Sara's Gift  Chapter 2


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Fae Land Welcomes Tillia

Viridian had both Sara and Ivy sit at the table. I figure you two know nothing about a unicorn, said Viridian. Nope, not me, said Ivy. Well I know a bit now from what Tillia told me, said Sara. She really doesn't like being called a horse, I know that for sure. Viridian smiled. I will tell you what I know about them but I only know a bit, said Viridian. Sara should go to the palace library tomorrow and get a book about unicorns. Alieta will help you, said Viridian. Now from what I have heard there are two types. Standard unicorns that for the most part stay hidden and run away at the first sight of danger and definitely don't talk and then there are the very special magical kind that I think Tillia is. I don't know all that they can do but she did say you were her companion and you said only you can ride her so that means she is not a standard unicorn that can only heal with their horn. Thing is history tells that these special unicorns pick who they want as a companion and usually they pick a king or queen sometimes a hero of some sort. Well Tillia thinks that God sent her down here to find me, said Sara. I see, then it sounds like this unicorn is a gift to you Sara, said Viridian. Now they are very magical like I said but not sure how magical. I think that depends on the person that bonded with her. One thing I know is that her horn is the source of a lot of her magic. She can heal people with it and herself. Also allows her to go invisible when in danger. Sara smiled. Yep she was invisible when we first met, said Sara. Yes she had to make sure you were the right person first I suppose, said Viridian. Now all unicorns are very fast runners, many times faster than the fastest of horses. Special unicorns are even faster depending on their companion so you will have to learn how to ride her properly so you don't fall off and get hurt. Okay, I think, said Sara. She looked pretty good when they were heading towards me, said Ivy. Well if you could see them then she really wasn't running that fast, said Viridian. Now one more thing. They are pure of soul and very kind and loving to all that she trusts. Everyone will love your gift Sara. A unicorn emits pure love to everyone, said Viridian. You said she was pure of soul, said Ivy. So she has a soul like Angus and Sivia. Oh yes, said Viridian but she was born with one and not given one later. Wow Sara, you are super lucky. You have a pet unicorn now! said Ivy. Well she is more than a pet, said Viridian. She is one of Gods amazing creations and as far as I know there are not many of her type around. Treat Tillia like you do Ivy and me. She will respond nicely to love. Now it is getting very late so get to bed and sleep because you Sara need to go to the palace in the morning and I will come with you. Ivy will have to work in the cove alone for a bit tomorrow. Okay they both said and went off to bed. A unicorn is sleeping in my front yard. Talk about amazing thought Viridian to herself.

In the morning Sara got up first and ran out to see if it was all a dream. She found Tillia sitting by Ivy's flowers. You are still here, said Sara. Yes I am, where did you think I would be? asked Tillia. Um not sure but I am really glad you are here. So you must be hungry, said Sara. Yes, I eat only vegetables and fruit though. My favorite is carrots and apples. Okay I think we have some carrots, said Sara and ran back into the house. Viridian got up and saw Sara looking in the pantry. What you looking for Sara? Carrots, said Sara, She is hungry. Viridian smiled. On the bottom shelf beside the potatoes, said Viridian. Okay thanks and Sara grabbed a couple then ran back out. I have never seen her this excited before, Viridian thought to herself. Ivy got up and asked what was for breakfast. Eggs and toast, said Viridian. Where is Sara? asked Ivy. Oh outside with Tillia feeding her some carrots, said Viridian. Ivy then looked up at Viridian. The unicorn, was that all real, I thought it was a dream, said Ivy. No dream dear, have a look for yourself, said Viridian. Ivy opened the door and saw Sara patting Tillia as she chewed on a carrot. Ivy smiled. I think we are going to need to buy some more carrots, said Ivy. Yes I think so. Maybe Alieta will know what else she will eat, said Viridian. Sara came back in. Okay now I am hungry, said Sara. Good sit and I will get the eggs ready, said Viridian. Suddenly Ktara came in and looked a bit stunned. Um Viridian, did you know there is a unicorn sitting in your front yard? Yep she is mine, said Sara. Oh okay, said Ktara. I think I need a coffee please and make it very strong, said Ktara. Viridian smiled. Well Sara and me are going to the palace together so she can read up on unicorns, said Viridian. I know some stuff about them but we both need to know more. So it is staying with you? asked Ktara. Yep, she belongs to Sara, said Ivy. Her name is Tillia, said Sara. Here you two go now eat up, said Viridian. So Viridian, how did this all happen. Oh last night Sara came home with her. Isn't she beautiful, said Viridian. Yes but I could understand her coming home with a kitten or puppy but a unicorn? Everyone giggled. Well she picked Sara or something like that so now we have a unicorn living with us, said Viridian. Okay, I guess, you seem to be okay with it so I am good too, said Ktara. Why not, where better to find a unicorn than in Fae Land. Exactly, said Viridian, That is what I thought too. Okay I am done, said Ivy. Off to work. Wait until I tell Tulip about Tillia. See you at lunch time and off Ivy flew. Okay I am done too, said Sara. Okay, I will clean up and change then we will go together to the palace, said Viridian. Me too, said Ktara. I got to see this when everyone sees Sara riding in on a unicorn then Ktara ran out. Look she didn't finish her coffee, said Sara. Viridian smiled. Okay go keep Tillia company and tell her what the plan is for today, said Viridian. Okay, said Sara and off she went.


Ktara came back with her horse and Tillia stood up then Sara flew up on her back. Okay lets all go, said Sara. Now not too fast Tillia, I need time to learn how to ride you proper. Okay Sara, you are the boss. Sara smiled. Did she just talk? asked Ktara. Yep, all these kinds of unicorns can talk from what I know about them, said Viridian. You seem to know a lot about them, said Ktara. Ya I knew someone a long time ago that had one, said Viridian. Unfortunately she died and the unicorn disappeared. That was long before I came to Fae Land. They headed out and soon got to the palace grounds and all the gang was out there except for Zan and the three young girls. Hi everyone, said Sara and waved. Do you like my new friend? No one said a word just stared at them riding in. They got to where Alieta and Ginger were standing then Sara jumped off Tillia's back and Tillia sat down. Hi Alieta, Viridian said you would help me find a book on unicorns in your library. Um ya sure but first maybe you tell me about her first. I haven't seen a unicorn in centuries. Oh okay then, said Sara. Her name is Tillia and she is mine. She picked me. This is Alieta Tillia, the queen of Fae Land. I know, she is a very good queen too, said Tillia. Both Alieta and Ginger looked shocked at first. So Alieta or Ginger ask me anything you want, said Tillia. Viridian and Ktara were just sitting on there horses smiling and Ginger saw that. Ginger smiled and elbowed Alieta. Go ahead ask her a question, said Ginger. Alieta looked at Ginger then looked back at Tillia. I only have one question, said Alieta. Okay, said Tillia. Was that you that we saw last night that looked like a falling star? Yep that was me, said Tillia. He sent me here. In him I am guessing you mean him and Alieta pointed up. I don't know but he told me to find Sara and I was for her, said Tillia. This is so cool, said Ginger. Sara has a unicorn now. Yes I see that, said Alieta. Okay Sara come with me and we will find a very good book on unicorns for you and I need to learn more about them too now, said Alieta. Okay, said Sara and off they went into the palace. Tara and Avan were keeping their distance so they wouldn't scare the unicorn. So Viridian, I only know a little bit about unicorns but what I heard is that the ones that can talk can only have one person ride them. Is that true? asked Ginger. Yes I believe so, said Viridian. It is odd to see you sitting though, said Ginger to Tillia. Well it is for everyone else's protection. If I was standing and someone happens to jump on my back then they would be thrown off very fast and not by me but by the magic in me, said Tillia. Oh okay that is good to know then, said Ginger. So I am going to go lay down over their by that nice gold thing. You can tell those two pretty she devils that I am not afraid of them and will talk to them. Actually any one can come and talk, I would love to find out more about Fae Land, said Tillia. How did you know my name, asked Ginger. I don't know, I just can see things about people before being told, said Tillia plus when I looked at you I felt good. You have beautiful eyes. Then she got up and walked over to the sun dial and laid down.

When Alieta and Sara went into the palace Ginger ran over to Tillia. My you are so beautiful, am I allowed to pat you? asked Ginger. Yes you can, I love being patted and rubbed behind my ears, said Tillia. Ginger got down on the ground beside Tillia and began patting her side. Ktara and Viridian walked over also and began patting Tillia also. Tara and Avan slowly walked over and Tara asked why this horse had a horn on her head. Because she is a unicorn, said Ginger. She is a special and very magical one too. Hello Tara and Avan, my you two are very beautiful. Well I never heard of a unicorn before but I really like this one, said Tara and sat down in front of Tillia. Well Tara, unicorns are magical beings dating back to almost the beginning of time, said Tillia. All unicorns can heal with their horn and run very fast but my breed of unicorn is much faster and a lot more magical in many ways. Wow so what kind of magic can you do" asked Avan. Well that depends on my companion, said Tillia. The stronger and smarted the companion the more powerful my magic will be and the more I can do but I can disappear and run extremely fast, even faster than sprites can fly plus I can put up an energy shield to stop attacks. Can you kill evil beings and creatures like we can? asked Tara. No, unicorns don't have that kind of power but I know some tricks that can assist in getting rid of evil things, said Tillia. Well Sara is is extremely strong and very smart but keep in mind she is very young so she will ask lots of questions, said Viridian. Okay, I will do my best to answer her questions and make sure she stays safe, said Tillia. Looks like you are really enjoying all this attention, said Tara. Well so would you if you were stuck in limbo for a very long time, said Tillia.




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