Just A Country Girl  Chapter 4


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Making A Song

After a good ride Shirly and Jim decided to head back. Best I see what Ginger is doing, I am suppose to be in charge of her, said Shirley. I am sure she is fine, said Jim. It's not her I am worried about, it is your men, said Shirley. She can be pretty nutty when she gets going. When they got close to the ranch Shirley could hear Ginger singing. That's Ginger singing, said Shirley. Really, that loud. We are still a few minutes from the ranch, said Jim. Ya I know, it is amazing where that voice of her's comes from, said Shirley. She says she sings from her heart. Then the singing stopped. Well when we get back I will see if she will sing a song for you, said Shirley. You won't believe your ears. She can sing very high and very low, loud and soft. She told me in Fae Land they say she has the voice of an angel and tend to agree with them. Maybe she should record a cd then, said Jim. I bet they would play it on the radio. Well she won't be here long enough to do anything like that, said Shirley. Just then Ginger appeared in front of them. Hi, how did it go, did you two have fun, ya you must of you are both happy and smiling, said Ginger. Ginger you just appeared out of nowhere like Sapphire, said Shirley. Nope, I flew here when I heard you two talking, I fly very very fast. Well yes we did have fun riding but how did you heard us talking? asked Jim. Pixies have very good hearing, even better than sprites, said Ginger. I can hear a pin drop from a mile away, well maybe not a mile and not at all on grass but still very good hearing. Jim started to laugh. You are so funny. Funny is good right, all the guys laughed a lot too when we were playing ball, said Ginger. They had no chance against me, I am way too fast for them. So Ginger, we heard you singing from here. Yep, your men tire too fast so they all sat down and I sang and danced for them. They were a very good audience, said Ginger. So where are they now, asked Jim. Works all done so they went home I guess, said Ginger. Well I would like you to sing for Jim. He needs to hear how good you are, said Shirley. Wait a bit, said Jim. I have an idea I would like to try first. Okay, race you back, said Ginger. Then took off super fast. I'm going to miss her when she leaves, said Shirley. Well maybe she will be able to come back. Lets not think about that now though, said Jim.

The two of them rode to the stables where Ginger was sitting waiting for them. What took you so long? asked Ginger with a smile. Ha ha, very funny, said Shirley. Okay follow me into the house. I have something to show you two, said Jim. They all went into the house then into a big room that was completely empty except fo a guitar and a keyboard. I haven't figured out what to do with this room yet so I have just been using it to play my guitar, said Jim. I just got the keyboard and it is a real good one but I am just learning how to play it. I know how to play one, said Shirley. I took piano as my instrument in music class when I was in high school. They had a nice keyboard also that I palyed too. I can rock out some real good tunes and have written some of my own. Cool so we can jam together then. I can play the guitar pretty good, said Jim. I like the sound of a guitar but what does this keyboard thing sound like? asked Ginger. Show her Shirley. Play something for Ginger, said Jim. Shirley looked over the the keyboard and found it had a synsiziser built in to it also. Okay this has everything I need. Drums and a bunch of presets. Okay listen to this Ginger. Shirley turned it on and started to play a cool popular rock song. Wow that sounds something like your boom box, said Ginger. Yep and how about now, said Shirley. She turned a few dials and added some drums to it and started to play again. That is awesome, said Ginger. It is like a whole bunch of minstrels are in there with different instruments. Jim picked up his guitar and began to play along with Shirley and Ginger began to dance.

    Okay that was fun now how about you try singing to this song I wrote, said Shirley. I have no words for it but maybe you can just make some up once you hear a bit of it. Ya I can do that, said Ginger. Okay lets move the keyboard out and I will set some of the settings for this tune, said Shirley. It's a country rock song and not that fast paced. Shirley started playing and Ginger listened to it for a minute. Okay I got that part, does the song have a chorus? asked Ginger. Yep sure does, said Shirley. It goes like this. Then Shirley played the chorus. Ginger listened to it then said okay I got it. Shirley started playing the song from the begining and Ginger began to sing. After a few lines Shirley stopped playing. Hey those words are about me and what I told you about me in my bedroom. Ya, well it is your song so shouldn't it be about you? asked Ginger. It sure does, said Jim and your voice is amazing. Just wait a minite and I will be right back. Jim left then in a minute he came back with a cd player/recorder. Okay I want to record this, said Jim. The tune is very good and with you singing Ginger I am sure it will be fabulous. Jim turned on the recorder then picked up his guitar. Okay I will join in for just the chorus, said Jim. Okay ready everyone? asked Shirley. Yep and they started the song again from the start. Ginger was singing about how Shirley used to be a city girl but things changed when she won money and had to leave the big city to get away from her greedy friends and moved to country. She also added apart about meeting a nice country man that owned a big horse ranch. Then the chorus click in and Jim started to play along. "I'm just a country girl now, living free and easy. Living the life that I alway wished I had. I'm just a country girl happy and free". The chorus repeated then two more story line parts, one tell how the two of them met and became friends and the third was a bit about Fae Land and how magic is in the air everywhere with the chourus repeating after each story line. That was amazing, said Jim. You two did that entire song with one take. Well you helped a bit too, said Ginger. Jim played the song back and it was a very good song. So if it is okay with you two, I want to take this cd to my friend at the radio station and get him to play it on air. He has the equipment there to make some fine tuning to it but I am sure people are going to love this song. So how many people will hear it? asked Ginger. Lots, thousands at first but if it becomes a hit them maybe millions, said Jim. Wow I have never sang to that many people before, said Ginger. Jim and Shirley just laughed.

 So I want to get this cd to the radio station so that you can hear your song on the radio, said Jim. They might even play it tonight. Do you really think it is good enough to be played on the radio? asked Shirley. It is kind of rough and needs to he recorded with professional equipment. The song is more than good enough and they will spruce it up some, said Jim. The main thing is you are a local talent and they go out of their way to promote music from Granada bands. Not many every make it big though. Okay do what you can then, we are going to head back to my place, said Shirley. Oh good another horse ride, said Ginger. So you do like riding on a horse, said Ginger. Ya it is fun but I think I will stay being the passenger. I am too small to steer a horse. I like how it bounces me up and down. Jim smiled. Okay so let yourselves out, I am taking my truck into the city so see you two later, said Jim and he left the room. What's a truck? asked Ginger. I'll show you mine later, said Shirley. It's just like a carriage I suppose that doesn't need horses to pull it. It has a motor instead. Okay, horseless truck, must have some magic in it then, said Ginger. Nope just gasoline, said Shirley. Okay lets head out. On there way out Ginger spotted the teleport device on the kitchen counter. Lets bring that with us, it don't work for Jim just me, said Ginger. Okay but just don't go pushing any buttons, said Shirley. I won't promiss, said Ginger. They both went to the stable to get Firefly then headed back home. On there way they saw the Steamhouse Gateway again. Can we go back in again and make that pretty blue bubble appear again? asked Ginger. Okay but just for a minute, said Shirley. We are still unsure what it is really for. Okay, maybe a different coloured one will appear this time, said Ginger. They both got off of Firefly and walked into the Gatehouse.

Okay so as I remember I pushed the start button first right? asked Ginger. What you don't remember how to work it? asked Shirley. Ya, just seeing if you remembered, said Ginger. There see, there is the circle, next I pushed this one. There, same colour of globe. Then I pushed the search button and now we can see pictures again. You know when ever a person and especially a scientist makes something, they usually take notes, said Shirley. Maybe open that crate again and see if there is a note pad or book in it. Okay good idea, said Ginger. She went and slid the top off again and they both looked through it. Lots of creepy mechanical things in here, said Shirley. Ya must of been a mad scientist, said Ginger. There under that arm, it looks like a small note pad, said Shirley. Ginger reached under the arm and pulled the pad out and opened it. Okay it is in old elven like the device, said Ginger. So what does it say? asked Shirley. Well these first few pages have nothing to do with this device. Lets see what else is in it. Ginger started turning the pages. There, a drawing of the device, said Shirley. What does it say. Ginger started reading it to herself then said. "Bingo"! It says bingo? asked Shirley. No silly it is instructions on how to work it, said Ginger. So far we did everything right and yes it is called a bi-dimensional transporter, what ever that means. That actually makes sense seeing just images of Granada and Fae Land appear in the sphere, said Shirley. What else does it say? Well just beings with magic can operated it. It lists wizards, witches and certain fae beings. Oh it can take mortal beings too but must be with a magic being and can't be over maximum of five hundred pounds. How heavy are you? asked Ginger. Stop it, not five hundred pounds for sure, said Shirley. Ginger turned another page and read some more. Okay it is easy, said Ginger. We find the place we want to go then press the hold button then walk into the sphere together. When a green light comes on then just push the send button. Hey do you want to go to Fae Land with me and meet some of my friends? asked Ginger. I don't know, said Shirley. What if something goes wrong and we end up somewhere bad. I dought that but you put this pad in you back pocket just in case we need it, said Ginger. Okay I guess, we have gone this far already. Good lets find a good spot in Fae Land then, said Ginger. They both watched the sphere as Ginger kept pushing the search button. There, that is the palace grounds, not far from the palace, said Ginger. Lets go there. Okay, your driving, said Shirley. Ginger smiled then pushed the hold button. Okay so lets just walk in, said Ginger. Ginger started in but Shirley couldn't get through the outer wall. Here hold my hand, said Ginger. Shirley grabbed her hand and now both of them were standing in the sphere. Look the light just turned green. We must be less than five hundred pounds, said Ginger. Shirley, smiled. Stop making jokes, this is serious stuff. Okay so lets just go and Ginger pushed the send button and they vanished and so did the sphere and circle.

  Ivy was in front of the palace talking to Alieta when they saw a bright flash just west of the palace. What the heck is that? asked Alieta. Beats me but the little girl inside looks like Ginger the pixie, said Ivy. You can tell that from here? asked Alieta. Yep but don't know who the other girl is, said Ivy. I better go see who it is. So your not concerned about the thing they are in? asked Alieta. Well if Ginger is in it then it can't be bad, she is a pixie and pixies are not that strong or brave, very curious but won't do anything dangerous, said Ivy. Ya I guess, said Alieta. so can you sense if it is Ginger inside that bubble? No can't sense either of them but that thing is giving off a lot of magic, said Ivy. Go and check it out then bring them to me, said Alieta. Ivy flew over fast and tried talking to them but they didn't answer. Um Ginger, who is the girl with the green hair and wings? asked Shirley. Ginger looked up and smiled. Hey it worked, that is Ivy. Hi Ivy! said Ginger and waved at her. Hey her lips are moving but I can't hear her. Must be the sphere, said Shirley. Oh ya, here hold my hand and lets step out, said Ginger. They both stepped out of the shere and now they could hear Ivy talking. 



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