The Angry Overlord And Across The Ocean - Chapter 4


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Avan Does Her Job

In the morning Kenzie sent Tezz and Zena back up to see where the she devils were. I am going in this forest to see if I can find Jupitor that Savanah mentioned yesterday. Kenzie touch a tree and nothing happened. Well they don't have a cove yet, said Kenzie. She went in about thirty feet and could tell she was being watched. Okay you fairies I need to talk to Jupitor please. A tiny fairy flew down, hi my name is Saturn, why do you want to talk to my Mom? Well she needs to know that evil she males are heading this way, said Kenzie. Oh no, not yet we are not ready, said the fairy and flew off fast. Okay so there is at least one fairy princess here, I wonder if there are four. In a few moments two small fairies showed up then grew to normal size. I am Jupitor, I didn't believe my daughter at first when she said devils were coming but when she said an angel was here and told her so I figured I better come and find out what is going on and now I see you are a real angel. Told you Mom, she looked like a real angel so is she? asked Saturn. Yes I am and there are four more close by, said Kenzie. Okay so what is this about she devils? asked Jupitor. How much do you know about she devils? asked Kenzie. Lots, I know they can't be killed and go after magic like a fly to light but I figured being this close to the human town we would be safe for now until we made our cove and got it working, said Jupitor. Well I talked to Savanah last night and she told me pixies have been coming over here spreading pixie dust around with you all so that means the magic has gotten strong enough to attract them, said Kenzie. Oh my, I was hopping that wouldn't happen yet but I have no choice, I only have three daughters and four are needed for it to set up properly, said Jupitor. I will have to be the fourth fairy but that is not the same. Why not? asked Kenzie. Jupitor walked close to Kenzie and flew up a bit then she whispered in Kenzie's ear. They must of ever had a child, said Jupitor. What, you mean virgins? asked Kenzie. Yes but keep that to your self. I don't want my girls losing any of their powers by getting pregnant. Okay, something I have to talk to Guen about when I see her next, said Kenzie. Who is Guen? asked Jupitor. The Queen of Fairy Land across the ocean, said Kenzie. Really, does she have children too? asked Jupitor. Yes she has six that I know of, said Kenzie. Wow, she must have a very powerful cove then, said Jupitor. Yes but I may know someone that can help you out some later on but first we have two she devils to kill for you. You can't kill them, said Jupitor. We have a friend that can. Get your family up top of the forest and watch. You are in no danger at all, said Kenzie then walked out of the forest. Mom what is a virgin? asked the Saturn. Oh you heard that did you, I will tell you later but first gather your sisters and we will do what the nice angel told us to do, said Jupitor.


 Tezz came back down and said they are close. About an hour away. So you ready Avan? asked Kenzie. Yep, this will be fun, she said. Been a while since I had to kill a devil. Zena came down and said that this may be a bit more complicated. Why? asked Kenzie. They have split up. One is headed towards the woods and the other is headed straight here, said Zena. Okay do you got a plan Avan? asked Kenzie. Yep, all you angels go and hold off the devil headed for the woods. Just keep blasting the heck out of her. Keep blasting non stop and moving closer pushing her back, eventually she will turn away and head for the forest with the other she devil. So why are we waiting for them to get closer? asked Candice. Wouldn't it be best for you go out and get them while they are a bit back from us? No that would just make things longer to get them, said Avan. You see they can sense power, danger and fear. If I was to confront them now, they would sense that I had no fear and was very powerful. They would just fly back fast and disappear, then come back later, said Avan. You angels should go but you need to all stick together and fight. A devil is not afraid of angels and are much more powerful so don't give it a chance to fire back. Okay everyone lets get set and blast the hell out of that devil, said Kenzie and they all flew away. Jupitor, Saturn and Savanah flew up to the tree tops to watch what was going to happen. Avan saw that the she devil coming her way and was now flying so she stayed low as to not be seen at first. Kenzie and her crew got to the woods then headed out to the incoming she devil. Okay girls she is coming in fast so lets do our thing. They met up with the she devil that looked surprise at first but then started to laugh. Kenzie sent a blast at her then they all started blasting the devil sometimes missing mostly right on target. It was enough to keep the devil back and not getting closer to the woods. Lets get closer girls and lets stop missing. Okay they all said and flew very close to the devil and blasted away hitting her over and over again pushing her back bit by bit. Avan saw her she devil getting too close so while still slightly hidden in the woods she let out a blast and hit the devil dead on, stunning her causing her fall to the ground. Avan looked over to the woods and saw the other she devil was headed her way fast. Good, time to kill both these idiots at the same time she thought. The stunned devil got back up on it's feet and the other one flew down beside her. They saw Avan and both of them shot out a red beam and hit Avan dead on but it barely hurt her. Avan raised both her arms and did her thing turning the she devils to dust. Did you see that, said Jupitor. She just turned them devils into dust. Yep I saw, said Savanah. I didn't, I had my hands over my eyes, said Saturn. Well what ever that girl is, she has some kind of power, said Jupitor. Kenzie told me Avan is a she devil made by God, said Savanah. Well in that case I really like this she devil, said Jupitor.

The five angels flew over to Avan. Holy crap, said Tezz. That was awesome! You just turned them to a pile of ash with no effort. You all liked? asked Avan. You bet, that is some kind of power you have there girl, said Kenzie. Avan just smiled and they all headed back to the park. Jupitor and Savanah flew over behind them. Wait for me Mom, I want to come too, said Saturn. How old is Saturn anyways? asked Savanah. Just one hundred and two, she is my youngest, said Jupitor. Where are you other two girls? asked Savanah. In the forest somewhere, I didn't tell them anything was going on, said Jupitor. Kenzie said there was no reason to be alarmed and she was right. When they got there Jupitor ran up to Avan and hugged her. You fairies are all so emotional, but I like it, said Avan. Jupitor smiled and said, "You are amazing. Such power. How can we repay you?" she asked. Oh how about a nice breakfast, said Avan. I worked up an appetite. Us too the angels all said. Okay you all, said Jupitor, my daughter Saturn makes the best food so pick a table and let her do her thing. Saturn made her wand appear and set up an amazing breakfast feast on first the angels table then the one Avan and Savanah were sitting at. Man we love fairies, said the angels. Yep me too, said Avan. Hey wait for me said Caspie as she flew out of the woods and sat beside Savanah. You all have a nice family going on here, said Avan. Yep, we all take good care of each other, said Jupitor. The six fairy princesses in Fae Land are the most powerful of all the other fairies and each one of them have their own special talent they are best at, said Avan. So this Fae Land you speak of is it far away, asked Jupitor. Oh yes, the other side of the ocean, said Kenzie. One day I would like to visit there, said Jupitor but right now there is lots of work to be done here first. Well you got a good start going on now, said Kenzie. Yep, and in about a month we can start making the cove, said Jupitor. I have three of my own girls to do that but only fairy princesses can help me make something that magical so I am going to try and help. I hope that works. Well I might be able to get you another princess to help with that cove and maybe even get you two to visit Fae Land for a day, if you want. Really, how could you do that? asked Jupitor. Just like this, said Kenzie. "Apollonia, we need your help on the other side of the ocean" It may take her a bit to teleport this far.

In a few minutes Apollonia appeared at the end of the table. Okay finally made it, that was the furthest I have ever teleported, said Apollonia. So what do you need my help for? Look Mom an angel with black wings, said Saturn. Apollonia looked down at Saturn and saw her big ruby eyes and very big smile. Well who might you be little one? asked Apollonia. I am Saturn and that is my Mom Jupitor over there. She is the queen you know. Are you hungry, we already ate but I can make anything you want. Apollonia looked over and saw Jupitor then Savanah and Caspie all smiling at her. Kenzie, where am I? I'm sure that I just left Fae Land, did I just circle the planet? asked Apollonia. No you are across the ocean on the eastern continent where another family of Fae live with plans of making another Fae Land over here, said Kenzie. Okay, that is nice to hear but why did you call for me? asked Apollonia. Well Avan just killed the last two she devils over here and we all want to go back to Fae Land but there are a few extras that want to come with us for a short visit, said Kenzie. I see, this is really going to be a surprise to Alieta and one thing I love doing is surprising her, said Apollonia with a smile.



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