The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Angry Overlord And Across The Ocean - Chapter 1


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Things have been very quite in Fae Land for the past few days with no devil attacks at all. Gabriel went to see Alieta and said she was going to take one of the she devils across the ocean to search for what ever devils may be there. One stays here just in case she is needed. Avan volunteered to go in order to have some excitement. Seeing that there is next to no magic locations across the ocean, it will be very hard to find a devil so she is having the five angels of the apocalypse join her seeing they were experts at finding bad stuff. To speed up the process, Gabriel transported Avan to the continent to wait for the other angels to arrive. Alexa was making arrangements with Ktara and Ivy to visit the elder village and was excited to see how weapons and armor were enchanted by these elves. Ivy was not too excited about going but figured she better go seeing Alieta wanted her to. Seeing old elves wasn't her idea of fun. Ktara wanted to go and see this elf that cooked better than her and maybe get some new recipes from her and ideas. Jazmen promised Tabitha, Phonixa and Repellia to take them to the forest and go swimming in the big pool. They were super excited to go with her and made plans to go the next day. Tara hung out mostly by the palace with the fairies and elves plus she would fly around Fae Land looking to see what new was growing around the land as the magic in Eden kept get stronger. Everyone was keeping busy except for Alieta this time so she spent a lot of her time outside relaxing on a chair writing another adventure book that she had fallen behind on lately.

More Fairies

Alieta was enjoying a drink and deciding what to write about this time when Apollonia showed up. Hi Apollonia, what's up? asked Alieta. Hi Alieta I have good news for you, at least I think it is good news. What do you mean, asked Alieta. Well Guen wants to come back for a short visit. Oh that is very good news, said Alieta. Yes but she has two fairies with her also that have been bugging her to come to Fae Land with her and actually stay if they like it here, said Apollonia. Oh well that should be okay I suppose, said Alieta. Good, said Apollonia. You see the two fairies were best friends with two of Guen's princesses and want to see why they never came back to Fairy Land plus they simply miss their friends. Do you know what two fairies they were best friends with? asked Alieta. No but I think they were young but can't really tell with fairies, so maybe Tulip and Sunflower would be my best guess, said Apollonia. Alieta smiled and said, yes it is impossible to see who is the oldest among fairies. So I will go back and get Guen first. Then when ready I will get the other two girls, said Apollonia. Okay see you soon, said Alieta and off went Apollonia.

Tulip and Pippie flew over and asked what they could do today. Ivy and Sara have everything under control in the cove and there are no new plans for building anything else yet. Well maybe you should just stand here for a bit because your mother is coming to visit very soon. Really, Mom is coming! said Tulip. Tulip turned to Pippie and asked if she looked okay. Pippie laughed. We always look great silly. Oh ya but it is Mother, said Tulip. Yes and I believe she will have a surprise for you all. Hope it is a good surprise, said Tulip. Where are all my other sisters, asked Tulip. Pippie smiled and said, relax girl, it is just Mom, not the queen of... she stopped then said. Mom the queen is coming oh my goodness. Do we look okay? asked Pippie to Alieta. Alieta couldn't help but start to laugh. You two are truly nervous at seeing her again. Not nervous, just really happy, well maybe a bit nervous too, said Tulip. We have so much to show her in the forest. Well I am looking forward to seeing her again seeing also, said Alieta. Just then Apollonia appeared with Guen. Okay I will be right back, said Apollonia and vanished. Tulip and Pippie went to Guen and both hugged her at the same time. So good to see you Mom, said Tulip, I missed you. Why it has only been a couple of weeks, said Guen. Well we have been working hard in the new forest and been wanting to show you all the things we have in it now so it just seems longer I suppose, said Tulip. Guen smiled. So Alieta have they been behaving? ask Guen. They have been perfect angels, said Alieta. Good I would of hated to bring you two more if these six were causing you any trouble. Two more, said Pippie, who? Well Lollipop that has been bugging me since I got back to get Tulip to come back to Fairy Land and Misty that use to hang out with Chestnut all the time. Hey I won't be the youngest anymore, said Tulip. Lollipop is a lot younger than me. Well just few years Tulip, not that much younger, said Guen. So where are the rest of my girls? asked Guen. Oh they are out with Tara looking around Fae Land for new places to plant seeds, said Pippie. Eden's magic is spreading. Oh and who is Tara? asked Guen. Pippie looked at Tulip then they both looked at Alieta. Alieta smiled. Well a lot has happened since you were here last Guen, said Alieta. So is everything okay here? asked Guen. Oh yes, actually never better, said Alieta. Look mom here they come. Guen looked up and saw the rest of her kids coming and a big dark winged being with them. They all landed and the fairies saw Guen and ran to her.


They all took turns hugging Guen and saying how they missed her. Chestnut you will never guess who is coming too, said Tulip. Who? asked Chestnut. Lollipop and Misty, said Tulip. Really they are coming to visit! she said. Well I think they are coming to live here with all of you girls, said Guen. Really, said Chestnut and Tulip together. Yes so be nice to them please, said Guen. Tara was keeping her distance in order not to interrupt the family reunion. So is that what I think it is, said Guen as she looked over at Tara. Mom come and meet Tara she is awesome, said Tulip and went to pull Guen with her to Tara but she didn't move. Alieta, I need an explanation please, said Guen. Yes of coarse Guen, said Alieta. Tara is a good she devil and has done a lot towards protecting Fae Land. So she is a she devil but works for you? asked Guen. Well not really but she lives here in the east woods, said Alieta. Tara was beginning to get nervous now seeing the fairies were calling her Mom so now she clued in that this was the Queen of Fairy Land. Come on Mom go meet her, she is really nice, said Tulip. Look Mom I think she is scared of you more than you are of her, said Lilly. I am not scared, just confused, said Guen. That is the Guen, right said Tara to Tulip. Yep she is our Mom, she is really nice, said Tulip. Well I can tell where all of you girls got your good looks, said Tara. Guen smiled. How charming a friendly she devil, said Guen. Tara smiled back and said pretty good looking one too if I don't say so myself. Yes I see that, nice strong looking body, I can sense a great power in you, said Guen. Yep God made me this way along with my sister Avan, said Tara. Alieta started to giggle. You have a sister also, where is she? asked Guen. With Gabriel across the ocean getting rid any devils that may be over there. Guen, Tara and Avan were created to kill all the bad devils and demons on earth, said Alieta. But last I heard devils can't be killed, said Guen. Well these two can't be killed but they can kill other devils, said Alieta. I will give you the whole story later. Okay, said Guen. My you are so pretty, wings are unusual but look very strong, said Guen. So you don't find them scary? asked Tara. No not really, very pretty in their own way, said Guen. Just then Apollonia returned with Lollipop and Misty. All the fairy princesses ran over to see them. Alieta called over Apollonia. Oh I see you have met Tara, said Apollonia. Kind of cute isn't she. Cute, said Guen, she is absolutely gorgeous. Ya that too, said Apollonia with a smile.

 Tara and Guen were still chatting and seemed to be getting used to each other. All the fairies were chatting away so fast Alieta couldn't tell what they were saying, so she sat down on the palace steps. Ginger came out as usual and sat beside her. So what is going on? asked Ginger. Oh just more fairies, said Alieta. Well I see Guen over with Tara, so how did that go? asked Ginger. Oh a bit slow at first but looks like all is good with them now, said Alieta. I see eight fairies now over there, said Ginger. They all seem happy, but they always seem happy. Ya Lollipop and Misty are the new arrivals, said Alieta. Guen walked over to Alieta and Ginger. Well Tara told me a few things about herself and I can tell she is quite the girl, Alieta. Yes she is and can be pretty funny at times also, said Alieta. Yes she is kinda funny, what is her sister like? asked Guen. Well even though they are twins they have different personalities but listening to them talk when they are together can be very funny, said Ginger. So how do they differ? asked Guen. Well Avan is more conservative and doesn't always catch on right away when Tara is joking and teasing her, said Ginger. Tara likes to flirt and with men a lot and Avan doesn't flirt but they are both very competitive with each other. You would have to hear them when they are together to see what I mean, they are just like regular sisters, just with super powers. Zan came out and asked what all the noise was about? I was trying to get my last hour of sleep but had to get up and see what was going on. Oh my it is a Triffie, said Guen. Zan turned and looked right at Guen. Zanithianna you are still alive, said Guen with a huge smile on her face. Yep, thanks to Apollonia and Ivy. Hi Guen, you have an amazing family, said Zan. So you two know each other, said Alieta. Oh yes, said Guen. We were very good friends for a long time, way before us fairies had to start hiding in the forest. Okay, said Ginger. Now I am feeling very young again. Alieta smiled.

Well best you meet the two new fairies before we all head into the forest and let my girls show me what they are all excited about, said Guen. Oh I am sure you are going to be very surprised, said Alieta. Lollipop and Misty, can you two please come over here and meet my friends, said Guen. They both flew over looking very happy. Now girls up there with the horns is Zan that is Queen of the Triffies, said Guen. I didn't know she was still alive but thank God she is and was a very special friend of mine long before you were born. Beside her is Ginger that is in charge of the palace and has been around longer than you two also. Now I am feeling old again, said Ginger to Alieta. Sitting beside Ginger is Alieta, Queen of Fae Land, said Guen. She is in charge of everything here including you two and my girls. What ever she says you listen and do as she says just as if I was telling you. Do you have any questions. Nope, Ginger has very pretty eyes and hair, said Lollipop. Yes she does and is Alieta's best friend so do as she says also. What is Zan in charge of? asked Misty. Zan is a Triffie and is the first being to ever walk the planet, said Guen. She is extremely intelligent and knows a lot about fairies so if you have any personal questions, you can talk to her about them. She also has many stories she can tell you about the past. Okay so like a teacher, said Misty. Yes, you can say that, said Guen. Now introduce yourselves to each of them and then we are all going to head over to the fairy forest. Both Misty and Lollipop introduced themselves then went back to where the other fairies were waiting. Those two will not be any trouble, said Guen. Lollipop is the youngest and tends to ask lots of questions and has a special connection with Tulip. Misty and Chestnut are best of friends and she will most likely ask Chestnut questions more than anyone else because she keeps to herself more. One thing about her is she can find water better than any of the fairies in the most unsuspected places. She once sensed and found a small spring a long time ago that must of been fifty miles away across desert land. So Lollipop, does she have a special talent? asked Ginger. Yes, she is a lot like Tulip in many ways and can organize fairies when doing jobs, said Guen. Very smart girl that is going to be a great help to Tulip and has an incredible imagination. You will see once she gets settled in and comfortable with you all. Lollipop believes anything is possible and Tulip helps her make it possible. Okay I better go now, looks like Tulip wants me to hurry up.




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