Sara's Gift Chapter 5


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 Ivy got home and saw Viridian and Ktara were there in the kitchen talking. Hi Ivy, I see you bought another box of candy. Yep, good for the wings, said Ivy. Ktara smiled. Go see Tulip and Lilly they are out back getting ready to build a shelter for Tillia. Okay good, said Ivy. The two of them went out back and saw Tulip and Lilly looking around. Oh good, you are here Ivy. Where do you think is the best place to put the shelter? asked Tulip. Oh maybe back by the oak tree, said Ivy. Okay that sounds perfect, said Tulip. Now I was thinking of making you a garden with carrots in it too. That way you will have some very fresh ones also for Tillia. Okay, I have never grown veggies before but should be fun also, said Ivy. Tulip started making the sides of the shelter first then worked on the roof. When done Lilly went and finished it off making it look very nice. Tulip then made a bunch of hay on the ground first but then Lilly said no. A nice soft thick carpet would be better like this. Lilly made a nice round carpet two inches thick. Okay that looks great, said Ivy, just one more thing. She ran to the front yard and pulled out two groups of tulip plants then ran back transplanting them on either side of the shelter. Now it is perfect, said Ivy. Tillia now has her own bedroom. So where do you want the garden? asked Tulip. How about along the back of the house where the new room was made. It just needs to be painted now, said Ivy. Oh I can do that and Lilly painted it the same colour as the front of the house. Perfect, said Ivy and smiled. Tulip created the garden and Lilly created a bunch of carrots and potatoes and other veggies seedlings that Tillia would like. Okay that should do it, said Tulip. You and Sara can take care of the garden. So what is Tillia going to do when Sara is in the cove? asked Tulip. Oh Sara will probably ride her to the forest entrance then Tillia can stay in the woods and play with the pixies I guess, said Ivy. Okay that should work for now, said Tulip. See you later and off Tulip and Lilly went.

After they left the candy factory they headed north to the open grassy area and Sara and once there she told Nessie and Fettie plus the girls to stay back out of the way and then sit and watch. Okay Sara, they all said. My they are all so polite, said Tillia. Yep I like them, said Sara. Now there is lots of room here so I will start off slower first then go faster each time we pass them all okay, said Tillia. Yep, said Sara then got down in her high speed position like Zan taught her. Okay ready Sara. Yep, lets go, said Sara. Tillia started off slower first like before only traveling a mile each way then started speeding up more and more each time. You okay still Sara? asked Tillia. Yep still good, said Sara. Okay lets kick it some, said Tillia and she shot off fast. The girls could barely see them pass now. Wow they are super fast now, said Fettie. Tillia was now covering five miles in each direction and Sara was loving it. Okay, lets try something said Tillia and she ran off a bit further, then stopped just short of Cumberland. You seem perfect for me, said Tillia. Lets go back now but faster. Now if you hear a bang don't worry about it. It is what happens when I go faster than sound travels. Okay, said Sara. Tillia scraped the ground with one hoof then took off. I a few seconds they both heard a load bang and passed the girls that they were sure they didn't even see them. Tillia stopped and Sara saw they were just a bit north of the Sandy Lake mountains. Wow that was super fast and all the way from Cumberland to Sandy Lake in a few seconds. Yep, we did it, said Tillia. I have only been able to run that fast once and that was a very long time ago. You mean you did it, said Sara. No we did together. It is your inner energy and body strength that gives me the extra power to run that fast, said Tillia. The last person I was with was not near as strong as you and we could never go this fast. Oh okay then we did it, said Sara. Now lets zip back to where the girls are before they think we left them alone, said Tillia. Tillia ran off fast to where everyone were now standing looking for them. Oh there you are, said Nessie. Where were you? Oh way over there and then almost in Cumberland, said Sara. Wow, we heard a big bang and thought you crashed or something, said Nessie. Nope we just went faster than sound, Tillia says that is what happens when we go that fast, said Sara. Wow that is super super fast, said Fettie. That is called super sonic, said Tabitha, No one can go that fast I thought and the bang was just a theory. Well we did it so no theory now, said Sara. Okay, lets all go to our place now and rest and have some ice cream, said Sara. Yeah ice cream Fettie and Nessie said and headed out behind Sara and Tillia.

When they got there no one was outside so Sara went in the house to see if anyone was home. Viridian and Ktara were both still there talking. Oh you are back, said Viridian. Yep and I brought company with me, said Sara. I promised them all some ice cream so I hope we have enough. You know Ivy always makes sure there is plenty of ice cream in the ice box, said Viridian. So how many are there? Um five plus Tillia and me, said Sara. Okay we will get it for you all and bring it out, said Viridian. Both Viridian and Ktara filled up the bowls of ice cream and made a bigger bowl for Tillia. They went out and saw everyone sitting on the grass. Here you all go and a bigger helping to you Tillia seeing you are the biggest. Thank you they all said. So were you two practicing? asked Viridian. Yep but don't need to practice anymore, said Sara. Oh really so you think you got it all figured out now? asked Viridian. Yep, we went super fast, said Sara. So where did you go? asked Ktara. Well first we started off slower in the open grassy area then got faster and then faster. Tillia said I was perfect for her so then she said lets kick it and not to worry about the loud bang. We started at Cumberland and ended up just before Sandy Lake in like a few seconds or so and a loud bang went off half way there. Then we went to the girls and they said they couldn't even see us pass. Um you went from Cumberland to Sandy Lake in a few seconds, said Ktara. That is impossible, nothing alive can run that fast. Well we did and Tillia said the loud bang was when we were going faster than sound. Oh my God, that is super sonic. Yep that is what I told them, said Tabitha. About 760 mph is the speed of sound but to get a sonic boom you have to go faster, pretty sure nothing that flies can even go that fast. Well only a pixie can do that but they are too small to make a loud bang, said Ktara. Yep and it was amazing, and it was loud, said Repellia. Ya I bet it was, said Ktara. Tillia said that my inner body strength and her magic made it possible to go that fast, said Sara. Well you two have been definitely blessed with each other. That is for sure, said Ktara. Just then Cindy appeared.

Somebody call for a blessing? asked Cindy. Nope just us talking about stuff, said Ktara. Usually Gabriel shows up when ever someone says the bless word, said Ktara. Ya she is back in heaven for a bit teaching a bunch of new angels the way of the heavens and rules. I am taking over now while she is busy. Oh okay, said Ktara. So I see you have Nessie and Fettie here with you plus the young girls. Yep and Tillia too, said Sara. Who? asked Cindy. Tillia, over there behind Viridian, said Ktara. Cindy looked over and saw Tillia that just noticed Cindy while eating her ice cream and stood up straight. My goodness a unicorn, said Cindy I didn't see the horn. My she is so pretty. Tillia bowed to Cindy and said, "It's an honor to meet you". Oh my she talks too, oh of coarse she does. Give me a second please, said Cindy. It is not every day I get to meet a unicorn. Okay, said Sara and continued eating. Okay now I know a lot about them, said Cindy. It is basic reading while in training. Now first question is has she bonded with anyone yet? Yep me, said Sara. You, but you got wings, unicorns never bond with winged beings. Why not? asked Viridian. Well winged beings like Sara and Ivy don't have the skills to ride such an amazing being and they can fly, said Cindy. Well she did and Zan taught me how to ride her, said Sara. Hmm okay I suppose, said Cindy. Okay but riding is one thing but unicorns can run very fast. You would have to be an expert to handle her at high speeds, said Cindy. Yep I know and we did it already together, said Sara. Did what together? asked Cindy. They made the big bang, said Fettie and Nessie together. Cindy looked at Sara. You two went super sonic? Yes we did Cindy and she was perfect for me, said Tillia. Been a long time since I was able to go that fast. Are you sure you went super sonic? asked Cindy. Well from Cumberland to Sandy Lake in about three seconds, said Ktara. That is faster than Angus. Yes that is very very fast, you must of gone faster than the speed of sound, said Cindy. Okay so do you know your responsibilities with her. Yes I think so. Alieta and I read up on unicorns in her library, said Sara. Oh so Alieta saw her too. Yep everybody did, said Sara. Cindy looked at Tillia again. My you are beautiful and so pure. What was your name again? asked Cindy. Tillia, she said. That name rings a bell for some reason. Yep. Alieta read to me that Tillia was the first of six pure unicorns created. Yes that is right now I remember. What! This is Tillia the number one? Yep, isn't she gorgeous and she really likes ice cream too, said Sara.

Yes she very beautiful but this is very unusual, said Cindy. Why is that? asked Viridian. Well Tillia here usually only bonds with kings, queens or princesses. Well Sara is Ivy's sister now, said Viridian. Yes I know about that but still not a queen or princess, said Cindy. Well I wasn't given the choice this time, said Tillia. I was sent down and told to find Sara. I see, so how did you find her? asked Cindy. Well when I landed it was by that really nice gold tree, Sara was there sitting looking at the tree so I guess he knew where she was but I wasn't sure it was her yet so I stayed invisible, said Tillia. She was very nice and wasn't scared at all even though she couldn't see me, just had a lot of questions. Ktara smiled. Yep that sounds like our Sara. Fearless and wanting to learn. Well she told me she was very strong and not to try anything then asked me what my name was, so I told her then she told me her name, said Tillia. That is when I appeared to her. I could see in her eyes that she thought I was very special. It took me a bit to convince her to ride me though. She has those wonderful strong wings but I told her she would like it and let me give her a ride home so she flew up and landed perfect on my back then we both began to glow then the bonding was complete. Did I do something wrong? asked Tillia. Oh no, not at all. If she wasn't meant for you then she may of been thrown off but sounds like God chose this time, said Cindy. A strong forest sprite and a powerful unicorn together, that can be a very interesting combination. Plus fairy nymphs and fairy princesses, are here too. Well Gabriel did tell me to expect the unexpected here in Fae Land and this is very unexpected, said Cindy. Fettie pulled on Cindy's wing. Hi, are you an angel, you sure look like and angel but I have never seen an angel before, said Fettie. Nessie flew over and said neither have I are you an angel? asked Nessie. Well yes I am girls, said Cindy. I have never met a fairy nymph either. My you two are the cutest girls I have ever seen. Yep cute and love to play, said Nessie. We have to go back to the palace though, my Mom will be getting worried about us. Thanks for the ice cream then Nessie and Fettie flew away. I best be going too, said Ktara. Must be past supper by now. Bye Cindy, looks like your going to have an interesting time taking over for Gabriel. Yes, it sure looks that way, said Cindy. Repellia and Phonixa decides to head back to the palace also but Tabitha picked up all the empty bowls first and brought them in the house for Viridian before leaving. Okay so now that is settled to the best I can figure out, you know that this particular unicorn requires special treatment. Like what? asked Sara. Well she won't go in a stall or sleep with other horses. Ya we know, said Viridian. Tulip made her own shelter out back. Really, already, can I see it? Yep it is in the backyard around the corner, said Viridian. Sara show Tillia and Cindy what the fairies made back there. Ivy calls it Tillia's bedroom. I am getting supper ready for us. They looked at a very well built shelter with nice soft rug and tulips on the ground for her. Tillia walked over to it and smelt the roses first then sat on the middle of the carpet. I love it, nice and soft too, said Tillia. Well you all are way ahead of me on this, said Cindy. Looks like Tillia is going to be well taken care of.

Ivy and Tobias flew in and saw Cindy. Hi Cindy, do you like the bedroom Tulip and Lilly made for Tillia? asked Ivy. Yes I do, very much, said Cindy. Good, Tillia is Sara's gift from God you know. She will take very good care of her, said Ivy. I will help too, said Ivy. Sara is very special too you know. Oh where is Gabriel? She should meet Tillia too. She is busy for a while so I am filling in for her, said Cindy. Oh, okay, you are cool too, said Ivy. We went super sonic today, said Sara. What is that? asked Ivy. That is when something goes faster than the speed of sound, said Cindy. Wow I didn't know anything could go that fast except for Pippa when ever Alieta or I call her, said Ivy. She is super fast too. Okay I better get back to work, said Cindy. I have to have a talk with Gabriel anyways. Okay see you later, said Ivy. Cindy then vanished. Must be time for supper, said Ivy. Yep, Fawn said she was making something special for supper today so I am heading home now, said Tobias. Then he flew off. Well we need to get something for Tillia to eat for supper, said Sara. No problem I bought a bunch more carrots and a couple of apples for her when I was in town, said Ivy. She took them out of the bag and placed them on the ground then Tillia laid down and began eating them.



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