Sara's Gift  Chapter 3


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Learning About Unicorns

Alieta and Sara went to the palace library and asked the librarian where the books on unicorns were. My you ask for the oddest books Alieta. Yep I do at times but the oddest things tend to happen here in Fae Land, said Alieta. Well there is a small section on them over here but most of them say about the same stuff about them so just take your pick, she said. Okay thanks, said Alieta. They both grabbed a book and then sat down. Now I hope you know what you have there Sara. Unicorns don't grow on trees. I know, that would look silly, said Sara. Alieta just smiled. Okay lets read a bit, said Alieta. They both started to read and Alieta looked at Sara that was looking very interested in learning more. Okay see, it says here that there is only six real pure unicorns in existence, said Alieta. Other unicorns exists but are mortal and have little to no magic other than their healing horn. Ya I read that but it also says that they do not die either, said Sara. Okay let me read a bit more, said Alieta. Me too, said Sara. They both sat and read quietly together. Then Sara stopped and said look, a drawing of Tillia and it shows her name. Really, said Alieta. Let me see please. Oh my, it say that she is the first unicorn to be created. She also is the most magical and will only select a person that is pure like her and is powerful in body and mind. Tillia is a loyal being to the one she has chosen and will have a special connection with her companion. That is odd, said Alieta. They refer to her as a being and not an animal. Okay lets read on. Your book seems to be better. Okay you read it to me, you can read better than me, said Sara. Alieta smiled again. She had never seen Sara act like this before. Okay then. A unicorn's magic is as strong as her companions mental, inner and physical strength. They all can run very fast and disappear at will and both rider and horse will vanish. No one knows how fast they can run but it has been reported that they can run so fast that the human eye may not even see them pass. Now that is fast, said Sara. They cannot fly but can leap far and high when at high speeds. The rider should be warned that they must be able to handle this horse like being or may end up being injured badly. Okay so riding lessons are needed for you girl, said Alieta. Okay here is something interesting. The horn of the unicorn gives off healing energy that can be used on anyone or them self but if the rider is killed before the unicorn can heal the rider then the unicorn will vanish and have to wait in a place called Limbo for an unknown amount of time waiting for another worthy partner. Okay it mentions Tillia again here, said Alieta. Only Tillia can have her horn broken off by accident or by some evil witch and will still be able to disappear and run fast but she will have to wait for the horn to grow back before she can heal again. Thus she will need to be kept away from all danger until it is almost fully grown or she will vanish if attacked and the rider will lose her for good. Okay that is the most of it and very informative to, said Alieta. So do you understand what that last part meant? Not sure, said Sara. Well it means you have to take care and protect her as much as she has to do the same for you or she will go back to where she came from but living in Fae Land now there shouldn't be much danger to worry about, said Alieta. What dies that last part say? asked Sara. Lets see. Oh it is about taking care of special unicorns. That is important, now listen closely. Standard unicorns will graze like horses and eat just about anything a horse will eat. These special unicorns eat more like people and actually can talk and are sanctioned beings. What does that mean? asked Sara. It means they have a soul, said Alieta. Here is what they like to eat. These special unicorns do not eat meat, raw or cooked but love most vegetables and all sweet fruits including their skins and seeds. Just like horses all unicorns love sugar or anything very sweet as a treat. Okay that is all, said Alieta. Here you take this book home with you and let Ivy and Viridian read it too.

They both headed back to the the palace grounds where Alieta saw Samantha standing watching the attention the Tillia was getting. You didn't tell me that someone had a unicorn in Fae Land, said Samantha. Well we didn't until now, said Alieta. Oh so which one of them over there is her owner. None of them, said Alieta. Sara here is. Sara smiled at Samantha. Wow I never heard of a forest sprite owning a unicorn before, said Samantha. They have wings so don't need to ride one. Well we read up on unicorns in my library and found out that wings didn't seem to matter but inner body and mind strength were the main needs to own a unicorn. Tillia can run faster than I can fly, said Sara and she is magical too you know, plus she likes carrots and sweets. Samantha smiled. Yes I know a bit about them. They are amazing horses to say the least. Well it said in the book that she is a being and not a animal so really not a horse and Tillia doesn't like being called a horse anyways, said Sara. Alieta smiled. Did you say that her name was Tillia? asked Samantha. Yep, pretty name too, said Sara. Well what you have there Sara is the strongest of all unicorns from what I heard. Have you two bonded yet? asked Samantha. Yep we did that last night, said Sara. Well dear you have a friend for life but in your case forever. Sara smiled and said, I know but I have lots of friends, Tillia is my newest friend. Okay I am going over there and see what is going on, said Sara and left. Wow, said Samantha, Ivy's sister must be quite the girl to score such a gift from the heavens. Yes she is, very smart and extremely strong and was created by God to help Ivy, said Alieta. I am seeing that there is a lot of amazing people here in Fae Land, said Samantha. I think I will stay another day to meet more of them. Well no one has ever visited here and left in one day, said Alieta. Yes I can see why, said Samantha.

Sara walked up to where Tillia was who looked to be enjoying all the attention. So Tillia I see you have met some of my friends, said Sara. Oh yes and they are wonderful and they love touching and rubbing my fur. It feels so good, said Tillia. Well I did some reading with Alieta on unicorns and it seems I better learn how to ride you properly, said Sara. Yes Sara you should, the two of us can be very useful once I can run very fast with you on me. Who is the best around that can ride a horse? asked Tillia. Everyone raised their hands. Just then Zan came out and saw Tillia laying on the ground with everyone. Oh my God Tillia is here and she ran out to her. Look at you Tillia soaking up all this attention. You always loved to be pampered, said Zan. Yep, everyone loves to be pampered Zan, so do you live here now? asked Tillia. Yep, I am part of the palace gang now, said Zan proudly. Tillia looked at Sara and said, Zan should be your teacher. She has ridden many horses and even centaurs plus she knows everything about unicorns especially me, said Tillia. Oh so Sara is your companion now? asked Zan. Yep, said Sara fast. Drats I was hoping you came this time for me, said Zan. Oh you know you are not strong enough to own a unicorn, said Tillia. Ya I know but Sara sure is and very smart and young, she learns things fast. You two are going to be great together. So Zan, can you teach me how to ride her please? asked Sara. Oh my yes Sara, you have to learn to ride such a powerful unicorn before you can do anything else, said Zan. Lets get started right away. You know once you learn she can run so fast that she can cross fairly big bodies of water by just skimming the surface. Fastest land being on the planet, said Zan. I thought Angus and Sivia were the fastest, said Sara. Oh they are animals dear. Unicorns are not animals but pretty sure they are not as fast as Tillia will be with you as her companion. Oh ya here Viridian you and Ivy need to read this book, said Sara. Okay everyone out of the way and make room on the palace grounds, please, said Zan. Everyone moved in front of the palace. This is going to be fun, said Alieta. I have to see how fast Tillia really is.


Okay Sara show me how you get on her back please, said Zan. Okay, said Sara. She jumped up high using her wings a bit and landed perfectly on Tillia's back. Very good, said Zan, wings come in handy I see, now get off and we need to try something else. Zan whispered something in Tillia's ear then went back to Sara. Now we have to teach how to mount her when she is running but not super fast. Okay, said Sara. Tillia went back about thirty yards. Okay ready Sara? asked Zan. Yep I think so, said Sara. Okay, go Tillia. Every one watched as Tillia got pretty fast quick and Sara tried to jump up and mount her but missed and landed on her behind. Good try Sara but that was expected for the first time. Now you have to time it better, said Zan. You have to jump sooner. She is running at regular horse speed and that is a constant in motion mounting speed. Now lets try again. Tillia started to run again and this time Sara jumped sooner but just hit Tillia's behind area and bounced off. Almost Sara. That was very good, said Zan. Okay lets try again and concentrate. See her coming and judge how fast she is moving and aim a bit ahead of her then hang on tight when you land. Okay, said Sara. Tillia started to run again and Sara got a very serious look on her face as she got ready to jump. She jumped up and grabbed on tight and saw she landed just about perfectly. Every one started to cheer and clap. Good Sara, that was perfect, said Zan. Now try again a couple more times then we will move on to the next lesson. Sara did as she was told and Zan went to Alieta and said she learns very fast. Usually it takes a person several tries to do it perfect like she just did. I can't even mount a horse like she just did. Alieta smiled and asked what is next? Basic riding skills, said Zan and went back out to them. Okay Sara it seems like you have mastered that already so now I will teach you how to ride Tillia properly so that you don't get a sore bum and she doesn't get a sore back. Okay, said Sara. Now first bend a bit slightly forward then put a hand on either side of her. Like this? asked Sara. Yes, perfect, said Zan. Now Tillia, trot around the yard and talk to Sara and tell her what she needs to do to make it feel better. Okay Zan, said Tillia. She started to trot around and everyone saw that Tillia was talking to Sara and she was shifting around a bit. Then Sara started to smile. They trotted around a bit more then came back to Zan. She has it, said Tillia.

Now for the next and very important lesson, said Zan. What is that? asked Sara. How to ride a unicorn while she is running fast, said Zan. Okay, said Sara, she always runs pretty fast. You only think that is fast but now she is going to step things up a notch so we can see how you can handle the speed, said Zan. Now Tillia, not super fast at first just let her get used to you moving quickly then slowly get faster but you only have so much room here so this is something the two of you can practice in Eden or in the open grassy area, said Zan. Now first Sara you have to shift your body and lay right down and rest your head beside Tillia's neck and look forward. Now use your legs to squeeze on tight to her lower body then wrap your arms around her neck but not too tight so you don't choke her, said Zan. Sara shifted around until she felt comfortable and Zan said that it was perfect. Okay let me get out of the way and start running Tillia, and make sure you are sensing her so she doesn't fall off. Okay Zan, got it, said Tillia. Tillia started to run in an oval pattern over the entire length of the grounds, back and forth from the West Woods to the East Woods. Every time they pasted everyone watching saw that they were moving faster. Soon it was getting harder to see them go by. Then Tillia slowed down then stopped over by the east woods. Wonder what they are talking about? asked Ginger They are too far away to see what is going on. Well that is up to them, said Zan but I think she is telling Sara that she is doing good. Then Tillia went up on her hind legs and shot forward. No one could see them anymore but in a moment they all felt the air brush past them as Tillia headed towards the west woods then stopped and ran back to everyone. Did you see that, said Sara. I can't even fly that fast! The turns were a bit tricky but Tillia told me how to shift my weight. We didn't even see you go past us, said Ktara. Really, well I did ask Tillia to go a bit faster, said Sara. That was a bit faster, said Ktara. I have never seen anything move that fast on land. Okay now what, asked Alieta. Oh Tillia is very hungry now, she only had a couple of carrots before we came here, said Sara. Do you have any carrots? Alieta smiled. Well she eats more than just carrots, said Zan. Apples and pears are good too plus other fruits. Different types of veggies and especially sweets! Sweets, I love sweets too, said Sara.

Alieta saw Ivy and Tulip flying out of the forest and landed beside Sara that was still sitting on Tillia. Hi Ivy, I am learning how to ride a unicorn, said Sara. Ivy smiled and said, you look really good on Tillia. Very majestic and powerful. Where did you learn that word, asked Alieta. Oh I read a lot at home, said Ivy and you use it sometimes in your books too. Tulip looked at Tillia. Wow I have never seen or even heard of a unicorn before. She is beautiful, Ivy told me a bit about her though. So good timing Tulip, said Alieta. They have been practicing some amazing riding skills together and now Tillia is hungry. Can you make her some food please but just stuff like apples and carrots, stuff like that. Yep no problem, said Tulip then made a large bowl filled with fruit and vegetables. Sara jumped off Tillia then Tillia bent down and started to eat. Zan pulled Sara off to the side and asked where Tillia slept last night. Beside Ivy's flower garden in the front yard, said Sara. Yes I figured something like that. Unicorns love pretty things and the smell of flowers. They will never go in a horse stall, they stink too much and really don't get along with horses either. At least not much seeing horses can't talk. The front yard may not be the best place though. What does the backyard look like? asked Zan. Tulip over heard them and flew over. It is really nice back there also, said Tulip. Lots of flowers and bushes plus roses and lilacs. The middle is wide open. Perfect, said Zan. She will need some kind of shelter also for when it rains, said Zan. Okay I can fix her up, said Tulip. A small round barn like thing with no front on it should work and hay on the ground also I think, said Tulip. Yes she won't eat hay if she doesn't have to but loves sleeping and resting on soft surfaces. Unicorns are very girly like when it comes to stuff like that, said Zan with a smile.



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