never come back to see you again. I can tell you want to use it also but you can't. Your a sprite with no magic, just strong and can fly and not that fast either. Ginger, she is the queen, said Shirley. I don't care what she is. Ginger pushed the on button and the sphere appeared. Give me your hand Shirley we are going somewhere else. Wait, what if you leave it on like this but take that controller with you. That way Merlin can see it working but won't be able to do anything with it. Yes you can take me to see your tree house, said Shirley. Yes and take one of the horses in the stable Shirley, said Alieta. Well okay but I still don't trust her or Merlin. They both headed over to the stables to get a horse for Shirley. My god Ginger has never acted like that before, said Alieta. That is because she was threatened by you and me, said Merlin. Hey how long have you been here? asked Alieta. Long enough to hear everything, said Merlin. I was looking in my tablet when a very big power surge appeared in Fae Land. I came here to check it out. Ginger feels threatened of losing her new friend seeing she won't be able go back and see her when she wants if I take it from her plus she didn't want to give it to anyone anways. Pixies do what they want and not what some one tells them to do, you know that, said Merlin. Ya, I never thought of either of those things. I think I just lost a friend. Probably for now but it is fixable, said Merlin. That is your magic my friend.


When Shirley and Ginger came out of the stables they saw Alieta standing with Merlin. Lets go this way, said Ginger. It is a bit longer but I am not letting this controller anywhere near Merlin. That way you will get to see Sandy Lake and Eden where most if the heros live. Okay you lead and I will follow, said Shirley... So let me have a closer look at this transporter, said Merlin. He slowly walked around it reading what it said on the outer ring. The waved his hand and the sphere appeared then he walked into it and looked at all the symbols on the ground inside. He looked up and started talking but Alieta couldn't hear anything he was saying. Merlin came out of the sphere. What did you say when you were in there? asked Alieta. I was just testing it, said Merlin. I asked if you could hear me and oviously you couldn't. Try and walk in like I did. Lets see if you have enough magic on your wings to let you in. Alieta stepped forward but couldn't get in the sphere. Well Ginger was right, you don't have any magic qualities, said Merlin. Ya I know, I am a hybreed sprite that is stronger than all other types of sprites and can fly lots faster though Ginger doesn't think I can fly that fast. Merlin smiled. She was just mad and compared to her you can't even come close to how fast she can fly. Now she also said that Ivy told her that the transporter was drawing a lot of magic. That is what the letters on the outer circle do. This device has no magic of it's own, it draws it from the surrounding area. Magic is everywhere and not just in Fae Land. Just not nearly as strong as here. I dought it could gather enough magic to power a transporter else where though. So how did they get here? asked Alieta. Granada doesn't have the magic that Fae Land has. That is a bit of a mystery, said Merlin. It must be that Steampunk Gatehouse that is gathering the magic, said Merlin. That is all I can think of. I will have to go back to my library and read up on them. So if this thing is gathering magic now, what will happen if it gets too much, explode? asked Alieta. No who ever created this made a safety with the inner symbols that will shut it down when it gets enough magic energy to power it, said Merlin. This device was made by a very powerful and intelligent wizard. The only one I know of is dead now at least that is what I was told. That was Mika's father. He definately could of made this and probably that gatehouse too. Okay Im am heading back to read up on gatehouses. Okay but how did you make the sphere apear, asked Alieta. Just with my magic. That part I can do but it is useless to me without that controller. I will advise you to assure Ginger that I have said it is safe for her to use and I have no intention of taking it from her. I do however hope she will take me to Granada though to have a liik at this gatehouse. I think all the answers will be found there. This device is no threat to anyone. Well I am staying away from it. It kind of spooks me, said Alieta. Merlin smiled then vanished.

Ginger and Shirley stopped at Sandy Lake for a few minutes then continued on to where Ivy lived. Ivy came out to them and asked where they were going. To my place, said Ginger. She wants to see the tree house. So why are you taking the long way there? asked Ivy. Because Alieta called Merlin to look at my teleporter. I am mad at Alieta for calling him. He can work it too like you but he might not let me keep it, said Ginger. Well I did tell Alieta that there was no way you were giving it up, said Ivy. Well I have the controller so they won't be able to do anything with it. Good thinking Ginger, said Ivy. Anyways they are still installing the solar cells so have fun you two, then Ivy flew back to the house. She is a very nice girl, said Shirley. Ya and super pretty, said Ginger. Ya that too, said Shirley. Next they round the corner and Ginger saw Ktara outside. Hi, Ktara, what are you doing? I was just going to check if a coconut had fallen yet, said Ktara, who is your friend. This is my new friend Shirley from Granada, said Ginger. I brought her here in my teleporter to meet some of my friends. You have a teleporter? Where did you get that? asked Ktara. In Granada. I found it and it is finders keepers, said Ginger. Ktara smiled. Yep I am a firm believer in finders keepers. If no one comes by to claim something I found for one whole day, then it is mine. Well no one has been where we found it for a long time, said Ginger. Then it definately is yours, said Ktara. Take me for a ride in it to Granada sometime, I would like to check out the place. Okay I will, said Ginger. Let me get you a coconut. None are on the ground yet. Ginger went and pulled a ripe coconut off of one of the trees and gave it to Ktara. Thanks Ginger. Come by sometime and I will make you something sweet to eat. Nice meeting you Shirley. Hope you are good at climbing ladders because that tree house has a huge one you need to climb to get to the front door. Ya Ginger told me about it already, I will manage, said Shirley. Okay see you later, said Ktara, then she headed back to her house. She was very nice too, said Shirley. Yep and the best cook in Fae Land, said Ginger.

Soon they pasted Camen and Zatsuky's place and the golden tree that Shirley had to stop and look at for a minute then they got to the east side of the pixie forest. Okay this is the pixie forest where I live, said Ginger. Wow this is a big forest. Are we still in Fae Land? asked Shirley. Yep, Fae Land is a very big place, said Ginger. This isn't even half way through it yet. Now we have to go to the south end of the forest where there is an entrance that is close to my tree house. If we go fast then it will only be a few more minutes. Okay lets go, said Shirley and the both took off. They got to the opening where Shirley had to get off the horse and walk with it to be able to fit through. Once in the forest Shirley got back on the horse and followed Ginger. Okay, here it is, said Ginger. Home sweet home. What do you think? Wow this is some tree house you have here, said Shirley. Makes my place look like a small shack. Well Keiko and Amelie wanted to make me something special. It took them a good part of a day to make it, said Ginger. Just one day to build this, that is amazing, said Shirley. Ya well they are two very amazing fairies, said Ginger. Shirley got off the horse and walked over to the ladder and looked way up. Well that's a bit of a climb but I can do it, said Shirley. Okay good. I will meet you up there, said Ginger then she flew up the entrance of the main floor of the tree house and Shirley started climbing up the ladder.

Once Shirley got to the top of the ladder she looked down. It is kind of high up here, said Shirley but I did it no problem. Ginger smiled. Okay lets go in and I will show you around, said Ginger. Shirley followed Ginger into the main floor which was the kitchen and sitting area. This is my kitchen, pretty nice don't you think, said Ginger. Keiko and Amelie are not that great at making food with their wands so they made me a nice kitchen to do most of the cooking. You have everything in here, said Shirley. Stove and fridge and even running water. How is that possible? Well outside on one of the tallest trees are two big water containers, said Ginger. One is white and one is black. The sun heats up the black one's water and the white container is a bit lower in the shade for cold water. Keiko made tubing to run down to this sink and my bathroom. Rain water keeps them pretty full all the time but lately there hasn't been any rain so they must be getting low by now. Very cool idea for running water, said Shirley. So is there a well somewhere if the water runs out? Nope, we just use one of the ponds. It is very drinkable too. You can see more of the forest from the big balcony, said Ginger. Lets go out there. They both went up the ladder to the bedroom then out the door to the big wrap around balcony. This is an amazing balcony, said Shirley. The whole place is amazing. You know I bet a home like this would cost a million dollars in Granada. Well I am not selling, said Ginger. They can get there own fairies to bulid one for them. So this is where I sing a soft song every night before going to bed. A bunch of pixies will fly over to listen. It has become a tradition here. Sounds like you really love it here, said Shirley. Yep, it is the first home I ever had and Keiko made sure it was perfect for me. I love those two nutty fairies, said Ginger. So what ya got in the fridge. I am hungry, are you? asked Shirley. Yep sure am, said Ginger. Lets go make something but then we have to get back to Granada and turn on your boom box and see if our song is being played yet. Okay so where is the controller? asked Shirley. I hid it in one of the kitchen drawers for now, said Ginger.

 The two of them went back downstairs to the kitchen where Ginger cooked them up something to eat. Once they were finished eating Ginger went to get the controller but Shirley wanted to talk to her first. What, we need to go back to Granada now, said Ginger. I just hope Alieta and Merlin are not there still. Well that is what I want to talk to you about, said Shirley. Really, why? asked Ginger. Just come and sit. I think you are over reacting, said Shirley. Ginger came back to the table and sat down. Okay so you seem to be worried about loosing the teleporter but you seem not to be worried about loosing a friend. Yes I am, I am worried about loosing you as a friend, said Ginger. I don't mean me, said Shirley, I will always be your friend. It is Alieta I am am talking about. How long have you known her as a friend? Well ever since we first met about a year ago, said Ginger. Okay and has she every done you wrong in the past? asked Shirley. Well no, she lets me use the grand hall to teach people to dance and she lets me eat in the palace dining room when ever I want but everybody loves Alieta, said Ginger. She is a very good queen. Yes she is I could tell that just by the way she was trying to make sure you were safe. What, she wanted to get Merlin to come and take the teleporter away from me, said Ginger. No she didn't, she wanted him to come and make sure it was safe for you, said Shirley. She doesn't want to see you get hurt. To me that sounds like a very good and loving friend. Ya but she made me sad and pixies don't get sad easily, said Ginger. No she didn't, you got mad and made her sad. Didn't you notice how her face changed when you said you were never coming back to see her again. It was like you stabbed her in the heart, said Shirley. I said that to her, oh ya I did didn't I, said Ginger. She really got sad when I said that? Yep and even after we went to get the horse she still cared enough for you to call Merlin to make sure the teleporter was safe for you. Most people would just say the heck with you and if you die too bad, said Shirley. Ginger went silent. I am such a dummy, said Ginger. I got to go and fix this. Alieta is my friend, she doesn't even act like a queen to me, just friendly and helpful. You take the controller but I am flying there now to say sorry. Just ride south past the town and when you get past the water fall mountain hang a left. You can't miss the palace. Then Ginger ran out and flew off to the palace. Okay, that worked well but what drawer did she put the controller in I wonder? thought Shirley.

Ginger got to the palace grounds and it looked like everyone had just finished eating supper. She couldn't see Alieta so she flew down to talk to someone. Tulip saw her and walked up to her. Hi Ginger, I haven't seen you in a while. You just missed supper, sorry. Oh I already ate, said Ginger. I need to talk to Alieta. Do you know where she is? Yes, she is in the dining room sitting by herself, said Tulip. Something is wrong with her, she wouldn't even come out and eat with us. Something must really be bothering her. Oh no, that is my fault, said Ginger. I made a big mistake and got mad at her and said I didn't want to see her again. Why would you say something like that to Alieta? asked Tulip. It must of been something really big for you to say that to her. Well I thought it was at the time but now I realize it really wasn't bad and she was just looking out for me, said Ginger. I bet it has something to do with that pretty circle on the ground over there, said Tulip. Ya it does and some other stuff, said Ginger. Well go in and talk to her. When Alieta is sad we all are sad with her, said Tulip. Ya I know, said Ginger and she ran into the palace. She found Alieta sitting at the table with her head looking down in her hands. Alieta, I am so sorry for talking to you like that, said Ginger. I am such a dummy, will you forgive me? Alieta looked up. Hi Ginger, yes if coarse I forgive you but this was my fault not yours. No it was mine, I was the dummy that got mad when you were just making sure I would be safe. Yes but you were right to get mad, said Alieta. You have a new friend that saved your life and if you lost that transporter then you wouldn't be able to see her again. Merlin pointed that out to me. Merlin did that? asked Ginger. Yep, he is a very wise man and my good friend, said Alieta. So is he taking the transporter from me? asked Ginger. It's okay, I can always get Sapphire to bring me to Granada again. Alieta smiled. Yes that is true but you will not be needing her. You have your own means of trasportation and Merlin said it is very safe for you too use. He thinks it was made by an old friend of his that is dead now. Do you know Mika? Ya that really pretty elf that lives in that big house. I haven't talked to her but I hear she comes from Granada. Well she is half elf and half wizard. Her father is the one that Merlin believes made the transporter. Really so she can do magic? That is awesome I got to go see her soon, I like magic you know. I wish I could do magic. Alieta smiled. Good to see you back to your old self my friend. Lets go outside to that circle. We need to show you a few things, said Alieta.

We, so you are calling Merlin again? asked Ginger. Well yes but don't worry, I thnk he would like to see how it works, that's all. Oh okay that I can do but we have to wait for Shirley to get here. She has the controller, said Ginger. Well she is riding a horse wright? Yep, said Ginger. So it only takes ten or fifteen minutes to get here from your place, said Alieta. Ya I know but she has to climb down that big ladder, said Ginger. It took a bit for her to climb up it. Why didn't you rub some of your pixie dust on her then she would float and you could easily pull her up nice and fast, said Alieta. Oh ya. I never thought of that, said Ginger. Well lets go out and wait for her, said Alieta. She won't be long now. They both headed out of the palace and went to the circle where a few elves where standing looking at it. Hi Alieta. This is a very pretty circle, did you draw it? asked one if the elves. No this is a very special device that Ginger owns that can transport her to Granada and back here again, said Alieta. Really, can she take me there, I heard it is very cool there, said the elf. Well that will be up to her but for now I need you all to clear out. I am calling Merlin to look at it with us, said Alieta. Okay but Ginger, I have first dibs on going to Granada with you, Okay? asked the elf. Okay but I can only take a maximum of five hundred pounds at a time. I'm not five hundred pounds, said the elf. I am not even a hundred pounds. That's enough girls now off you go, said Alieta. Looks like you are going to become even more popular here than you already are, said Alieta. Just as long as it doesn't interfere with our song writing, said Ginger. What do you mean, asked Alieta. Shirley wrote some music for a song and I made up the words for it. She played it on a keyboard thing that sounded like it had a ton of instruments in it and I sang while Jim, her boyfriend played the guitar and recorded it. It's call Just A Country Girl. My I wish I could hear it, said Alieta. Well first he brought it to a radio place where they play music and millions of people will be able to hear it. That is why we need to go back to Granada and turn on her boom box radio and see if they liked it enough to play for everyone. Well it sounds like you may become popular there too, said Alieta. Oh look here comes Shirley now. Shirley rode up to them and gave Ginger the controller. So are you two good now? asked Shirley. Yep and Merlin said the teleporter is safe and I can keep it. Good, said Shirley. Let me bring back the horse and I will be right back. Our song should be on the radio soon I hope. So you can write music? asked Alieta. Yep, I have a bunch I have written already. I am not too good at coming up with the lyrics for them but Ginger is awesome at that. Okay I'll be right back, said Shirley and she headed for the stables. Okay let me call Merlin, said Alieta. She called out for him and he appeared almost immediately. Oh good Ginger is talking to you again, said Merlin. Yep we figured we were both wrong and made up, said Ginger. So I read up all I could on Steampunk Gatehouses but most books have very little about them other than being used to draw natural magic to them, said Merlin.  Can you show me how this works? Yep, Shirley will be back in a minute and we have to go back but I can turn it on and show you how it searches, said Ginger. Ginger pushed the on button and the Sphere appeared again. Now for some reason you can't go forward with the search button at first but when I push the back button it shows us this. She started panning backwards and they watched as the images changed from a place in Granada then a place in Fae Land. Look there is the palace, said Alieta. Stop there Ginger for a second, said Merlin. Look at that. It is even showing the exact same people outside as there is here now, said Merlin. Now press the back button once, said Merlin. Okay I don't know what that big bulding is, said Ginger. Well it looks like a city hall to me, said Merlin. Okay keep gong. Ginger kept pushing the button until Shirley's house appeared. There, that is Shirley's place we have to go there, said Ginger. Hurry up Shirley, I found your place. Shirley ran up to them. Hi Merlin, you are looking very wizard like. Just like in the books I have read and the movies I have seen, said Shirley. Really they write stories about me? asked Merlin. Oh yes, you are very popular in the fiction-fantasy sections at the library, said Shirley. So lets go Shirley I have the image on hold, said Ginger. Can I ask a favour of you Ginger. Can I go with you? I would like to see this gatehouse in person, said Merlin. Well I don't know, are you less than five hundred pounds, said Ginger. Stop being funny, said Shirley. Of coarse he is not five hundred pounds. Ginger smiled. Once a pixie always a pixie, said Merlin. Okay step in, said Ginger. Grab my hand Shirley. The three of them stepped into the sphere. Okay, Next stop Granada, said Ginger and she pusted the send button.



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