The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Sara's Gift Chapter 1


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After Alieta, Samantha and Jazmen finished checking out the Pixie Forest and met some of the pixies in there they headed out back to the palace. It was getting close to supper time so everyone was starting to show up on the palace grounds from the forest. Samantha got to see how magical the fairies were when they created the tables and food for everyone. After dinner Sara told Ivy that she wanted to head back home to rest but first was going to check on the beacon tree. Okay, said Ivy and off Sara went. Alieta told Samantha that she had a nice room set up for her to sleep in over night. Samantha said that was nice of her and will stay another day but needed to get back soon and see how things were going back home. Alieta asked her if they had a name yet for the new country that they were building. Well not really, said Samantha. People are starting to call it Freedom but I haven't made a final decision yet. Alieta smiled. Well something good will come to you Freedom is not bad you know, said Alieta. Just give it some time though if the people picked it and like it I would go with it. Ivy walked over to Samantha and said she was going to fly over the property and have a quick look before going home. I have an idea but not sure if they will move, said Ivy. What are you talking about Ivy? asked Alieta. Oh my old forest, there was lots of sprites and pixies living in there. Must be getting pretty crowded by now if they are all still there, said Ivy. They may still not like me though but won't hurt asking, said Ivy. Hmm, thought Alieta. Well that would increase the magic and make the forest grow bigger and faster, said Alieta. Plus Samantha could start making a winged army maybe. Yes that would be nice, said Savanah. I am figuring that as we get bigger more attacks may start happening. Well I might take Tobias with me tomorrow after work and check it out. It is not that far away, said Ivy. Okay, said Alieta. After a while everyone started to wind down and the fairy nymphs all flew back to their forest and everyone else started getting ready for bed. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps and Samantha joined them.

A Magical Gift

It is so quite and peaceful out her now, said Savanah. Yes, Ginger and I sit here every night before going to bed and relax then watch the flicker of pixies flying everywhere, said Alieta. See look you can see some of them now, said Ginger. They looked up and saw a few of them flying around. Suddenly a streak of light crossed the sky and looked like it was heading downward a bit. Wow, a shooting star, said Ginger. I have never seen one that close before. Me neither, said Alieta. I wonder if it landed in Fae Land somewhere. Alieta called for a sprite on patrol to come down. Yes Alieta, can I help you? asked the sprite. Yes did you see that shooting star? asked Alieta. Yes I did but it just disappeared over Eden. I think it just burnt out, said the sprite. Ya probably, said Alieta. They rarely hit the ground. I the morning have some sprites check Eden anyways just to make sure, said Alieta. Okay she said and flew off. Well that was a bit exciting, said Alieta but now I am getting tired so I am heading up to bed, said Alieta. Ya me too, said Savanah. Okay good, Ginger can you show her the room that we got ready for her please? asked Alieta. Yep just follow me Savanah, it is beside my room, said Ginger and they all went into the palace.

Ivy got home and saw Sara wasn't home yet. It was getting dark out now and figured she would at least be waiting for her in the kitchen. Maybe she saw that shooting star and went to see if it hit ground somewhere. I will just wait in the kitchen a bit for her. She should be here soon, Ivy thought to herself. Viridian was already in bed so some nice quite time would be good. Sara was sitting on the ground looking at the beautiful golden beacon tree. It looks so magical at night she thought to herself. It glows with energy. She then heard something from behind her and turned quickly to see what is was. Well must of been a rabbit or something she thought. She heard something again but this time it was closer so she stood up. Who is out there, she called out. Nothing answered her so she started to get ready to fly home. "Hello". Sara turned and saw nothing still. Where are you, I am very strong so don't mess with me, said Sara. I know, said the voice and it sounded like a girl's voice. So where are you? You sound very close, said Sara. I just have to make sure you are the right person said the voice. Right person for what? asked Sara. Right person for me, the voice answered. Okay and who are you? asked Sara. My name is Tillia and what is you name please? I am Sara, a forest sprite. Good, said Tillia. Just then a big glowing light appeared then faded and a beautiful white horse stood there looking at Sara that had one horn in the center of it's forehead. Hello Sara, very nice to meet you, said Tillia. Um yes nice to meet you too I think, said Sara. Where did you come from? asked Sara. From the sky, said Tillia. What do you mean from the sky? asked Sara. Horses don't fly, said Sara. Oh I am not a horse Sara. I am a unicorn, said Tillia. I never heard of or seen a unicorn before, said Sara. Tillia giggled. I know, I have never seen a forest sprite before either, said Tillia. I am starting to get confused, said Sara. Why are you here in Fae Land? Oh I am for you Sara, said Tillia.


For me? What are you talking about? asked Sara. Well I was told that I was to find Sara and I was to be hers, said Tillia. Who told you that? asked Sara. God I think, he just told me to make sure it was you when he sent me here, said Tillia. Okay I guess, so what do we do now? asked Sara. I don't know but I am getting really tired, said Tillia. Ya me too, said Sara. Maybe you should come to my place and stay with Viridian's horse for now, said Sara. Oh I don't sleep with other horses, said Tillia. They smell funny, who is Viridian? Oh she is my friend. Ivy and I live together in the same house with her, said Sara. Who is Ivy? asked Tillia. She is my sister, said Sara. Okay, lets go then do you want a ride? asked Tillia. Well I have wings so I can fly, said Sara. Well I don't so try riding on my back, you will like it, said Tillia. Not everyone get to ride on a unicorn, actually very few ever do. Unicorns are magical you know. Really, how? asked Sara. You will see but first we have to ride together, okay? Sara figured Tillia was being really nice and was a very beautiful looking horse with a horn so she said okay. I will but I don't know how to ride a horse, said Sara. Well I am not a horse silly, I already told you that so just trust me, said Tillia. Okay, why not, it's a beautiful night for a ride anyways, said Sara. She flew up on Tillia's back then they both of them started to glow very bright foe a few moments then stopped. What was that? asked Sara. Oh just us bonding, said Tillia. Now only you can ride me unless you tell me someone else can but you have to be on me too, said Tillia. Cool said Sara, I am beginning to like this. Okay head east and you will see my place just past three houses then to the right past the coconut trees. Okay Sara, you just think where home is and we will be there in no time, said Tillia. Hang on, here we go. With that Tillia took off at a fairly quick speed and Sara seemed to feel that she was very safe on Tillia and could tell she wasn't going to fall off. Look at me I am riding a horse yelled Sara. I am a unicorn Sara, there is a big difference. Oh okay sorry, said Sara.

Ivy was now getting worried and went outside to go look for Sara. She was about to take off and look for her when she saw a bright light heading her way very fast. What is that she thought to herself. Suddenly it slowed down and Ivy could see it was Sara on a pure white horse. The horse stopped glowing as it slowed down and walked up to Ivy. Wow! where did you find that horse? asked Ivy. She is not a horse, said Sara, she is a unicorn. What is a unicorn? asked Ivy. I am silly, said Tillia. Ivy's eyes opened wide. She just talked to me, said Ivy. Yep isn't she beautiful, said Sara then jumped off Tillia's back. Well yes, very beautiful, said Ivy. Where did you find her. Oh she found me, said Sara. Tillia told me that she is for me. Ivy smiled. Just you? asked Ivy. Yep, pretty much, she came from the sky, said Sara. Ivy now was starting to figure things out. That is what that falling star was she figured. Tillia, this is my sister Ivy, said Sara. Hello Ivy, nice to meet another forest sprite. Just then Viridian came out and asked what all the noise was out here, then she saw Tillia. Oh my God a real unicorn, said Viridian. Is that Viridian? asked Tillia. Yep, said Sara. Where did you two find her Ivy? asked Viridian. Not me she belongs to Sara, said Ivy. Man can she run fast plus glows too. My goodness I have only ever seen one before a long time ago. They are magical you know, said Viridian. Like a fairy? asked Ivy. No but their horn can heal and they can run much faster than any horse, said Viridian. I never heard one talk before though. Well she can and only I can ride her because we bonded or something when I first go on her. Yes Sara is my companion now, said Tillia. Anyways Tillia said she was getting tired so I figured she could stay with your horse but she said no, said Sara. Viridian smiled. You now have a lot to learn about her, said Viridian. She will not sleep in my small stall. First she won't like the smell plus she is very pure and needs fresh air. Let her pick where she wants to sleep. Okay, said Sara. You pick a place Tillia. Tillia walked over beside Ivy's garden then laid down and fell fast asleep right away. Okay, inside you two quietly, said Viridian.




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