Sara's Gift Chapter 6


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Back at the palace the fairies all made supper for everyone. While everyone was eating Alieta could hear a lot of talking about the new unicorn in Fae Land. So it sounds like Tillia is here for good, said Alieta to Ginger. I hope so, she seems very friendly, said Ginger. Yes she seems to fit in nicely, said Alieta. She didn't even blink when she saw Tara and Avan. Actually she wanted them to come over to talk with her. Zan came over and said I over heard you, sorry but there is something you should know about Tillia that might help you all understand her better. Okay we are all ears, said Alieta. Well she has always been special being the first unicorn and she had to pick her own partner all the time. That is one of the privileges she has. Now she always went for royalty and usually the king seeing the king was always the strongest or in line to be king. What she didn't know is that these kings may of been stronger than a queen or princess but not all that smart. They would do stupid things and get killed because they were arrogant. Now she kept on trying but never found the perfect match that she was looking for. Now one day I found her sitting on the ground with her head down and was crying. That is when I first met her and she told me the story I just told you. I told her that I wished I could be her partner but I was just smart and not strong enough for her. For some reason she was allowed to stay on earth without going to that limbo place right away, where ever that is. Regardless we became very good friends and had a lot of fun together with each other and the other centaurs. Then she met a warrior princess that was not fighting for any country. She was on her own and was quite strong for a human woman and very cleaver and talented with a sword plus a bow and arrow. Tillia bonded with her and that lasted for some time but then the attacks came from the humans and everything changed. It took a while but this princess did get killed by an arrow while trying to protect us Triffies. This time Tillia was gone, like she just vanished completely. I missed her a lot but had bigger problems to deal with. Now I am guessing that she was taken and put in holding which is a type of limbo that I mentioned where all the other special unicorns had to go when there master died and wait to be sent out again. So this limbo is in heaven then? asked Alieta. Well I am not sure, never been there. But other unicorns that I met later on and I asked about Tillia said that she was still there and looked very unhappy. Imagine being in a place that was boring and everyone else that was there would get to go out back to earth over and over again and you were never chosen. My I would go insane, said Samantha. Now we come to today or actually last night, said Zan. I bet you anything that God kept her in limbo because he didn't want Tillia fighting anymore seeing she was his very first creation of a unicorn and didn't want to see her sad again. How long ago was it when the princess got killed? asked Alieta. One maybe two centuries ago, said Zan. Now when she showed up here and I found out Sara was her companion it surprised the heck out of me. It was unlike her to pick a winged being as her partner. But there she was looking very happy and so was Sara, happier then I had ever seen her also. Yes I have never seen her so excited when we were in the library together, said Alieta. Yes, now it was when Sara said she came from the sky and Tillia said she was told to find Sara, that is when I put all the pieces together. These two both were missing something important. Sara always looked kind of serious all the time like Tempressa used to be like. These two are a gift to each other. Not Tillia being a gift to Sara or Sara being a gift to Tillia. In his wisdom he merged these two souls in a bond that can never be broken in a place where the odds of any harm coming to either of them was slim to none. You saw how fast Ivy warmed up to Tillia and excepted her as a friend. Plus it was her that made sure Tulip and Lilly would make her a safe place to sleep. Ivy and Sara will never be separated and now they both have one of God's most amazing beings living with them. Pretty cool how things work out sometimes, said Zan. Now look at Ginger getting teary eyed again. Can't help it it was a very good story, said Ginger. Well looks like it is getting dark everyone so lets call it a night and see what happens tomorrow, said Alieta.

Back at Ivy and Sara's they were talking to Viridian about Tillia while eating supper. So how much does your horse eat? asked Ivy. Well she just eats hay and other horse feed I buy sometime plus she will just graze around and eat grass but I suppose she eats quite a bit, said Viridian. Why do you ask? Because your horse can't run at the speed of sound and really doesn't do much except when you take her for a ride but Tillia is very active and I bet she needs lots of food to keep strong just like Sara and I need ice cream and other sweets to keep our wings strong, said Ivy. Yes I imagine she will need to eat more than a regular horse and more costly food but you two make money now so I am sure you will figure something out, said Viridian. Ivy looked at Sara, I guess we are going shopping tomorrow Sara, said Ivy. Yep lots of carrots and fruit, said Sara. Really you two are going to the grocery store every couple of days to buy Tillia food, that will get expensive, said Viridian. What else can we do? asked Sara. I already talked to Ktara about this and we will both help out too plus Ktara figures buying from Alieta's orchard would be cheaper, said Viridian. Tillia is family and deserves to be treated that way. As always we will all figure it out together. Well bed time you two. Check on Tillia then come inside and get some sleep. Sara and Ivy went around the back and saw Tillia was fast asleep. They both got down on one knee and were patting her gently. She is so beautiful Sara. I love her and I can feel she loves us too, said Ivy. Yes I feel it too and I love her too, said Sara. I wish you could feel what it is like to be able to ride her like I do. That is for you Sara and just you, said Ivy. It makes me very happy to see you happy. So she is like our sister too? asked Sara. Sort of but a very fast running sister, said Ivy. Okay time for bed , said Ivy. Race you there and they both ran off fast. Tillia opened her eyes then looked up and said thank you quietly then closed her eyes again and fell back to sleep.

The End




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