Just A Country Girl  Chapter 6


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Merlin In Granada

Okay, here we are, said Ginger. Interesting, I didn't feel a thing and it all happened in an instant, said Merlin. Yep, super fast, said Ginger. Okay lets step out so I can turn it off. They all walked out then Ginger hit the off button and the entire transported disappeared. Hey where did it go? asked Ginger. Probably back to the gatehouse, said Merlin. That is where you found it correct. Yep, that makes sense, said Ginger. Now I will stay invisible while I am here as not to draw any attention, said Merlin. If you want but this is all private land and no one every comes here unless invited, said Shirley. Oh okay, good to know but I may want to check out the city also, said Merlin. Does Granada have a city hall that is white and five stories high? Yes, that is where all the legal stuff is done and the Mayor and his family lives there too, said Shirley. Well lets go in  and turn on the radio. Well you two do that but I am interested in the gatehouse, said Merlin. Just point me in the correct direction and I will get out of your hair for a bit. Okay but do you want to borrow my horse. It is a long walk from here, said Shirley. No I will teleport there. Much faster, said Merlin. Ya I bet it is, said Shirley. Just go east for about three miles. There is nothing else out there except the gatehouse. If you want to go to the city then go south east for about twenty miles. A guy like you should check out the electronic and office supply stores. You will find stuff that will amaze even you I bet. You might want to change your look though when you are there. It is like a hundred degrees and you look dressed for winter. You do look a lot like Gandulf The Grey from the Lord Of The Rings books. Who is that? asked Merlin. Just a real good wizard that travels with a team of heros to distroy an evil wizard being and a magic ring. Hmm never heard of him, said Merlin then he vanished. Okay lets go to my bedroom and turn on the radio, said Shirley. Okay, said Ginger and they headed in.

Merlin appeared in front of a structure that he figured was the gatehouse seeing there was nothing else around as far as the eye could see just like Shirley told him. First he walked around the outside of the gatehouse and opened up a couple of crates then came back to the front gate. He noticed the two lights and turned one on and off. Yes, definately a wizard's work, he thought. He opened the gate and walked in and immediately noticed the nice cool air inside. Yep must be his work inly ine wizard ither than myself can build something like this that can absorb natural magic. Merlin waved his hand over the floor in the middle of the room and the circle appeared faintly. Well there is the wizard's circle as I expected it to be. Looks to be recharging slowly. He waved his hand over it again and it vanished. There that way it will recharge faster. Merlin pulled the crate out some and slid open the lid. As he looked inside he found some gadgets that he was unfamilar with but metal body parts too. Looks like he made a helper also. This is definately all his work, said Merlin. Who's work? asked a voice from behind him.

Merlin turned around and saw a man standing there with a upset look on his face. Hello, how can I help you sir? asked Merlin. More like how can I help you old man. What are you doing in here and how did you open that crate, asked the man. Well first of all I am a guest of Shirley's and she said it was okay for me to come here and look at the gatehouse, said Merlin. She told me this was all private property. Yes it is, said the man. It is my property, I am Jim, what's your name. Oh you are Jim, Shirley's boyfriend, said Merlin. Jim smiled. Well I would like to think so, said Jim. I was headed to her place when I saw you here. I see, well I am a wizard and I am pretty sure an old friend of mine built this place, said Merlin. Ya right a wizard. And I am Bat Man. What are you really doing snooping around in here? asked Jim, thinking the old man was going nuts. Who is Bat Man? asked Merlin. Does Granada have men that look like bats and can fly? Um no, he is a fictional character, said Jim. You do dress like a wizard, what is your name. My name is Merlin, at your service young man. Merlin the wizard, that is hard to believe, said Jim. He is a fictional character too. Jim looked again at the opened crate. Did you open that crate? asked Jim. Why yes I did, said Merlin. I opened and looked in a bunch of them. The outside crates have nothing of importance in them but this one is very interesting. Okay so only Ginger can open the crates here because she has magic, said Jim so you must have magic too of some kind also. Well it was Ginger that was nice enough to bring me here in her teleporter. Both her and Shirley are waiting for a song to come on a thing called a boom box radio back at the house, said Merlin. Ginger took the teleporter to Fae Land? So it does work! Then that also means you probably are a wizard and maybe Merlin, said Jim. He put both of his hand on his head. Merlin the wizard, for real? asked Jim. The one and only, said Merlin and made his hat lift up and spin some then land back on his head. Jim laughed. You are funny. Well not as funny as Ginger but I try my best. Humor is good for the soul, said Merlin.

 So Jim, to answer the first question you asked me about who built this steampunk gatehouse, I believe that would be my old friend Zotac. He is the only wizard that would have the talent to build this place and the teleporter. Unfortunately he was reported as being killed while defending his wife from an evil demon. He saved his wife that was pregnant with his child by teleporting her away but I don't understand why he didn't teleport with her. That is a question I have pondered over for over a hundred years. Zotac, that name sounds familar to me, said Jim. Oh probably another one of Granada's fictional characters, said Merlin. Ya maybe, said Jim. So you said you were on your way to see Shirley, said Merlin. Yes I want to tell her that they loved the song and they are fixing the quality some and are going to start playing it over the radio waves soon across Granada. They are sure it is going to be a hit. I see, that does sound exciting but how would you like to help me first? asked Merlin. Doing what, asked Jim. Well putting this mechanical man back together. I bet those two other black crates have the rest of the parts in them, said Merlin. Really, you think it would still work after all these years? asked Jim. Well only way to find out is to try and it looks like the parts just swist and snap on, said Merlin. Okay lets do that first. The song will play lots of times but building a robot sounds like way more fun, said Jim. I thought you would like to help. Now lets get started by bringing over those other crates and I will open them. Lets just hope all the pieces are here, said Merlin. The two of them got to work and laid out all the parts on the floor first. Then they started putting them together begining with the legs and hip then working their way up to the head. Okay that seems like all of it, said Jim. Now what? Lets stand it up, said Merlin. I saw a button on the back that might be the on switch. They stood the robot up and Merlin pushed the button. Okay nothing is happening said Jim. Actually yes there is. Look at the chest, said Merlin. It was at 00 when we were putting it together but now it is at 16. So it is charging up then, said Jim. Exactly, that is what this structure does. It absorbes magic and the robot is using it to power up, said Merlin. And look it is at 69 now. This steampunk gatehouse is either very powerful or it has tapped into a very strong source of magic and I have a theory where that might be. Look it is at 92, 96, 99, 100, that means it is fully charged already right? asked Jim. Yes I would think so. Say something to it, said Merlin. Okay, lets see. Hello, what is your name? asked Jim. The light in the visor came on and the head turned to Jim. My name is Bot. You know that Zotac.

Well Bot, my name isn't Zotac, it is Jim. Are you able to see? Yes but things are a bit fuzzy at the moment, said Bot. Let me adjust my sensors. Bot went quiet then looked at Jim again. There much better. Yes you are not Zotac. Where is he? Well Bot, I am Merlin and Zotac died over a hundred years ago. Merlin, yes Zotac talked of you. You are friends and his mentor, said Bot. What year is it, I must of been disassembled for a very long time. 2024, said Jim. So Zotac couldn't of died over one hundred years ago. He created me in the year of 2004, said Bot. So he must still be alive then, said Merlin. Yes that's where I know the name from, said Jim. Zotac the magician. He does magic shows all over the world now. Merlin smiled. That sure sounds like good old Zodac. He always was a show off. Tell me Bot do you have a recall of why you were created and what your functions are? Yes, my power source is white magic energy. My memory capacity is six terabites with a five hunded quad processor linked to sixteen gigabites of ram. My outer shell is titinium making it possible for me to lift or with stand six hundred pounds of weight or force. Do you understand all of that gigabite stuff Jim? asked Merlin. Yes, it means he has an amazing brain. Most home computers are not as powerful as what he has in his head. A computer like that would be awesome for gaming! Okay so what is your purpose? asked Merlin. I have two prime directives and several sub directives. First and most important is to help Zotac bulid the gateway and teleporter. Second is to locate his wife Samantha. The other directives were just helping Zotac with basic needs. You are quite the companion then Bot but unfortunately Samantha died in a bad accident, said Merlin. Yes we know. Samantha came to Granada with a a young child named Mika. Before coming to Granada they lived in New York City where Samantha met a widowed man that had a daughter. They got married and applied to live in Granada. Zotac did not interfere with them and left them alone knowing Samantha would out live here husband. After the accident that saddened Zotac immensly, he decided to meet with his daughter but she had vanished and so did her stepsister. Zotac now searches the world for Mika. My goodness, I know where Mika is, said Merlin. Do you know how to contact him? No, said Bot. I might, said Jim. How is that? asked Merlin. By the wonders of the internet, said Jim with a smile. We need to go to my place and look for his website on my computer. Okay then lets go, said Merlin. I will follow you. Bot can you run? Yes, my top speed is ninty two miles per hour. Perfect so lets go you two. We have a wizard to find, said Jim and they all headed out of the gatehouse.

Once they got to Jim's ranch they headed towards the house. The ranch hands once again were staring at them. Don't worry guys, it's just Bot the robot and Merlin the wizard, said Jim then they went inside. Man where does he find these odd characters? asked one of the men. What's next, an alien from outer space. I, don't know, said another man. But he sure has been busy today and leaving us alone. Plus he seems really happy too. Ya a happy boss makes for us being happy, said the man. Once inside Jim brought them over to his computer and he sat down. Okay so first I have to Google his name, said Jim. Google, what is that? asked Merlin. Google was origially created as a search engine capable of finding key words and names on the world wide web but has turned into a multi billion dollar corporation dealing wtih a lot more now, said Bot. Yes, that is what it is, thanks Bot, said Jim. Okay, whatever all that meant, said Merlin. Just watch and see, said Jim. He entered Zotac The Magician then a long list appeared. Okay lets see, said Jim. There it is, The official website of Zadac The Magician. Jim clicked on the link and it took him to a very extravagant and colourful web site with lots of pictures and show locations plus times. Yep that is him alright, said Merlin. He really knows how to put on a show. I stick to fireworks, that is good enough for me. Jim smiled. Well he is known to be the worlds best master of illusions, said Jim. Oh they are not illusions, said Merlin. That is real magic he does. I taught him so I should know. Ya I guess it would be, said Jim. Okay now look here. He is giving a one hundred thousand dollar reward to anyone that knows where his daughter Mika is. Jim clicked on that link and it took him to another page. Okay so no picture just a possible discription. Age eighteen, may have elf like shaped ears, brown hair and very pretty, about five foot six inches tall. No one is going to be able to recogize her with that discription, said Jim. Probably not but is there a way of contacting him like you said? asked Merlin. Yep right here, said Jim. His email link. He probably gets tons of prank email messages every day so this may take a while. Well make it short and use my name first and tell him I know where she is and she is very safe and happy. Then I will give you a word to add that only a wizard can read, said Merlin. Okay sounds good, said Jim. "Merlin knows where Mika is and she is very safe and happy". Now what is the word? asked Jim. Merlin spelt it out for him. "YXEJPPRAVCFIC". What the heck does that say? asked Jim. SHOWOFF, said Merlin. Jim laughed. Yep that will definately get his attention, said Jim. He clicked on the send button then went back to the front page. Well hope he reads his mail every day, said Jim. He doesn't have another show in Granada for over a month. Oh he will read it. That boy loves public attention, said Merlin.

So what do you want to do want to do while we wait and see if he responds? asked Jim. Well we can ask Bot some more questions, said Merlin. Like what, he is a robot that has a computer for a brain that runs programs, said Jim. Oh I am much more than that Jim. I am an artificial intellegence and can have emotions too, said Bot. You just haven't activated that part of me yet. How do we do that? asked Merlin. All I saw was an on off switch. Bot walked up to Merlin and turned away from him. Just below where my neck connects to my spine there is a flap. Push hard on it then let go. Merlin did as Bot said and a flap did open up. Okay it is opened, said Merlin, What now? Lift the flap up and you will see a small dial that is set to zero. There are five setting but just set it to three. The higher settings are for protecting and fighting against evil, said Bot. Merlin set the dial to three then shut the flap. Bot seemed to shut down and his visor light went out. Looks like you broke him, said Jim. Ha ha, very funny. I just did what he asked, said Merlin. Then the visor light came back on but now it was green instead of orange. Ah that is much better, said Bot in a much nicer and more human like voice. Now I have access to all my functions. Well you don't sound like a robot anymore, said Jim. That's because I am a fully functioning machanical individual now, said Bot. Jims computer beeped. Okay that means I got some new mail, said Jim. He checked his mail and there was a message from Zotac. Um he sent a weird word like you told me to send him, said Jim. Merlin looked at it and smiled. Just write "The Master", said Merlin. Jim then sent the response. He is just making sure it is me. So what did his word say? asked Jim. He said "The Best". He knows that I preferre to be called the master and not the best. The best at anything will be eventually beaten but once a master, always a master, said Merlin. A new message came this time in plain engish. It is you Merlin my old friend where are you? Message him back and tell him to meet me at the gatehouse in ten minutes, said Merlin. I need to talk to him first about his daughter. Jim sent the message. You two find something to do while I am gone, said Merlin then he vanished. So Bot do you play chess? Yes and I am quite good too. Hmm, let me think of something else then, said Jim. Merlin appeared at the gatehouse moments before Zotac did. Hello Zotac, I did say ten minutes, said Merlin. Ya I know but you found my daughter! I am to excited to sit still, said Zotac. Ya I get that, said Merlin. She is one of the people I need to talk to you about. Why is something wrong with her? asked Zotac. No she is fine but you need to know about Ginger too, said Merlin. Who is Ginger? asked Zotac.

Ginger you have to meet yourself and deal directly with her. Now Mika, as I said she is fine and living with her stepsister in Fae Land. Fae Land, how did they get there and why? asked Zotac. Well because Mika is a Fae and belongs there for one. That was Gabriel's decision, said Merlin. Okay, I can't argue with her, she is never wrong, said Zotac. Gabriel was doing Gods bidding in this case so that is why you need to know that your daughter is half elf and half wizard. making Granada not the proper place for her to live. Really so some of me is in her too? asked Zotac. Well yes, lots of you and lots of Samantha. She looks mostly like Samantha as I remember her but she has inner energy that has just recently awakened. I tested her and at this time her powers are purely defensive and automatic. The girl can not be harmed by anything or anyone. No way, how is that possible, said Zotac. I don't even have that kind of defense. Well I tried throwing a rock at her when she had her back turned to me and it flew back three times faster at me. She was unaware of the rock. I then threw a small fireball at her and it came back at me fast and three times bigger nearly hitting me. I feel that this is just the begining. Alieta told me she was able to send a hydra back to it's own reality with just a wave of her hand. My god, so is she under control and not a threat to anyone? asked Zotac. Oh she has made many friends already and wouldn't hurt a flea if there were any in Fae Land. Now that brings me to Ginger. That is where you two need to talk. Okay I guess, where is she? I'll take you to her and don't worry, this is going to be fun, said Merlin then they both vanished. They both reappeared in front of Shirley's house and they could hear music playing inside. Merlin smiled. You hear that song? asked Merlin. Yes it is a very good song and what a singer, she sounds amazing, said Zotac. Yes she is, that is Ginger singing, said Merlin. The most amazing singer I have ever heard. The song ended and Merlin called for Ginger to come out. Inside Ginger said she heard Merlin calling for her. I didn't hear anything, said Shirley. Oh ya, pixies have better hearing. Okay you keep thinking of a name for us and I will see what he wants, said Ginger. She went and opened the front door and saw Merlin standing with a stranger. She flew over fast. Hi Merlin, who is your friend, my he is cute and big muscles like Jim has. Short blonde hair but I like my hair better but your a boy and I am a girl so it is okay I guess. Those are wierd shoes you are wearing, what is your name? Zotac started to laugh. Your a pixie, said Zotac. It has been a long time since I have seen any pixies and I forgot how pretty and funny they are. My name is Zotac at your service Ginger. Ginger dropped down to the ground and looked up at Zotac. Now that is a very cool name! said Ginger.

Now Ginger, Zotac is an old friend of mine and he is a wizard plus a very smart and powerful one, said Merlin. So smart that it was him that made the steampunk gatehouse with Bot. Oh so he made the teleporter too? asked Ginger. Yes and he also is Mika's real father in Fae Land, said Merlin. So that is why she has magic also? asked Ginger. Yes it is, said Merlin. Well Ktara told me that if nobody comes to claim something that she finds in one full day then finders keepers takes place and I found it and only I can make it work and read the instructions, said Ginger. Wait, you can make it work too and it hasn't been a full day yet, only half a day. Ginger got a very said look on her face. Are you going to take it from me? Well I will let you two talk. I am going inside to see Shirley, said Merlin. She is trying to come up with a name for us, said Ginger. The radio station played our song three times already and people keep calling in to find out who the group is. So I guess you want to go see your daughter right? asked Ginger. I'll go get the controller for you. Not yet, said Zotac. I have an idea. Merlin smiled then went in the house. Maybe we can make a deal, said Zotac. What kind of deal? asked Ginger, still looking sad. Well have you used it yet? asked Zotac. Yep, I took Shirley to Fae Land to see some of my friends and my treehouse and brought Merlin here to Granada to check out the gatehouse. It was really easy to make work once I read the instructions, said Ginger. So you can read old elven I take it, said Zotac. I did that on purpose so even someone with magic would have a hard time figuring it out. Truth is I have never tried it yet. Once I heard my wife died in an accident I became very depressed but Bot helped me through that. Then I started looking for Mika in Granada but she was nowhere to be found. I've been searching the world ever since. Well you must be very happy that you know where she is now, said Ginger. Yes I am very happy, said Zotac. So what's the deal? asked Ginger. Well seeing you have expierience working the teleporter and looks like you really need it so you can come and go all the time. Why don't you keep it under one condition. Really! Anything, I will do anything to be able to come and see Shirley and Jim all the time and sing more songs. Zotac smiled, yes that is very important, said Zotac. Just bring me to Fae Land with you and bring me back to Granada when ever I want. I am a performer of magic here and lots of people love me. Really, I am a performer too and lots of people love me also, said Ginger. Yes I heard that song and you two are very good together. So do we have a deal. You bet Mr. Zotac magic man wizard, said Ginger. Good lets shake on it, said Zotac. Pixies don't shake hands, said Ginger. We hug. Ginger grabbed Zotac and gave him a big hug. Then Ginger looked up at him and asked, "Who is Bot"?

Oh so you haven't met Bot yet? asked Zotac. Nope, I've been here listening to the radio, said Ginger. Well Bot is my AI. That stands for artificial intellegence. Basiclly he is a very smart robot that talks and acts like a human. Really so you made your own friend? asked Ginger. Well at first he was my helper. He can do things that I can't do but yes we did become friends, said Zotac. He is with Jim right now at the ranch. You will like him, he can be very helpful and funny too. Okay, lets go see him, said Ginger. No, first you take me to Fae Land then you can go with Shirley and Merlin to go see and talk to him, said Zotac. He is very friendly. Okay so I will be right back. Just got to get the controller, said Ginger then she flew over to the house and went in. A singing pixie, go figure, thought Zotac. Ginger came back out. Okay back lets go, race you to the transporter, said Ginger. Well I teleport, you can't beat me there, said Zotac. Want to bet. Then Ginger got small and took off like a flash then Zotac vanished. Zotac reappeared in the gatehouse and Ginger was sitting on top of some crates. What took you so long? asked Ginger with a big smile. Wow you are fast, said Zotac. Yep nothing is faster than a pixie, said Ginger. Maybe Tillia is faster, not sure though. Who is Tillia? asked Zotac. Sara's unicorn, said Ginger. She can run faster than the speed of sound at least. So there are unicorns in Fae Land now, said Zotac. Just Tillia, said Ginger. She is really nice and talks too. Wow, lots has changed since the last time I was there, said Zotac. Ginger flew off the crates then turned on the teleporter. Ikay the teleporter isn't fully charged yet so you see that black button on the back, just press down on it and it will charge much faster, said Zotac. It is best to let it charge naturally so the power lasts long enough for you to get back to Granada. There is lots of magic in Fae Land. Ivy told me to turn it off because it was absoebing too much magic and thought it might explode. Really, not that that can happen but how long was it after you got there that this Ivy asked you to turn it off? asked Zotac. About ine or two minutes I think, said Ginger. That fast! That is amazing, said Zotac. Yep Fae Land is the most magical place in the world, said Ginger. Okay where in Fae Land do you want to go. Mika's place? asked Ginger. No better go to the palace first and see Alieta, said Zotac. I am a bit worried that Mika might not like me. Oh Mika loves everyone, said Ginger. She has lots of friends there already. Sounds a lot like how her mother was, said Zotac. Ginger found the location of the palace then they both stepped in. So do you think Mika would like to meet me? asked Zotac. Sure what daughter wouldn't I don't have any parrents but if I had a Dad I would love to be with him all the time, said Ginger. Okay next stop Fae Land. Then Gonger pressed the button and they disappeared. 

The End



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