The Angry Overlord And Across The Ocean - 5


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Planting The Beacon Tree

Guen went with Tulip and Lollipop to the location that they had planted the tulips. Guen had a look around. Yes I see what you mean, she said. Lots of open space for miles but just grass everywhere. I don't feel much magic here though. It is almost like a dead spot for the magic, said Guen. Well the tulips we planted are already growing but not that fast, said Tulip. Eden is to the east over there. Okay lets have a quick look around but we will need Ivy to find the best place to plant the tree. They all started to fly over then got to the rim of Eden. Okay I can feel the magic now, said Guen. Lets go down and have a look. They all landed and saw that even this outer rim of Eden was beautiful. Just amazing, said Guen. Look at this place. So much untouched beauty and no one in sight anywhere. This may be a good place to plant but first we need to get to the cove, said Guen. They all took off and headed to the forest. They got to the front entrance and Guen saw the map posted outside of the trees. What is this? she asked. Oh that was Ginger's idea to make a map outside so people would know what path to take to where ever they wanted to go, said Tulip. Paths? asked Guen. You will see said Tulip and they all entered the forest. Now this is amazing, said Guen. Nice wide paths going in three directions. Yep. That one takes you to the sauna and pool and that one takes you to the outdoor eatery and bar plus the spa, said Tulip. Guen smiled. So you all have been busy, she said. Yep and Ivy made all the paths. She is really good now controlling the cove, said Tulip. She must be, said Guen.

They all flew through the center path to the cove and went inside. Ivy and Sara were there and said hi to Guen. Hi Ivy and Sara. I see you have gotten really good at controlling the cove's magic, said Guen. Yep it is easy now. It pretty much does what ever I say, said Ivy. So Ivy, we are looking for a very special tree that looks different from all the rest and there is only one of them. It should be very close to the cove, said Guen. Have you every seen it? Yep, said Ivy. It is beautiful and has gold coloured leaves. Yes that is the one, said Guen. It never seeds so I tried cutting off a branch and transplanting it on the other side of the cove but it won't grow and just died, said Ivy. Yes there can only be one of those trees in the forest. It is the beacon for the overviewer. Oh good, I thought I was loosing my touch, said Ivy. So can you show it to us please? asked Guen. Yep out that exit, said Ivy. They went to the left exit then turned right and Ivy lead them right to the tree. See, gold leaves, said Ivy. Yes very pretty isn't it, said Guen. Now you know about the new spot that is in the plans to being built. Yep, said Ivy. It is too far away and I can't do anything with it, said Ivy. Well this tree branch will let you have some control of Eden's magic. Guen cut off a small branch then put it in a jar then they walked back to the cove and Guen put some pool water in the jar also. Now you have to come with us because only you will be able to tell where to plant it. Okay said Ivy and they all flew up through the trees and out the top of the forest.

They got to the location where Guen first thought that would be a good place to plant the branch. Ivy got down on her knees and rested the palm of her hand on the grass. Nope not here, said Ivy. Too weak and it keeps fading in and out. Okay then, said Guen. We need to find a spot that has a good amount of magic but not too strong or it will just kill the branch. Oh so like the forest's magic, said Ivy. Well yes or a bit weaker if you can find that spot, said Guen. Lets see, said Ivy. She looked around and saw a bit further in Eden there was a place that had lots of flowers growing and some big bushes. Lets try over there, said Ivy. They all walked over and Ivy got back down on her knees again. She felt around some then moved a bit further out from the bushes. Then scooped out a handful of dirt. She walked over to Guen and dropped the dirt into the glass that had the branch and water in it. They all watched and saw an amazing thing start to happen. The branch started to grow new branches and leaves and got a bit taller then stopped. Okay found the spot said Ivy and she went back to the small hole she had made and started digging with her hands. You want a small shovel? asked Guen, we can make you one. Nope, hands are better, said Ivy and kept digging and then shaping the fairly deep hole she had made with her bare hands. Wow she is right into this? said Lollipop. Yes dear, she is a forest sprite and they love trees and know exactly what they need. Ivy asked for the branch and the jar. She first added a bit of water to the hole then held the branch in the hole but did not stick it in. She then started to put back the dirt around the branch with a bit of water as she went. Then she packed down the dirt and added the last bit of water then said something in old elvish to the branch then got up and told every one to stand back.

The branch then started to get bigger and bigger sprouting new branches and leaves everywhere. It grew very tall very fast and then stopped. Yeah, shouted Ivy. I still got the touch and started to do a victory dance. They all laughed at her. That was very amazing, said Guen. I have never seen a tree of any kind grow that fast. What did you say to the branch, asked Lollipop. I said "You are going to be a very beautiful tree and I will always love you plus you are going to be very special to me". I knew that we had better stand back because that branch felt very happy, said Ivy. Your the best, said Tulip. So I guess we go back to the cove now, said Guen. Nope not yet said Ivy. Another thing to do yet. She went to the tree and hugged it then started talking to it again. Then she came back and said all done. The tree knows what I want and what it needs to do, said Ivy. Okay now back to the cove, said Guen again. Nope, said Ivy. Back to the location. Guen smiled and said, you really like the control don't you. Nope, I am just doing what you asked me to do and now we are just seeing if it is working, said Ivy. Oh, yes of course, said Guen. They all flew back to where the tulips were planted and saw that they had at least doubled in size and also had big flower buds on them. Looks all good to me, said Tulip. Yep it is working, said Ivy. Now tomorrow you can all get to work building the paradise. By then the magic will be strong enough here to manage what ever you build, said Ivy. Now can we go back to the cove? asked Guen? You can but I am stopping in at home to see how Viridian is, said Ivy then off she went.



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