The Angry Overlord And Across The Ocean - Chapter 3


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A New Paradise

Alieta got Guen to come inside to the den while the rest of them all flew off looking for new growth plus showing Lollipop and Misty how big and beautiful Fae Land is. They flew around heading north and came to an area that was all just grass and hardly any flowers. Why is that area bare? asked Lollipop. Probably hasn't been seeded naturally yet, said Tulip. So do we get to stay in the forest tonight, asked Misty. You bet, said Chestnut. You should see all the extra nice areas we made in there for those that are allowed to enter the forest. You know, I was thinking back in Fairy Land when Guen was making all the changes and making some open areas for everyone, said Lollipop. Thinking of what? asked Tulip. Well why can't we build some thing nice out here. Then everyone can come and enjoy it, said Lollipop. You know like a little paradise with fountains and gardens. Just really pretty. Hmm. I like your way of thinking, said Tulip. Lets go down and test the ground in this open area, said Lilly. They all flew down and saw that there was no one around for miles so this area needed something. Lilly stuck her finger in the ground then said, "Yep ground is perfect, ready to be seeded already". I can sense lots of water underground also , said Misty. So lets plant a few plants here to get things started then come back tomorrow and see how well they did, said Lollipop. I would like to keep it secret from Alieta for now and surprise her with it when it was done but if Guen thinks that would be wrong then we will tell Alieta about it. Lilly flew over to where she saw some tulips that had gone to seed so she grabbed a handful and came back. These will do as testers, said Lilly then planted the seeds near a small bush. Okay looks good they all decided and took off to the forest to show Lollipop and Misty all new things that they made so far.

When they got to the forest entrance Tara was standing there. The forest won't let me in after what I tried to do to it a while back I guess, said Tara. What were you doing to get in? asked Tulip. Just saying open up please and trying to figure out some passwords that might work, said Tara. Try again but this time touch a tree, said Tulip. Tara walked towards the trees and reached out touching one and they all opened up wide for her. Wow, I wasn't expecting that, said Tara. Looks like all the work you two did saving the forest from devils paid off, said Tulip. Plus you have a pure white soul, that helps also! They all went to the cove and and saw Ivy and Sara working away over by the overview. Ivy was very surprised to see Tara in the cove but very happy also. Tulip told Ivy that Guen was back and brought two of their friends with them. She introduced Lollipop and Misty to her that were very happy to see Ivy and was their first time seeing forest sprites. Tulip told Ivy about Lollipop's idea out in the grassy area in Fae Land and Ivy thought that it would be a good idea for everyone. They went to the overview and Tulip showed Ivy where they planted the first flower beds. See if you can enhance some magic there from Eden, said Tulip. I am not sure if you can do it but it would help speed things up some. Well I don't really have a lot of control of the magic in Eden but maybe something can be made in Eden that will give me some better control of it. At least there is a new green dot on the screen showing the spot where you started the new paradise. Okay that will do for now but I will asked Guen if she knows of anything that can be put there to give you a bit of control, said Tulip. Plus I have to ask Alieta if she thought it was a good idea for them to even do it. They all went to show Tara, Misty and Lollipop the rest of the spots in the forest. They all had to walk though because Tara's wing span was too big for the width of all the paths. The pool was the closest place to visit so they all went there first. Tara was all excited to see so much water and such a lovely place. So what is swimming? asked Tara. Oh it is when you get in the water and move around in it by moving ones legs and arms, said Pippie. Oh that sounds like fun but don't you just sink? asked Tara. Well maybe you will with those big wings but we will see later when we teach you how to swim, said Pippie. Ivy taught Pippa how to swim but she is very light but not sure what will happen with you. Regardless there is a shallow area where you can touch bottom with your feet and get all wet and play around. Cool, said Tara. Yep it is cool water also, said Pippie. Okay, Lollipop and I are going to the palace to ask Guen if there is a way for Ivy to control Eden's magic, said Tulip.

When Tulip and Lollipop got to the palace an elf told them that Alieta was in the den with Guen. They went to the den and saw they were having tea and some cookies together. Oh hi you two, said Guen. Hi mom, is it okay if we ask you and Alieta something? asked Tulip. Yes of coarse dear, what is it? asked Guen. Well first we need to know if it is okay for us to do it with Alieta, said Tulip. Do what? asked Alieta. Well you see, Lollipop has this idea about making a new paradise in Fae Land that everyone could enjoy and not have any restrictions on it like the fairy forest has, said Tulip. Sounds interesting so far, said Alieta. What kind of paradise are you planning? Well it is Lollipop's idea so I will let her tell you, said Tulip. Lollipop look a bit nervous being around two queens but Guen told her to just relax and tell us your idea. Okay then, she started. When we were doing all the new open areas in our forest and setting up very beautiful airy spots here and there I just thought it would be so nice if more than just us could see these places. When we were flying around Fae Land today we came across a huge grassy area that looked undeveloped and no people at all were there. Okay, said Alieta. I know the area. It is very big and open and I was saving it for possible new development of towns or villages but there is lots of room there for what you may be talking about. How big would this paradise you have planned be and what would be so special in there that would attract people? Well not sure how big yet but there seemed to be miles and miles of open space there, said Lollipop. It would be like a tropical paradise with refreshing ponds and small waterfalls running into them plus romantic walkways with beautiful plants and flowers everywhere. A very good place for people to take their date. Plus benches in garden areas and stuff like that, said Lollipop. My that sounds amazing, said Alieta. You have an amazing imagination. Yes she does, said Guen. She is the best planner I have ever met with exception to Tulip. With all my girls here I found her to be the best planner and was able to understand me when I told her my ideas for Fairy Land. She is very young but extremely good at getting things done. Okay, then so I know there is no rivers going by there so how will you get ponds and waterfalls in this paradise. Oh we will have to find an underground water source, that is all, said Lollipop. Pippie test the ground already and said the soil was perfect and Misty said there was lots of water underground. That is why everything is nice and green and not sandy there. So what do you think Alieta? Would this be good for Fae Land? asked Guen. Yes it would be wonderful but I am concerned about the extra work that Ivy would have to do maintaining it, Fae Lands magic mostly deals with current types of plants and is centered in Eden. This area is pretty far west from Eden, said Alieta. Well that leads us to our next question, said Tulip. Oh what is that dear? asked Guen. Well Ivy loves the idea but said it would be so much easier to maintain if she could control some of Eden's magic from the cove. I am not sure if this could be done so I told her I would ask you if you knew a way to connect the cove to Eden's magic, said Tulip hopefully. Well you fairies are really getting inventive in a place that has so much room to work with, said Guen.

Okay now there may be a way to just tap into Eden but that is all, said Guen. You cannot build a new cove over Eden's magic source, it is way to strong and would never be able to with stand the energy and just turn to ash. Now there is a special thing that I used to get the forest started for Fairy Land. It is very unique and necessary for a cove. Now I would have to go to the cove here and look around and find it somewhere around the out side of the cove. It must be there somewhere, it is is made when creating the cove plus it makes the overviewer work, said Guen. So what is it? asked Alieta. It is like a beacon that sends information to the forest and the coves overviewer. It would allow Ivy to zoom into different areas of Eden and a large area around it. The beacon also can tap into the magic and absorb it the Ivy could move it some using the overviewer. It is like a transmitting beacon but totally natural. It has to be put exactly in the correct place far enough from Eden's center source but close enough to where it is needed. That is the tricky part, said Guen. If too close to the source it will just turn to ash and to far it will do nothing to help. That is where we would need Ivy. She has the strongest power of sensing magic in people and places. What does the beacon look like? asked Alieta. Oh it is a very pretty tree. It will stand out because there will be only one and quite close to the cove. It has lovely golden leaves. Cool, said Lollipop. When can you come and look for it? Oh when we are finished here, said Guen. Unless Alieta has different plans. Nope no other plans, said Alieta. Okay then, is Ivy still in the cove? asked Guen. Yep, Sara too, said Tulip. Okay then lets go and start searching, said Guen. It will be very close to the cove but hidden behind other trees. Oh ya Alieta, Tara was able to just walk into the forest by herself. I felt she could being all white inside. Oh fantastic, said Alieta. That will give the two of them something to do when things are calm here. Okay then lets get started, said Alieta and they all left the palace.



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