The Angry Overlord And Across The Ocean - 6


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Very Mad Overloard

Once they got back to the cove only Sara was sitting beside the pool. Where is everyone? asked Tulip. Oh a sprite came and said there was an emergency and Tara was needed, then they all left, said Sara. Oh I better go out there and see what is going on. You all stay here with Sara, said Guen. When she got to the palace she saw Alieta and Tara going behind the palace. Where are they going? asked Guen. Maybe a devil, said Ginger. Tara said she sensed something big and angry so they went to have a look. Alieta and Tara rounded the corner and saw a big devil like creature standing there looking very mad. It was bigger than normal devil also. Tara spread her wings a bit and asked what it wanted. I am looking for all my devils that I know came here. Where are they? he said. Not here, said Tara. What are you, you are not one of my devils, said the creature. Nope God made me, said Tara. God doesn't make devils, said the creature. Just demons and overloads can make devils. Okay so which one are you? asked Tara. I am the king of the overlords, said the creature. Crap Tara thought to herself. She turned to Alieta. Don't think I can kill a overlord, she said. Who is that you are talking to, he asked then put out his hand and Alieta started to be pulled towards him. Oh no you don't ugly and Tara hit him with a big blast that through him back and released his grip on Alieta that ran back behind the palace. That is some power you pack there girl. See if you like mine and he shot out a major energy ball at her that she barely was able to dodge. Tara returned fire and hit him a couple more times but he then started to dimension shift and she was barely hurting him. This would be a good time to have my sister here, thought Tara. "Apollonia, bring Avan here fast, it is an emergency!" yelled Tara.

Back across the ocean they were all just getting ready to go and Savanah was about to say something to Caspie when Apollonia said hang on everyone Tara needs Avan's help. Then everyone vanished just as a family was walking into the park. Did you just see a bunch of angels and other things over there by that picnic table, asked the wife. I saw something there but nothing is there now, said husband. Maybe we should go back home and come back later. Apollonia appeared in front of the palace with everyone. Where is Tara, asked Avan. Bad Lands behind the palace, said Alieta, hurry this one is powerful. Avan flew over beside Tara. It's a big demon, what is the problem with killing it? asked Avan. Not a demon, it's a overlord and the big one, said Tara. What do you mean the big one, asked Avan. Kind of the king of overlords you could say, said Tara. Look there are two of you know. Just tell me where my devils are that are missing and I will leave. Um, sorry big guy, there are no devils around here anymore, said Avan. My name is Quazar and what do you mean anymore? Sorry Quazar but we killed them all, said Tara, that is what we were created to do. What! he yelled, I will teach you two a lesson for killing my devils then he sent out two energy blasts that knocked both Tara and Avan off their feet and back quite a bit. Wow this guy has more power that we have every felt before, said Avan. They both got up fast, and sent out some energy blasts of their own but he was still dimension shifting so they barely hurt him. Your devils have been causing a lot of trouble and killing people here on earth. He had to do something, said Avan, Who is he? asked Quazar. God of course, said Avan. Again with God creating devils, that doesn't make sense. Besides no devil can kill an overlord either made by God or a demon. We may not be able to kill you but we sure can put a big hurt on you, said Avan. Then they flew back at him.

They both started sending out multiple blasts at Quazar that seem to be hurting a bit but not enough to get him to leave. Looks like he can't fire at us when he is dimension shifting, said Avan. Dimension shifting, that is it. It may not kill him but I bet it will really scrape him up a lot, said Tara. They both raised both arms then started pushing back and forth. Ah, what are you doing? he yelled. Faster Avan lets really give it to him. They started moving their arms faster and faster and saw Quazar was now in great pain. He fell to his knees. He tried to leave but now he was stuck seeing Avan and Tara had control over the dimensions around him. Okay enough he yelled please stop. Well he did say please, said Tara. Yes he did at that, said Avan. Do you want to stop? I guess we better, said Tara. He is kind cute being all big and mighty looking. Tara, stop flirting with the bad guy, said Avan. They stopped and Quazar looked at both of them just standing there unharmed and smiling. He slowly got back up and stood there for a moment then said. Hmm, very pretty she devils that have enough power to trap and hurt me. God sure knows how to protect his creations. "And Don't You For Get It Big Guy!", said a voice from above. Quasar looked up then smiled. And he has a sense of humor too, said Quasar. Okay, I get it now, you were just doing your job. Three of my devil wandered away from the task I sent them on and I tracked them here. All an overlords devil wants is magic and will only kill evil beings. Devils made by demons on the other hand are just plain evil inside and out. If any of mine show up here again then feel free to kill them. It is easy to make more. What do you make them for asked Tara. They rid planets of nasty evil creatures that evolved wrong so we can start over fresh, said Quazar. Isn't that God's job, asked Avan. Hey it's a huge universe, we are here to help him, said Quazar. Anyways I have to get back to work. Hey you have a couple more devils in the southern hemisphere, that Gabriel told us about. Ya I know. I will get them and a few others also here and there. I will gather them up then let them know how lucky they are to still be alive, said Quazar. Pretty devil killers, who would of thought. Sometimes you have get hurt first to make new friends. Then he turned and said see ya later, walked away then vanished. Well we sure showed him, didn't we, said Tara. Turns out her is a nice guy. Seems that way, said Avan. Oh wait until you see who we found across the ocean. Apollonia brought them here for a visit. Did she bring back any handsome men? asked Tara. No, stop it silly, is that all you think about? asked Avan. No but sometimes it is nice to think about a nice strong handsome man, said Tara with a smile.

They walked back and head over to the front of the palace where they saw Alieta, Guen and Ginger standing on the steps and the five angels lined up with the quests behind them. Everything okay now? yelled Kenzie to them. Yep, all taken care of, said Avan. Good, we are off to give Gabriel a report, said Kenzie then they all flew away, reveling who they had hidden behind them. Apollonia. who are these people? asked Alieta. Well I didn't really get to know them much before Tara called for help but Avan knows who they all are, said Apollonia. They can't stay long seeing they are working on making another Fae Land, across the ocean. They are, how is that possible? asked Alieta. Beats me, I'm just the messenger, said Apollonia. Hi my name is Saturn, what is your name? Well I am Alieta, Queen of Fae land. Wow, the queen. Hey Mom come meet the queen, she has very pretty wings, said Saturn. Saturn walked up to Alieta and said hello. My name is Jupitor, Queen of the fairies, it is an honor to meet you. My goodness, two fairy queens in Fae Land at once, said Alieta. Well it is my pleasure to welcome you all here. Guen come meet the queen. Guen smiled and walked up to Jupitor. My you are a very pretty queen, you almost look too young to be a queen, said Guen. Ya I know but I am the oldest one left after all the wars and dragon attacks so as you know, the oldest becomes the queen and all the responsibilities that go with it, said Jupitor. Yes I know all about it, said Guen. So this is your daughter Saturn, do you have other princesses. Yes, Venice and Luna are still back home, said Saturn. Well then we have a lot to talk about, said Guen then they both walked over to the other side of the steps.



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