Sara's Gift  Chapter 4


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Tillia Meets People Of Fae Land

Tillia finished eating and thanked Tulip for the meal. Give her desert Tulip, said Ivy. Oh does she eat desert too? asked Tulip. Yes sometimes, said Tillia. Nice and sweet like sugar cubes and candy. Do you like ice cream then. If it is sweet then I will eat it, said Tillia. Tulip made her a bowl of ice cream and she licked it all up fast. Wow that was quick. She then made a few sugar cubes in her hand and Tillia ate one at a time out of her hand. Tulip smiled. I really like her, said Tulip. I like you two Tulip. Fairies are always fun to have around, said Tillia. Oh you would love Hennie's girls then, they are fairy nymphs. Yes they are so cute and tiny, said Tillia. There are some here? asked Tillia. Yep and here comes a few of them, said Tulip. Everyone looked up and saw Hennie and two of her girls coming. They are so graceful when they fly. Never in a hurry to get anywhere, said Tillia. How do I look Sara, is there any dirt on me? Um, I don't think so, said Sara. Why would that matter? asked Sara. Oh they are very important, said Tillia. Just like your queen Alieta. Each one of them are very special. Well you are special, said Sara. Yes but they are special creators, said Tillia. Without fairy nymphs the world would just be covered with grass and weeds. Alieta was now seeing that Fae Land has turned into the place where the worlds best kept secrets were living. Hennie landed beside Tillia and started patting her. Hello Tillia, long time no see, said Hennie. Yes and nice to see you again, said Tillia. So I take it you two have met before, said Alieta. Oh yes Alieta, we go way back, said Hennie. So who is your companion this time? Sara here, isn't she pretty, said Tillia. Oh yes and very strong too, said Hennie. Sara will be perfect for you. So this is my girl Nessie and this is her best friend Fettie, you have never met these two yet. The others are staying in the forest for now but they will eventually all venture out, said Hennie. Mom who is the pretty horse, asked Nessie. Oh she isn't a horse dear, she is a unicorn. Oh but she looks like a horse with a horn, said Nessie. My she is cute, said Tillia. She must be young. Yes just ten years old and full of energy, said Hennie. Ivy looked down at Fettie. Your not thinking of getting on Tillie are you? asked Ivy. Nope, Just wishing she was smaller so I could pat her like you, said Fettie. Ivy smiled then picked up Fettie. There you go, said Ivy. Wow she is so soft, thanks Ivy. Hennie smiled. So what is everyone doing today? asked Hennie.

Well Zan just taught Sara how to ride a unicorn properly so not sure where they are going next, said Alieta. Ya we can't ride a unicorn but we can grab onto their tail then go like the wind with them. Not even a unicorn can shake us loose once we have a good grasp on their tail, said Hennie. Ginger giggled. Ya they did that with the fairies feet. It was so funny to watch, said Ginger. Well I want to show off Tillia in the elf village and maybe buy some candies too from Jessica, said Sara. Okay that sounds good, said Alieta. Can we go with them mom? asked Nessie. Well if it is okay with Sara, said Hennie. Ya sure, they are fun, said Sara. Okay lets go you two. The three teen girls came out and saw Sara leaving with the two fairy nymphs. Why is Sara riding a white horse, asked Phonixa. That is a unicorn dear not a horse, said Alieta. What a unicorn! The three of them ran to the the stables and got their horses then rode past every one fast. Wait for us Miss Unicorn, yelled Phonixa. Everyone started to laugh. Well that takes care of them three, said Alieta. So what about the rest of you, asked Alieta. Well I am going to get Lilly and go to Viridian's place and build that shelter in the back yard, said Tulip. Oh good I will meet you there, said Viridian. Me too, said Ivy but I got to go get Tobias first. Well I have nothing to do today so I will hang out with you Viridian, said Ktara. Okay so that leaves Ginger, Zan, Tara and Avan. Well I am going in to check on the staff then not sure after that. Probably hang out with you, Samantha and Hennie, said Ginger. So that now leaves you three, said Alieta. Well is there anymore new forests around that we can explore asked Tara. Maybe we will find something else. No there isn't, said Alieta. We have enough going on here now anyways. Well we will figure something out. Been an entertaining day already though, said Tara. So what do you three think about going to the fairy forest and showing Samantha around and maybe go for a swim, asked Alieta. Hmm sounds good to me, said Samantha. Me too, said Hennie. Okay I will get the bathing suits for everyone, said Ginger and off she went. My she is so helpful, said Samantha. Oh yes but to tell you the truth I wouldn't know where to start looking for bathing suits in that big clothing room. Some how she knows where everything is, said Alieta. Smart girl and must be very organized too, said Samantha. Okay when she comes back down we can all leave, said Alieta.


Ivy went to Tobias's place and knocked on the door. Sally answered it and told Ivy to come in. Tobias was on his couch reading a book. Hi Tobias, what are you reading? asked Ivy. Oh one of Alieta's books. She is a good writer, said Tobias. So you finished work now? Yep all done for the day. Okay lets sit and I will get you some ice cream this time, said Tobias. Okay, said Ivy. So what are you two up to today? asked Sally. Well Sara has a unicorn now so she is busy and I am helping Tulip making a shelter in my backyard for her then maybe we will go shopping or something, said Ivy. Did you say unicorn? asked Sally. Yep a very pretty white one, said Ivy. Where is she now? asked Sally. I don't know, said Ivy. I think she said something about going to buy a box of candy. What is a unicorn? asked Tobias. Well they are very unique magical horse like beings with a horn on their forehead, said Sally. How did Sara end up with one? I don't know exactly but she just came home with it last night, said Ivy. I think from that falling star last night. Okay then, I am going to the candy factory to help deliver some orders, said Sally. Fawn is already there. Okay, said Ivy. Maybe we will stop there first, said Ivy. Okay bye you two and off she the went. When Tabitha, Phonixa and Repellia caught up with Sara they had a ton of questions. Sara gave them a short version of how she ended up owning a unicorn and said she needed to practice riding her but they were heading out to the elf village first. Okay, said Tabitha. Can we come along? She is very pretty and you look great riding her. Sure come with us. We will be doing some practice speed running after on the grassy plains. You three can watch also with Nessie and Fettie, said Sara. Okay and they started out to the elf village. Once they got close to the candy factory a few elves waved them over. Wow Sara, nice unicorn said one of the elves. Ya her name is Tillia, we were just heading over to the candy factory to get a box of candy, said Sara. That is where we are going too, said an elf. We are not sure if we can buy them there but we will see you there.


While Sally was on her way to the candy factory she saw three elves following four girls on horses. She flew down closer and saw Sara on her unicorn. I have to go down and see this she thought to herself. When she got closer she also saw two small fairies all heading towards the candy factory. Hey Sara, over here, yelled Sally. Sara looked up and saw her a rode over. Ivy told me you got a new unicorn so I just want to come see for a minute. She is beautiful, said Sally. Yep, her name is Tillia, said Sara. She likes ice cream too! Sally smiled. Oh good, does she like candies also? asked Sally. Oh yes I love candies, said Tillia. Oh good she talks too. Okay I am heading there now. It is just over there, that big building behind the trees, said Sally. Okay we will see you there, said Sara. Sally then flew off. Okay girls we are going to the candy factory. Oh can we buy candies there too or still have to wait and go to the stores in town? asked one of the elves. I don't know but Sally will sell you some probably, said Sara. Okay they all said and everyone headed towards the candy factory. When they all reached the factory, Sara saw it was a very big building. Wow there must be a lot of candy in there, said Sara, She got off of Tillia and she sat down again. Okay lets go in and see if they sell them here, said Sara. One of the elves went in with her and the rest stayed outside to keep Tillia company that gave the three teen girls a chance to talk to Tillia. Wow smells great in here, said Sara. Two elves were stocking shelves then came over and asked if they could help them. Yes I was looking for Jessica and Sally, said Sara. Oh they are in the kitchen. I will get them for you, said the elf. She came back out with Sally, Fawn and Jessica. Hi Sara, I see you brought a friend with you, said Jessica. Yep, we were wondering if you sold candies here too? asked Sara. Well yes we do as a matter of fact. We just haven't had time to set up the store section and counter yet, said Jessica. So would you two like to buy a box? asked Jessica. Yes please they both said. There are more elves outside, said Sara. I think they want to buy some too. Oh okay, said Jessica. You get a couple of boxes of mixed candies and I will go outside with Sara. Sally smiled. What you smiling about? asked Fawn. Well I just got here and was about to tell you two but then they all walked in, said Sally. So tell us what? asked Fawn. Sara has a unicorn now, said Sally. No way, said Fawn. Oh yes way and she is a beauty too, said Sally. You get the candy I have to see this, said Fawn. She went outside and saw Jessica talking to the unicorn. Oh hi Fawn, come and see, Tillia is wonderful, said Jessica. Fawn got closer and saw that Tillia was a magnificent work of art. Hello Fawn, Sara told me you make candy in there. Can I have one please. I love candy, said Tillia. Fawn ran back in and almost tripped then grabbed a box off the shelf then ran back out. Here you go now just suck on it, said Fawn. Tillia licked the candy off her hand and slowly let it melt in her mouth. Fawn was surprised that her hand was hardly wet from Tillia's tongue. These are great, said Tillia. Can I have another please. Sure and Fawn gave her another one. Fawn gave Nessie and Fettie a couple of candies too seeing they were being so quite and not bothering anyone. Here you two go, enjoy, said Fawn. Thank you Fawn then they moved out away from everyone. In the mean time Jessica was taking orders from everyone that had gathered around. She went inside and had two elves gather and bring out the boxes of candy. Ivy and Tobias saw the group and landed to see what was going on. Oh hi Ivy. Always nice to see you, said Jessica. Wow this is a big place, said Ivy. Yep it is our candy factory now, said Jessica. Would you like a candy? Actually I want to buy a box, said Ivy. Okay I will get you one, said Jessica. Tobias was checking out Tillia real close. My you are very pretty, said Tobias. Oh a male forest sprite, you are very pretty too, said Tillia. See Ivy, said Sara. Tillia said Tobias is pretty too. Ivy laughed. Ya I know, said Ivy.

Okay we are heading out to that open grassy area, said Sara to practice running fast like Zan suggested. Okay, said Ivy. Us two are going shopping in town, said Ivy but first I am going to drop off this box of candy at home and see if Tulip is there yet. Okay see you later, said Sara lets go girls. We won't run fast yet. Okay here we come, said Nessie and Fettie and the three teen girls figured they would follow to see what they were going to do. Okay, said Tillia, lots of power now with food and sweets so you should be good to go, said Sara. Everyone else left and headed home. Jessica went inside and Sally said that they sold over thirty boxes just like that. We better get working on that store section and fast. Jessica agreed with her and figured they would need just one carpenter to that work for them. In the mean time I will get Jazmen to bring down another shelving unit and set it up by the door here.



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