Just A Country Girl  Chapter 2


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Getting To Know Each Other

I have a great idea, said Shirley. Let me bring out my boom box and we both can dance to this new cd I bought yesterday. What's a boom box? asked Ginger. It is a machine that plays music and it is a real good one too. Seeing you love music then you are going to love this, said Shirley. She went and got the cd player from her cabinet then put it on the bed with the cd. Okay lets see, what song should we play first. What the heck lets start from the first one I love all the songs this group does. So that little disc has music on it? asked Ginger. You bet and it is rock and roll music, my favorite. I may be a country girl now but I still like to rock, said Shirley. Here listen. Shirley put in the cd and pushed the play button. The music started and Ginger was amazed with this new type of electronic music. That is awesome, said Ginger. Music in a box. Yep and it can go very loud so that is why it is called a boom box. So can you dance to this kind of music? asked Shirley. I can dance to anything, said Ginger. Good, I am a pretty good dancer too, said Shirley. Not like you but more than good enough. So lets wait until the next song then I will turn it up some and we can start dancing together. 

The next song came on and Shirley turned it up some then they both began to dance together. Hey you are pretty good, said Ginger. Yiu are toller than me but I can air dance that will even things out some. Giger went airborn so their heads were at the same level . Now that is what I would call very light of your feet, said Shirley.  Ginger began to laugh and went back down to the floor. You are funny, I like that, said Ginger.They both danced for three full songs then Shirley sat on the corner of the bed and turned the music off. Okay that is enough dancing for now. I am starting to work up a sweat, said Shirley. Okay, said Ginger. You do look like you need a rest. Look at you though, you don't look tired and not sweating at all. Well pixies don't sweat like humans do, said Ginger. We are used to moving around real fast. If it gets real hot, we just go in the woods or fly up nice and high where the air is cooler but usually stying in the woods is good enough. The pixie forest where I live has tons of pixies in it that makes the forest full of magical pixie dust and keeps it just the right tempeture in there no matter how hot it is outside. Now that sounds like a place I would love to see, said Shirley. Well you never know what can happen, said Ginger. Look at me I am in Granada and met a new friend. That is not what I was expecting when I got up this morning.

So you must have a horse seeing you have a saddle there said Ginger. Nobody uses saddles in Fae Land though. I don't use a saddle either but I think it looks cool in here, said Shirley.  Ya I have a horse. You can't live in the country without a horse. Yep, everyone that hasn't got wings in Fae Land rides a horse. Did you name it? asked Ginger. Yep her name is Firefly beause of the sparkle in her eyes when she looks at me. Nice name, people say that us pixies look like fireflies at night when we are nice and small flying around leaving pixie dust on the ground and plants, said Ginger. We glow a bit and our wings make it look like we are flickering. Pixies have lots of different colours of wings so the flicking lights are different colours. I will show you when it gets dark tonight. Ginger spotted the extra hat hanging on the wall. Can I try on that hat over there? asked Ginger. Sure try it on. It might fit you, it is too small for me, said Shirley. Ginger went and got the hat and tried it on. Feels like it fits, said Ginger. How do I look? Like a real country pixie girl, said Shirley. You can keep it if you want. Thanks, I will do line dancing with it on. Everyone knows how to line dance in Fae Land, said Ginger. She then flew up and landed in the saddle. There now I am a cowgirl, said Ginger. Shirley smiled, so have you ever ridden a horse before? Nope I have wings so don't need to ride a horse. That don't matter, said Shirley. Horse riding is fun and they can go pretty fast too. Do you want to go back out and I will take you for a ride around in the country? Okay that sounds like fun, said Ginger. Okay lets go then, riding a horse makes the air rush by you keeping us cooler, said Shirley. Let  me get my hat and I will take you to meet Firefly.


They both went outside and walked over to the shed where Shirley kept Firefly. Crap, it must be hot in there, I should of let her out when I first came out. Well that is my fault, said Ginger. You weren't expecting a pixie to fall from the sky. No I am responsible for her. Good thing she has lots of water. Shirley opened the door and let Firefly out. Good she looks fine, said Shirley. I always let her out in the morning. She dosn't go far, just over where the grass is greener and grazes. So while it is hot like this just leave the door open for her if she doesn't wander off, said Ginger. Ya I will start doing that, said Shirley. Ginger went to the front of Firefly and looked at her. I see the sparkle you were talking about. This is a very beautiful horse, said Ginger. Well when I went to the ranch to buy a horse there was about a dozen to pick from. As I looked at each horse this one kept following me around like a puppy dog. I figured she was meant for me so I bought her and rode her home. The man that owned the ranch was very handsome but I think he was married because he didn't hit on me at all. He said the horse was only one year old so I made a very good choice. Ginger looked into Firefly's eyes and started rubbing both sides on her face and said something softly to Firefly. Her tail began to wag and her eyes opened up very wide. There that should help some, said Ginger. Why what did you do? You didn't talk to her did you? asked Shirley. Well not really talked but pixies and animals get along nicely together in the woods and forest. Horses are the smartest and easiest to comunicate with. I just let her know that I thought she was beautiful. Some how you will be able to tell she understood you. Like a horse wisperer then, said Shirley. Ya I guess but more looking and talking softly than whispering, said Ginger with a smile.


Okay so I will get on first then you get on behind me, said Shirley. Okay, I am very light so won't be much of an extra burden for her, said Ginger. Ya that's for sure, said Shirley. Shirley jumped up on Firefly then Ginger flew up and landed behind Shirley and held on to her sides. Okay all set. Lets see how this riding a horse feels like, said Ginger. Shirley gave a couple of light kicks with her heels then Firefly began to walk forward. Okay so hang on tight, said Shirley. We have to go faster in order to stay cool. So there is a structure not too far from here that I have been meaning to check out. It looks to be abandon but I have never gone that close to it yet. Oh cool, an adventure, said Ginger. Maybe there is some treasure in it. Well I dought that but it is pretty big and looks old so lets see what it is all about, said Shirley. She gave Firefly and couple more kicks with her heels and off the went in a fairly fast gallop. Wee, I like it, kinda bouncy and fun, said Ginger. Shirley smiled then kept going north to where the structure was.

They rode on for about ten minutes then the structure could be seen straight a head. Well there it is just ahead, said Shirley. It don't look that big, said Ginger. Kinda wierd looking though. Ya why it is there in the middle of nowhere is odd but it had to have a purpose at some time, said Shirley. Lets take a closer look. They rode up to the front of it that was open. The other three sides had high brick walls surrounding a smaller gated structure. Well here it is and not much to it, said Shirley. Look that gate is partly open lets go inside and see what is in those crates and barrels, said Ginger. You still think there is treasure in them, said Shirley with a smile. Well you never know until you look, said Ginger. Okay lets go see, said Shirley. It looks safe enough. They both got off of Firefly and headed towards the open gate.


Shirley grabbed the gate and pulled on it and the gate swung open easily. Okay so there is no rust on the hinges so maybe this place isn't that old, said Shirley. Doesn't look new, said Ginger. Look at all the dust on the creates and barrels. Well lets go inside and check out one of the creates, said Shirley. They both walked in to the middle of the room then Ginger stopped. It feels wierd in here, said Ginger. Do you feel that? Ya it feels like lots of energy or something everywhere, said Shirley. Ya and it is nice and cool in here. That don't make sense either, said Ginger. No walls just gates and out side it is like a hundred degrees. Maybe we should get out of here, said Shirley. Not until I check one of these crates, said Ginger. You won't be able to, said a voice from behind them. Both Ginger and Shirley spun around fast. That's the guy that sold me Firefly, said Shirley quietly. Well who do we have here? asked the man. Looks like you have a real life pixie with you Shirley, said the man. You remember my name? she asked. Yep I never forget a pretty face, said the man. My name is Jimmy but just call me Jim and what might your name be little one? Ginger but you can call me Ginger big guy. Jim laughed. Kendra was right pixies are funny. You know Kendra? asked Ginger. Not personally but she was on the news yesterday telling everyone about Fae Land and the people that live there, said Jim. Quite an amazing place you come from. Yep Fae Land is the best, said Ginger. So did you build this place? asked Shirley. Heavens no, from what I found out about it on the internet it is called a Steampunk Gatehouse, said Jim. They used to be built in the eighteenth century. So this has been here for over two hundred years and there is no eroding or rust on the metal. Yep, baffling isn't it. Same as the cool air and energy feeling, said Jim. I have been trying to figure out why this place is here for over four years. So what is a steampunk gatehouse? asked Shirley. Well that is a bit hard to say but we should step out of here. I don't trust it, said Jim. Nope not until I open one of these crates, said Ginger. I told you you can't open them. I have tried and even with a crowbar. No nails either so the lids must be glued on. Oh okay, said Ginger.


 They all walked out of the room and immediately felt the heat of the sun again. Wow that is a big difference, said Shirley. Here check out this, said Jim. He reached under one of the lamps and turned it on. It's a light, big deal, said Shirley. Yes but the bulb is not the kind we have ever made, said Jim. Very thick glass and filiment but the strangest thing is where is it getting the electricity from. I have checked everywhere and even unscrewed it from the wall but there are no wires and no solar cells. It must be magic then, said Ginger. Well possibly but I am looking for a more logical explaination, said Jim. Magic is logical I think. Lots of magic in Fae Land, said Ginger. Yes but this is not Fae Land, said Jim. So I see you are taking good care of the horse I sold you. No saddle and reins which is better for the horse. Ya I like going bare back best, said Shirley. Yes me too, said Jim. Did you ever use the jumping horse in gym? Yes I did lots of gymnastics at school, said Shirley. Well it is the same as getting on the jumping horse, said Jim. You just have to jump higher and pull up with your arms more then swing a leg over. Took me a few times to get it right but now it is easy. Girls are more flexible then men so you probably have to problem getting on her. Ih I have had some times when I missed and even fell off once, said Shirley. While Jim and Shirley were talking, Ginger snuck back into the wierd room and knelt down in front of a single crate that was on the ground. So you won't open he said, maybe he just wasn't doing it wright, she thought. Ginger put both hands on the lid of the crate and slid it to her left and it came off easily and made a loud sound when the lid hit the ground. Both Jim and Shirley looked at Ginger. I thought you said you could't open the crates, said Ginger. They just slide off like nothing.

Both Jim and Shirley went back in the room and looked in the case. How in the heck did you open that crate. That is the one I was working on and the lid wouldn't budge, said Jim. I just slid it over to the side and it came off, said Ginger. So what are all these things? They look like some type of gadgets. Probably failed attemps at making something mystical to work, said Jim. I read that old time scientists worked in Steampunks making devices to try and summon beings or create portals, said Jim. There was no mention that anyone was successful though. This one looks cool. It has a bunch of buttons on it, said Ginger. Can I see that? asked Jim. Ginger handed him the gadget. Hmm, some type of old language, maybe Latin I guess and nothing seems to happen when I push the buttons, said Jim. Here you try it, you seem to have the magic touch. I don't have any magic, said Ginger. Except for my pixie dust and I can shrink really small oh and fly super fast and read people a bit. Sure sounds like magic to me, said Jim. Shirley smiled. Yep and she has a magical voice too, you should hear her sing. Jim handed the gadget to Ginger. Oh that is old elven language, said Ginger. This button says, "Begin". Ginger pressed it and a light lit up on the gadget. Okay that is cool, said Ginger. Now this button says, "Open" and this one says, "Close". What do those other two buttons say? asked Shirley. Well this long one says, Search" but the one at the bottom I think says leap, or jump or something like that. Some of the letters are worn off, said Ginger. Can I push the open button? Pixies are also very curious if you haven't noticed yet. They both smiled. Yes I have noticed, said Shirley. Ginger pushed the button that said Open above it then suddenly it got very warm in the room and a swooshing sound was made then the floor lit up with some type of circle with designs on it and sparkles coming from it formed on the floor. I guess that was the on botton, said Ginger. Looks very pretty.


Pretty? Well I guess it does to you but to me it is astonishing, said Jim. Ya that's a good word for it, said Shirley. Very mystical too. Something like a witches circle but much better. So can you read what it says around the outside of the circle Ginger. No, I have never seen those type of letters before, said Ginger. They look more like what a wizard would use to write down spells. Maybe Merlin could read it. Merlin the wizard, he is real and you know him? asked Shirley. Yep, very wise and old looking with a nice beard, said Ginger. Strongest wizard of all wizards. He visits Fae Land sometimes, usually around supper time. Puts on a great fireworks show too. So should I push the search button now? Ya it sounds safe enough, said Jim. Might as well see what it does. Ginger push it and suddenly a transparent globe appeared with another blue circle hovering near the base of it. Looks like a crystal ball, said Ginger. A very very big one though. Yes you may be right but more like a 3D hologram. Push it again and see if it shows us anything, said Jim. Well it is like a toddle switch. There is a plus and minus sign at either end of it. Do the plus then, said Jim. She pushed it but nothing happened. Okay try minus then, said Jim. This time a landscape image could be seen. Hey that is the grass lands in Fae Land, said Ginger. Really, push it again, said Jim. This time it was a scene from Granada. Okay keep pushing it slowly. I have a hunch at what this is all about. Ginger kept pushing the minus side of the button and the images kept changing to different areas of both Granada and Fae Land. Okay now hit the close button then hit the search button again, said Jim. Ginger did as he said then the globe vanished then after hitiing the seach button again the globe appeared again but with the last scene that was in it before it was closed. Okay I think I know what this is, said Jim. Turn it off Ginger. Okay, that was fun. You know I am starting to get very hungry. Didn't have breakfast and must be lunch time by now. Ya me too, said Shirley. Well come to my place and I will feed the two of you. Keep that switcher though Ginger but put the lid back on the crate, just incase somebody else comes by. Okay, but you hang on to it, I have no pockets, said Ginger.



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